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operation, for the resistance of a septum to the flow of gas increases when it is wet. The air permeabilities for water-submerged porous carbon of some of the grades listed in the table are shown in Fig. 14-96. The data were determined with septa 0.625 in thick in water at 70°F. Comparable wet-permeability data for 1-in Alundum plates of two grades of fineness are given in Table 14-24. The gas rate at which coalescence begins to reduce the effectiveness of dispersion appears to depend not only on the pore size and pore structure of the dispersing medium but also on the liquid properties, liquid depth, agitation, and other features of the sparging environment; coalescence is strongly dependent on the concentration of surfactants capable of forming an electrical double layer and thus produce ionic bubbles, long-chain alcohols in water being excellent examples. For porous-carbon media, the manufacturer suggests that the best dispersion performance will result if the broken-line regions of Fig. 14-96 are avoided. For porous stainless-steel spargers, which extend to a lower pore size than carbon, Micro Metallic Division, Pall Corp., recommends (Release 120A, 1959) a working limit of 8 ft/min (0.044 m/s) to avoid serious coalescence. This agrees with the data reported by Konig et al. (loc. cit.), in which 0.08 m/s was used and bubbles as small as 1 mm were produced from a 5-µm porous sparger. Slabs of porous material are installed by grouting or welding together to form a diaphragm, usually horizontal. Tubes are prone to produce coalesced gas at rates high enough to cause bubbling from their lower faces, but they have the advantage of being demountable for cleaning or replacement (U.S. Patent 2,328,655). Roe [Sewage (a) (b) PHASE DISPERSION 14-105 FIG. 14-95 Comparison of bubbles from a porous septum and from a perforated-pipe sparger. Air in water at 70°F. (a) Grade 25 porous-carbon diffuser operating under a pressure differential of 13.7 in of water. (b) Karbate pipe perforated with 1/16-in holes on 1-in centers. To convert inches to centimeters, multiply by 2.54; °C = 5 ⁄9 (°F − 32). (National Carbon Co.) Works J., 18, 878 (1945)] claimed that silicon carbide tubes are superior to horizontal plates, principally because of the wiping action of the liquid circulating past the tube. He reported respective maximum capacities of 2.5 and 1.5 cm 2 /s of gas/cm 2 of sparger for a horizontal tube and a horizontal plate of the same material (unspecified grade). Mounting a flat-plate porous sparger vertically instead of horizontally seriously reduces the effectiveness of the sparger for three reasons: (1) The gas is distributed over a reduced cross section; (2) at normal rates, the lower portion of the sparger may not operate because of difference in hydrostatic head; and (3) there is a marked tendency for bubbles to coalesce along the sparger surface. Bone (M.S. thesis in chemical engineering, University of Kansas, 1948) found that the oxygen sulfite solution coefficient for a 3.2- by 10-cm rectangular porous carbon sparger was 26 to 41 percent lower for vertical than for horizontal operation of the sparger, the greatest reduction occurring when the long dimension was vertical. Precipitation and Generation Methods For a thorough understanding of the phenomena involved, bubble nucleation should be considered. A discussion of nucleation phenomena is beyond the scope of this handbook; however, a starting point with recent references is Deng, Lee, and Cheng, J. Micromech. Microeng., 15, 564 (2005), and Jones, Evans, and Galvin, Adv. Colloid and Interface Sci. 80, 27 (1999). Gas Dispersion—Vessel Headspace Boerma and Lankester have measured the surface aeration of a nine-bladed disk-type turbine (NOTE: A well-designed pitched-blade turbine will give equal or better performance). In a fully baffled vessel, the optimum depth to obtain maximum gas dispersion was 15 to 50 percent of the impeller diameter.

14-106 EQUIPMENT FOR DISTILLATION, GAS ABSORPTION, PHASE DISPERSION, AND PHASE SEPARATION TABLE 14-23 Characteristics of Porous Septa Air-permeability data Avg. Diaphragm Pressure Air flow, Avg. % pore thickness, differential, cu ft/ Grade porosity diam. in in water (sq ft)(min) Alundum porous alumina* P2220 25 1 2 0.35 P2120 36 60 1 2 2 P260 35 164 1 2 15 P236 34 240 1 2 40 P216 720 1 2 110 National porous carbon† 60 48 33 1 2 45 48 58 1 2 2 25 48 120 1 2 13 Filtros porous silica‡ Extra fine 26.0 55 1.5 2 1–3 Fine 28.8 110 1.5 2 4–8 Medium fine 31.1 130 1.5 2 9–12 Medium 33.7 150 1.5 2 13–20 Medium coarse 33.8 200 1.5 2 21–30 Coarse 34.5 250 1.5 2 31–59 Extra coarse 36.5 300 1.5 2 60–100 Porous plastic§ Teflon 9 0.125 1.38 5 Kel-F 15 0.125 1.38 13 Micro Metallic porous stainless steel§,¶ H 45 5 0.125 1.38 1.8 G 50 10 0.125 1.38 3 F 50 20 0.125 1.38 5 E 50 35 0.125 1.38 18 D 50 65 0.125 1.38 60 C 55 165 0.125 27.7 990 *Data by courtesy of Norton Co., Worcester, Mass. A number of other grades between the extremes listed are available. †Data by courtesy of National Carbon Co., Cleveland, Ohio. ‡Data by courtesy of Filtros Inc., East Rochester, N.Y. §Data by courtesy of Pall Corp., Glen Cove, N.Y. ¶Similar septa made from other metals are available. In a vessel with baffles extending only halfway to the liquid surface the optimum impeller submergence increased with agitator speed because of the vortex formed. At optimum depth, the following correlation is recommended for larger vessels: Q = 0.00015(N/10) 2.5 (D/0.1) 4.5 (14-214) with Q in m 3 /s, N in rps, and D in m. Thus, a typical 3-m-diameter plant-size vessel, with four-blade pitched impeller (D = 1 m) operating at 2 rps will give gas dispersion from the headspace into the batch of Q = 0.00015(2/10) 2.5 (2/0.1) 4.5 = 1.9 m 3 /s (4000 ft 3 /min). Borema et al. (op. cit.) recommend headspace gas dispersion with partial baffling for fatty oils hydrogenation in stirred reactors: “The hydrogen in the head-space of the closed reactor can again be brought into contact with the liquid by a stirrer under the liquid level, . . .” And Penney in Paul et al. (loc. cit.) says, “partial baffling can be very effective to produce a vortex, which can effectively drawdown gas from the headspace. . . .” However, Middleton et al. in Paul et al. (op. cit) say, “The simplest self-inducer for an agitated vessel is an impeller located near the surface, sometimes with the upper part of the baffles removed so as to encourage the formation of a vortex. This is, however, a sensitive and unstable arrangement. It is better, although probably more expensive, to use a self-inducing impeller system in which gas is drawn down a hollow shaft to the low-pressure region behind the blades of a suitable, often shrouded impeller. ...Various proprietary designs are available, such as the Ekato gasjet, Prasair AGR and the Frings Friborator. . . .” Figure 14-97 illustrates a gas-inducing hollow shaft/hollow impeller agitator. In many hydrogenation reactors, the impeller just FIG. 14-96 Pressure drop across porous-carbon diffusers submerged in water at 70°F. To convert feet per minute to meters per second, multiply by 0.0051; to convert inches to millimeters, multiply by 25.4; °C = 5 ⁄9 (°F − 32). (National Carbon Co.) underneath the free surface has, without any doubt, performed admirably; consequently, one must consider this fact very carefully before using a self-inducing impeller. Gas dispersion through the free surface by mechanical aerators is commonplace in aerobic waste-treatment lagoons. Surface aerators are generally of three types: (1) large-diameter flow-speed turbines operating just below the free surface of the liquid, often pontoonmounted; (2) small-diameter high-speed (normally motor-speed) propellers operating in draft tubes, the units of which are always pontoon-mounted; and (3) hollow-tube turbines (Fig. 14-97). An example of the turbine type is illustrated in Fig. 14-98 and the propeller type is illustrated in Fig. 14-99. There are several other styles of the turbine type; for instance, Mixing Equipment Co., Inc., (, uses an unshrouded 45° axial-flow turbine [see Dykman and Michel, Chem. Eng., 117 (Mar. 10, 1969)], and Infilco ( makes a unit that has a large-diameter vaned disk operating just below the free surface with a smaller-diameter submerged-disk turbine for additional solids suspension. Aeration injectors, like the one shown in Fig. 14-100 by Penberthy [a division of Houdialle Industries (], are used to provide mass transfer in gas-liquid applications, and simple impingement aerators (Fig. 14-101) are sometimes used for masstransfer applications. Equipment Selection Ideally, selection of equipment to produce a gas-in-liquid dispersion should be made on the basis of a complete economic analysis. The design engineer and especially the pilot-plant engineer seldom have sufficient information or time to do a complete economic analysis. In the following discussion, some TABLE 14-24 1 in Thick* Wet Permeability of Alundum Porous Plates Dry permeability at 2 in Pressure differential Air flow through of water differential, across wet plate, wet plate, cu ft/(min)(sq ft) in of water cu ft/(min)(sq ft) 4.3 20.67 2.0 21.77 3.0 22.86 4.0 23.90 5.0 55.0 4.02 1.0 4.14 2.0 4.22 3.0 4.27 4.0 4.30 5.0 *Data by courtesy of Norton Company, Worcester, Mass. To convert inches to centimeters, multiply by 2.54; to convert feet per minute to meters per second, multiply by 0.0051.

operation, for the resistance of a septum to the flow of gas increases<br />

when it is wet. The air permeabilities for water-submerged porous<br />

carbon of some of the grades listed in the table are shown in Fig. 14-96.<br />

The data were determined with septa 0.625 in thick in water at 70°F.<br />

Comparable wet-permeability data for 1-in Alundum plates of two<br />

grades of fineness are given in Table 14-24.<br />

The gas rate at which coalescence begins to reduce the effectiveness<br />

of dispersion appears to depend not only on the pore size and<br />

pore structure of the dispersing medium but also on the liquid properties,<br />

liquid depth, agitation, and other features of the sparging environment;<br />

coalescence is strongly dependent on the concentration of<br />

surfactants capable of forming an electrical double layer and thus<br />

produce ionic bubbles, long-chain alcohols in water being excellent<br />

examples. For porous-carbon media, the manufacturer suggests that<br />

the best dispersion performance will result if the broken-line regions<br />

of Fig. 14-96 are avoided. For porous stainless-steel spargers, which<br />

extend to a lower pore size than carbon, Micro Metallic Division, Pall<br />

Corp., recommends (Release 120A, 1959) a working limit of 8 ft/min<br />

(0.044 m/s) to avoid serious coalescence. This agrees with the data<br />

reported by Konig et al. (loc. cit.), in which 0.08 m/s was used and<br />

bubbles as small as 1 mm were produced from a 5-µm porous<br />

sparger.<br />

Slabs of porous material are installed by grouting or welding<br />

together to form a diaphragm, usually horizontal. Tubes are prone to<br />

produce coalesced gas at rates high enough to cause bubbling from<br />

their lower faces, but they have the advantage of being demountable<br />

for cleaning or replacement (U.S. Patent 2,328,655). Roe [Sewage<br />

(a) (b)<br />


FIG. 14-95 Comparison of bubbles from a porous septum and from a perforated-pipe sparger. Air in water at 70°F. (a) Grade<br />

25 porous-carbon diffuser operating under a pressure differential of 13.7 in of water. (b) Karbate pipe perforated with 1/16-in<br />

holes on 1-in centers. To convert inches to centimeters, multiply by 2.54; °C = 5 ⁄9 (°F − 32). (National Carbon Co.)<br />

Works J., 18, 878 (1945)] claimed that silicon carbide tubes are superior<br />

to horizontal plates, principally because of the wiping action of<br />

the liquid circulating past the tube. He reported respective maximum<br />

capacities of 2.5 and 1.5 cm 2 /s of gas/cm 2 of sparger for a horizontal<br />

tube and a horizontal plate of the same material (unspecified grade).<br />

Mounting a flat-plate porous sparger vertically instead of horizontally<br />

seriously reduces the effectiveness of the sparger for three reasons: (1)<br />

The gas is distributed over a reduced cross section; (2) at normal rates,<br />

the lower portion of the sparger may not operate because of difference<br />

in hydrostatic head; and (3) there is a marked tendency for bubbles<br />

to coalesce along the sparger surface. Bone (M.S. thesis in<br />

chemical engineering, University of Kansas, 1948) found that the oxygen<br />

sulfite solution coefficient for a 3.2- by 10-cm rectangular porous<br />

carbon sparger was 26 to 41 percent lower for vertical than for horizontal<br />

operation of the sparger, the greatest reduction occurring when<br />

the long dimension was vertical.<br />

Precipitation and Generation Methods For a thorough understanding<br />

of the phenomena involved, bubble nucleation should be considered.<br />

A discussion of nucleation phenomena is beyond the scope of<br />

this handbook; however, a starting point with recent references is Deng,<br />

Lee, and Cheng, J. Micromech. Microeng., 15, 564 (2005), and Jones,<br />

Evans, and Galvin, Adv. Colloid and Interface Sci. 80, 27 (1999).<br />

Gas Dispersion—Vessel Headspace Boerma and Lankester<br />

have measured the surface aeration of a nine-bladed disk-type turbine<br />

(NOTE: A well-designed pitched-blade turbine will give equal or better<br />

performance). In a fully baffled vessel, the optimum depth to obtain<br />

maximum gas dispersion was 15 to 50 percent of the impeller diameter.

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