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e - poz 2 - Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture

e - poz 2 - Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture


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Ecology and Fisheries Investigations inVembanad LakeBull. No.107 . dl, 2001<strong>Central</strong> Inlad Capturn ~hh.rk. &rch <strong>Institute</strong>(Indian Council <strong>of</strong> Agriafbral Research)6-re-743 101 West Beng.1

Ecology and fisheries Investigations in Vembanad Lake~4k11errel conrurnrd m rhrb Bullrrrn mob no! hr rt-producctl, rn on! formnrrhrru/ rhr pmu.uon d the puhlrhcrCornposcd stThe ProJut Monitoring &DocumentrUon SectionCIFRI. BarrackporePuhl~shcd hy . The Dlrcctor, CIFRI, Bunc :mePrtntnl OIWS. Topam Pnvrn Ltd.812. Ih. Blmh Gubr S mCalcunr.7000 17

The Vembened take on the south-west coast <strong>of</strong> Indm In Kerala represents andsymbolizes the nature's bountiful and vend gfi <strong>of</strong> aquatr Wing resources to manklndO~VKKISIY, the lake ecosystem has a hillfe csrrylng capecity and fosters a crxlal rote bothbnbadlv and eanonncaUv The need to orotect omserve end wtvnsllv . . use such ecosvstemsts tmGraiwe and beyood tihe scope <strong>of</strong> argument' Howaver. over the part several dkdes.varmus anmrOOOgenlc mtertemu, for manlfold purposes especially construction <strong>of</strong>~hanneannukkm-barrage, had edvate nnpact on the eco8ystm and fisheryIt n mus wmemlh that ltw wment sI8tus <strong>of</strong> fishew. carrvina caoacltv <strong>of</strong> the lake andWvmur <strong>of</strong> map 'iishery n the poi1 barrage phase IS kn&n m &d& lo sug&sl approproaterenmdlsc measures fa recuvenalma the RsW Wlm mn Intentan scmnttst <strong>of</strong> ClFRl conducled~nveshgabMs on me lake The b& anem& to present the find~ngs ~n a systematic mannerM. SlnhaDlrector

VEMIANAD LAKf a masswe ud vibrant costal -land eaxyrrrm, stretches m om 24000 ha rnarea and contributes m ovn 50% d the Ism1 area d backwarn (Kayalsl rn Kerala State. h4om than20,000 fishermen are didy dependent on dte aquahc rrsourres d this lake k h i owr ~ 7OOO t<strong>of</strong> fish and shellfish annually L hdmy wealth cay~lws d ovn 150 spec*, rncludrng the przedvariehu such n the pearl spot, mulko, the gunt frrshwakr prawn and the penwid prawns. Thrf~sh and shellhsh landed from Vmbad lake a valued a owr Rs 100 rnill~on annuallyCoastal wetlands are known to be an ~ndrspensable %tat m a van* <strong>of</strong> biologically andeconomically Important resident and mrgralory aquahc and avian fauna Thew are alx, mqln~zednursery grounds for several spec= d fish and shellfish Moreover, the lnterdepndence <strong>of</strong> rnanneand the adjoinrng estuarln zones in cmplaron <strong>of</strong> tk Irk cyck proceru, d lnnurnerable aquaticspecin is amply described In fihq l~terature The bmlqllcal Importam <strong>of</strong> Vernbanad arid theinterconnected backwaters are m be view4 and assessed in thls context Thl\ 1s all the moreev~&nt slnce the adlolnlng rnanne coastal zone in the Llshadwrp sea continues to be one <strong>of</strong> themost product~ve fishery zorm In lt~world contribut~ng to about 0 6 millron t <strong>of</strong> hsh and fetchlngllvelvhmd for 1 5 million fishermenOn the other s~de. 41 <strong>of</strong> the 44 riven In the State fill Into the backwater system before they emptyInto the *a Thls accounts for 5 % <strong>of</strong> India's annual freshwambudget Vembanad lake ltwlfrecewe the anflow trm SIX major rivers <strong>of</strong> the Stdle with a run<strong>of</strong>f volume <strong>of</strong> 24000 mill~o n~' peryear Several <strong>of</strong> the ftsh spec* esnhabrting the lake share bolh the river and ldke envirolimeiilr Intheor vary~ng lik stages The giant rlver prawn Macrobrach~um rerenberg~r for wtioiri theVembanad ecosystem forms a natural abode. is a classical example <strong>of</strong> this behav~ourNwenheless, over the past several derddes, (he unmtrtcted human ~nterferenct. lor theheterogeneou5 purpores had irrevocable advenc consequences on the enttly <strong>of</strong> the ldke 1tw1f Theonblaught wa5 on the lncrease during past few decades and rt still continues The mo5t si~nif~cd~iteventuality among these Mlivitles was the comm#rsroning <strong>of</strong> the Thanneerrnukkom bdtrdg~ d( IOIIthe lake In 1976 T~IS has destroyed (he contlnurly <strong>of</strong> the ecosystem proh~b~tlng the sharing <strong>of</strong> itrptiyso~al dnd b~olog~cal ~dentity between both the seclorr Thus, to quote Gopalan el dl 119831 ~neffect an area ol 69 km' <strong>of</strong> brxfr~shwater ly~ng south <strong>of</strong> Thanmcrmulrkom had been rrolog~(dllycut <strong>of</strong>f from the rest <strong>of</strong> backwaters

The lakc had already been reclatd conuderabhl by 1976 to ntu paddy crop, and the Kumnadare4 mcompasrtng a malor share d the Me had grown lnlo a pnnclpal rm bowi d UI. Thebund was creatrd at Thannemnukkom to pmtcct the low-ly~ng p&dy MI ftMl the t&I nhwab~tngrrs, durlng the Now& to May and lo ntu two aopr <strong>of</strong> & In an area <strong>of</strong> ova 6000 hasoh <strong>of</strong> the barrage Howcwr, faulty dewyrng md paml ~mplementatm <strong>of</strong> the barrage Mbrought with 11 unant~tparcd m~sfomnes The most d~smntble among them was a vlnulctagnatlon <strong>of</strong> water mass In the southem Kccor md I& dlo~nlng canals and water ways dwng the5UInIne1, resulting rn ser~our pollution and health hazards In the area On the 0th hmd, banagedu~te* wen unable to nesotlate the monsoon rush fnnn the fwr major nven, and as a result, hrewere frrqwnt flood* durlng the monsoon br~nglng enomus mlsery to the people <strong>of</strong> Kmnad1 here was another appalling wnseqvnce that tmk place ecolq~cally. The Mor h t got cut <strong>of</strong>fdurln~ the summer expec~enced a tranrforrnat~on fnnn the estuarlne phase to dn almost freshwaterphdw rprultlng In a rap~d declrne In fth y~eld and he ihrlnkage In the species spectrum. Therlverrne or the estuarrm spcln that essent~ally reqwred a solourn Into the estuary or vice vemfaced a sharp fall In thalr populatron size The nurlne mtgratory and the resldent estuarlne specteswen r~tr~cted to the no& <strong>of</strong> the barcage The replacement <strong>of</strong> rhe estuarlne species <strong>of</strong> the sector bythe sweetwater 5pr1es war not adequate to cornpcnute the loss to the f~shervThe ruggetloor for dpproprlate relnedlal measures for reluvenattng the f~rherv requ~red sc~entlftcdoc.ummtatlon on the status d hshery as a whole, cnrylng capac~ly <strong>of</strong> the system and anonformatloo on the behdviour <strong>of</strong> malor flrhrry ln he sector durlng he port-barraee phase It was Inth~\ context that he <strong>Central</strong> Inland Capture Frrherles Research Inst~tute took up the challenge <strong>of</strong>charl~ng syskrnatrally the t~me-scale changes In the ecosystem char~terlstlcs the blodlvers~ty and115 va~nal transformat~onc and fl- tranrformat~on lncorporatlng both the pre- and the postbdrr~g~ phd~)

DHCRlPTlON OF THE VEMMNAD W EThe Vembanad lake spanning between latitudes 9' 28' and 10'10' N andlongitudes 76' 13' and 76" 31' E is the biggest among the 30 backwaters in theState. This has an area <strong>of</strong> about 22750 km' spread in to three districts, viz.,Emakulam in the north, Kottayam in the east and Alappuzha (Alleppey) in thesouth. The westem side is bordered by a narrow belt <strong>of</strong> land separating the lakefrom the Lakshadwip sea. It extends to a length <strong>of</strong> 96.5 km from Azhikode in thenonh to Alappuzha town in the south. The lake north <strong>of</strong> Aroor is situated in theerstwhile Cochin State, and is generally referred to as the Cochin backwaters. Thesouthern portion from Aroor to Alappuzha is more commonly referred to asVemba~d lake and lies in thc erstwhile Travawwe State. In strict terms, due toits continuity, both the water masses together constitute the Vembanad lake. Thelake is nadw and sinuous in the north while much broader to a maxumum <strong>of</strong> 14.5km in the south. In its length <strong>of</strong> over 96 km running parallel to the sea fromAzhikode to Alappuzha, the lake is mainly connected to sea only at two pldres,Azhikode and Kochi. Seasonal intrusion <strong>of</strong> seawater to the lake is also experiencedthrough the Thottappally spillway, situated 20 km south <strong>of</strong> Alappuzha. A smallconnection controlled through the spillway exists at Andhakaranazhi, in Ch~rthddltaluk, about 25km nbnh <strong>of</strong> Alappuzha town. It IS a complex system encompassingestuary, lagoons, marshes and mangroves with intricate network <strong>of</strong> natural andman-made channels.ORIGIN OF THE LAKE: The Vembanad lake is said to have or~g~nated arouncl5000-6000 years ago durlng the post glacial era when most <strong>of</strong> the world's coastalsystems took shape. However, according to the geolog~sts, the lake analned 1t5present configuration in the 4" century A. D. The system was primarily a marlneenvironment bound by an alluvial bar parallel to the coast line and interrupted bythe Arabian sea at intervals. As a result <strong>of</strong> the catastrophic deluge that took placein 1341 A. D., parts <strong>of</strong> Alleppey and Emakulam districts including a number <strong>of</strong>islands thus separated into a distinct water body from the sea with connectingchannels at Thottappally, Andhakaranazhi and Cochin. During this period, theriver Periar emptying at Kodungallur took a diversion through Varappuzha ando p d into Cochin channel, giving rise'to a number <strong>of</strong> islands lying scattered inthe backwaters by the deposition <strong>of</strong> the alluvium in its course. This transformation

from the orig~nal marine environment into an estuarine environment is evident bythe large quantities <strong>of</strong> typically marine shells deposited in the Vembanad region.Thcs transformation has been well explained by Gopalan a/., 1983.The Vembanad lake lying in Kuttanad region is a low lying area near the coast <strong>of</strong>the Kerala. It was originally a part <strong>of</strong> the shallow coastal area <strong>of</strong> the Arabian sea.Consequent to geological uplift, a shallow bay was formed into which the riversdracnlng from the mountains to the east discharge. The coast was formed by thes~lt deposits carried by these rivers. The bay thus transformed into a brackishwater lagoon extending from Alappuzha in the south to Cochin in the North. In1976 the lagoon was separated into two by the construct~on <strong>of</strong> theltlanneermukkom barrier. The barrier was constructed to prevent sal~ne water~ntruslon Into the lake during the dry season (summer months) and also to retainthe fresh water from the rivers flowing into the lake. At the time <strong>of</strong> ~tsconstruction, the barrier was relatively successful in keeping water in Kundnadlresh arid thereby enabling cropping during the summer months. However, thebarrcer has had various adverse ecological.effects, which would be dealt in deta~lSHRINKAGE OF VEMBANAD LAKE: Backwaters have been cont~nuouslywblected to the reclamatcon for various purposes such as agrccultural expansionagrcculture pract~ces, harbour development, urban development and other publ~cand private uses A few hcstor~cal documents such as the Travancore LandRevenue Manual for the year 1834 testcfy that the local Government <strong>of</strong> the reglonhad encouraged large scale reclamatcon to the kayal lands (Travancore StateManual, 1834) Of the reclamat~on for the agrccultural purposes, paddy cult~vatlonand paddy-cum-shr~mp culture has contr~buted cmmensely to the horlzontdl5hrinkage <strong>of</strong> the backwater system In 1834 the Vembanad lake had an area <strong>of</strong>nearly 365 km'. Accordcngly to P~lla~ and Pan~kkar (1965) dur~ng the early phases,land reclamat~on and flood control work were largely undertaken at the cnctlatlve<strong>of</strong> prcvatr farmen wcth actlve asststance from the State Government The detdllqon reclamatron <strong>of</strong> Vembanad lake for agrccultural and aquacultural purpose ISglven In Tablel. About 2,200 ha area have been recla~med tcll the begcnn~ng <strong>of</strong>th~s century. Accord~ng to Kur~an (19781, the reclamatron actcvttles were banrred111 1903 as per the Government dcrect~ve so that ct d~d not h~nder Coch~nHarbour's development due to sclt accumulat~on. But later on, an area <strong>of</strong> 5,200 ha

was reclaimed up to 1931 (KSSP, 1978). Further, 1320 ha in the Southern part <strong>of</strong>Vembanad region was reclaimed for agricultural purposes. According to Gopalanet a/. (1983) about 5100 ha. <strong>of</strong> the backwater has been converted into paddy-cumshrimpculture areas till the 1970s. During 1901 to 1985, an additional area <strong>of</strong>1500 ha was reclaimed by private ownen for agriculture, cottage industry, andhousrng. The bunding and utlisation <strong>of</strong> the lake for paddycum-shrimp culture andother activitres is being carried out even now In patches. Thus, out <strong>of</strong> 36500 ha <strong>of</strong>backwaters which existed till the middle <strong>of</strong> 19" century, only about 23750ha165.1 %) IS remaining now as open waters. Of this, coconut husk retting activity isesttmated to occupy an area <strong>of</strong> about 500 ha.Table 1 Rulamltm d Vmtunrd *kr ova th yun- - - - --- - - --- -- --- - -Per~od Area (ha) X 01- Purp~ered&med redmed1981.85 23 91by GCDA and Win TomFlann~ng Trust198145 11 734 11 Hou~lng Kdusbasmnut husk remng0 39 Soulhedy exlasm <strong>of</strong>Wdrtglon nia?d by GCDA0 07 Foc~hocwtt~an &Mlcpmenl0 03 Cahrn drpyafd CIFT, nwthTanker be& etcBesrdes the hortzontal shrrnkage, The lake also has becn expertcnclng drd5lrrdecltne In 11s depth S~ltatron IS a malor factor contrrbuting to gradudl rhallowrng<strong>of</strong> the backwater It 1s reported by Gopalan et a1 (1983) that the average depth <strong>of</strong>Vembanad backwater has been reduced from 6.7 m to 4 4 m between the years1920 and 1980 The sector-wrse depth reduction IS presented In Table-2 Theauthors estlmate that by 1985, the water holdtng capacrty <strong>of</strong> the lake fromArhrkode to Alappuzha has been reduced to 22 83% <strong>of</strong> what was rn the begtnnrrrg

<strong>of</strong> this century. The current lwei <strong>of</strong> depth in the sourhem sector <strong>of</strong> the lakeob~ed under the present study was 2.2m, a further depletion <strong>of</strong> 0.51.3m in aspan <strong>of</strong> 20 years approximating to 86000 ham.Table 2. Reduction in depth range in different Mom <strong>of</strong> Vcmbarud lakeover a period <strong>of</strong> 50 yeanSectors-Depth-range (In mrs)South oi Thanneermukkom bund5QYmulU89 3-3.5.Brtwwn Thannerrmukkom bund and Vaikom 8-9 3 -4Betwe-n Valkom and South Paravmr 7-9 4-5B~rwwn 50uth paravmr and Armr 5-6 34Between Arcmr and south 01 Well~ngton Island 7-8 7-8Bolghdn~ to Chrra~ 3-4.5 2-2.5tl11~rd1 10 Mundmbarn 3-6 2.5-4RIVER DISCHARGE IN TO THE LAKEThe rlvers, which d~rectly drain into the Vembanad wetland system are Chalakudy(1 700 km', 130 km), Periyar (5400 km', 244 km) and Muvattupuzha (1 550 km',12 1 km), In the northen sector, and Meenachal(1250 km', 78 km), Manimala (850km', 90 km), Pampa (2250 km', 176 km) and Achancoil(1500 km', 128 km) In thesouthern sector (Fig.1). The basins together cover an area <strong>of</strong> about 16200 km' out<strong>of</strong> which 22 % lies in the lowland, 23 % in the midland and the remaining 55 %In the highland. The rivers flow down the highlands over steep slopes <strong>of</strong> almost60mkm and more, and traverse the~r midland stretches with much flatter slopes <strong>of</strong>abut 1 d m.The rivers are estimated to bring in a total <strong>of</strong> 10074 million m' <strong>of</strong> water to the lake(Table3). Of this, 66.54 % are brought in during the three months <strong>of</strong> the southwest monsoon and 11.67 % during the north east monsoon in October. Only 22% <strong>of</strong> the discharge are spread among the rest 8 months. Practically there ts noseaward flow <strong>of</strong> river water during t k months.

- - -- -- ---Jm 42 71 1479 1377 MU 75 BO 0 75Fsb 21 52 12 W 0883 U) 35 0 U)Ma 19 65 01 64 31 28 0 31A$' Jot4 U68 0235 2954 107 12 106May 62 96 9225 1257 42 25 210 33 2 09lor 497 75 75963 41928 64563 2332 71 23 16Jui 47340 85833 45306 mi21 25860 25 67A@ 291 36 631 24 32442 537 24 1784 26 17 71% 83 74 28044 6454 90 €4 4W 40 4 96on 22751 44816 21404 282 83 i in 37 11 aNov 24576 36258 16567 161) R) 962 01 9 55Dsc M) t4 18642 33% 12 36 272 42 2 70TOTAL 2067 01 3758.51 1710.94 2511.02 tW73.Y 1W% 2052 37 31 17 14 2503( omp~lcd from the btd obta~ncd from Dcpanment <strong>of</strong> lrrpbl~on Co~t01 lterdldTHE THANNEERMUKKOM BARRAGECoriscquent to an unanticipated flood in 1949, The then Agrtculture Min~ster <strong>of</strong>the State decided to find a mechanism to prevent the damage to the paddy cropsrri the reclaimed vast fields in Kunanad area encompassing the Vembanad lake. As))art <strong>of</strong> this strategy, a bund extending to 4500 feet in length with 93 shutters wasplanned at Thanneermukkom, 24 km north <strong>of</strong> Alappuzha town. This was toprevent the saline water incursion to the 6000 ha area <strong>of</strong> the low-lying paddyf~elds In the southern sector <strong>of</strong> the lake so that a second crop <strong>of</strong> paddy also couldbe raised in these fields. A leading channel was suggested to divert the floodwaters from the four rivers to sea through a spillway at Thonappally, 20 km south<strong>of</strong> Alleppey town.

The project was implemented partially. Only 62 shutters were erected at the westand east ends d the bamge. The central won was filled with earth. Theshutters were to prevent the salinity incursion to the southern sector during hight~des <strong>of</strong> November-December months, and were never intended to be closedpermanently. But, in effect, due to practical problems in intermittently openingand closing the shutters, the barrage mid closed permanently for about sixmonths from November-December to April-May. Only since 1992, the period <strong>of</strong>closure was reduced to four months, from December to April.The Thottappally spillway was also constructed, but with out the lead canal. As aresult, the floodwaters from the four rivers still continue to flood the paddy fieldsas before, occasionally with more severity. The Spillway and the barrage timeagain proved to be obstructions to the seaward flow, causing floods.Tidal flow cut<strong>of</strong>fConsequent to the commissioning <strong>of</strong> the barrage across the lake in 1976 and itsclosure during December to April end every year, the tidal inflow too remains cut<strong>of</strong>f to th~ sector. The result is a virtual stagnation <strong>of</strong> the water mass in the southernsector for virtually four months <strong>of</strong> the year. This has destroyed the continu~ty <strong>of</strong> theecosystem prohibiting the sharing <strong>of</strong> its physical and biological identity betweenboth the sectors. Faulty designing and partial implementation <strong>of</strong> the barrageproject had brought with it unanticipated misfortunes. The most discerntbleamong them was a virtual stagnation <strong>of</strong> water mass in the southern sector and itsadloin~ng canals and water ways during the summer, resulting in serious pollutionand health hazards in the area.With respect to the morphological features, the investigation under the presentprojea has revealed the prominent timexale changes in the southern sector <strong>of</strong> thelake. The ecological transfonnation in the seaor from the estuarine phsse to analmost freshwater phase resulted in a qualitative and quantitative change in thebiota <strong>of</strong> the severed aquatic environment. The most apparent change was in thefish fauna. The less noticed but significant changes were among the smallercommunities such as plankton and benthic organisms. The water and sediment

properties also reflected the transformation. The following pages dexribe thesetransformations and put forth certain suggestions which may lead to the ecologicalrestoration <strong>of</strong> the area for the better benefi <strong>of</strong> the users.ACTION PROGRAMMES COVERED UNDER THE PROJECfAnalys~s <strong>of</strong> water and sediment for their physicbchemical properties and nutrient5tdtUSQualitative and quantitative distribution <strong>of</strong> plankton and benthic fauna.Pr~mary productivity estimationsFishery : estimation <strong>of</strong> species-wise landings; with an emphasis on the pearlspotI troplos suratensis and the river prawn Macrobrachiurn rosenbergiiEvaluation <strong>of</strong> changes in the ecology and fishery in the southern sector <strong>of</strong> the ldhrronsequent to the commissioning <strong>of</strong> the Thanneermukkom barrage

The barrage at Thanneerrnukkom across the 23000 ha lake. Itsplits the lake into two distinct ecosystem causing changes inthe fisheries and environment.The dense growth <strong>of</strong> aquatic plants in the lake is a commonsight in the lake after the commissioning <strong>of</strong> the barrage

DEPTHb9m&f#1h10U)r~b2.lmtql986ararhdltummWm01001VERSIlY CHANGES S&icat &mgm n ptmkbn md qumbtabvdy, the sdlne md~ ~ n ! u e o r l s r r O M n g w alolhe y heshwnle M lo* sekn~lybmrr Thueware&mgmkmobenUm~~dmd~coUIANGES IN FISHERYYURP FALL IN FRESHWATERPRAWN FISHERYTbs~nhecouhanW~l(1~bmmfnnabmm~U m ~ t d h e ~ m g n l o r ) . ~ b y h h e s h w r M r ~ ~r n ~ d ( b ~ ~ d ~ W b dTha fshq d he pnt hhwah~ prm axpaisnced a rhsp W~ne due toIhe~d~~nddown~ndlWVdmcgt@bQI~fhqmawn~euWydwb~~ummcinbarraga Thewkholbqmawn~Uehp~banowr300lonmmlhe80sIobssIhnlWhmmnhe9(k

INvISTGATIONS ON THE FISHERY ECOLOGY OT VEMBANAO M -- A REVIEWMost <strong>of</strong> the research on the ecology and fisheries <strong>of</strong> the Vembanad lake wereconducted during the preimpoundment phase, i.e., before the commissioning <strong>of</strong>the Thanneermukkom barrage. The Cochin backwaters and its incoming riversconstituttng the northem wing <strong>of</strong> the Vembanad lake have been the major area <strong>of</strong>Interest to the researchers. Due to this, the literature based on studies extendingup to the southern tip <strong>of</strong> the lake near Alleppey is rather few (Fig.2).An account on the formative history <strong>of</strong> the Vemba~d lake has been presented byMenon (1913) and Rasalam and Sebastian (1976). Gopalan (1976) has presented acomprehensive account <strong>of</strong> the history <strong>of</strong> reclamation and the consequentshrinkage <strong>of</strong> the backwaters, especially the Vembanad backwaters. Similarly,under the IndaDutch Collaborative Research Project on the Water Balance Study<strong>of</strong> the Kunanad Region, various aspects <strong>of</strong> the ecology and fisheries <strong>of</strong> Vembanadldke wt?re investigated and reported (Anon., 1989).WATER QUALITY : Several studies have been conducted on the various physlcclchemical aspects <strong>of</strong> the Cochin estuary in a fisheries perspective. Balakrishnan(1957) was one <strong>of</strong> the earliest to study the surface salinity <strong>of</strong> the Ernakulamchannel, attributed to the rapid salinity fluauations,due to the influence <strong>of</strong> tide.George and Kartha (1963) recorded the surface salinity <strong>of</strong> Cochin backwaters Inrelation to the tidal regime. Josanto (1971) analysed the bonom salinitycharacteristics and the factors that influence the saltwater penetration in theVembanad lake extending from the Cochin bar mouth to Alappuzha.Hydrological features in relation to salinity distribution were also studied by a fewmore workers. These include the work <strong>of</strong> Cherian (1967) Qasim and Gopinathan(l969), Ramamirtham et a/. (1986,1987l and Wellershaus (1 971).SEDIMENT AND NUTRIENTS : The nature <strong>of</strong> sediment and the distribution anddynamics <strong>of</strong> nutrients like nitrate, nitrate ammonia, phosphate and silicate in theVembanad lake particularly in the Cochin backwater system has been a major area<strong>of</strong> research by several authors. Sankaranarayanan and Quasim (1969) andSankaranarayanan and Panampannayil (1979) concentrated their research on the

nutrient regimen in the water and sediment phases <strong>of</strong> Cochin backwaters inrelation to other environmental features. Murthy and Veerayya (1972) gave adetailed account d the phosphorous content in the sediments <strong>of</strong> the Vernbanadlake. Eswara Prasad (1982) has described the. sediment features <strong>of</strong> m e prawnfarming a- adjacent to the Vembanad lake. A similar study in the prawn fieldsin and around Cochin backwaters is also presented by Aravindakshan et a/. (1992).Purandara and Dora (1987) had studied the textural characteristics and organicmatter <strong>of</strong> the near shore and surface sediment samples <strong>of</strong> the Vembanad lakebetween Azhikode in the North and Alappuzha in the South. One majorcontribution was by Sarala Devi (1989) and Sarala Devi et a/. (1992) on thetemporal and spatial distribution <strong>of</strong> the particulate organic carbon and particulatematter in Coch~n backwaters, especially in the lower reaches <strong>of</strong> the Periar rlver.Seralathan et a/. (1993) analysed and presented their findings on the features <strong>of</strong> thesediment and the distribution <strong>of</strong> organic carbon in the Cochln harbour area. .PLANKTON : One major area <strong>of</strong> ecological investiagtions in the Vembanad lakewas the qualitative and quantitative distribution <strong>of</strong> the plankton populat~on.Studies have been conducted on the variation and distribution <strong>of</strong> phytoplanktonand the factors affecting its production. One <strong>of</strong> the earliest report In this contextwas <strong>of</strong> George (1958) who has given an account <strong>of</strong> the general.composrtlon <strong>of</strong> theolankton from the Cochin backwaters. Subseauent important contribut~ons were;hose <strong>of</strong> Qasim and Reddy (1967) on the conientratio" <strong>of</strong> chlorophyll, Qas~m etal. (1969) on the organic production, Qasim et al. (1974) on the contribut~on <strong>of</strong>microplankton and the nannoplankton, Gopinathan (1972) on the planktonbiomass, Gopinathan et a/. (1974), and Joseph and Pilla~ (1975) on the total cellcounts and the spatial and temporal distribution <strong>of</strong> the phytoplankton, .Quantitative and qualitative cmpos~tion <strong>of</strong> plankton In Vembanad lake extend~ngfrom Cochin to Alappuzha has been investigated by several authors (Devassy andCopmathan 1970, Devassay and Bhattathiri 1974, Kumaran and Raz 1975,Gopalakrlshnan et a/. 1988). The phytoplankton were exclusively studled byGopinathan (1972) in the Cochin backwaters where he reported the presence <strong>of</strong>62 species <strong>of</strong> Bacillariophyceae, 24 species <strong>of</strong> Dinophyceae, 3 specles <strong>of</strong>Myxophyceae and 2 species <strong>of</strong> Cili<strong>of</strong>lagellates.

Several literatures are available on the distribution and diversity <strong>of</strong> benthic fauna inthe Vembanad lake during the prebanage phase, and that too concentrating onthe Cochin area. Some d the earlier works in this dimtion include that <strong>of</strong> Ansari(1974, 19773, Desai and Krishnankutty (19671, Covindankutty (1972), Jayasree(19711, Kurian (1967,1971, 19721, and Remani (1 979). The notable contributionsduring the post barrage phase were by Aravindakshan et a/. (1992), Gopalan et a/.(1987) and Nair and Sarala Devi (1986). Sarala Devi et a/. (1991) elaborated thecoexistence <strong>of</strong> different benthic communities in the northern limb <strong>of</strong> Cochinbackwaters. Nair et a/. (1983) gave an account on the population dynamics <strong>of</strong>amphipods in Cochin backwater area. Devassy and Copinathan (19701, Kurian etal (1975) and Gopalan et al (1987) undertook some <strong>of</strong> the investigations on thebenthic fauna extending right from Cochin to Alappuzha.PRIMARY PRODUCTION : Stud~es on the prtmary product~on and 11s relat~onw~th other env~ronmental parameters In the Cochln backwaters have been a majorarea <strong>of</strong> research by several workers The Important works In th~s d~rect~on are theesttmat~on <strong>of</strong> plant puynents by Quas~m and Reddy (1967), the solar red~at~on andrelated aspeas by Quaslm et a1 (1968). In depth stud~es on the gross and netproductlv~h/ by l~ght and dark bottle method as well as C" methods wereundertaken by Quas~m et a/ (1969) Th~s study has brought out th~ product~onresplratlon and ass~m~latlon rates In relat~on to the env~ronmental parameten, thrsolar rad~atlon, chlorophyll contents, and the blologlcal componentsPOLLUTION : Sarala Dev~ et a1 (1979), Unn~than ef a1 (1975) and V~jayan el a/(1976) documented the effect <strong>of</strong> organlc pollution due to ~ndustrlal pollut~on onsome water qual~ty paramers In Coch~n backwater. Reman1 el dl (1980) studiedthe qual~ty <strong>of</strong> sedlment cn Coch~n backwaters In relat~on to pollut~on aspectsSarala Dev~ et a1 (1986) conducted elaborate stud16 In the Coch~n backwater onthe benth~ communlttes under the Impact <strong>of</strong> lndustr~al pollut~onFISHERY: Investigations on the distribution and abundance <strong>of</strong> fishes <strong>of</strong> Vembanadldke extending from Cochin to Alappuzha have been done by a number <strong>of</strong>workers. Pilla~ (1960) made a record <strong>of</strong> the distribution <strong>of</strong> the Hilsa rlrsha In thelake while George (1965) reported the unusual occurrence <strong>of</strong> mackerel. Shetty(1965) made a comprehensive description <strong>of</strong> the fishery practice along w~th alisting <strong>of</strong> the commercially important fish and prawn species <strong>of</strong> the Vembanad

lake. Kuttyamma (1980) assessed the distribution and abundance <strong>of</strong> prawns andprawn larvae in Chin backwaters. Raman (1964.1967) made the firstcontribution on the biology <strong>of</strong> he Macrobrachiurn menbergii and tried toquanttfy its fishery in the lake. He also delineated the nursery grounds <strong>of</strong> the M.rosenbergri in the river stretches that feed the lake. Rarnan (1975) also gave anaccount <strong>of</strong> the biology <strong>of</strong> Ambassis gymnocophalus from the Vembanad lake andcompared with that <strong>of</strong> the Pulicat lake in Tamil Nadu. Kuttyamma (1980) assessedthe distribution and abundance <strong>of</strong> pawns and prawn larvae in Cochin backwaters.The fishery estimation during the post barrage phase was mainly by Kurup andSamuel (1980a, 19W, 1983, 1985, 1987). Copinath (1953), Shetty (1965)Kurlan & Sabastian (1982) and Kurup et a/. (1990). Enumeration <strong>of</strong> the gear andflsh landings was done by them category-wise, sector-wise and species-wise.Kurup and Samuel (1987) listed 150 species <strong>of</strong> fishes belonging to 100 generacategorlsed under 56 families. The impact <strong>of</strong> indiscriminate fishery pract~ce andenvironmental stress on t k Macrobrachiurn fishery <strong>of</strong> the lake has been describedby Kurup (1996). The fishery and biology <strong>of</strong> four species <strong>of</strong> Macrobrchium viz.,the M.rosenbergii, M. idella, M.scabriculum, M.equidens In the lake weredescribed by him.The clam fishery has been another important resource <strong>of</strong> the lake. Its fishery wasstudied by Achary (1987), Kurup et a1 (1990) and Rasalam and Sebastian (1976).The black clam, Villorita cyprinoides formed the major molluscan fishery in theVembanad lake.The survey <strong>of</strong> the literature reveals that most work on the lake are available for theprebarrage phase and that too restricted to the Cochin sector <strong>of</strong> the Lake. Theinformation on the southern sector during the post barrage phase is scanty exceptfor the contribution on the fishery by Kurup (1996) and Kurup and Samuel (1980,1987). The ecology stressing on the faunal transformation consequent to thebarrage required more investigation to present a comprehensive change thatoccurred due to the barrage. The Report tries to compensate this lacuna to areasonable extent.

ECOLOGICAL INVESTffiATtONS WRING 1994-97Observations on the water quality parameters indicated a definite pattern <strong>of</strong>variation inflwnced by a combination <strong>of</strong> saline water intrusion through thebarrage, and the extent <strong>of</strong> discharge by the four rivers into the lake south <strong>of</strong> thebarrage CTable-4). The salinity remained the mast important parameter influencingthe general envinmment <strong>of</strong> the lake. Prior to the construction <strong>of</strong> the barrage, thetides <strong>of</strong> a mixed nature were felt during summer upto Pulikkezhu, 80 km south <strong>of</strong>Cochin connection to the sea, where the maximum tidal range was upto 5 cm, andat the Punnamada, the amplitude was to the extent <strong>of</strong> 22 cm. Uosanto, 1971).Contrary to this, during the post barrage phase, even in summer, the tidal rangewas restricted till Thaneermukkom Barrage at a distance <strong>of</strong> only 40 km. Anyenhancement in the salinity further south <strong>of</strong> the barrage during the summer wasdue to the percolation through the damaged sluices <strong>of</strong> the barrage. The averagepremonsoon salinity at south <strong>of</strong> the barrage was 18.47 ppt during the pre-barrgaephase Uosanto, 1971), but reduced to an average <strong>of</strong> 2.8 ppt during the post-barragephase. Comparatively higher salinity was observed at the western s~de <strong>of</strong> the lakecaused by the coriolis force operating in the estuary and also due to the absence <strong>of</strong>any major freshwater inflow at this bank. The average salin~ty was 0.16 ppt durlngmonsoon and 0.49 ppt during post monsoon season under the present~nvestigation.Temperature was 29.2-32.8 OC ~ndicating a high heat budget for the system. Theshallow nature <strong>of</strong> the sector (average: depth,1.95 m) coupled with moderate secchidlsc transparency (average:1.26 m) brought almost the entire water column underthe euphotic zone. The average pH <strong>of</strong> water was near neutral (6.8). During thepre-monsoon stagnation period, the pH was acidic (pH: 6.4; range: 4.5-6.88)part~cularly at stations 2, 4, 7 and 11 (Table 5 & Fig. 3).The d~ssolved oxygen levels were moderate (with a monthly variation rangcng from6.0 to 7.2, average: 6.25 m%L) at all the stations except at Station-1 wheremun~c~pal d~scharge waters brought down the dissolved oxygen to 3.16 mg1Lduring the pre-monsoon period. The Chemical oxygen demand was alsomoderate to h~gh (4.0-28.0 mg/L), again the exceptionally high value recorded atstation-1 during the stagnant pre-monsoon period. The lake in general wascharacterised by low alkalinity (range : 4.0-156.0; average: 22.2 mgfL) except forstatlon 1 and 2.

The nutrients were highly influenced by dre monsoon discharges from the fourriven. The values (available nitrogen: 2C710, average: 213 pgk; availablephospho-rous: Tr.-72, average: 19 pgh) gradually declined during the postmonsoonand pre-monsoon months. The zones receiving the municipal discharge(Station-1) and run<strong>of</strong>f from agricultural lands and human inhabitation were r~cherIn phosphates and nitrates. The reduction in available phosphates could mainly beattributed to its loss to he sediment in the form <strong>of</strong> aluminium and iron-bound --- -phosphates at a lower pH. . Silicates had rich concentrations varying from 34.5 to47.0 mg/L (average: 38.5 mg/L).Sediment QualityThe temperature, pH, conductivity, organic carbon, available phosphorus, calciumcarbonate and texture properties <strong>of</strong> the sediinent were analysed (See Table 4 & 5).The pH <strong>of</strong> the sediment remained acidic in most <strong>of</strong> the stations during the studywith an average value <strong>of</strong> 5.3. The monsoon values were low (average: 4.7). Th~scould be due to the exposure <strong>of</strong> relatively higher acidic subsurface basin sodconsequent to monsoon turbulence and bottom currents. Available phosphate (av.34.2 mg/100gl in the sediment was high during the premonsoon consequent tothe phosphorous adsorption from the water column. The augmentation was alsoaided by the enrichment from the settled plankton and the subsequentphosphorous release through the microbial activities. The phosphate values forthe sediment phase had an invesre relationship with that <strong>of</strong> the water phase duringthe three seasons.The organic carbon content had an average value <strong>of</strong> 2.7% during 1996-97.Stattons 1-4 at the southern end <strong>of</strong> the lake had elevated levels <strong>of</strong> organic carb~on(3.27-5.49 %) compared to the 2.8 % reported for this part <strong>of</strong> the lake by Murthyand Veerayya (1972) during the prebarrage phase. This indicates an accumulation<strong>of</strong> organic matter in this part over the years. Predictably, the premonsoon seasoncharacterised by the stagnancy indicated higher values <strong>of</strong> organic carbon at all thestations. Free calcium carbonate was high during the premonsoon followed bythe monsoon and post-monsoon periods.


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The sediment texture showed that sand was the major fraction (44.7 %) followedby the clay (31.3 %) and silt (18.7). Studies conductd by Murthy and Veerayyar 1972) during the pre barrage phase showed a silty sand condition, which wasgrddudlly paving the way for a silty clay with the clayey fraction increasing overthe years as observed during the present investigation. Samples collected from theoppo5lte side <strong>of</strong> the barrage during March, April and October 1996 had theslit + clay fract~on only less than 5 %. This suggests an accummulation <strong>of</strong> the claydnd silt In the stagnant portion <strong>of</strong> the lake over the years. Stations 1-3 hads~gnlfitantly high portion <strong>of</strong> the clay (42.0 %) and silt (22.1%) compared to theother stations lav. 27.8 % and 17.6 % respectively). Stations 1&2 were(omparatlvely less influenced by the monsoon flow (Fig. 4).The study revealed that the water and sediment characteristics showed wides1)atial and temporal differences before and after the construction <strong>of</strong> the barrage,ttit, differences being more pronounced at the south end <strong>of</strong> the lake.Plankton Biomass1 he vdr~atlons In the plankton b~omass (senllng volume) with respect to the5f>d50115 and the sampllng stations were determined durcng 1994-96 The preriionsoon perltxl showed the hlghest mean value for the plankton b~omass (4 7n,l/mJ) followed by the post-monsoon (4 4 mllml) and monsoon (34 ml/ml)p~r1Od5 The barrage remains open t~ll early December, the b~omass during thepost monsoon sedson was decided by the outflow to the sea The closure <strong>of</strong> thebarrage thereafter allowed the environment to be stat~c, and the phytoplanktoncould util~ze the trapped nutrients and flourish Low biomass values observedduring the monsoon period In the present study could be due to the dllut~on <strong>of</strong> thewater mass and the transport <strong>of</strong> the b~omass to the sea by the heavy monsoondischarge froni the four rivers The post-monsoon was the recovery season for theblonldss as the plankton could ut~lize nutrients received through the run<strong>of</strong>f Thedens~ty <strong>of</strong> organlsrns In the samples presented a more real~st~c and rellable Index<strong>of</strong> the abundance than the volume, since the suspended sllt and dirt ~nfluenced theb~omass determlnatlon

The mean biomass varied from 6.6 mVm3 to 0.3 mVml The values were generallyhigh in stations 1,3 and 5. These stations are located nearer to the areas <strong>of</strong> humansettlement on ttte western fringe. The average highest value was recorded atStation 5 near the denser settlements. At this station, the average biomass was 11mg/L during October to February reflecting the inflow <strong>of</strong> the nutrients during themonsoon flow. At Station 1, near to the opening end <strong>of</strong> the city canals to the Lake,the biomass was as high as 13.5 mum'during this period. The canals receive theeffluents from the urban settlements and are known as the worst polluted segment<strong>of</strong> the entire Kuttanad region. At the extreme south <strong>of</strong> the lake, this station had theleast influence <strong>of</strong> whatever feeble salinty incursion occurred to the Sector. Thisportion remained stagnant through out the summer season. All the three Stat~onsthat depicted high biomass concentration were on the western fringes <strong>of</strong> the lake,least influenced by the river.flow even during the monsoon season.PhytoplanktonThe net phytoplankton population in the 12 stations <strong>of</strong> the Vembanad wasinvestigated for a period <strong>of</strong> two years during 1994-96. At various sampling sltes,phytoplankton had a density variation between 17797 and 60613 unitlm' w~th anaverage value <strong>of</strong> 30682 unitdmJ. The overall density for the sector was higher lorthe green algae (42.6 %). The blue greens were concentrated at Station-1 w~th 'Ipercentgae contribution upto 70.6 %. Anacystis and Tr~chodesm~urn were ,~lsoabundant at this place, indicating a eutrophic condition. The overall contr~hut~onby the greens and the desmids were prevalent during the monsoon and postmonsoonmonths indicating an improvement in the water condition due to thrmonsoon inflow. The green algae represented by 24 species contributed to thrhigh phytoplankton abundance in the 12 stations <strong>of</strong> the Vembanad lake. Thr I)rcbmonsoon period (34796 ndmJ) showed a maximum numer~cal abundanctafollowed by the monsoon (32773 no/ml) and the post monsoon (24934 nolm')period (Table 6).Studies conducted during the prebarrage phase by Gopinathan et a/. (1974) In theCochln estuary, a part <strong>of</strong> the Vembanad Lake, observed a maximum phytoplanktonabundance in the pre-monsoon and monsoon periods. Compared to the prcbarrage phase, the diversity has been found on a higher s~de In the presentinvestigation, ~nfluenced by the prevalence <strong>of</strong> freshwater condition during the

summer. The pure saline forms that were abundant at this sector during thesummer could not be recorded under the present condition. This obsewatiy is inconformity with the present study. Twenty four species <strong>of</strong> green algae, tenspecies <strong>of</strong> blue green algae, one species <strong>of</strong> yellow brown algae, 13 species .<strong>of</strong>desmids and 19 species <strong>of</strong> diatoms formed the phytoplankton population in thepresent investigation. But, during the prebamge only about 30 species <strong>of</strong>phytoplankton was recorded from the same Sector by Joseph and Pillai (1975)within a salinity range <strong>of</strong> 0.2 to 33%. Moreover, the species present during themonsoon and post-monsoon period were qualitatively different from that <strong>of</strong> thepre-barrage phase. There was no perceptible change in the overall density <strong>of</strong>plankton population in the sector during the post-barrage phase. The dominantspecies like Hormidium, Spirogyra, Microspora and Anacystis recorded during thepresent study were not reported from the studies conducted during the pre barragephase by Joseph and Pillai (1975).Table.6 Dominant forms <strong>of</strong> plankton in southern =tor <strong>of</strong> Vembanad lakebrfon and after the commissioning <strong>of</strong> thc Th.nccrmukkombmagrPie-barrdge phapostman^, 1971Salinity - 11-19.75 ppt(Nair, rt aL, 1975,joreph & Pillai, 1975)Post-barrage phaseP~monroon 1994-96

The Shannon-Weaver diversity index (HI <strong>of</strong> the phytoplankton varied from 1.89 atStation 5 to 2.75 at Station 2. A mean diversity index valued 2.43 was recdfor the whole lake. The Station 2 showed the maximum diversity value andrecorded 35 species <strong>of</strong> phytoplankton whereas station 5 had only 29 speciesrecording lower diversity values. This may be attributed to the comparativelys:aMe environment and a lower fluctuation <strong>of</strong> salinity at this place. The Stationwas also charmerid by the dominance d the green algae.The zooplankton population in the 12 stations was categorised into 12 groups,namely, Foraminifera, Tintinnida, Protozoa, Rdifera, Nematoda, Polychaetelarvae, Cladocera, Copepoda, Mysidaceae, Ostracoda, lnsecta and Insect larvae,and Fish larvae. The foraminiferans were present only in the marine zone <strong>of</strong> thelake. The post-monsoon period recorded the highest numerical density <strong>of</strong>plankton whereas the monsoon period showed the lowest values. The widevariations in the zobplankton distribution were influenced mainly by the incidence<strong>of</strong> phytoplankton, pH and salinity. The present investigation is the firstcomprehensive report on zooplankton from this sector <strong>of</strong> the Vembanad lake.The premonsoon period, maked by a higher mean salinity, exhibited highernumerical abundance <strong>of</strong> the zooplankton fauna. As mentioned above, themonsoon and the post-monsoon periods with low saline conditions had restrictedabundance <strong>of</strong> the zooplankton. Apart from salinity, the strong currentsdownstream and the turbidity also might have rendered an unfriendly environmentto many organisms during the monsoon.Primary produrtivityThe gross and net productivity at stations 1 and 3 in the Vembanad Lake werestudied. The gross productivity values showed an average value <strong>of</strong> 0.99 g Um'ldayand the net productivity <strong>of</strong> 0.51 g Um'lday during the period 199697. Qasim eta/. (1969) reported a gross productivity value ranging from 272 to 293 g Um'lyearand the net productivity from 184 to 202 g Umllyear in the Vembanad lake duringthe prebanage phase. Nair et a/. (1975) reported an average primary productivity<strong>of</strong> 200 mg Um'lday from this sector <strong>of</strong> the lake. The average productivity values

eporxd by Nair et al. (1983) was dill lower (143mg Um3/hour) for the Ashtamudilake. There seems to be an enhaced primary production activity during the postbarragephase consequent to a more stable and richer nutrient level at this sector,triggered by the stagnancy during the post-monsoon season.The benthic fauna was composed <strong>of</strong> 10 groups, mainly dominated by Amphipoda,Polychaeta and Oligochaeta at the 13 stations. The post monsoon period was themost favourable period for the incidence <strong>of</strong> benthic fauna. The low salineconditions coupled with hish dissolved oxygen levels and presence <strong>of</strong> largequantities <strong>of</strong> plant matter (macrophytic biomass) could be the reasons for the highincidence and abundance <strong>of</strong> amphipoda during the present investigation. Thenature <strong>of</strong> the sediment was aq important factor that influenced the distributions <strong>of</strong>the benthic organisms. The high organic carbon content in combination withhgiher percentage <strong>of</strong> sandy clay during the post monsoon and pre monson periodscould be one <strong>of</strong> the contlibuting factors for the rich ebnthic faunal diversity.Ten species <strong>of</strong> polychaetes namely Dendronereis sp., D, aestruarina, D. arborifera,Nereis chingrihanensis, Ceratonereis, rnirabilis, Ceratonereis sp. Prionospiocirrilera, Prionospio sp. and Capitellid sp, were identified during the period 1996-97 from the 12 stations. Polychaetes contributed 35% <strong>of</strong> the total benthic fauna inthe present study. The diversity index (HI, and richness index (d), evennes index(e) and dom~nance index (d) for the polychaete species were computed. Thehigher divers~ty <strong>of</strong> the polychaetes observed at the 12 stations during the studycould be due to theri euryhaline nature, when compared to the reference station(13) where only Ceratonereis sp and Gendronereis sp. occured. Villoritacyprinoides formed the bivalve population whereas Melanoides tuberct~latus,Melarnpus sp., lndoplanorbis exustus and Viviparus sp. represented the gastropodpopulation during the study. Earlier studies conducted by Sabastidn (1976) andKurup et a/. (1990) in the same study area reported the presence <strong>of</strong> bivalves,V.cyprinoides, M. meretrix and M. cas~a. The low saline nature <strong>of</strong> the bottomwaters during the present study showed the presence <strong>of</strong> only one species <strong>of</strong> V.cyprinoides. The low values <strong>of</strong> diversity index (HI, richness index (d) andevenness index (e) <strong>of</strong> the fauna were notable aspect <strong>of</strong> the study.

Pesticide residua in water, #dimcnt md fwnr d V mhnd lakeThe pesticide residue (BHC, Endosulphan) levels in water, sediment, and V.cyprinoides were detected during the post mwoon period 1995. The B. H. C.level was detected in water, which varied from 0.048 to 0.152 pg/l and that insediment from 0.0006 to 0.01 27pg/g. The clam had endosulfan in their tissws @0.366 pg/g. The concentration levels were within the safe limits prescribed forfishery waters.Characteristics <strong>of</strong> the major groups <strong>of</strong> benthic faunaN m u : Thew m P~O~O)CII wms or ntmrt~mm belonyng to (tu phylum Nmrtlnea Tho IS on <strong>of</strong>tlw r.~rrn group <strong>of</strong> benth~c laund observed from lhe Vembanad lake and th~s IS the f~nl account <strong>of</strong> nemenlne,from the bdckwatm Thee bnhc group* were prmnl In all warn, showlog In maxlrnurn man blornan Intlw monsoon I39 ndm'l fdlowd by the pre monsoon 132 dm') and thc pat m o m (7 ndrn') Stateon 1ruclvlnm a heavy dcM d agncukurdl dnd @her domert~c warn showed the h~.qhesl numer~cal abundance <strong>of</strong>the fduna (54 ndrn'l whrredr stdtlon 1 l showed thr lower1 12 ndrn'lFamilySpecies1. Tubificidae Auloddlus sp.Aulodrilus remexLimnodrilus h<strong>of</strong>fmeisteri2. Nereidae Namalycastis indicaDendronereis arborifere3. Naididae Dero sp.Dero coopenHanochaeta sp.

lhJm md tabqodr Onty m spxlcr m6emd by Vlllonu rwrmrdn lmnsd fhr bbvalvr popllam w h nmne $en nmvly Mdnodu Idmdau~. Mdmpm sp. Indspknortur mntu* and V r n w (onrd ttnRwrclpaf popvlnm (TIMCI The pcmanmn pnod dnmd Ihr h&rsl wdm d tnvah*, nd prfmpdr Abut#Is% d the wrrmpod capulnm wa mnt- by spxm Mdanonln tvbmulaur *. Indoplrwxb~~ cxu,turro I I %I howd hr rntn!mum pmn y mdcm The udv clrr nature d liv wbslmwn wllh h~@t un(ma c~ttxmlmtmt rt lotmr 1.3 and 4 d be IIW maa, hw Ihr hr b w r nd d~wnnry b ttn frunr In fhr ahrr unlm, thrrandy "dun d rtr Mom nd mnprraNtly law qanc -1 h w d h&wr lrunrl ~nrdrmr mnd rbunddncvFish and FisheriesTwenty six landing centres were identified from around the fresh water sector <strong>of</strong>the lake and data on the total landings <strong>of</strong> fish and prawn were collected during thestudy period from these areas. About 38 species <strong>of</strong> fishes and 4 species <strong>of</strong> prawnswere identified from the study (Table 7). The major fish species recorded from theinvestigation were Erroplus suratensis, f. rnaculatus, Channa rnarulius, Lahodussumieri, Puntius sp. Lutianus argentirnaculatus, Mystus sp., Tachysurus sp. andHernirarnphus sp.The fishery <strong>of</strong> M. rosenbergii, which was to the extent <strong>of</strong> 305 tonnes during 1960-61 (Raman, 1965) in the lake, was reduced to about 39tonnes by 1987-88 (Kurup,1989). This reduction is attributed to the barrage as it prevents the returnmigration <strong>of</strong> the spent brooders and the upward migration <strong>of</strong> the post larvae to theriven. The barrage has posed an obstacle to them during their peak migration InNovember to February. The fishery has, <strong>of</strong> late, shown some recoven/ due to thereduction the closure season from 6 to 4 months, and also due to the damagedcondition <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> the sluices.

There was a substantial change in the faunal canposition whm compared to thepre- and pt-barrage phases. The impobant faunal changes are indicatd in Table8.Ilpuntius uranaP ~r~amentosusI P.rt~rhecoki l d h duss~mirri! l a h rohiu! c>tl/d cat14! 11.l~&dylum1 Wallago anu: Ompk bimaculatusI Amblypharyngbdon molai t iec~ropncustes fossilir, < larrur batrachur: Marlacrmbelus armatusI Macrognalhus guintheri1 Channa striatusL Anabas tcuudi~usQuarter-w~se y~eld <strong>of</strong> E. surdtensis and M. msenbergii

A view <strong>of</strong> the endangered fish species fromVembanad Lake.

Tabk.7 Fish hndinlp holn Vembmd (South <strong>of</strong> thc b.n.gr)~ p c ~ ~ r o u ~ r 1995% 1-97(Kg.) g. (Kg.) kEtroplus surarcnsis 136 895 46.9 202 040 52.77Mullus 4000 1.3 4 450 1.16Channa suiatus 4 935 1.7 5912 1.54Channa rnarulius 10 949 3.8 14 828 3.87labeo dussumieri 6 087 2.1 23 742 6.20Labe0 rohita 472 0.2 586 0.15Cvprinur carpio 32 0.01Puntius spp. 31 586 8.15lutianus argentimaculatus 6 491 2.2 4 212 1.10iates calcarifer 2 137 0.7 1 822 0.47Scatophugus argus 3 852 1 .O1Anabas testudineus 1412 0.37Mystus sp. 14 767 5.1 5 008 1.31Horabagrus brachysoma 2 150 0.56Techvsurus arius 11 381 2.97Hemiramphus sp. 18 389 6.3 25 578 6.68Chams chanos 1 739 0.6 1 370 0.36Omer speciesT0I.l fkh

Urcrobrachium rosenbergir 57 930 47.0 36 332 35.55U ~&lb 27 002 21.9 33 250 32.53Melapenaeur dobsonii 36 713 29.8 31 430 30.75H. ~ O~KKC~OI 1 067 0.9 1188 1.16ToQl prawn 123 350 29.7 102 200 21.1TOTAL LANDINGS: 41 5 303 485 041Excld~np cr&& molluus)

A busy scene at one <strong>of</strong> the landing sites.The landings -The species comprise <strong>of</strong> brackishwater,freshwater and marine migrant forms.

The study reveals that the Thanneennukkom barrier commissioned in 1975 across thelake has consi&rably altered the ecology and fishery resources 01 the lake sector south 01the barrage. The mapr changes observed during the post-barrage phase in comparison tothat <strong>of</strong> the p&anage phase were the following:A marked reduction m the depth due to the accumulation <strong>of</strong> the silt lrom the incomingrrvers, bringrng down the water holding capacity <strong>of</strong> the lake.The trdal mfluence reduced from 80 km upstream to 40 km till the barrage dunng thesummerThe Increase m weed growth and a severe restrtctron on the natural flushrng <strong>of</strong> thepollutants enterrng the sector dunng the summer months when the barrage nmarnrclosedChanges rn spatla1 and temporal varlatrons rn the water and redrment qualrtv - a \tt.rpreductron rn the salrnrty, an elevatron <strong>of</strong> nutrrent level in the water phase ar~d dl1elevatron <strong>of</strong> the organlc carbon m the sedrment The changes were more pronounred rnthe southern end <strong>of</strong> the sector, where an eutrophrcatron tendency exrsted, geared hv thestagnancy consequent to the closure <strong>of</strong> the barrage durrng December to AprrlChanges rn the composrtion <strong>of</strong> the plankton and benthic organisms, the salrnc. spec.rtAslargely grvrng way to euryhalrne or freshwater species.An enhancement m the prrmary productron levels at the south end <strong>of</strong> the scat tor clurrn~the stagnant monthsThe reductron rn the upstream and downstream migration <strong>of</strong> fish and prawns. The stretrh<strong>of</strong> the lake above the barrage becoming inaccessible to the euryhalrne mrgratory frsherand prawns lrom the sea, the fish productivity <strong>of</strong> the sector dwrndled About 13 sucheuryhalrne migratory specres no more contribute to the fishew <strong>of</strong> this sector. Srntrlarlyabout 16 stenohalrne freshwater species found an entry to the commercral fishery <strong>of</strong> theSector The pnzed fishery <strong>of</strong> Macrobrachiurn rosenbergii got reduced to about 35% <strong>of</strong> rtslandings durrng the pre-barrage phase (196365).

The study indicates Ihe necessity <strong>of</strong> maintaining the continuity <strong>of</strong> the lake berween bothsides <strong>of</strong> the barrage so that the tidal washings during the p msoon months enabks tonaturally llush out the wades and thefeby mkKing ttte 1ves5 on the environment at thisSector.The continuity would also ensure the upward and downwad migration <strong>of</strong> the lish andprawn any time during the year making the whok lake available to the euryhalinespecies. This would ~ubstantially improw the fishery <strong>of</strong> the lake as a whole. The upwardand downward migration <strong>of</strong> the Macrobrachiurn specter also would be facilitated lead~ngto the rejuvenation <strong>of</strong> its fishery. The changes w l d haw a salutary effect on the socioeconomiccondition 01 the lisherfolk engaged in fishery 01 the lake.It is tberelore suggested that there should be only periodic closure <strong>of</strong> barrage rather thanpermanently remained closed for about 4-5 months. The periodicity should depend onthe tidal amplitude so that the'second crop olpaddy cuhivation is not adversely affecteddue to the salinity intrusion, and the tidal amplitude does not reach the intake polnt <strong>of</strong>drinking water lor the Kottayam town in Meenachal river.

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