2011 Annual Report - The Commerce Commission

2011 Annual Report - The Commerce Commission 2011 Annual Report - The Commerce Commission

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Table 2: Cases Successfully Disposed Of in 2011(cont…)Cases Resolved in 2011Case Number Case Name Issues Part of CCD 2010 ProvisionsBreached2011/08/25/BC-FTD/2062011/08/26/BC-FTD/207Consumer Evs. Company GConsumer Fvs. Company HOn 25-08-11, the Commission received a complaint from Consumer E.Consumer E informed FCC that they had purchased a piece of land inOlosara Sigatoka in 2009 and started the construction of a house in 2010.During April 2011, the couple came to Fiji and gathered quotes foraluminum works for the house. The contract was given to Company G. Thetotal cost of the aluminum works was $23,800.00. An initial deposit of$11,900.00 was made via a cheque and they were assured that thealuminum works would be completed by the first week of June 2011. Uponreturn from Canada, the couple realized that the respondent had beenmisleading them, as there was no aluminum installed or any sign ofmaterials. The justifications provided by the respondent was that thewindow frames (plaster works) were not ready. A response was received,informing FCC that he would not be able to refund the deposit. FCCmediated the matter and he agreed to refund $2000.00 to the complainant.The above offer was discussed with the complainant and the complainantrefused to accept the offer. The complainant informed FCC that she wouldbe taking the matter to court through her lawyer. Based on the above, thecase was closed by FCC.On 26-08-11, the Commission received a complaint from Consumer Fagainst Company H regarding Company H’s Broadband. The complainantinformed FCC that on the night of 4 August 2011, telephone cables werestolen from the Tavua area resulting in disruptions to internet services.Internet services were later restored on 23 August 2011 after telephonelines were repaired. Internet services were not available for 22 consecutivedays. The complainant requested for an adjustment to be made to thecurrent bill to reflect the internet usage and fairness. FCC formally wrote tothe respondent informing them of the issue and seeking a response.ConsumerProtection &Unfair PracticesConsumerProtection&UnfairPracticesSection 75 & 76 &77Section 75Page91of236

Table 2: Cases Successfully Disposed Of in 2011(cont…)Cases Resolved in 2011Case Number Case Name Issues Part of CCD 2010 ProvisionsBreachedA response was received informing FCC that the cable theft was deemedan event beyond Company H’s control and as such, they would not be ableto refund for services not provided during the outage period. The above wasconveyed to the complainant and the case was closed.2011/08/29/BC-FTD/2092011/08/30/BC-FTD/210Consumer Gvs. Company IConsumer Hvs. Company JOn 29-08-11, the Commission received a complaint from Consumer Gagainst Company I, regarding the billing of the complainant’s account. Thecomplainant informed FCC that he was billed by Company I on Commercialrates from 1999 till May 2011. The Company I bill received by Consumer Gin June 2011 showed the tariff description as Domestic while previously itwas stated as COM Step 1. Consumer G requested Company I for therefund of the sum overpaid. FCC formally wrote to Company I informingthem of the issue and Company I after making necessary adjustments,credited the complainant’s account with $745.60 as rebate. The above wasconveyed to the complainant and the case was closed.On 30-08-11, the Commission received a complaint from Consumer Hregarding the repair of a vehicle by Company J. The complainant informedFCC that Consumer H purchased a Mitsubishi Pajero V78, from Company Jfor $57,875.00 in 2010. After 87 days from the date of purchase, thevehicles gauges (fuel, temperature, speed and mileage) were notfunctioning and the concern was lodged with Company J but the matter wasnot attended. FCC formally wrote to the respondent informing them of theissue and seeking a response on the matter. A response was received,informing FCC that the vehicle was in good running condition whenpurchased by the complainant in 2010 and the electrical related problemswere not covered under the warranty and as such, repairs could not bedone FOC. The above was conveyed to the complainant and the case wasclosed.Restrictive TradePracticesDivision 1 -WarrantySection 66Section116Page92of236

Table 2: Cases Successfully Disposed Of in <strong>2011</strong>(cont…)Cases Resolved in <strong>2011</strong>Case Number Case Name Issues Part of CCD 2010 ProvisionsBreachedA response was received informing FCC that the cable theft was deemedan event beyond Company H’s control and as such, they would not be ableto refund for services not provided during the outage period. <strong>The</strong> above wasconveyed to the complainant and the case was closed.<strong>2011</strong>/08/29/BC-FTD/209<strong>2011</strong>/08/30/BC-FTD/210Consumer Gvs. Company IConsumer Hvs. Company JOn 29-08-11, the <strong>Commission</strong> received a complaint from Consumer Gagainst Company I, regarding the billing of the complainant’s account. <strong>The</strong>complainant informed FCC that he was billed by Company I on Commercialrates from 1999 till May <strong>2011</strong>. <strong>The</strong> Company I bill received by Consumer Gin June <strong>2011</strong> showed the tariff description as Domestic while previously itwas stated as COM Step 1. Consumer G requested Company I for therefund of the sum overpaid. FCC formally wrote to Company I informingthem of the issue and Company I after making necessary adjustments,credited the complainant’s account with $745.60 as rebate. <strong>The</strong> above wasconveyed to the complainant and the case was closed.On 30-08-11, the <strong>Commission</strong> received a complaint from Consumer Hregarding the repair of a vehicle by Company J. <strong>The</strong> complainant informedFCC that Consumer H purchased a Mitsubishi Pajero V78, from Company Jfor $57,875.00 in 2010. After 87 days from the date of purchase, thevehicles gauges (fuel, temperature, speed and mileage) were notfunctioning and the concern was lodged with Company J but the matter wasnot attended. FCC formally wrote to the respondent informing them of theissue and seeking a response on the matter. A response was received,informing FCC that the vehicle was in good running condition whenpurchased by the complainant in 2010 and the electrical related problemswere not covered under the warranty and as such, repairs could not bedone FOC. <strong>The</strong> above was conveyed to the complainant and the case wasclosed.Restrictive TradePracticesDivision 1 -WarrantySection 66Section116Page92of236

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