February Services and Music - Salisbury Cathedral

February Services and Music - Salisbury Cathedral

February Services and Music - Salisbury Cathedral


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Friday 27<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

8.55 caTHedraL scHOOL assemBLY Quire<br />

5.30 HOLOcausT memOriaL service<br />

see special service sheet<br />

Saturday 28 Thomas aquinas, Priest, Philosopher, Teacher, 1274<br />

January / <strong>February</strong> <strong>Services</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Music</strong><br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG<br />

Shephard Responses • Psalms 136, 137 omit vv 7–9 <strong>and</strong> 138<br />

Jackson in G • Mendelssohn When Jesus our Lord<br />

Hymn 269 tune 486<br />

Stanford Postlude in d minor<br />

7.30 cOncerT The King’s singers <strong>and</strong> a cappella<br />

Sunday 29 The Fourth Sunday of Epiphany<br />

8.00 HOLY cOmmuniOn cW Order Two<br />

President The revd charles mitchell-innes, vicar of the close<br />

9.15 MATTINS<br />

Shephard Responses • Venite Chant 7 • Psalm 71: 1–11<br />

Vaughan Williams Te Deum in G • Boyce Jubilate in c<br />

Warlock Benedicamus domino 368<br />

Hymn 374<br />

Vaughan Williams Prelude in c minor<br />

10.30 THe eucHarisT<br />

President The very revd June Osborne, dean<br />

Preacher canon mark Bonney, Treasurer<br />

Revelation 12: 1–5a • Gradual Psalm 111 • Mark 1: 21–28<br />

Victoria O quam gloriosum • Byrd ave verum corpus 65<br />

Hymns 300, 391, 400<br />

Harwood maestoso (Sonata I)<br />

4.30 cHOraL evensOnG<br />

Shephard Responses • Psalms 34<br />

Swayne Magnificat • Wood Nunc dimittis • Chilcott even such is time<br />

Hymn MHT 179<br />

Franck Pastorale (Sonata I)<br />

Monday 30 Charles, King <strong>and</strong> Martyr, 1649<br />

Tuesday 31<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG<br />

Shephard Responses • Psalms 147, 148, 149 <strong>and</strong> 150<br />

Irel<strong>and</strong> in F • Monteverdi cantate domino 207<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

12.15 HOLY cOmmuniOn cW Order i, chapel of st edmund <strong>and</strong> st Thomas<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG<br />

Shephard Responses • Psalms 147–150<br />

Brewer in D • Elgar Light of the world<br />

Wednesday 1 Brigid, Abbess of Kildare, c 525 decani<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOnl<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG with Procession to shrine of the Blessed virgin mary<br />

Terry Responses • Psalms 6–8 • Office hymn 156 tune 288<br />

Bairstow in E flat • Burgon nunc dimittis<br />

Processional Hymn 185<br />

ser v i ces a n d m usic January / <strong>February</strong> 2012 V

<strong>February</strong> <strong>Services</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Music</strong><br />

VI<br />

Thursday 2 The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (C<strong>and</strong>lemas)<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

11.15 HOLY COMMUNION BCP 1662, Chapel of St Edmund <strong>and</strong> St Thomas<br />

5.30 THe eucHarisT<br />

President <strong>and</strong> Preacher canon mark Bonney, canon Treasurer<br />

Malachai 3: 1–5 • Hebrews 2: 14–end • Gradual Psalm 24: 1–6 • Luke 2: 22–40<br />

Berkeley Missa Brevis • Eccard When to the temple 118<br />

Byrd senex puerum portabat 86<br />

Hymns: see service sheet<br />

Friday 3 Anskar, Archbishop of Hamburg, Missionary in Denmark <strong>and</strong> Sweden, 865<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

8.55 caTHedraL scHOOL assemBLY Quire<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG Lay Vicars<br />

Plainsong Responses • Psalm 18: 1–6<br />

Ives Magdalen Service • Walker i will lift up mine eyes 361<br />

Saturday 4 Gilbert of Sempringham, Founder of the Gilbertine Order, 1189<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG<br />

Shephard Responses • Psalms 22 <strong>and</strong> 23<br />

Purcell in G minor • Giovanni Gabrieli Jubilate deo 125<br />

Hymn 243 tune 251<br />

J S Bach Prelude <strong>and</strong> Fugue in G, BWv 550<br />

Sunday 5 The Third Sunday before Lent<br />

8.00 HOLY cOmmuniOn cW Order Two<br />

President The revd michael deegan, director of social Justice<br />

9.15 MATTINS<br />

Shephard Responses • Venite Chant 7 • Psalms 3<br />

Stanford in B flat • Mendelssohn verleih uns Frieden<br />

Hymn 366<br />

Mendelssohn allegro moderato (Sonata I)<br />

10.30 THe eucHarisT<br />

President canon mark Bonney, Treasurer<br />

Preacher The revd charles mitchell-innes, vicar of the close<br />

1 Corinthians 9: 16–23 • Gradual Psalm 147: 1–12 • Mark 1: 29–39<br />

Palestrina Missa Aeterna Christe munera • Lassus ave verum corpus 65<br />

Hymns 324, 378, 102<br />

Harwood allegro appasionata (Sonata I)<br />

Monday 6<br />

4.30 cHOraL evensOnG<br />

Shephard Responses • Psalm 5<br />

Howells Collegium Regale • Jackson alleluia, laudate pueri<br />

Hymn 461<br />

Brahms Prelude <strong>and</strong> Fugue in G minor<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

10.00 cOnTemPLaTinG PraYer Trinity chapel<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG salisbury cathedral chamber choir<br />

Rose Responses • Psalm 34<br />

Purcell in G minor • Purcell i was glad 266<br />

The cathedral choir is giving a concert in st James’, Ludgershall<br />

January / <strong>February</strong> 2012 ser v i ces a n d m usic

Tuesday 7<br />

Wednesday 8<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

12.15 HOLY cOmmuniOn cW Order i, chapel of st edmund <strong>and</strong> st Thomas<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG<br />

Radcliffe Responses • Psalm 37<br />

Wood Collegium Regale • Stravinsky Pater noster 156<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG<br />

Archer Responses • Psalms 41–43<br />

Archer Four <strong>Cathedral</strong>s Service • Howells my eyes for beauty pine<br />

<strong>February</strong> <strong>Services</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Music</strong><br />

Thursday 9 canTOris<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

11.15 HOLY COMMUNION BCP 1662, Chapel of St Edmund <strong>and</strong> St Thomas<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG<br />

Radcliffe Responses • Psalms 47–49<br />

Hunt Short Service • Blow Let my prayer come up 39<br />

Friday 10 Scholastica, sister of Benedict, Abbess of Plombariola, c 543<br />

Saturday 11<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

8.55 caTHedraL scHOOL assemBLY Quire<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG<br />

Radcliffe Responses • Psalms 53, 54 <strong>and</strong> 55 omit v 16<br />

Shephard Dakers Service • Rheinberger abendlied<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG<br />

Radcliffe Responses • Psalms 59 omit vv 12–13, 60 <strong>and</strong> 61<br />

Sumsion in G • Joubert O Lorde, the maker of al thing 215<br />

Hymn HT 7<br />

Joubert Passacaglia <strong>and</strong> Fugue, Op 35<br />

Sunday 12 The Second Sunday before Lent<br />

8.00 HOLY cOmmuniOn cW Order Two<br />

President The very revd June Osborne, dean<br />

9.15 MATTINS<br />

Radcliffe Responses • Venite Chant 1 • Psalm 29<br />

Irel<strong>and</strong> Te deum in F • Halls Jubilate • Dams if i take the wings of the morning<br />

Hymn 418 omit vv 3, 4 <strong>and</strong> 5<br />

Irel<strong>and</strong> elegiac romance<br />

10.30 THe eucHarisT<br />

President The revd charles mitchell-innes, vicar of the close<br />

Preacher The right revd mary Gray-reeves, Bishop of el camino real<br />

Colossians 1: 15–20 • Gradual Psalm 104: 26–end • John 1: 1–14<br />

Mozart in B flat K 275 • Mozart ave verum corpus 212<br />

Hymns HT 6, MHT 124, HT 73<br />

Mozart Fantasia in F minor, K 608<br />

4.30 cHOraL evensOnG with BaPTisms<br />

Radcliffe Responses • Psalm 65<br />

Stanford in A • Stanford Beati quorum via 311<br />

Hymn 456<br />

Stanford Fantasia <strong>and</strong> Toccata in d minor<br />

ser v i ces a n d m usic January / <strong>February</strong> 2012 VII

<strong>February</strong> <strong>Services</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Music</strong><br />

VIII<br />

Monday 13<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG<br />

Radcliffe Responses • Psalm 69 omit vv 23–29, <strong>and</strong> 70<br />

Wood in E flat No 2 • Bainton <strong>and</strong> i saw a new heaven 20<br />

Tuesday 14 Cyril <strong>and</strong> Methodius, Missionaries, 869 <strong>and</strong> 885<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

12.15 HOLY cOmmuniOn cW Order i, chapel of st edmund <strong>and</strong> st Thomas<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG<br />

Radcliffe Responses • Psalms 73 <strong>and</strong> 74<br />

Blow in G • Sumsion all they that go down to the sea<br />

Wednesday 15 Thomas Bray, Priest, Founder of the SPCK <strong>and</strong> SPG, 1730<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG<br />

Halls Responses • Psalm 77<br />

Howells in E flat • Dupré ave maria 58<br />

Thursday 16 decani<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

11.15 HOLY COMMUNION BCP 1662, Chapel of St Edmund <strong>and</strong> St Thomas<br />

12.00 PraYers FOr JusTice <strong>and</strong> Peace morning chapel<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG<br />

Radcliffe Responses • Psalms 82, 84 <strong>and</strong> 85<br />

Tallis Short Service • Harris Faire is the heaven 162<br />

Friday 17 Janani Luwum, Archbishop of Ug<strong>and</strong>a, Martyr, 1977<br />

Saturday 18<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

8.55 caTHedraL scHOOL assemBLY Quire<br />

10.00 rOsarY GrOuP meeTinG chapel of st edmund <strong>and</strong> st Thomas<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG Lay Vicars<br />

Lloyd Responses • Psalm 89 vv 1–6<br />

McWIlliam in D • Purcell Lord, not to us<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG choir of christ church, reading<br />

Ferial Responses • Psalm 94<br />

Walmisley in D minor • Cooper come, my way<br />

Hymn 389<br />

Sunday 19 The Sunday next before Lent<br />

8.00 HOLY cOmmuniOn cW Order Two<br />

President The revd charles mitchell-innes, vicar of the close<br />

9.15 MATTINS Said, Trinity Chapel<br />

Psalm 27<br />

10.30 THe eucHarisT with Healing ministry; choir of christ church, reading<br />

President The very revd June Osborne, dean<br />

Preacher canon edward Probert, chancellor<br />

2 Corinthians 4: 3–6 • Mark 9: 2–9<br />

Howells Collegium Regale • Bullock Give us the wings of faith 62<br />

Hymns 176 tune 486, 178, 177 tune MHT 108, 234ii<br />

4.30 cHOraL evensOnG choir of christ church, reading<br />

Williams Responses • Psalm 2<br />

Kelly in C • Mendelssohn Hear my prayer 203<br />

Hymn 399 tune 257<br />

January / <strong>February</strong> 2012 ser v i ces a n d m usic

Monday 20<br />

Tuesday 21<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

10.30 cOnTemPLaTive inTercessiOn (Healing Team) Trinity chapel<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG salisbury cathedral chamber choir<br />

Ayleward Responses • Psalm 104: 1–23<br />

Blow Short Service • Mendelssohn mitten wir in leben sind<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

12.15 HOLY cOmmuniOn cW Order i, chapel of st edmund <strong>and</strong> st Thomas<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG Polyphonic choir of Old Palace of st John Whitgift school<br />

Archer Responses • Psalm 106: 1–12<br />

Moore on Plainsong Tones • Hemmings ave verum corpus<br />

Wednesday 22 Ash Wednesday<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOnl<br />

11.15 HOLY cOmmuniOn <strong>and</strong> imPOsiTiOn OF asHes<br />

5.30 THe eucHarisT The Farrant singers<br />

President & Preacher The Bishop<br />

Joel 2: 1–2, 12–17 • Gradual Psalm 51: 1–18 • John 8: 1–11<br />

Byrd Mass for Four Voices • Morley nolo mortem peccatoris 210<br />

Tallis in ieiunio et fletu 331<br />

Thursday 23 Polycarp, Bishop of smyma, martyr, c. 155 canTOris<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

11.15 HOLY COMMUNION BCP 1662, Trinity Chapel<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG Bryanston school chamber choir<br />

Ayleward Responses • Psalm 115<br />

Dyson in F • Tallis O salutaris Hostia<br />

Friday 24<br />

Saturday 25<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG sherborne Girls madrigal society<br />

Jenkins Responses • Psalm 119: 1–16<br />

Archer Berkshire Service • Irel<strong>and</strong> ex ore innocentium<br />

7.30 BarnardO’s YOunG suPPOrTers’ cOncerT<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG rscm voices midl<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> south West<br />

Tomkins Responses • Psalm 119: 73–104<br />

Byrd Second Service • Byrd civitas sancti tui 68<br />

Hymn 64<br />

Sunday 26 The First Sunday of Lent<br />

8.00 HOLY cOmmuniOn cW Order Two<br />

President canon mark Bonney, Treasurer<br />

9.15 MATTINS Said, Trinity Chapel<br />

Psalm 119: 105–144<br />

10.30 THe eucHarisT rscm voices midl<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> south West<br />

President canon edward Probert, chancellor<br />

Preacher The very revd June Osborne, dean<br />

Lent Prose<br />

Genesis 9: 8–17 • Mark 1: 9–15<br />

Byrd Mass for Five Voices • Duruflé Tantum ergo 112<br />

Hymns MHT 179, NEH 67, 73i<br />

<strong>February</strong> <strong>Services</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Music</strong><br />

ser v i ces a n d m usic January / <strong>February</strong> 2012 IX

<strong>February</strong> <strong>Services</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Music</strong><br />

X<br />

Sunday 26 The First Sunday of Lent (continued)<br />

4.30 cHOraL evensOnG with the LicensinG OF cHarLOTTe aLLan as ime cOOrdinaTOr<br />

rscm voices midl<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> south West<br />

Tomkins Responses • Psalm 119: 17–32<br />

Daniel Purcell in E minor • Dove ecce beatam lucem<br />

Hymn 368<br />

Monday 27 George Herbert, Priest, Poet, 1633<br />

Tuesday 28<br />

Wednesday 29<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG<br />

Radcliffe Responses • Psalms 126–131 • Office Hymn 456<br />

Gibbons Short Service • Bingham Prayer<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

12.15 HOLY cOmmuniOn for mother’s union, cW Order i, Trinity chapel<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG<br />

Radcliffe Responses • Psalms 136, 136 omit vv 7–9, <strong>and</strong> 138<br />

Byrd second Service • Halls The Windows<br />

7.30 mOrninG WOrsHiP with HOLY cOmmuniOn<br />

9.00 SCHOOL ASSEMBLY Bishop Wordsworth’s School<br />

5.30 cHOraL evensOnG<br />

Terry Responses • Psalms 142, 143 omit v 12<br />

Halls First Service • Vaughan WIlliams The call 399<br />


In Residence<br />

JANUARY 1–7 Canon Edward Probert, Chancellor<br />

8–14 Canon Mark Bonney, Treasurer<br />

15–21 The Very Revd June Osborne, Dean<br />

22–28 Canon Edward Probert, Chancellor<br />

29–31 Canon Mark Bonney, Treasurer<br />

FEBRUARY 1–11 Canon Mark Bonney, Treasurer<br />

12–18 Canon Edward Probert, Chancellor<br />

19–25 The Very Revd June Osborne, Dean<br />

26–29 Canon Mark Bonney, Treasurer<br />

david Halls, director of music<br />

canon Jeremy davies, Precentor<br />

The very revd June Osborne, dean<br />

January/<strong>February</strong> 2012 ser v i ces a n d m usic

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