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______________________________________________________________________________<strong>Stewart</strong> <strong>McKelvey</strong>Doing Business in Atlantic Canada• Small and Medium-sized Enterprise FundThe Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Fund provides term loans and equity investments to small andmedium-sized businesses in strategic growth sectors, including value-added manufacturing, informationtechnology, aquaculture, bio-technology, marine services, agrifoods and tourism. The fund is also availableto businesses which have export potential and require assistance to enter or expand in external markets.Funds are provided to complement funding from conventional sources, where a need has beendemonstrated, and is also intended to increase the capital base of businesses allowing them to leveragenew private-sector investments. Available funding includes term loans of up to $500,000 per project at thedepartment's base rate plus three percent interest with an applicant investment of up to 20% of projectcosts. Equity Investment of up to $500,000 per project with an applicant investment of up to 20% of projectcosts are also available.• Economic Diversification and Growth Enterprises Program (“EDGE”)The EDGE program provides a package of incentives to encourage significant new business investment inthe province to help diversify its economy and stimulate new private sector job creation, particularly in ruralareas.Eligible Companies: A new business or an existing business interested in expanding in the province mayapply for EDGE status if it meets the following criteria:• it will create and maintain 10 new permanent jobs in the province;• it is prepared to make a minimum capital investment of $300,000 or generate incremental annualsales of $500,000;• it would not establish or expand in the province in the absence of the EDGE incentives;• the EDGE incentives will not give it a direct competitive advantage over other existing businessesin the province; and• the new business activity will have a substantial net economic benefit to the province.EDGE Incentives: Companies approved for EDGE status are entitled to the following incentives andbenefits:• a 100% rebate on provincial corporate income tax and the provincial payroll tax;• a 50% rebate on federal corporate income tax;• a 100% rebate on municipal property and/or municipal business taxes in participatingmunicipalities; and• access to unserviced Crown land for $1.00 where such land is required to implement thecompany’s business plan.For more information on these and other programs, contact:Department of BusinessGovernment of Newfoundland and Labrador6th Floor, East Block Confederation BuildingP.O. Box 8700St. John's, NLA1B 4J6Tel: 709-729-3254Fax: 709-729-3306E-mail: business@gov.nl.caWeb: www.nlbusiness.caPage 98

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