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surface of a porous plate was such as to maintain constancy of the<br />

product of bubble specific surface and interfacial tension as the latter<br />

was varied by addition of a surfactant. Konig et al. [Ger. Chem. Eng.,<br />

1, 199 (1978)] produced bubble sizes varying from 0.5 to 4 mm by the<br />

use of two porous-plate spargers and one perforated-plate sparger<br />

with superficial gas velocities from 1 to 8 cm/s. The small bubble sizes<br />

were stabilized by adding up to 0.5 percent of various alcohols to<br />

water.<br />

At high-flow rates through perforated plates such as those that<br />

occur in distillation columns, Calderbank and Rennie [Trans. Instn.<br />

Chem. Engrs., 40, T3 (1962)]; Porter et al. [ibid., 45, T265 (1967)];<br />

Rennie and Evans [Br. Chem. Eng, 7, 498 (1962)]; and Valentin (op.<br />

cit., Chap. 3) have investigated and discussed the effect of the flow<br />

conditions through the multiple orifices on the froths and foams that<br />

occur above perforated plates.<br />

Entrainment and Mechanical Disintegration Gas can be<br />

entrained into a liquid by a solid or a stream of liquid falling from the<br />

gas phase into the liquid, by surface ripples or waves, and by the vertical<br />

swirl of a mass of agitated liquid about the axis of a rotating agitator.<br />

Small bubbles probably form near the surface of the liquid and are<br />

caught into the path of turbulent eddies, whose velocity exceeds the<br />

terminal velocity of the bubbles. The disintegration of a submerged<br />

mass of gas takes place by the turbulent tearing of smaller bubbles<br />

away from the exterior of the larger mass or by the influence of surface<br />

tension on the mass when it is attenuated by inertial or shear forces<br />

into a cylindrical or disk form. A fluid cylinder that is greater in length<br />

than in circumference is unstable and tends to break spontaneously<br />

into two or more spheres. These effects account for the action of fluid<br />

attrition and of an agitator in the disintegration of suspended gas.<br />

Quantitative correlations for gas entrainment by liquid jets and in agitated<br />

vessels will be given later.<br />

Foams Two excellent reviews (Shedlovsky, op. cit.; Lemlich, op.<br />

cit.; Herzhaft, op. cit.; and Heller et al., op. cit) covering the literature<br />

pertinent to foams have been published. A foam is formed when bubbles<br />

rise to the surface of a liquid and persist for a while without coalescence<br />

with one another or without rupture into the vapor space.<br />

The formation of foam, then, consists simply of the formation, rise,<br />

and aggregation of bubbles in a liquid in which foam can exist. The life<br />

of foams varies over many magnitudes—from seconds to years—but<br />

in general is finite. Maintenance of a foam, therefore, is a dynamic<br />

phenomenon.<br />

Gravitational force favors the separation of gas from liquid in a disperse<br />

system, causing the bubbles to rise to the liquid surface and the<br />

liquid contained in the bubble walls to drain downward to the main<br />

body of the liquid. Interfacial tension favors the coalescence and ultimate<br />

disappearance of bubbles; indeed, it is the cause of bubble<br />

destruction upon the rupture of the laminae.<br />

The viscosity of the liquid in a film opposes the drainage of the film<br />

and its displacement by the approach of coalescing bubbles. The<br />

higher the viscosity, the slower will be the film-thinning process; furthermore,<br />

if viscosity increases as the film grows thinner, the process<br />

becomes self-retarding. The viscosity of films appears to be greater<br />

than that of the main body of the parent liquid in many cases. Sometimes<br />

this is a simple temperature effect, the film being cooler<br />

because of evaporation; sometimes it is a concentration effect, with<br />

dissolved or fine suspended solids migrating to the interface and producing<br />

classical or anomalous increases in viscosity; at yet other times,<br />

the effect seems to occur without explanation.<br />

If the liquid laminae of a foam system can be converted to impermeable<br />

solid membranes, the film viscosity can be regarded as having<br />

become infinite, and the resulting solid foam will be permanent.<br />

Likewise, if the laminae are composed of a gingham plastic or a<br />

thixotrope, the foam will be permanently stable for bubbles whose<br />

buoyancy does not permit exceeding the yield stress. For other nonnewtonian<br />

fluids, however, and for all newtonian ones, no matter<br />

how viscous, the viscosity can only delay but never prevent foam<br />

disappearance. The popular theory, held since the days of Plateau,<br />

that foam life is proportional to surface viscosity and inversely proportional<br />

to interfacial tension, is not correct, according to Bikerman<br />

(op. cit., p. 161), who points out that it is contradicted by<br />

experiment.<br />

The idea that foam films drain to a critical thickness at which they<br />

spontaneously burst is also rejected by Bikerman. Foam stability, rather,<br />

is keyed to the existence of a surface skin of low interfacial tension<br />

immediately overlying a solution bulk of higher tension, latent until it is<br />

exposed by rupture of the superficial layer [Maragoni, Nuovo Cimento,<br />

2 (5–6), 239 (1871)]. Such a phenomenon of surface elasticity, resulting<br />

from concentration differences between bulk and surface of the liquid,<br />

accounts for the ability of bubbles to be penetrated by missiles without<br />

damage. It is conceivable that films below a certain thickness no longer<br />

carry any bulk of solution and hence have no capacity to close surface<br />

ruptures, thus becoming vulnerable to mechanical damage that will<br />

destroy them. The Maragoni phenomenon is consistent also with the<br />

observation that neither pure liquids nor saturated solutions will sustain<br />

a foam, since neither extreme will allow the necessary differences in<br />

concentration between surface and bulk of solution.<br />

The specific ability of certain finely divided, insoluble solids to stabilize<br />

foam has long been known [Berkman and Egloff, op. cit., p. 133;<br />

and Bikerman, op. cit., Chap. 11]. Bartsch [Kolloidchem. Beih, 20, 1<br />

(1925)] found that the presence of fine galena greatly extended the<br />

life of air foam in aqueous isoamyl alcohol, and the finer the solids, the<br />

greater the stability. Particles on the order of 50 µm length extended<br />

the life from 17 seconds to several hours. This behavior is consistent<br />

with theory, which indicates that a solid particle of medium contact<br />

angle with the liquid will prevent the coalescence of two bubbles with<br />

which it is in simultaneous contact. Quantitative observations of this<br />

phenomenon are scanty.<br />

Berkman and Egloff explain that some additives increase the flexibility<br />

or toughness of bubble walls, rather than their viscosity, to render<br />

them more durable. They cite as illustrations the addition of small<br />

quantities of soap to saponin solutions or of glycerin to soap solution<br />

to yield much more stable foam. The increased stability with ionic<br />

additives is probably due to electrostatic repulsion between charged,<br />

nearly parallel surfaces of the liquid film, which acts to retard draining<br />

and hence rupture.<br />

Characteristics of Dispersion<br />

Properties of Component Phases As discussed in the preceding<br />

subsection, dispersions of gases in liquids are affected by the viscosity<br />

of the liquid, the density of the liquid and of the gas, and the interfacial<br />

tension between the two phases. They also may be affected directly by<br />

the composition of the liquid phase. Both the formation of bubbles and<br />

their behavior during their lifetime are influenced by these quantities<br />

as well as by the mechanical aspects of their environment.<br />

Viscosity and density of the component phases can be measured<br />

with confidence by conventional methods, as can the interfacial<br />

tension between a pure liquid and a gas. The interfacial tension of a<br />

system involving a solution or micellar dispersion becomes less satisfactory,<br />

because the interfacial free energy depends on the concentration<br />

of solute at the interface. Dynamic methods and even<br />

some of the so-called static methods involve the creation of new<br />

surfaces. Since the establishment of equilibrium between this surface<br />

and the solute in the body of the solution requires a finite<br />

amount of time, the value measured will be in error if the measurement<br />

is made more rapidly than the solute can diffuse to the fresh<br />

surface. Eckenfelder and Barnhart (Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 42d<br />

national meeting, Repr. 30, Atlanta, 1960) found that measurements<br />

of the surface tension of sodium lauryl sulfate solutions by<br />

maximum bubble pressure were higher than those by DuNuoy tensiometer<br />

by 40 to 90 percent, the larger factor corresponding to a<br />

concentration of about 100 ppm, and the smaller to a concentration<br />

of 2500 ppm of sulfate.<br />

Even if the interfacial tension is measured accurately, there may be<br />

doubt about its applicability to the surface of bubbles being rapidly<br />

formed in a solution of a surface-active agent, for the bubble surface may<br />

not have time to become equilibrated with the solution. Coppock and<br />

Meiklejohn [Trans. Instn. Chem. Engrs., 29, 75 (1951)] reported that<br />

bubbles formed in the single-bubble regime at an orifice in a solution of<br />

a commercial detergent had a diameter larger than that calculated in<br />

terms of the measured surface tension of the solution [Eq. (14-206)].<br />

The disparity is probably a reflection of unequilibrated bubble laminae.

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