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comparison to Example 14 isn’t possible because at the 1.5 m/s velocity of Example 14, the system becomes a froth. But at about one-fifth the velocity of Example 14, an estimate of interfacial area is possible. If the bubble size is 10,000 µm and fractional holdup is 0.4, Eqs. (14-177) and (14-178) give an interfacial area of a = (6/0.01)(0.4) = 240 m 2 /m 3 Measured interfacial area in distillation trays is consistent with this high value. Note the much higher interfacial area than in the droplet systems of Examples 14 and 15. The higher interfacial area when the gas is dispersed explains why bubbling and froth systems often give better performance than droplet systems. The big difference in interfacial area stems from the much larger volume per unit of mass of gas, i.e., lower density of the gas than the liquid. RATE MEASURES, TRANSFER UNITS, APPROACH TO EQUILIBRIUM, AND BYPASSING What Controls Mass/Heat Transfer: Liquid or Gas Transfer or Bypassing Either gas side or liquid side of the interface can be controlling. Liquid-Controlled In fractionation systems with high viscosity or component relative volatility that greatly exceeds 1, the liquid side will be controlling. This is clearly illustrated by Fig. 14-47 which shows a sharp decline in efficiency with either a rise in liquid viscosity or a rise in component relative volatility. Note that high component relative volatility means the same thing as sparingly soluble. Oxygen dissolving in a fermentation reactor is an example of a system being liquid-controlled due to a sparingly soluble gas. Another application that is liquid-controlled is the removal of high relative volatility components out of residual oil. Still another case where liquid controls is in condensing a pure vapor, as in Example 23, or absorbing a pure gas, as in Example 24. Gas-Controlled The gas side dominates in gas cooling applications. An example is the quenching of a furnace effluent with a vaporizing liquid. In this application the liquid is nearly uniform in temperature. Restated, the reduction in driving force across the liquid side of the interface is unimportant. Other applications that are gas-side-controlled include removal of a component such as NH3 from a gas by using an acidic liquid, or removing a component such as SO2 from a gas with a basic liquid. See Examples 19 through 22. Bypassing-Controlled Trayed or packed columns operate with countercurrent flow and can achieve many equilibrium stages in series by good distribution of gas and liquid, and careful control of details. Other devices such as sprays are vulnerable to bypassing and are limited to one equilibrium stage. Rate Measures for Interfacial Processes Terminology used for reporting rate data can be confusing. Normally rate data are reported on a volumetric basis with transfer rate and effective area combined. For example, kLa denotes mass-transfer data per unit volume. The L subscript means it is referenced to the molar concentration difference between the interface and the bulk liquid. This is commonly used on data involving a sparingly soluble (high relative volatility) component. Note that the lowercase k means the data deal only with the resistance in the liquid phase. Less commonly, data are given as kGa. The G subscript means it is referenced to the molar concentration difference between the interface and the gas. This might be used for data on absorbing a gas such as NH3 by a highly acidic liquid. Note that kGa only deals with the resistance in the gas phase. When one is dealing with direct contact heat transfer, the corresponding terms are hLa and hGa. Here the driving force is the temperature difference. The L subscript means that we are dealing with a liquid-limited process such as condensing a pure liquid. How to convert kLa data to an hLa value is illustrated by Example 23. There are ways to combine the liquid and gas resistance to get an overall transfer rate such as KGa (as denoted by the uppercase K). However, data are rarely reported in this form. PHASE DISPERSION 14-89 Approach to Equilibrium Although rate measures such as k Ga and h Ga are often cited in the literature, they are often not as useful to designers as the simpler concept of approach to equilibrium. Approach to equilibrium compares the transfer between liquid and gas phases to the best possible that could be achieved in a single backmixed equilibrium stage. Approach to equilibrium is easy to understand and easy to apply. Examples 17 through 23 illustrate its use. Example 17: Approach to Equilibrium—Perfectly Mixed, Complete Exchange This would be approximated by a very long pipeline contactor where an acidic aqueous stream is injected to cool the gas and remove NH 3. If the adiabatic saturation temperature of the gas is 70°C, at the exit of the contactor, the gas would be cooled to 70°C. Similarly, at the exit of the contactor, the NH 3 in the gas would be zero, regardless of the initial concentration. Example 18: Approach to Equilibrium—Complete Exchange but with 10 Percent Gas Bypassing A spray column is used, and an acidic liquid rains down on the gas of Example 17. If the initial NH3 is 1000 ppm and 10 percent of the gas bypasses, the NH3 in the exit gas would be 0.1(1000) = 100 ppm Similarly, if the gas enters at 120°C, at the exit we would find 10 percent of the differential above the adiabatic saturation temperature. For an adiabatic saturation temperature of 70°C, the exit gas temperature would be 70 + 0.1(120 − 70) = 75°C Approach to Equilibrium—Finite Contactor with No Bypassing When there is no bypassing, the measure that sets the approach is the ratio of change to driving force. This ratio is called the number of transfer units NG. It is dimensionless. For heat-transfer applications, it can be envisioned as a conventional heat exchanger where a vaporizing liquid cools a gas: No. of gas-phase transfer units = �� =NG (14-180) (TG − TL)av Where T G = gas temperature and T L = liquid temperature. The number of transfer units N G can also be calculated as the capability for change divided by the thermal capacitance of the flowing streams. N G = (gas contact time)(hGa) = ��� (14-181) ρGcG TG,out − TG,in (system volume)(hGa) ��� (volumetric flow rate)ρGcG where a = interfacial area per unit volume h G = heat-transfer coefficient from interface to gas ρ G = gas density c G = gas specific heat Note that in the above, performance and properties all refer to the gas, which is appropriate when dealing with a gas-limited transfer process. This leads to a way to estimate the approach to equilibrium. E = 1 − e−N G (14-182) where E = “approach to equilibrium” fractional removal of NH3 or fractional approach to adiabatic liquid temperature N G = number of transfer units calculated relative to gas flow Example 19: Finite Exchange, No Bypassing, Short Contactor A short cocurrent horizontal pipeline contactor gives 86 percent removal of NH 3. There is no bypassing because of the highly turbulent gas flow and injection of liquid into the center of the pipe. What would we expect the exit gas temperature to be?

14-90 EQUIPMENT FOR DISTILLATION, GAS ABSORPTION, PHASE DISPERSION, AND PHASE SEPARATION Equation (14-182) says that the backcalculated NG is 2: NG =−ln(1 − 0.86) = 2 For diffusing gases of similar molecular weight, the properties that control heat transfer follow the same rules as those that control mass transfer. As a result, the NH3 scrubbing and gas cooling processes achieve similar approaches to equilibrium. For an entry temperature of 120°C and an adiabatic saturation temperature of 70°C, the expected outlet temperature would be 70 + (1 − 0.86)(120 − 70) = 77°C This looks like a powerful concept, but its value is limited due to uncertainty in estimating hGa. Both h G and a are difficult to estimate due to dependence on power dissipation as discussed below. The primary value of the N G concept is in estimating an expected change from baseline data as in the comparison of Example 19 with Example 20. Example 20: A Contactor That Is Twice as Long, No Bypassing If we double the length of the pipeline contactor, double the effective contact area, and double the number of transfer units to 4, what do we expect for performance? For NG = 4, E = 1 − e−4 = 0.982 The NH3 in the exit gas would be expected to drop to (1 − 0.982)(1000) = 18 ppm and the expected outlet temperature would be 70 + (1 − 0.982)(120 − 70) = 70.9°C If we double the length again, we increase the number of transfer units to 8 and achieve an approach of E = 1 − e −8 = 0.9997 The outlet temperature would be 70 + (1 − 0.9997)(120 − 70) = 70.015°C Similarly the NH3 in the exit gas would be (1 − 0.9997)(1000) = 0.3 ppm Note that this approximates the exit condition of Example 17. Transfer Coefficient—Impact of Droplet Size The transfer coefficients increase as the size of droplets decreases. This is so because the transfer process is easier if it only has to move mass or heat a shorter distance (i.e., as the bubble or droplet gets smaller). In the limiting case of quiescent small bubbles or droplets, the transfer coefficients vary inversely with average bubble or droplet diameter. For example, in heat transfer from a droplet interface to a gas, the minimum value is hG,min = heat transfer coefficient from interface to gas = 2kG/D (14-183) where kG = gas thermal conductivity and D = droplet diameter. IMPORTANCE OF TURBULENCE The designer usually has control over the size of a droplet. As discussed below, several of the correlations show that droplet diameter varies with turbulent energy dissipation. For example, Eqs. (14-190) and (14-201) suggest that in droplet systems D ∝ {1/(gas velocity)] 1.2 and hence from Eq. (14-178) a ∝ 1/D ∝ (gas velocity) 1.2 (14-184) However, just looking at the impact of velocity on droplet size underestimates the velocity impact because turbulence gives higher transfer than Eq. (14-183) predicts. Transfer coefficients increase as the mixing adjacent to the surface increases. This mixing depends on the energy dissipated into the phases. To a first approximation this transfer from droplets increases with local power dissipation raised to the 0.2 power. h G,turbulent ∝ (power dissipated) 0.2 and since power dissipation per unit volume increases with (velocity) 3 , h G,turbulent ∝ (velocity) 0.6 (14-185) The combined effect on interfacial area and on the transfer coefficient is that the effective transfer increases greatly with gas velocity. From Eqs. (14-178) and (14-185) h Ga turbulent ∝ (velocity) 1.8 (14-186) For quenching operations, this means that even though residence time is cut as gas velocity goes up, the effective approach to equilibrium increases. Since the volume for a given length of pipe falls with (velocity) −1 , the expected number of transfer units NG in a given length of pipe increases with (velocity) 0.8 . See Example 21. NG,turbulent ∝ (hGaturbulent)(volume) ∝ (velocity) 0.8 (14-187) EXAMPLES OF CONTACTORS High-Velocity Pipeline Contactors High-velocity cocurrent flow can give more power input than any other approach. This is critical when extremely high rates of reaction quenching are needed. Example 21: Doubling the Velocity in a Horizontal Pipeline Contactor—Impact on Effective Heat Transfer Velocity in pipeline quench systems often exceeds 62 m/s (200 ft/s). Note that this is far above the flooding velocity in distillation packing, distillation trays, or gas-sparged reactors. There are few data available to validate performance even though liquid injection into high-velocity gas streams has been historically used in quenching reactor effluent systems. However, the designer knows the directional impact of parameters as given by Eq. (14-187). For example, if a 10-ft length of pipe gives a 90 percent approach to equilibrium in a quench operation, Eq. (14-182) says that the backcalculated NG is 2.303: NG −ln(1 − 0.9) =2.303 Equation (14-187) says if we double velocity but retain the same length, we would expect an increase of NG to 4.0. NG = 2.303(2) 0.8 = 4 and E = 1 − e−4 = 0.982 Restated, the approach to equilibrium rises from 90 percent to greater than 98 percent even though the contact time is cut in half. Vertical Reverse Jet Contactor A surprisingly effective modification of the liquid injection quench concept is to inject the liquid countercurrent upward into a gas flowing downward, with the gas velocity at some multiple of the flooding velocity defined by Eq. (14-203). The reverse jet contactor can be envisioned as an upside-down distillation tray. For large gas volumes, multiple injection nozzles are used. One advantage of this configuration is that it minimizes the chance of liquid or gas bypassing. Another advantage is that it operates in the froth region which generates greater area per unit volume than the higher-velocity cocurrent pipeline quench. The concept was first outlined in U.S. Patent 3,803,805 (1974) and was amplified in U.S. Patent 6,339,169 (2002). The 1974 patent presents data which clarify that the key power input is from the gas stream. A more recent article discusses use of the reverse jet in refinery offgas scrubbing for removal of both SO 2 and small particles [Hydrocarbon

comparison to Example 14 isn’t possible because at the 1.5 m/s velocity of<br />

Example 14, the system becomes a froth. But at about one-fifth the velocity of<br />

Example 14, an estimate of interfacial area is possible.<br />

If the bubble size is 10,000 µm and fractional holdup is 0.4, Eqs. (14-177) and<br />

(14-178) give an interfacial area of<br />

a = (6/0.01)(0.4) = 240 m 2 /m 3<br />

Measured interfacial area in distillation trays is consistent with this high value.<br />

Note the much higher interfacial area than in the droplet systems of<br />

Examples 14 and 15. The higher interfacial area when the gas is dispersed<br />

explains why bubbling and froth systems often give better performance<br />

than droplet systems. The big difference in interfacial area stems from the<br />

much larger volume per unit of mass of gas, i.e., lower density of the gas<br />

than the liquid.<br />



What Controls Mass/Heat Transfer: Liquid or Gas Transfer<br />

or Bypassing Either gas side or liquid side of the interface can be<br />

controlling.<br />

Liquid-Controlled In fractionation systems with high viscosity<br />

or component relative volatility that greatly exceeds 1, the liquid side<br />

will be controlling. This is clearly illustrated by Fig. 14-47 which<br />

shows a sharp decline in efficiency with either a rise in liquid viscosity<br />

or a rise in component relative volatility.<br />

Note that high component relative volatility means the same<br />

thing as sparingly soluble. Oxygen dissolving in a fermentation<br />

reactor is an example of a system being liquid-controlled due to a<br />

sparingly soluble gas. Another application that is liquid-controlled<br />

is the removal of high relative volatility components out of residual<br />

oil.<br />

Still another case where liquid controls is in condensing a pure<br />

vapor, as in Example 23, or absorbing a pure gas, as in Example 24.<br />

Gas-Controlled The gas side dominates in gas cooling applications.<br />

An example is the quenching of a furnace effluent with a vaporizing<br />

liquid. In this application the liquid is nearly uniform in<br />

temperature. Restated, the reduction in driving force across the liquid<br />

side of the interface is unimportant.<br />

Other applications that are gas-side-controlled include removal of a<br />

component such as NH3 from a gas by using an acidic liquid, or<br />

removing a component such as SO2 from a gas with a basic liquid. See<br />

Examples 19 through 22.<br />

Bypassing-Controlled Trayed or packed columns operate with<br />

countercurrent flow and can achieve many equilibrium stages in<br />

series by good distribution of gas and liquid, and careful control of<br />

details. Other devices such as sprays are vulnerable to bypassing and<br />

are limited to one equilibrium stage.<br />

Rate Measures for Interfacial Processes Terminology used<br />

for reporting rate data can be confusing. Normally rate data are<br />

reported on a volumetric basis with transfer rate and effective area<br />

combined. For example, kLa denotes mass-transfer data per unit volume.<br />

The L subscript means it is referenced to the molar concentration<br />

difference between the interface and the bulk liquid. This is<br />

commonly used on data involving a sparingly soluble (high relative<br />

volatility) component. Note that the lowercase k means the data deal<br />

only with the resistance in the liquid phase.<br />

Less commonly, data are given as kGa. The G subscript means it is<br />

referenced to the molar concentration difference between the interface<br />

and the gas. This might be used for data on absorbing a gas such<br />

as NH3 by a highly acidic liquid. Note that kGa only deals with the<br />

resistance in the gas phase.<br />

When one is dealing with direct contact heat transfer, the corresponding<br />

terms are hLa and hGa. Here the driving force is the temperature<br />

difference. The L subscript means that we are dealing with a<br />

liquid-limited process such as condensing a pure liquid. How to convert<br />

kLa data to an hLa value is illustrated by Example 23.<br />

There are ways to combine the liquid and gas resistance to get an<br />

overall transfer rate such as KGa (as denoted by the uppercase K).<br />

However, data are rarely reported in this form.<br />


Approach to Equilibrium Although rate measures such as k Ga<br />

and h Ga are often cited in the literature, they are often not as useful to<br />

designers as the simpler concept of approach to equilibrium. Approach<br />

to equilibrium compares the transfer between liquid and gas phases to<br />

the best possible that could be achieved in a single backmixed equilibrium<br />

stage.<br />

Approach to equilibrium is easy to understand and easy to apply.<br />

Examples 17 through 23 illustrate its use.<br />

Example 17: Approach to Equilibrium—Perfectly Mixed, Complete<br />

Exchange This would be approximated by a very long pipeline contactor<br />

where an acidic aqueous stream is injected to cool the gas and remove NH 3.<br />

If the adiabatic saturation temperature of the gas is 70°C, at the exit of the<br />

contactor, the gas would be cooled to 70°C.<br />

Similarly, at the exit of the contactor, the NH 3 in the gas would be zero,<br />

regardless of the initial concentration.<br />

Example 18: Approach to Equilibrium—Complete Exchange<br />

but with 10 Percent Gas Bypassing A spray column is used, and an<br />

acidic liquid rains down on the gas of Example 17. If the initial NH3 is 1000 ppm<br />

and 10 percent of the gas bypasses, the NH3 in the exit gas would be<br />

0.1(1000) = 100 ppm<br />

Similarly, if the gas enters at 120°C, at the exit we would find 10 percent of the<br />

differential above the adiabatic saturation temperature. For an adiabatic saturation<br />

temperature of 70°C, the exit gas temperature would be<br />

70 + 0.1(120 − 70) = 75°C<br />

Approach to Equilibrium—Finite Contactor with No Bypassing<br />

When there is no bypassing, the measure that sets the approach<br />

is the ratio of change to driving force. This ratio is called the number<br />

of transfer units NG. It is dimensionless. For heat-transfer applications,<br />

it can be envisioned as a conventional heat exchanger where a<br />

vaporizing liquid cools a gas:<br />

No. of gas-phase transfer units = �� =NG (14-180)<br />

(TG − TL)av<br />

Where T G = gas temperature and T L = liquid temperature. The<br />

number of transfer units N G can also be calculated as the capability<br />

for change divided by the thermal capacitance of the flowing<br />

streams.<br />

N G =<br />

(gas contact time)(hGa)<br />

= ���<br />

(14-181)<br />

ρGcG<br />

TG,out − TG,in<br />

(system volume)(hGa)<br />

���<br />

(volumetric flow rate)ρGcG<br />

where a = interfacial area per unit volume<br />

h G = heat-transfer coefficient from interface to gas<br />

ρ G = gas density<br />

c G = gas specific heat<br />

Note that in the above, performance and properties all refer to the<br />

gas, which is appropriate when dealing with a gas-limited transfer<br />

process.<br />

This leads to a way to estimate the approach to equilibrium.<br />

E = 1 − e−N G (14-182)<br />

where E = “approach to equilibrium” fractional removal of NH3 or<br />

fractional approach to adiabatic liquid temperature<br />

N G = number of transfer units calculated relative to gas flow<br />

Example 19: Finite Exchange, No Bypassing, Short Contactor<br />

A short cocurrent horizontal pipeline contactor gives 86 percent removal of<br />

NH 3. There is no bypassing because of the highly turbulent gas flow and injection<br />

of liquid into the center of the pipe. What would we expect the exit gas temperature<br />

to be?

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