e - poz 2 - Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture

e - poz 2 - Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture

e - poz 2 - Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture


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The sediment texture showed that sand was the major fraction (44.7 %) followedby the clay (31.3 %) and silt (18.7). Studies conductd by Murthy and Veerayyar 1972) during the pre barrage phase showed a silty sand condition, which wasgrddudlly paving the way for a silty clay with the clayey fraction increasing overthe years as observed during the present investigation. Samples collected from theoppo5lte side <strong>of</strong> the barrage during March, April and October 1996 had theslit + clay fract~on only less than 5 %. This suggests an accummulation <strong>of</strong> the claydnd silt In the stagnant portion <strong>of</strong> the lake over the years. Stations 1-3 hads~gnlfitantly high portion <strong>of</strong> the clay (42.0 %) and silt (22.1%) compared to theother stations lav. 27.8 % and 17.6 % respectively). Stations 1&2 were(omparatlvely less influenced by the monsoon flow (Fig. 4).The study revealed that the water and sediment characteristics showed wides1)atial and temporal differences before and after the construction <strong>of</strong> the barrage,ttit, differences being more pronounced at the south end <strong>of</strong> the lake.Plankton Biomass1 he vdr~atlons In the plankton b~omass (senllng volume) with respect to the5f>d50115 and the sampllng stations were determined durcng 1994-96 The preriionsoon perltxl showed the hlghest mean value for the plankton b~omass (4 7n,l/mJ) followed by the post-monsoon (4 4 mllml) and monsoon (34 ml/ml)p~r1Od5 The barrage remains open t~ll early December, the b~omass during thepost monsoon sedson was decided by the outflow to the sea The closure <strong>of</strong> thebarrage thereafter allowed the environment to be stat~c, and the phytoplanktoncould util~ze the trapped nutrients and flourish Low biomass values observedduring the monsoon period In the present study could be due to the dllut~on <strong>of</strong> thewater mass and the transport <strong>of</strong> the b~omass to the sea by the heavy monsoondischarge froni the four rivers The post-monsoon was the recovery season for theblonldss as the plankton could ut~lize nutrients received through the run<strong>of</strong>f Thedens~ty <strong>of</strong> organlsrns In the samples presented a more real~st~c and rellable Index<strong>of</strong> the abundance than the volume, since the suspended sllt and dirt ~nfluenced theb~omass determlnatlon

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