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7.ULUSLARARASI SPOR BİLİMLERİ KONGRESİ27-29 EKİM 2002KONGRE - PANELLERANXIETY AND SPORT – CONCEPTUAL AND PRACTICALDEVELOPMENTSGilad WeingartenWingate Institute, Zinman College for Physical Education and <strong>Spor</strong>t, IsraelTwenty six years ago, in Montreal, my second Olympic games as a television commentator, and one finalcompetition in athletics challenged my psychological knowledge and elevated my curiosity more then the rest:the men's high jump. We ought to remember that in those days sport psychology was still a very young science,research in the area was only at the beginning stages and psychological interpretations could not besophisticated and comprehensive as nowadays. At the end of the contest the unanimous winning candidate, theAmerican world record holder, Dwight Stones, managed only the bronze while a young and relativelyinexperienced Polish jumper surprisingly plucked the gold. Upon his arrival to Montreal, Stones was interviewedextensively by the local press and was rude in his remarks regarding the organization level of the games, theOlympic atmosphere in the city, the overcrowded Olympic village and the indifference of the people of Montreal.Stones, no doubt, spoke his, and others', mind and simultaneously made many local personal enemies…Watching him jump on previous occasions, I realized that he did not mind that at all, on the contrary Stonesloved to compete both against other jumpers and a hostile surrounding; it provided him with extra vigor andenergy.Indeed in the preliminaries everything went well and he easily made the qualifying standard with his warmups on. Two days later, in the finals, the opening stages were under his complete control until heavy rain startedto pour over the Olympic stadium. No high jumper in the world loves to jump or train in wet conditions, therunway gets slippery, the take-off area unsteady and concentration drifts from jumping to other thoughts. NowStones, instead of taking the time to prepare for his jumps, had to sweep dry his runway (the local officialsrefused to do this for him but did help the other jumpers who did not insult them and their city…), deal with ahostile environment (crowd and wetness), and, at the same time try to focus and produce good jumps. I couldactually sense the gradual deterioration in his composure and self confidence which soon turned into giving upattitudes. Washola, the Polish youngster, on the contrary, jumped better than ever before in-spite (or because)of the heavy rain, and wan the Olympic gold. Later, in the press conference, his father (and coach) explainedhow, in the last two years, he had forced his son to train and compete in wet conditions realizing that rain wasmost probable in Montreal at the end of July….Actually father and son were praying for rain, "this was our onlychance for a gold medal because other jumpers rarely prepare to perform in such conditions" he explained.Ironically, ten, days later, in dry conditions in Philadelphia, Stones, added one centimeter to his own worldrecord, eleven centimeters above his Montreal standard…I decided to bring this story as an opener for my paper since from that wet evening in Montreal Iconsistently examined fresh findings, new concepts and emerging theories related to competitive anxiety,whether they may, or may not, better explain what happened to these two world class jumpers. Why undersimilar circumstances, one contender choked and the other blossomed.Therefore, it is not my intention to deal, in this paper, with the general phenomenon of anxiety as it relatesto sport performance. Such material can be read in several excellent reviews (see for examples: Krane, 1992;Woodman and Hardy, 2001; Zaichkovsky and Baltzell, 2001). Instead, I will attempt to examine severalpertinent anxiety-sport related concepts, older and more recent, as they may provide more parsimoniousexplanation to the Montreal high jump final.326

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