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Equation (14-182) says that the backcalculated NG is 2:<br />

NG =−ln(1 − 0.86) = 2<br />

For diffusing gases of similar molecular weight, the properties that control<br />

heat transfer follow the same rules as those that control mass transfer. As a<br />

result, the NH3 scrubbing and gas cooling processes achieve similar approaches<br />

to equilibrium.<br />

For an entry temperature of 120°C and an adiabatic saturation temperature<br />

of 70°C, the expected outlet temperature would be<br />

70 + (1 − 0.86)(120 − 70) = 77°C<br />

This looks like a powerful concept, but its value is limited due to uncertainty<br />

in estimating hGa. Both h G and a are difficult to estimate due to<br />

dependence on power dissipation as discussed below. The primary<br />

value of the N G concept is in estimating an expected change from baseline<br />

data as in the comparison of Example 19 with Example 20.<br />

Example 20: A Contactor That Is Twice as Long, No Bypassing<br />

If we double the length of the pipeline contactor, double the effective<br />

contact area, and double the number of transfer units to 4, what do we expect<br />

for performance?<br />

For NG = 4,<br />

E = 1 − e−4 = 0.982<br />

The NH3 in the exit gas would be expected to drop to<br />

(1 − 0.982)(1000) = 18 ppm<br />

and the expected outlet temperature would be<br />

70 + (1 − 0.982)(120 − 70) = 70.9°C<br />

If we double the length again, we increase the number of transfer units to 8 and<br />

achieve an approach of<br />

E = 1 − e −8 = 0.9997<br />

The outlet temperature would be<br />

70 + (1 − 0.9997)(120 − 70) = 70.015°C<br />

Similarly the NH3 in the exit gas would be<br />

(1 − 0.9997)(1000) = 0.3 ppm<br />

Note that this approximates the exit condition of Example 17.<br />

Transfer Coefficient—Impact of Droplet Size The transfer<br />

coefficients increase as the size of droplets decreases. This is so<br />

because the transfer process is easier if it only has to move mass or<br />

heat a shorter distance (i.e., as the bubble or droplet gets smaller).<br />

In the limiting case of quiescent small bubbles or droplets, the<br />

transfer coefficients vary inversely with average bubble or droplet<br />

diameter. For example, in heat transfer from a droplet interface to a<br />

gas, the minimum value is<br />

hG,min = heat transfer coefficient from interface to gas = 2kG/D<br />

(14-183)<br />

where kG = gas thermal conductivity and<br />

D = droplet diameter.<br />


The designer usually has control over the size of a droplet. As discussed<br />

below, several of the correlations show that droplet diameter<br />

varies with turbulent energy dissipation. For example, Eqs. (14-190)<br />

and (14-201) suggest that in droplet systems<br />

D ∝ {1/(gas velocity)] 1.2<br />

and hence from Eq. (14-178)<br />

a ∝ 1/D ∝ (gas velocity) 1.2 (14-184)<br />

However, just looking at the impact of velocity on droplet size underestimates<br />

the velocity impact because turbulence gives higher transfer<br />

than Eq. (14-183) predicts. Transfer coefficients increase as the mixing<br />

adjacent to the surface increases. This mixing depends on the<br />

energy dissipated into the phases. To a first approximation this transfer<br />

from droplets increases with local power dissipation raised to the<br />

0.2 power.<br />

h G,turbulent ∝ (power dissipated) 0.2<br />

and since power dissipation per unit volume increases with (velocity) 3 ,<br />

h G,turbulent ∝ (velocity) 0.6 (14-185)<br />

The combined effect on interfacial area and on the transfer coefficient<br />

is that the effective transfer increases greatly with gas velocity. From<br />

Eqs. (14-178) and (14-185)<br />

h Ga turbulent ∝ (velocity) 1.8 (14-186)<br />

For quenching operations, this means that even though residence<br />

time is cut as gas velocity goes up, the effective approach to equilibrium<br />

increases. Since the volume for a given length of pipe falls with<br />

(velocity) −1 , the expected number of transfer units NG in a given length<br />

of pipe increases with (velocity) 0.8 .<br />

See Example 21.<br />

NG,turbulent ∝ (hGaturbulent)(volume) ∝ (velocity) 0.8 (14-187)<br />


High-Velocity Pipeline Contactors High-velocity cocurrent<br />

flow can give more power input than any other approach. This is<br />

critical when extremely high rates of reaction quenching are<br />

needed.<br />

Example 21: Doubling the Velocity in a Horizontal Pipeline<br />

Contactor—Impact on Effective Heat Transfer Velocity in pipeline<br />

quench systems often exceeds 62 m/s (200 ft/s). Note that this is far above the<br />

<strong>flooding</strong> velocity in distillation packing, distillation trays, or gas-sparged reactors.<br />

There are few data available to validate performance even though liquid<br />

injection into high-velocity gas streams has been historically used in quenching<br />

reactor effluent systems. However, the designer knows the directional impact of<br />

parameters as given by Eq. (14-187).<br />

For example, if a 10-ft length of pipe gives a 90 percent approach to equilibrium<br />

in a quench operation, Eq. (14-182) says that the backcalculated NG is<br />

2.303:<br />

NG −ln(1 − 0.9) =2.303<br />

Equation (14-187) says if we double velocity but retain the same length, we<br />

would expect an increase of NG to 4.0.<br />

NG = 2.303(2) 0.8 = 4<br />

and<br />

E = 1 − e−4 = 0.982<br />

Restated, the approach to equilibrium rises from 90 percent to greater than 98<br />

percent even though the contact time is cut in half.<br />

Vertical Reverse Jet Contactor A surprisingly effective<br />

modification of the liquid injection quench concept is to inject the<br />

liquid countercurrent upward into a gas flowing downward, with<br />

the gas velocity at some multiple of the <strong>flooding</strong> velocity defined<br />

by Eq. (14-203). The reverse jet contactor can be envisioned as an<br />

upside-down distillation tray. For large gas volumes, multiple<br />

injection nozzles are used. One advantage of this configuration is<br />

that it minimizes the chance of liquid or gas bypassing. Another<br />

advantage is that it operates in the froth region which generates<br />

greater area per unit volume than the higher-velocity cocurrent<br />

pipeline quench.<br />

The concept was first outlined in U.S. Patent 3,803,805 (1974) and<br />

was amplified in U.S. Patent 6,339,169 (2002). The 1974 patent presents<br />

data which clarify that the key power input is from the gas stream.<br />

A more recent article discusses use of the reverse jet in refinery offgas<br />

scrubbing for removal of both SO 2 and small particles [Hydrocarbon

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