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1.25(Af) Uflood = (14-203) 3/8 [g(ρL −ρG)] 0.3125 σ 0.1875 ���� The relationship is dimensionally consistent; any set of consistent units on the right-hand side yields velocity units on the left-hand side. It is similar in form to Eq. (14-168) and provides a conceptual framework for understanding the ultimate distillation column capacity concept. “Upper Limit” Flooding in Vertical Tubes If, instead of a gas jet being injected into a liquid as in distillation, the liquid runs down the walls and the gas moves up the center of the tube, higher velocities can be achieved than shown by Eq. (14-168) or (14-203). This application is important in the design of vertical condensers. Maharudrayya and Jayanti [AIChE J., 48(2), 212–220 (2002)] show that peak pressure drop in a 25-mm vertical tube occurs at a value close to that predicted by Eq. (14-168) or (14-203). At this velocity about 20 percent of the injected liquid is being entrained out the top of the tube. However, the condition where essentially all liquid was entrained didn’t occur until a velocity over twice the value estimated from Eq. (14-168) and Eq. (14-203). The higher velocities at modest entrainment observed by Maharudrayya and Jayanti were obtained with special smooth entry of gas (and exit of liquid) at the bottom of the tube. Hewitt (Handbook of Heat Exchanger Design, pp. 2.3.2-23, 1992) suggests that these values should be derated by at least 35 percent for more typical sharp heat exchanger tube entry. Similar to the smooth entry effect, other data suggest that countercurrent capacity can be increased by providing an extension of the tube below the tube sheet, with the bottom of the extension cut on a steep angle (>60°) to the horizontal. The tapered extension facilitates drainage of liquid. An extensive data bank correlated by Diehl and Koppany [Chem. Eng. Prog. Symp. Ser., 65, 77–83 (1965)] also gave higher allowable entry velocities than Eq. (14-168) or (14-203). Dielhl and Koppany’s correlation [Eq. (14-204)] is dimensional, and appears to give a much higher dependence on σ than the more recent work. However, for many fluids, σ 0.5 is essentially the same as the combination σ 0.1875 (ρ l − ρ g) 0.3125 that appears in Eq. (14-203). Hence Eq. (14-204) gives a similar physical property dependence. where U f = flooding gas velocity, m/s F 1 = 1.22 when 3.2 d i/σ>1.0 = 1.22 (3.2 d i/σ) 0.4 when 3.2 d i/σ

14-98 EQUIPMENT FOR DISTILLATION, GAS ABSORPTION, PHASE DISPERSION, AND PHASE SEPARATION TABLE 14-21 Simulation of Three Heat Exchangers with Varying Foreign Nuclei 1 2 3 Weight fraction, noncondensable Inlet 0.51 0.42 0.02 Outlet Molecular weight 0.80 0.80 0.32 Inert 28 29 29 Condensable Temperature difference between gas and liquid interface, K 86 99 210 Inlet 14 24 67 Outlet Percent of liquid that leaves unit as fog Nuclei concentration in inlet particles/cm 4 10 4 3 100 0.05 1.1 2.2 1,000 0.44 5.6 3.9 10,000 3.2 9.8 4.9 100,000 9.6 11.4 5.1 1,000,000 13.3 11.6 10,000,000 14.7 ∞ 14.7 11.8 5.1 Fog particle size based on 10,000 nuclei/cm3 at inlet, µm 28 25 4 yields the same relative increase in temperature driving force. However, the interface vapor pressure can only approach the limit of zero. Because of this, for equal molecular and thermal diffusivities a saturated mixture will supersaturate when cooled. The tendency to supersaturate generally increases with increased molecular weight of the condensable, increased temperature differences, and reduced initial superheating. To evaluate whether a given condensing step yields fog requires rigorous treatment of the coupled heat-transfer and masstransfer processes through the entire condensation. Steinmeyer [Chem. Eng. Prog., 68(7), 64 (1972)] illustrates this, showing the impact of foreign-nuclei concentration on calculated fog formation. See Table 14-21. Note the relatively large particles generated for cases 1 and 2 for 10,000 foreign nuclei per cm 3 . These are large enough to be fairly easily collected. There have been very few documented problems with industrial condensers despite the fact that most calculate to generate supersaturation along the condensing path. The explanation appears to be a limited supply of foreign nuclei. Ryan et al. [Chem. Eng. Progr., 90(8), 83 (1994)] show that separate mass and heat transfer-rate modeling of an HCl absorber predicts 2 percent fog in the vapor. The impact is equivalent to lowering the stage efficiency to 20 percent. Spontaneous (Homogeneous) Nucleation This process is quite difficult because of the energy barrier associated with creation of the interfacial area. It can be treated as a kinetic process with the rate a very steep function of the supersaturation ratio (S = partial pressure of condensable per vapor pressure at gas temperature). For water, an increase in S from 3.4 to 3.9 causes a 10,000-fold increase in the nucleation rate. As a result, below a critical supersaturation (Scrit), homogeneous nucleation is slow enough to be ignored. Generally, Scrit is defined as that which limits nucleation to one particle produced per cubic centimeter per second. It can be estimated roughly by traditional theory (Theory of Fog Condensation, Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, 1967) using the following equation: Scrit = exp�0.56 �� 3/2 � � ρl T where σ=surface tension, mN/m (dyn/cm) ρ l = liquid density, g/cm 3 T = temperature, K M = molecular weight of condensable � (14-205) Table 14-22 shows typical experimental values of S crit taken from the work of Russel [J. Chem. Phys., 50, 1809 (1969)]. Since the critical supersaturation ratio for homogeneous nucleation is typically greater M σ TABLE 14-22 Experimental Critical Supersaturation Ratios Temperature, K Scrit H2O 264 4.91 C2H5OH 275 2.13 CH4OH 264 3.55 C6H6 253 5.32 CCl4 247 6.5 CHCl3 258 3.73 C6H5Cl 250 9.5 than 3, it is not often reached in process equipment. However, fog formation is typically found in steam turbines. Gyarmathy [Proc. Inst. Mech. E., Part A: J. Power and Energy 219(A6), 511–521 (2005)] reports fog in the range 3.5 to 5 percent of total steam flow, with average fog diameter in the range of 0.1 to 0.2 µm. Growth on Foreign Nuclei As noted above, foreign nuclei are often present in abundance and permit fog formation at much lower supersaturation. For example, 1. Solids. Surveys have shown that air contains thousands of particles per cubic centimeter in the 0.1-µm to 1-µm range suitable for nuclei. The sources range from ocean-generated salt spray to combustion processes. The concentration is highest in large cities and industrial regions. When the foreign nuclei are soluble in the fog, nucleation occurs at S values very close to 1.0. This is the mechanism controlling atmospheric water condensation. Even when not soluble, a foreign particle is an effective nucleus if wet by the liquid. Thus, a 1-µm insoluble particle with zero contact angle requires an S of only 1.001 in order to serve as a condensation site for water. 2. Ions. Amelin [Theory of Fog Condensation, Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, (1967)] reports that ordinary air contains even higher concentrations of ions. These ions also reduce the required critical supersaturation, but by only about 10 to 20 percent, unless multiple charges are present. 3. Entrained liquids. Production of small droplets is inherent in the bubbling process, as shown by Fig. 14-90. Values range from near zero to 10,000/cm 3 of vapor, depending on how the vapor breaks through the liquid and on the opportunity for evaporation of the small drops after entrainment. As a result of these mechanisms, most process streams contain enough foreign nuclei to cause some fogging. While fogging has been reported in only a relatively low percent of process partial condensers, it is rarely looked for and volunteers its presence only when yield losses or pollution is intolerable. Dropsize Distribution Monodisperse (nearly uniform droplet size) fogs can be grown by providing a long retention time for growth. However, industrial fogs usually show a broad distribution, as in Fig. 14-91. Note also that for this set of data, the sizes are several orders of magnitude smaller than those shown earlier for entrainment and atomizers. The result, as discussed in a later subsection, is a demand for different removal devices for the small particles. While generally fog formation is a nuisance, it can occasionally be useful because of the high surface area generated by the fine drops. An example is insecticide application. GAS-IN-LIQUID DISPERSIONS GENERAL REFERENCES: Design methods for agitated vessels are presented by Penney in Couper et al., Chemical Process Equipment, Selection and Design, Chap. 10, Gulf Professional Publishing, Burlington, Mass., 2005. A comprehensive review of all industrial mixing technology is given by Paul, Atemo-Obeng, and Kresta, Handbook of Industrial Mixing, Wiley, Hoboken, N.J., 2004. Comprehensive treatments of bubbles or foams are given by Akers, Foams: Symposium 1975, Academic Press, New York, 1973; Bendure, Tappi, 58, 83 (1975); Benfratello, Energ Elettr., 30, 80, 486 (1953); Berkman and Egloff, Emulsions and Foams, Reinhold, New York, 1941, pp. 112–152; Bikerman, Foams, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1975; Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 4th ed., Wiley, New York, 1993, pp. 82–145; Haberman and Morton, Report 802, David W. Taylor Model Basin, Washington, 1953; Levich, Physicochemical Hydrodynamics, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1962; and Soo, Fluid Dynamics of Multiphase Systems, Blaisdell, Waltham, Massachusetts,

1.25(Af)<br />

Uflood = (14-203)<br />

3/8 [g(ρL −ρG)] 0.3125 σ 0.1875<br />

����<br />

The relationship is dimensionally consistent; any set of consistent<br />

units on the right-hand side yields velocity units on the left-hand side.<br />

It is similar in form to Eq. (14-168) and provides a conceptual framework<br />

for understanding the ultimate distillation column capacity concept.<br />

“Upper Limit” Flooding in Vertical Tubes If, instead of a gas<br />

jet being injected into a liquid as in distillation, the liquid runs down<br />

the walls and the gas moves up the center of the tube, higher velocities<br />

can be achieved than shown by Eq. (14-168) or (14-203). This<br />

application is important in the design of vertical condensers.<br />

Maharudrayya and Jayanti [AIChE J., 48(2), 212–220 (2002)] show<br />

that peak pressure drop in a 25-mm vertical tube occurs at a value<br />

close to that predicted by Eq. (14-168) or (14-203). At this velocity<br />

about 20 percent of the injected liquid is being entrained out the top<br />

of the tube. However, the condition where essentially all liquid was<br />

entrained didn’t occur until a velocity over twice the value estimated<br />

from Eq. (14-168) and Eq. (14-203).<br />

The higher velocities at modest entrainment observed by Maharudrayya<br />

and Jayanti were obtained with special smooth entry of gas<br />

(and exit of liquid) at the bottom of the tube. Hewitt (Handbook of<br />

Heat Exchanger Design, pp. 2.3.2-23, 1992) suggests that these values<br />

should be derated by at least 35 percent for more typical sharp heat<br />

exchanger tube entry. Similar to the smooth entry effect, other data<br />

suggest that countercurrent capacity can be increased by providing<br />

an extension of the tube below the tube sheet, with the bottom of the<br />

extension cut on a steep angle (>60°) to the horizontal. The tapered<br />

extension facilitates drainage of liquid.<br />

An extensive data bank correlated by Diehl and Koppany [Chem. Eng.<br />

Prog. Symp. Ser., 65, 77–83 (1965)] also gave higher allowable entry<br />

velocities than Eq. (14-168) or (14-203). Dielhl and Koppany’s correlation<br />

[Eq. (14-204)] is dimensional, and appears to give a much higher<br />

dependence on σ than the more recent work. However, for many fluids,<br />

σ 0.5 is essentially the same as the combination σ 0.1875 (ρ l − ρ g) 0.3125 that<br />

appears in Eq. (14-203). Hence Eq. (14-204) gives a similar physical<br />

property dependence.<br />

where U f = <strong>flooding</strong> gas velocity, m/s<br />

F 1 = 1.22 when 3.2 d i/σ>1.0<br />

= 1.22 (3.2 d i/σ) 0.4 when 3.2 d i/σ

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