e - poz 2 - Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture

e - poz 2 - Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture

e - poz 2 - Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture


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The project was implemented partially. Only 62 shutters were erected at the westand east ends d the bamge. The central won was filled with earth. Theshutters were to prevent the salinity incursion to the southern sector during hight~des <strong>of</strong> November-December months, and were never intended to be closedpermanently. But, in effect, due to practical problems in intermittently openingand closing the shutters, the barrage mid closed permanently for about sixmonths from November-December to April-May. Only since 1992, the period <strong>of</strong>closure was reduced to four months, from December to April.The Thottappally spillway was also constructed, but with out the lead canal. As aresult, the floodwaters from the four rivers still continue to flood the paddy fieldsas before, occasionally with more severity. The Spillway and the barrage timeagain proved to be obstructions to the seaward flow, causing floods.Tidal flow cut<strong>of</strong>fConsequent to the commissioning <strong>of</strong> the barrage across the lake in 1976 and itsclosure during December to April end every year, the tidal inflow too remains cut<strong>of</strong>f to th~ sector. The result is a virtual stagnation <strong>of</strong> the water mass in the southernsector for virtually four months <strong>of</strong> the year. This has destroyed the continu~ty <strong>of</strong> theecosystem prohibiting the sharing <strong>of</strong> its physical and biological identity betweenboth the sectors. Faulty designing and partial implementation <strong>of</strong> the barrageproject had brought with it unanticipated misfortunes. The most discerntbleamong them was a virtual stagnation <strong>of</strong> water mass in the southern sector and itsadloin~ng canals and water ways during the summer, resulting in serious pollutionand health hazards in the area.With respect to the morphological features, the investigation under the presentprojea has revealed the prominent timexale changes in the southern sector <strong>of</strong> thelake. The ecological transfonnation in the seaor from the estuarine phsse to analmost freshwater phase resulted in a qualitative and quantitative change in thebiota <strong>of</strong> the severed aquatic environment. The most apparent change was in thefish fauna. The less noticed but significant changes were among the smallercommunities such as plankton and benthic organisms. The water and sediment

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