Armylor - PTFE/PFA piping - ANSI B16.5 - Mersen

Armylor - PTFE/PFA piping - ANSI B16.5 - Mersen

Armylor - PTFE/PFA piping - ANSI B16.5 - Mersen


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<strong>PTFE</strong> / <strong>PFA</strong> polymerDEFINITIONAvailable lining materials for our product range are as follows :Virgin or anti-static* <strong>PTFE</strong> (polytetrafluorethylene), in accordance with the ASTM D4894& 4895.Virgin or anti-static* <strong>PFA</strong> (perfluoroalkoxy), according to ASTM D 3307** standards.*Conductive black <strong>PTFE</strong> or <strong>PFA</strong>** Also on request according to DIN 53455 standardGENERAL CHARACTERISTICSValues indicated in the following table are given for virgin <strong>PTFE</strong>.These characteristics can vary depending on raw material received, the transformation processes and their components.PROPERTIES UNITS <strong>PTFE</strong> <strong>PFA</strong>PhysicalDensity g/cm 3 2.13 - 2.19 2.12 - 2.17Water absorption : 24h thickness 3,2 mm %

LININGDNNOMINAL THICKNESSES<strong>Mersen</strong> offers 3 <strong>PTFE</strong> thickness grades :• ARMYLOR® G to operate under pressure• ARMYLOR® V to operate under pressure and vaccum• ARMYLOR® S for special applications.STRAIGHTLENGHTSElbowsTEES}ThiknessesG and V are indicated in thechart belowAsk us<strong>PTFE</strong> / <strong>PFA</strong> NOMINAL THICKNESSCONC. / Exc.REDUCERSINSTRUMENTTEESMANIFOLDSG V G V G V G V G V G V1/2'' 1.8 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.03/4'' 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.01'' 2.0 3.0 3.3 3.0 3.5 3.5 4.01''1/2 2.5 3.0 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 6.02'' 2.5 3.0 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 7.03'' 3.0 3.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 4.0 4.0 9.04'' 3.0 4.2 4.0 7.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 10.06'' 4.0 5.3 5.0 9.5 6.0 10.0 5.0 5.3 6.0 6.0 11.08'' 4.0 6.2 7.0 10.0 6.0 12.0 6.0 6.2 8.0 7.0 12.010'' 4.0 7.0 7.0 11.0 7.0 12.0 6.5 7.0 7.0 12.0 7.0 12.012'' 4.0 8.0 7.0 12.0 7.0 12.0 6.5 8.0 7.0 12.0 7.0 12.014'' 4.5 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.016'' 4.5 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.018'' 4.5 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.020'' 4.5 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.024'' 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5The minimum thickness tolerance of the <strong>PTFE</strong> tube is equal to the nominal thickness minus 10%.The thickness of the <strong>PTFE</strong> flaring shall not be lower than 20% of the nominal thicknessTESTS ON <strong>PTFE</strong> / <strong>PFA</strong>On each manufacturing batch, <strong>Mersen</strong> checks mechanical & physical properties.Values for elongation at break and tensile strength, together with regularity of the graph confirms that the liner sintering hasre-established the isotropy of <strong>PTFE</strong>, which guarantees a low level or permeability.Parallel directionPerpendicular directionStress in MPaStress in MPaDistortion in%Distortion in%5

LININGOptimal density ensures a balance between a low permeability level and a good distortion during temperature cycles.MECHANICAL PROPERTIESPHYSICAL PROPERTIESTensile strenght Elongation at break Density<strong>PTFE</strong> ExtrudedVirginTest according standard± 21 N/mm²≤ (/ / wise)± 17 N/mm 2 ≤ (┴ wise)ASTM D4895± 250% (/ / wise)± 200% (┴ wise)ASTM D48952.14 - 2.19ASTM D7922.13 - 2.19DIN 53749Anti staticTest according standard± 21 N/mm²≤ (/ / wise)± 17 N/mm²≤ (┴ wise)ASTM D4895± 250% (/ / wise)± 200% (┴ wise)ASTM D48952.13 - 2.19ASTM D7922.12 - 2.18DIN 53749<strong>PTFE</strong> MoldingVirginTest according standard± 21 N/mm 2ASTM D4894± 250%ASTM D48942.14 - 2.19ASTM D7922.13 - 2.19DIN 53749Anti staticTest according standard± 21 N/mm 2ASTM D4894± 250%ASTM D48942.14 - 2.19ASTM D7922.12 - 2.18DIN 53749<strong>PFA</strong>VirginTest according standard± 26 N/mm 2ASTM D3307± 300%ASTM D33072.12 - 2.17ASTM D7922.12 - 2.17DIN 53749Anti staticTest according standard± 26 N/mm 2ASTM D3307± 300%ASTM D33072.11 - 2.17ASTM D7922.11 - 2.16DIN 53749The results comply with ASTM F1545 standard.• ANTISTATIC <strong>PTFE</strong> / <strong>PFA</strong> ELECTRICAL PROPERTIESTransverse resistivity : < 10 7 ohm based on the BS 2050 standardSurface resistivity : < 10 8 ohm based on the BS 2782-230A standardVolume resistivity : < 10 8 ohm.cm based on the BS 2782-231A standard6

LININGThanks to mastered manufacturing technologies (<strong>PFA</strong> injection, extrusion of fine <strong>PTFE</strong> powders, Isomoulding) <strong>Mersen</strong>optimised <strong>PTFE</strong> lining thickness and manufacturing procedures to limit permeability rate.PERMEABILITYSeveral factors have an influence on permeability :Thickness of the lining is the most significant factor. The curve below shows the sharp decreasein permeability level according to thickness.Size of the ions or molecules. This Helium permeability curve shows the ability of a very smallmolecule such as helium to pass through the <strong>PTFE</strong> / <strong>PFA</strong>.Chemical nature of the product : any chemical similarity between the material passing through andthe material passed through increases permeability.Temperature and pressure : permeability increases with growth of temperature and pressure.Examples of permeability curves:<strong>PTFE</strong> / <strong>PFA</strong> permeability curveLining thickness (mm)Helium permeability <strong>PTFE</strong> / <strong>PFA</strong> curveHelium detected (mbar-l/s)Chlorine (mg/m

QUALITYCHARACTERISTICS CONTROLLED DURING MANUFACTURE<strong>Mersen</strong> manufactures <strong>PTFE</strong> lined pipe and fittings in accordance with PED 97/23 CE.In addition to internal audits carried out throughout the entire manufacturing process (acceptance of powders, physicalproperties of the lining, etc.) all <strong>piping</strong> is subject to the following inspections ;• Dimensional and visual check :the overall dimensions of the spools, the size of the collars, the lining thickness of moulded pieces and theabsence of surface defects are checked once the pieces have been produced.• Spark test :each <strong>piping</strong> element undergoes the electrostatic check in the following condition : <strong>PTFE</strong>/<strong>PFA</strong> : potentialstest in V : 5000* E V (E = thickness of liner en mm) with a maximum of 25000 V.• Hydraulic test :this check is only carried out on pieces equipped with vent holes, injected or produced from tubes. Thestandard test pressure is 1.5 times the operational pressure. This test can also be carried out in otherconditions (pressure, time, number of cycles) on request.• Pneumatic check :a hot pneumatic test is carried out on isomolding pieces and on some pieces produced from extruded liners.TRACEABILITY AND MARKING• TraceabilityIn addition to hydrostatic and electrostatic tests records, traceability, is a key issue for our Qualityinsurance system : it is achieved as follows:Steel : the heat number is cold stamped on each steel piece. <strong>Mersen</strong> is approved by the TÜV tostamp heat numbers on steel pipes cuts.Finished product : the following information is stamped on the finished piece :• The initials of <strong>Mersen</strong>, the order number and the piece number (O.F. number)• The C€ + O.N. (third party organism)Traceability of documents : total traceability is ensured with the same method for both metalliccomponents and lining materials.Cast reference numberOrder number + N° OFCE sign + N° ON• MarkingAdditionnal marking can be done.On request, each part can be identified thanks to a heat transfer printedsticky label that shows piece reference and isometrics number.PACKAGINGSpools can be packed on floor-mounted loads or in wooden crates.Fittings are packed in wooden crates or in cardboards on pallets.11

INSTALLATIONS PROCEDUREBOLT LENGTHSThe table below sets out the recommended threaded rod lengths for the various assemblies.FIXED F. / FIXED F. LOOSE F. / LOOSE F. FIXED F. / LOOSE F. FLARE STUB ENDThe dimensions indicated refer to :A coupling equal to 1/3 the diameter of the screwed rod.A nut height equal to the diameter of the screwed rod.ASA 150NBL1mmL2mmL3mmNB 1/2'' 7 5 95 85L4mmNBL1mmL2mmL3mmNB 1/2'' 8 0 100 90L4mmASA 300NB 3/4'' 8 0 100 90NB 3/4'' 9 0 115 100NB 1'' 8 0 105 90 85NB 1'' 9 5 120 105 95NB 11/2'' 9 0 115 100 85NB 11/2'' 11 0 140 125 105NB 2'' 1 0 0 125 110 95NB 2'' 11 0 140 125 105NB 3'' 11 0 140 125 105NB 3'' 1 3 0 165 145 120NB 4'' 11 0 140 125 105NB 4'' 1 3 5 180 155 120NB 6'' 1 2 5 165 145 125NB 6'' 1 5 0 195 170 135NB 8'' 1 3 5 175 155 130NB 8'' 1 7 0 225 195 155NB 10'' 1 5 0 195 175NB 10'' 1 9 5 255 225NB 12'' 1 5 5 205 175NB 12'' 2 1 0 275 240NB 14'' 1 7 0 220 195NB 14'' 2 1 5 290 250NB 16'' 1 7 5 225 195NB 16'' 2 3 5 315 275NB 18'' 1 8 5 235 215NB 18'' 2 4 0 330 285NB 20'' 1 9 5 245 220NB 20'' 2 4 5 345 290NB 24'' 2 0 5 260 230NB 24'' 2 7 0 380 325VENT HOLESVent holes must not be obstructed bylagging or painting. Where laggingis fitted, vent extensions should beprovided. When pipes are in servicefor the first time, air or water trappedinside at the moment of assemblingmay escape through the vent holes. Itis recommended, when undertakingperiodic inspections of installation, tocheck that no leak has occurred outof the vent holes. The latter also actas corrosion indicators.WEIGHTThe weight (kilograms) of each pieceis indicated on the correspondingtables. Due to the various constructionmethods, the weights are theoricvalues only. The tolerance is +/- 10%.SUPPORTSComponents shall be supportedusing rings that are independent ofthe lined pipe. No welding shouldbe performed on lined elements.However, supporting elements maybe welded prior to lining.13

REFERENCESEach part has a 16 digits reference.DimensionRangePieces typeNb looseflangesSteel shellParticularityD = DIN- = Standard GL = Pipe + lengthin mm1, 2, 3, 4- = Standard- = StandardA = <strong>ANSI</strong>V = Pressure &vaccumC = Elbow + angleR = Lowtemperature steelA = Support legS = SpécialS = SpécialX = InoxB = CouplingS = SpécialC = Support leg +CouplingC1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16ConnectionLiningDNConstructionLining process1 = PN102 = PN 20/150lbs- = Virgin standardA = Antistaticsee table under- = StandardC = Tub end collar- = Paste extrusionM = Iso-molding}Accordingto eachproduct3 = PN 16N = BlackP = Slip on flangeT = Transfermolding4 = 300 lbsW = Flare5 = PN 40REP DN REP DN REP DNH 1/2" Q 4" X 16"J 3/4" S 6" Y 18"K 1" T 8" Z 20"M 1"1/2 U 10" B 24"N 2" V 12"P 3" W 14"Examples :D3V-L1234T--XW-A : DIN, PN16, vaccum range, 1234 mm straight length,DN200, inox steel, welding neck, earthing lug.D1--C45--P-1 : DIN, PN10, 45° elbow, DN80, 1 BT.14

MANUFACTURE PROCESSPowderMachiningExtrusionPowder ExtrusionSteel WorkshopWeldingBakingGrindingPullingFlaringLiningTestPaintingShipment15


<strong>ANSI</strong> 150 LBS FLANGES AND TUBESEntire flanged products range can be equipped with loose or fix flanges on request.STEEL TUBESFlange (front view)NBDdx*minidy k b1 b2 b3 b4 holes bolting d1 smm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm nb ø UNC mm mm1/2'' 89 31 42 60.3 11.1 9.5 10 4 16 1/2 26.7 2.93/4'' 99 39 52 69.0 12.7 11.1 12 4 16 1/2 26.7 2.91'' 108 47 51 60 79.4 14.3 12.7 12 4 16 1/2 33.4 3.41''1/2 127 68 72 73 98.4 17.5 15.9 12 4 16 1/2 48.3 3.72'' 152 87 90 92 120.6 19.0 17.4 14 4 20 5/8 60.3 3.93'' 191 117 125 127 152.4 23.8 22.2 16 4 20 5/8 88.9 5.54'' 229 150 155 157 190.5 23.8 22.2 16 8 20 5/8 114.3 6.06'' 279 203 210 216 241.3 25.4 23.8 18 8 23 3/4 168.3 7.1Flared stub end type C (loose)8'' 343 255 262 270 298.4 28.6 27.0 20 8 23 3/4 219.1 8.210'' 406 311 324 361.9 30.2 28.6 22 12 26 7/8 273.0 7.812'' 493 365 381 431.8 32.7 31.1 24 12 26 7/8 323.8 8.414'' 535 393 413 476.2 34.9 33.3 25 12 29 1 355.6 7.916'' 597 450 470 539.7 36.5 34.9 25 16 29 1 406.4 7.918'' 635 514 533 577.8 39.7 38.1 25 16 32 11/8 457.2 7.920'' 699 565 584 635.0 42.9 41.3 25 20 32 11/8 508.0 9.524'' 813 666 692 749.3 47.6 46.0 25 20 35 11/4 609.8 9.5Welding neck type W (Fix)Slip-on Type P (Fix)Collar + slip-on type P (loose)Collar + slip-on type W<strong>ANSI</strong> 300 on requestPlease see page 3417

FLANGED SPOOLSLININGVIRGIN <strong>PTFE</strong> : :NB 1/2’’ – NB 24’’ANTI STATIC <strong>PTFE</strong> (Black),C4 = ANB 1/2’’ – NB 16’’Standard construction : 2 loose flanges• Type C : NB 1/2’’ to NB 12’’, C14 = COn request : 1 fixed flange, 1 loose flange• Type P : NB 1/2’’ to NB 14’’• Type W : C14 = WL mini L maxi Weight PairNBflangesREFERENCEmm mm kg/m weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 161/2'' 85 6000 2 0.9 A 2 - - L x x x x H3/4'' 85 6000 2 1.3 A 2 - - L x x x x J1'' 85 6000 2 2.1 A 2 - - L x x x x K1''1/2 90 6000 5 3.2 A 2 - - L x x x x M2'' 100 6000 7 5.1 A 2 - - L x x x x N3'' 110 6000 14 9.3 A 2 - - L x x x x P4'' 120 6000 19 12.9 A 2 - - L x x x x Q6'' 120 6000 34 17.8 A 2 - - L x x x x S8'' 130 6000 53 28.2 A 2 - - L x x x x T10'' 150 6000 64 38.5 A 2 - - L x x x x U12'' 150 6000* 65 60.9 A 2 - - L x x x x V14'' 150 3000 85 76.1 A 2 - - L x x x x W16'' 150 3000 98 95.2 A 2 - - L x x x x X18'' 150 3000 110 108 A 2 - - L x x x x Y20'' 160 3000 132 136 A 2 - - L x x x x Z24'' 180 3000 161 172 A 2 - - L x x x x B* For vacuum thickness, L max = 4500 xxxx : length in mm18Type C construction Type P construction Type W construction

ELBOWSLININGVIRGIN <strong>PTFE</strong> :NB 1/2’’– NB 24’’ANTI STATIC <strong>PTFE</strong>, C4 = ANB 1/2’’– NB 16’’Standard construction : 2 fix flanges• Type K : NB 1’’ to NB 4’’, C13 = K• Type W : superior NB 4’’On request : 1 fix flange + 1 loose flangeC12 = 1DNL (mm) WEIGHT (kg) REFERENCEα=90° α=45° α=60° α=30° 90° 45° 60° 30° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 161/2'' 65 44 52 40 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 A 2 - - C ? ? x x H3/4'' 75 44 72 59 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 A 2 - - C ? ? x x K1'' 89 44(1) 98 77 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.0 A 2 - - C ? ? x x L1''1/2 102 57 92 78 3.8 3.4 3.5 3.3 A 2 - - C ? ? x x M2'' 114 64 110 86 5.9 5.3 5.5 5.1 A 2 - - C ? ? x x N3'' 140 76 110 75 11.5 10.0 10.5 9.5 A 2 - - C ? ? x x P4'' 165 102 135 90 16.7 14.2 15.1 13.4 A 2 - - C ? ? x x Q6'' 203 127 180 110 26.6 21.2 22.9 19.4 A 2 - - C ? ? x x S8'' 229 140 235 140 44.3 34.7 37.9 31.6 A 2 - - C ? ? x x T10'' 279 165 62.4 48.4 A 2 - - C ? ? x x U12'' 305 190 86.3 70.7 A 2 - - C ? ? x x V14'' 356 190 117 93.1 A 2 - - C ? ? x x W16'' 450 203 156 121 A 2 - - C ? ? x x X18'' ● 475 216 179 138 A 2 - - C ? ? x x Y20'' ● 810** ● 343* 538 341 A 2 - - C ? ? x x Z24'' ● 974** ● 412* 693 439 A 2 - - C ? ? x x B● : Does not coform to <strong>ANSI</strong> NB 16.5 standard* : 2 parts construction** : 3 parts construction?? Angle in degree : 90, 45, 60 or 30 or standardStandard fix flanges elbow= 90°/60°/30°The 30 ° and 60° elbows are notincluded in the <strong>ANSI</strong> B 16.5 standardType KType W19

REDUCING TEESLININGSVIRGIN <strong>PTFE</strong> (White) :NB 10’’– NB 24’’ANTI STATIC <strong>PTFE</strong> (Black),C4 = ANB 10’’– NB 16’’Type PType WStandard construction :• Type P: fix flanges• Type W: fix flangesNB110''12’’14’’16’’18''20''24''NB2LmmWeightkgREFERENCE1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 164'' 279 78.8 A 2 - - T R - - - U Q6'' 279 83.0 A 2 - - T R - - - U S8'' 279 90.6 A 2 - - T R - - - U T4'' 305 104 A 2 - - T R - - - V Q6'' 305 108 A 2 - - T R - - - V S8'' 305 115 A 2 - - T R - - - V T10'' 305 122 A 2 - - T R - - - V U4'' 356 145 A 2 - - T R - - - W Q6'' 356* 152 A 2 - - T R - - - W S8'' 356* 165 A 2 - - T R - - - W T10'' 356* 176 A 2 - - T R - - - W U12'' 356* 197 A 2 - - T R - - - W V4'' 381* 177 A 2 - - T R - - - X Q6'' 381* 183 A 2 - - T R - - - X S8'' 381* 196 A 2 - - T R X T10'' 381* 207 A 2 - - T R X U12'' 381* 228 A 2 - - T R - - - X V14'' 381** 246 A 2 - - T R - - - X W8'' 419* 225 A 2 - - T R - - - Y T10'' 419 236 A 2 - - T R Y U12'' 419 257 A 2 - - T R Y V14'' 419 276 A 2 - - T R - - - Y W8'' 457 281 A 2 - - T R - - - Z T10'' 457 292 A 2 - - T R - - - Z U12'' 457 313 A 2 - - T R - - - Z V14'' 457 332 A 2 - - T R - - - Z W16'' 457 352 A 2 - - T R - - - Z X18'' 457 364 A 2 - - T R - - - Z Y10'' 559 380 A 2 - - T R - - - B U12'' 559 401 A 2 - - T R - - - B V14'' 559 421 A 2 - - T R - - - B W16'' 559 441 A 2 - - T R - - - B X18'' 559 455 A 2 - - T R - - - B YOn request :• loose flange : C12 = 3* 2 parts construction22

CONCENTRIC & EXCENTRIC REDUCERSLININGSVIRGIN <strong>PTFE</strong> :NB 1’’– NB 24’’ANTI STATIC <strong>PTFE</strong>, C4 = A :NB 1’’– NB 16’’Standard construction :• Type W : fix flangesOn request :• 1 fix flange / 1 looseflange, C12 =1Concentric reducerType WEccentric reducerNB111''1/22''3''4''6''8''10''NB2LmmWeightkgREFERENCE1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 161/2'' 114 3.4 1.6 A 2 - - R ? - - - K H3/4'' 114 3.4 1.8 A 2 - - R ? - - - K J1/2'' 114 10 2.3 A 2 - - R ? - - - M H3/4'' 114 10 2.5 A 2 - - R ? - - - M J1'' 114 7.0 2.9 A 2 - - R ? - - - M K3/4'' 127 4.6 3.5 A 2 - - R ? - - - N J1'' 127 13 3.9 A 2 - - R ? - - - N K1 1/2'' 127 5.7 4.6 A 2 - - R ? - - - N M1 1/2'' 152 20 7.2 A 2 - - R ? - - - P M2'' 152 14 8.2 A 2 - - R ? - - - P M1 1/2'' 178 32 9.5 A 2 - - R ? - - - Q M2'' 178 26 10.5 A 2 - - R ? - - - Q N3'' 178 13 13.1 A 2 - - R ? - - - Q P3'' 229 40 17.6 A 2 - - R ? - - - S P4'' 229 26 19.9 A 2 - - R ? - - - S Q4'' 279 52 28.5 A 2 - - R ? - - - T Q6'' 279 25 32.6 A 2 - - R ? - - - T S4'' 305 76 35.7 A 2 - - R ? - - - U Q6'' 305 52 40.0 A 2 - - R ? - - - U S8'' 305 27 47.6 A 2 - - R ? - - - U T6'' 356 75 53.1 A 2 - - R ? - - - V S12'' 8'' 356 51 61.2 A 2 - - R ? - - - V T10'' 356 26 67.7 A 2 - - R ? - - - V U6'' 406 91 66.7 A 2 - - R ? - - - W S14''8'' 406 67 75.3 A 2 - - R ? - - - W T10'' 406 41 82.1 A 2 - - R ? - - - W U12'' 406 16 92.7 A 2 - - R ? - - - W V8'' 457 92 90.4 A 2 - - R ? - - - X T16''10'' 457 66 97.5 A 2 - - R ? - - - X U12'' 457 41 108 A 2 - - R ? - - - X V14'' 457 25 120 A 2 - - R ? - - - X W10'' 483 92 108 A 2 - - R ? - - - Y U18''12'' 483 66 118 A 2 - - R ? - - - Y V14'' 483 51 130 A 2 - - R ? - - - Y W16'' 483 25 142 A 2 - - R ? - - - Y X12'' 508 91 139 A 2 - - R ? - - - Z V20''14'' 508 76 152 A 2 - - R ? - - - Z W16'' 508 51 163 A 2 - - R ? - - - Z X18'' 508 25 172 A 2 - - R ? - - - Z Y24'' 20'' 610 51 226 A 2 - - R ? - - - B Z? = C : Concentric Reducer? = E : Eccentric ReducerType W23

REDUCING FLANGESLININGSVIRGIN <strong>PTFE</strong> :NB 3/4’’– NB 4’’ANTI STATIC <strong>PTFE</strong>, C4 = A :NB 3/4’’– NB 4’’NB1 NB2 ØDmmbmmØ k1mmNB1NB2Holes BoltHoles BoltREFERENCEØ k2Type Weightnb Ø UNC mm nb UNC kg1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 163/4'' 1/2''* 98 35 69.8 4 x 1/2'' 60.3 4 x 1/2'' C 1.9 A 2 - - B R - - - J H11/2''* 108 35 79.4 4 x 1/2'' 60.3 4 x 1/2'' C 2.1 A 2 - - B R - - - K H3/4''* 108 35 79.4 4 x 1/2'' 69.8 4 x 1/2'' C 2.0 A 2 - - B R - - - K J1'' 1/23/4''* 127 35 98.4 4 x 1/2'' 69.8 4 x 1/2'' B 4.0 A 2 - - B R - - - M J1/2''* 127 35 98.4 4 x 1/2'' 60.3 4 x 1/2'' B 4.1 A 2 - - B R - - - M H1'' 127 35 98.4 4 x 1/2'' 79.4 4 x 1/2'' B 3.9 A 2 - - B R - - - M K1/2'' 152 35 120.6 4 x 5/8'' 60.3 4 x 1/2'' B 4.8 A 2 - - B R - - - N H2''3/4'' 152 35 120.6 4 x 5/8'' 69.8 4 x 1/2'' B 4.8 A 2 - - B R - - - N J1'' 152 35 120.6 4 x 5/8'' 79.4 4 x 1/2'' B 4.7 A 2 - - B R - - - N K1 1/2’’ 152 35 120.6 4 x 5/8'' 98.4 4 x 1/2'' C 4.5 A 2 - - B R - - - N M1/2'' 190 35 152.4 4 x 19 M16 60.3 4 x 1/2'' A 6.7 A 2 - - B R - - - P H3/4'' 190 35 152.4 4 x 19 M16 69.8 4 x 1/2'' A 6.6 A 2 - - B R - - - P J3'' 1'' 190 35 152.4 4 x 5/8'' 79.4 4 x 1/2'' B 6.5 A 2 - - B R - - - P K1 1/2’’ 190 35 152.4 4 x 5/8'' 98.4 4 x 1/2'' B 6.2 A 2 - - B R - - - P M2'' 190 35 152.4 4 x 5/8'' 120.6 4 x 5/8'' C 6.0 A 2 - - B R - - - P N1/2'' 229 45 190.5 8 x 19 M16 60.3 4 x 1/2'' A 11 A 2 - - B R - - - Q H3/4'' 229 45 190.5 8 x 19 M16 69.8 4 x 1/2'' A 20 A 2 - - B R - - - Q J4''1'' 229 45 190.5 8 x 19 M16 79.4 4 x 1/2'' A 11 A 2 - - B R - - - Q K1 1/2'' 229 45 190.5 8 x 19 M16 98.4 4 x 1/2'' A 11 A 2 - - B R - - - Q M2'' 229 45 190.5 8 x 5/8'' 120.6 4 x 5/8'' B 10 A 2 - - B R - - - Q N3''* 229 45 190.5 8 x 5/8'' 152.4 4 x 5/8'' B 10 A 2 - - B R - - - Q P* Cylindrical bore24Tapped hole / through holeType ATapped holeType BTapped holes on center-line/off center-line Type C

REDUCING FLANGESLININGSVIRGIN <strong>PTFE</strong> :NB 14’’– NB 24’’ANTI STATIC <strong>PTFE</strong>, C4 = A :NB 14’’– NB 16’’NB1 NB2 ØD bmm mmØ k1mmNB1 NB2 REFERENCEHoles BoltØ k2 Holes BoltType Weightnb Ø UNC mmkg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16nb UNC6'' 533 50 476.2 12 x 28.6 241.3 8 x 3/4'' A 60 A 2 - - B R - - - W S14''8'' 533 50 476.2 12 x 28.6 298.4 8 x 3/4'' A 56 A 2 - - B R - - - W T10'' 533 50 476.2 12 x 28.6 361.9 12 x 7/8'' A 53 A 2 - - B R - - - W U12'' 533 50 476.2 12 x 1'' 431.8 12 x 7/8'' B 50 A 2 - - B R - - - W V8'' 597 50 539.7 16 x 28.6 298.4 8 x 3/4'' A 75 A 2 - - B R - - - X T16''10'' 597 50 539.7 16 x 28.6 361.9 12 x 7/8'' A 71 A 2 - - B R - - - X U12'' 597 50 539.7 16 x 28.6 431.8 12 x 7/8'' A 67 A 2 - - B R - - - X V14'' 597 50 539.7 16 x 1'' 476.2 12 x 1'' B 64 A 2 - - B R - - - X W10'' 635 50 577.8 16 x 31.7 361.9 12 x 7/8'' A 78 A 2 - - B R - - - Y U18''12'' 635 50 577.8 16 x 31.7 431.8 12 x 7/8'' A 75 A 2 - - B R - - - Y V14'' 635 50 577.8 16 x 31.7 476.2 12 x 1'' A 73 A 2 - - B R - - - Y W16'' 635 50 577.8 16 x 1'' 1/2539.7 16 x 1'' B 71 A 2 - - B R - - - Y X*6'' 698 50 635.0 20 x 31.7 241.3 8 x 7/8'' A 124 A 2 - - B R - - - Z S*8'' 698 50 635.0 20 x 31.7 298.4 8 x 7/8'' A 114 A 2 - - B R - - - Z T10'' 698 50 635.0 20 x 31.7 361.9 12 x 7/8'' A 207 A 2 - - B R - - - Z U20''12'' 698 50 635.0 20 x 31.7 431.8 12 x 7/8'' A 98 A 2 - - B R - - - Z V14'' 698 50 635.0 20 x 31.7 476.2 12 x 1'' A 93 A 2 - - B R - - - Z W16'' 698 50 635.0 20 x 31.7 539.7 16 x 1'' A 88 A 2 - - B R - - - Z X18'' 698 50 635.0 20 x 1'' 1/8577.8 16 x 1'' 1/8B 83 A 2 - - B R - - - Z Y24''18'' 813 50 749.3 20 x 35 577.8 16 x 1'' 1/8A 80 A 2 - - B R - - - B Y20'' 813 50 749.3 20 x 35 635.0 20 x 1'' 1/8A 78 A 2 - - B R - - - B Z26Tapped holesType BTapped holes on center-line/off center-lineType C

INSTRUMENT TEESLININGSVIRGIN <strong>PFA</strong> :NB 1/2’’– NB 8’’ANTI STATIC <strong>PFA</strong>, C4 = A :NB 1/2’’– NB 8’’VIRGIN <strong>PTFE</strong> :NB 10’’– NB 24’’ANTI STATIC <strong>PTFE</strong>, C4 = A :NB 10’’– NB 16’’Fix flangesNB1 NB2L H Weightmm mm kg* 2 parts constructionREFERENCE1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 161’’ 1/21/2'' 50 89 1.9 A 2 - - P I - - - K H1’ 3/4'' 50 89 1.9 A 2 - - P I - - - K J1'' 50 89 2.0 A 2 - - P I - - - K K3/4'' 50 102 2.8 A 2 - - P I - - - M J1'' 50 102 3.0 A 2 - - P I - - - M K1/2'' 50 102 2.7 A 2 - - P I - - - M H1'' 1/275 102 4.6 A 2 - - P I - - - M M1/2'' 50 114 4.7 A 2 - - P I - - - N H3/4'' 50 114 4.8 A 2 - - P I - - - N J2’’ 1'' 50 114 5.0 A 2 - - P I - - - N K1'' 1/275 114 8.4 A 2 - - P I - - - N M2'' 90 114 9.9 A 2 - - P I - - - N N1/2'' 50 140 5.7 A 2 - - P I - - - P H3/4'' 50 140 5.8 A 2 - - P I - - - P J3’’ 1'' 50 140 6.0 A 2 - - P I - - - P K1'' 1/275 140 11 A 2 - - P I - - - P M2'' 90 140 12 A 2 - - P I - - - P N1/2'' 50 165 6.7 A 2 - - P I - - - Q H4’’3/4'' 50 165 6.8 A 2 - - P I - - - Q J1'' 50 165 7.0 A 2 - - P I - - - Q K1'' 1/275 165 12 A 2 - - P I - - - Q M1/2'' 50 203 8.9 A 2 - - P I - - - S H3/4'' 50 203 9.0 A 2 - - P I - - - S J6’’ 1'' 50 203 10 A 2 - - P I - - - S K1'' 1/275 203 15 A 2 - - P I - - - S M2'' 90 203 16 A 2 - - P I - - - S N1/2'' 50 229 10 A 2 - - P I - - - T H3/4'' 50 229 10 A 2 - - P I - - - T J8’’ 1'' 50 229 10 A 2 - - P I - - - T K1'' 1/275 229 16 A 2 - - P I - - - T M2'' 90 229 17 A 2 - - P I - - - T N1'' 50 279 24 A 2 - - P I - - - U K10’’ 1'' 1/275 279 26 A 2 - - P I - - - U M2'' 90 279 27 A 2 - - P I - - - U N1'' 50 305 26 A 2 - - P I - - - V K12’’ 1'' 1/275 305 29 A 2 - - P I - - - V M2'' 90 305 30 A 2 - - P I - - - V N1'' 50 356 41 A 2 - - P I - - - W K14’’ 1'' 1/275 356 44 A 2 - - P I - - - W M2'' 90 356 45 A 2 - - P I - - - W N1’’ 50 381 46 A 2 - - P I - - - X K16’’ 1'' 1/275 381 48 A 2 - - P I - - - X M2'' 90 381 50 A 2 - - P I - - - X N1'' 50 419 51 A 2 - - P I - - - Y K18’’ 1'' 1/275 419 54 A 2 - - P I - - - Y M2'' 90 419 55 A 2 - - P I - - - Y N1'' 50 457 60 A 2 - - P I - - - Z K*20’’ 1'' 1/275 457 63 A 2 - - P I - - - Z M2'' 90 457 64 A 2 - - P I - - - Z N1'' 100 559 69 A 2 - - P I - - - B K*24’’ 1’’ 1/2150 559 72 A 2 - - P I - - - B M2'' 150 559 73 A 2 - - P I - - - B N27

CROSSESLININGSVIRGIN <strong>PFA</strong> :NB 1/2’’– NB 3’’ANTI STATIC <strong>PFA</strong> :NB 1/2’’– NB 3’’VIRGIN <strong>PTFE</strong> :NB 4’’– NB 24’’ANTI STATIC <strong>PTFE</strong> :NB 4’’– NB 16’’L WeightREFERENCENBmm kg1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 161/2'' 65 2.1 A 2 - - x E - - - H3/4'' 75 2.9 A 2 - - x E - - - J1'' 89 4.6 A 2 - - x E - - - KFix flangesType P1'' 1/2102 7.8 A 2 - - x E - - - M2'' 114 12.1 A 2 - - x E - - - N3'' 140 23.6 A 2 - - x E - - - P4'' 165 34.2 A 2 - - x E - - - Q6'' 203 53.9 A 2 - - x E - - - S8'' 229 88.2 A 2 - - x E - - - T10'' 279* 124 A 2 - - x E - - - U12'' 305* 169 A 2 - - x E - - - V14'' 356** 300 A 2 - - x E - - - W* Fix flangesType W16'' 381** 371 A 2 - - x E - - - X18'' 419** 427 A 2 - - x E - - - Y20'' 457** 547 A 2 - - x E - - - Z24'' 559** 712 A 2 - - x E - - - B* Assembly only possible using 4 bolts** In 2 parts** Fix flangesType PStandard construction :• Type P: NB 1/2’’ to NB 3’’ and NB 18’’ to NB 24’’• Type W : NB 4’’ to NB 16’’On request :• 4 loose flanges : C12 = 428

SPACERSLININGSVIRGIN <strong>PTFE</strong> :NB 1/2’’– NB 24’’ANTI STATIC <strong>PTFE</strong>, C4 =A :NB 1/2’’– NB 16’’Shape GNBØA F G(mm) H(mm) REFERENCEmm Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax Lmax 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 161/2'' 42.0 20 15 50 50 90 A 2 - - ? - x x x H3/4'' 52.0 20 15 50 50 90 A 2 - - ? - x x x J1'' 66.5 20 15 50 50 90 A 2 - - ? - x x x K1'' 1/285.5 20 15 60 60 110 A 2 - - ? - x x x M2'' 105 20 15 60 60 120 A 2 - - ? - x x x N3'' 136 20 15 60 60 140 A 2 - - ? - x x x P4'' 174 20 15 60 60 150 A 2 - - ? - x x x Q6'' 222 20 15 60 60 160 A 2 - - ? - x x x S8'' 279 20 20 70 60 180 A 2 - - ? - x x x T10'' 339 20 20 70 60 210 A 2 - - ? - x x x U12'' 409 20 20 70 60 230 A 2 - - ? - x x x V14'' 451 20 20 70 70 230 A 2 - - ? - x x x W16'' 510 20 20 80 70 260 A 2 - - ? - x x x X18'' 549 20 20 80 70 270 A 2 - - ? - x x x Y20'' 590 20 20 80 70 280 A 2 - - ? - x x x Z24'' 717 20 20 80 80 300 A 2 - - ? - x x x B? = F : Spacers share F (<strong>PTFE</strong> massif)? = G : Spacers share G (rondelle revêtue)? = E : Spacers share H (tube revêtue)xxxx : Length in mmMassive <strong>PTFE</strong> spacerSteel lined spacerTube lined spacer30Shape F Shape G Shape H

SPECTACLE BLINDSLININGSVIRGIN <strong>PTFE</strong> :NB 1/2’’– NB 24’’ANTI STATIC <strong>PTFE</strong>, C4 = A :NB 1/2’’– NB 16’’NBØD C E ØA b Weight REFERENCEmm mm mm mm mm kg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 161/2'' 44 60 35 16 14 0.2 A 2 - - O B - - - H3/4'' 53 70 35 16 14 0.2 A 2 - - O B - - - J1'' 63 78 35 16 14 0.3 A 2 - - O B - - - K1'' 1/282 98 50 19 14 0.4 A 2 - - O B - - - M2'' 101 121 50 19 14 0.6 A 2 - - O B - - - N3'' 133 152 60 19 14 0.9 A 2 - - O B - - - P4'' 171 191 50 22 18 1.6 A 2 - - O B - - - Q6'' 219 241 60 22 18 3.7 A 2 - - O B - - - S8'' 276 298 70 26 21 5.6 A 2 - - O B - - - T10'' 336 362 65 26 21 10.7 A 2 - - O B - - - U12'' 406 432 70 29 23 15.5 A 2 - - O B - - - V14'' 441 476 70 29 26 27.2 A 2 - - O B - - - W16'' 505 540 70 29 28 34.8 A 2 - - O B - - - X18'' 540 578 70 32 28 49.9 A 2 - - O B - - - Y20'' 597 635 65 32 33 55.1 A 2 - - O B - - - Z24'' 708 750 70 35 39 73.7 A 2 - - O B - - - BSpectacle blind (front view)Spectacle blind (sectional view)31

BLIND FLANGESLININGSVIRGIN <strong>PTFE</strong> :NB 1/2’’– NB 24’’ANTI STATIC, C4 = A :NB 1/2’’– NB 16’’NBØD b Weight REFERENCEmm mm kg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 161/2'' 89 14 0.3 A 2 - - B P - - - H3/4'' 98 16 0.5 A 2 - - B P - - - J1'' 108 17 0.9 A 2 - - B P - - - K1'' 1/2127 18 1.3 A 2 - - B P - - - M2'' 152 22 2.4 A 2 - - B P - - - N3'' 190 27 4.9 A 2 - - B P - - - P4'' 229 27 6.9 A 2 - - B P - - - Q6'' 279 28 11 A 2 - - B P - - - S8'' 343 32 19 A 2 - - B P - - - T10'' 406 34 28 A 2 - - B P - - - U12'' 482 36 45 A 2 - - B P - - - V14'' 533 39 58 A 2 - - B P - - - W16'' 597 40 76 A 2 - - B P - - - X18'' 635 44 92 A 2 - - B P - - - Y20'' 698 47 119 A 2 - - B P - - - Z24'' 813 52 181 A 2 - - B P - - - BLATERAL TEESLateral tees Type PLININGSVIRGIN <strong>PFA</strong> :NB 1’’ – NB 4’’ANTI STATIC <strong>PFA</strong>, C4 = A :NB 1’’– NB 4’’VIRGIN <strong>PTFE</strong> :NB 6’’ to NB 8’’ANTI STATIC <strong>PTFE</strong>, C4 = A :NB 6’’ to NB 8’’Standard construction :• Type P : fix flangesNBL1 L2 Weight REFERENCEmm mm kg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 161'' 146 44 3.7 A 2 - - T L - - - K1'' 1/2178 51 6.5 A 2 - - T L - - - M2'' 203 64 10 A 2 - - T L - - - N3'' 254 76 21 A 2 - - T L - - - P4'' 305 76 31 A 2 - - T L - - - Q6'' 368 89 52 A 2 - - T L - - - S8'' 445 114 91 A 2 - - T L - - - T32

MANIFOLDSNB1NB2HmmL 1mm1 1'' 89 891'' 102 1021'' 1/21 1/2'' 102 1021'' 114 1142''2'' 114 1143'' 114 1141'' 140 1403''1 1/2'' 140 1402'' 140 1404''6''8''10''12''3'' 140 1401'' 165 1651 1/2'' 165 1652'' 165 1653'' 165 1654'' 165 1651'' 203 2031 1/2'' 203 2032'' 203 2033'' 203 2034'' 203 2036'' 203 2031 1/2'' 229 2292'' 229 2293'' 229 2294'' 229 2296'' 229 2298'' 229 2291 1/2'' 279 2792'' 279 2793'' 279 2794'' 279 2796'' 279 2798'' 279 27910'' 279 2793'' 305 3054'' 305 3056'' 305 3058'' 305 30510'' 305 30512'' 305 305LININGSVIRGIN <strong>PTFE</strong> :NB 1’’– NB 12’’ANTI STATIC <strong>PTFE</strong> :NB 1’’– NB 12’’DRAWING ABOVE IS SHOWNAS AN EXEMPLEOther manifolds configurations on requestnumber, DN and nozzles inclinationL max : 1.5 meterFix flanges manifolds Type W33

ENTRY PIPESLININGSVIRGIN <strong>PTFE</strong> :NB 3/4’’– NB 20’’ANTI STATIC <strong>PTFE</strong>, C4 = A :NB 3/4’’– NB 16’’NB1 NB2Lmax REFERENCEmm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 163/4'' 1" 3000 A 2 - - N x x x x J1'' 1" 1/43000 A 2 - - N x x x x K1'' 1/22" 3000 A 2 - - N x x x x M2'' 3" 3000 A 2 - - N x x x x N3'' 4" 3000 A 2 - - N x x x x P4'' 5" 3000 A 2 - - N x x x x Q6'' 8'' 3000 A 2 - - N x x x x S8'' 10'' 3000 A 2 - - N x x x x T10'' 12'' 3000 A 2 - - N x x x x U12'' 14'' 3000 A 2 - - N x x x x V14'' 16'' 3000 A 2 - - N x x x x W16'' 18'' 2000 A 2 - - N x x x x X18'' 20'' 2000 A 2 - - N x x x x Y20'' 24" 1500 A 2 - - N x x x x Zxxxx : length in mmmType A* Collar G diameter inaccordance with NB2**α : different angles possibleon requestedDIP PIPESNB1NB2miniHmmL maxmm1/2" 1" 1/2140 30003/4'' 1" 1/2140 30001'' 2" 160 30001'' 1/23" 170 30002'' 3" 180 30003'' 4" 190 30004'' 6" 200 30006'' 8'' 200 3000Type BOther special dip pipesare available on request.LININGSVIRGIN <strong>PTFE</strong> :NB 1/2’’– NB 6’’ANTI STATIC <strong>PTFE</strong>, C4 = A :NB 1/2’’– NB 6’’35

WORLDWIDE indUSTRIAL WORKSHOPA worldwidespecialistin anticorrosionand processequipment<strong>Mersen</strong> FranceBrignais› 8,000 m 2› Specialist in welded plateheat exchangers andmixers<strong>Mersen</strong> FrancePagny-sur-Moselle› 36,000 m 2› All equipment.All materialsResearch anddevelopment center<strong>Mersen</strong> FranceGrésy› 8,000 m 2› Specialist in equipmentfor the nuclear industry<strong>Mersen</strong> UKTeesside› 5,600 m 2› The graphite cubic heatexchangers specialist<strong>Mersen</strong> DeutschlandLinsengericht› 3,000 m 2› Tantalum equipmentCenter<strong>Mersen</strong> IndiaChennai› 2,600 m 2› Graphite heatexchangers, systems<strong>Mersen</strong> MarocEl Jadida› 2,500 m 2› Assebly and repair shopMain production sitesQuick service shops<strong>Mersen</strong> USASalem› 6,690 m 2› All equipementAll materialsNippon Carbon<strong>Mersen</strong>› Distributionand repair shop<strong>Mersen</strong> USAOxnard› 6,600 m 2› Specialist in reactivemetals equipement<strong>Mersen</strong> XiandaShanghai-Fengxian› 150,000 m 2› All equipementAll materialsPressure vesselsexpertise centerA worldwide specialistin anticorrosionand process equipementA GLOBAL PLAYERGlobal expert in materials and equipmentfor extreme environments and in the safetyand reliability of electrical equipment.<strong>Mersen</strong> designs innovative solutions to address itsclient’s specific needs to enable them to optimizetheir manufacturing process in sectors such asEnergy, Transportation, Electronics, Chemicals,Pharmaceuticals and Process Industries.The information contained in this catalogue are given purely indicative and cannotengage liability of <strong>Mersen</strong>.Noface >créationAny copy, reproduction or translation, fully or in part, is prohibited without the written consent of <strong>Mersen</strong><strong>Mersen</strong> France Pagny1, rue Jules Ferry – 54530 Pagny-sur-MoselleTel. +33 ((0)3 83 81 60 81www.mersen.comB21_2_E

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