2011 Annual Report - The Commerce Commission

2011 Annual Report - The Commerce Commission 2011 Annual Report - The Commerce Commission

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Table 2: Cases Successfully Disposed Of in 2011(cont…)Cases Resolved in 2011Case Number Case Name Issues Part of CCD 2010 ProvisionsBreached2011/06/27/BC-FTD/1542011/06/28/BC-FTD/155Consumer Svs. Company PConsumer Tvs. Company QOn 27-06-11, the Commission received a complaint from Consumer Sregarding the repair of a “Skope” single door bottle cooler. The said repairsspecifically involved fitting a new 1/3 hp compressor and services totaling$1144.25. Consumer S informed FCC that the fridge was shipped fromSavusavu at a cost of $150.00 and on 09/03/11, the fridge was shippedback to Savusavu at an additional cost of $150.00. The fridge was runningwell for a week, after which it ceased to cool at all and a local refrigerationtechnician revealed after a visual inspection that the compressor had notbeen changed. An additional cost of $150.00 was incurred to ship the fridgeback to Suva. FCC formally wrote to the respondent informing them of theissue and seeking a response. A response was received, informing FCCthat Consumer S needed to give a written order for the mechanical fault tobe repaired; pay 50% upfront deposit on the quotation, a representative ofConsumer S to inspect the cooler and Consumer S to pay balance of 50%and then take the cooler. The above was conveyed to the complainant, andwith no further correspondence on the issue, the matter was closed.On 28-06-11, the Commission received a complaint from Consumer Tagainst Company Q regarding a gear box problem. She informed FCC thatshe had bought a car from Company Q and after using it for one month sheexperienced a gear box problem. She approached Company Q asking themto replace the gear box and nothing was done. FCC formally wrote to therespondent, informing them of the issue and sought a response. A responsewas received informing FCC that the vehicle was given out as a privaterental for monetary gains and the complaint regarding the gear box waslodged to them and they could not replace the gear box since the warrantyhad expired. The above was conveyed to the complainant and the case wasclosed.ConsumerProtection &Unfair Practices Section 75No Breach of theCommerceCommissionDecree 20102011/06/28/BC-FTD/155Page69of236

Table 2: Cases Successfully Disposed Of in 2011(cont…)Cases Resolved in 2011Case Number Case Name Issues Part of CCD 2010 ProvisionsBreachedCases Closed in 20112011/06/28/BC-FTD/156Consumer Uvs. Company ROn 28-06-11, the Commission received a complaint from Consumer Uregarding the quality of paint that he had bought from Company R.Consumer U informed FCC that he bought a 6 x 4 litre Berger Stop rustGalvanized iron Primer on 08-06-11 from Company R. The painting of theroof was completed by Consumer U on 10-06-11. On 11-06-11, heavy rainin the morning washed away 50% of the paint, despite the fact that it wasleft for more than 10 hours to dry. Upon lodging his concerns, Company R’sSales Officers conducted a site inspection with a Lab Technician andconcluded that there were no remedies or compensation available forConsumer U as the damage was done by the act of nature. FCC formallywrote to respondent, informing them of the issue and seeking a response. Aresponse was received informing FCC that Consumer U had purchasedwater based paints, whereby the drying (curing) depended upon the loss ofwater (by evaporation) as a first process in curing the product. Theapplication of the product in the afternoon might have resulted incondensation (dew formation) on the paint film. The above was conveyed tothe complainant and the case was closedConsumerProtection &Unfair PracticesSection 75Page70of236

Table 2: Cases Successfully Disposed Of in <strong>2011</strong>(cont…)Cases Resolved in <strong>2011</strong>Case Number Case Name Issues Part of CCD 2010 ProvisionsBreached<strong>2011</strong>/06/27/BC-FTD/154<strong>2011</strong>/06/28/BC-FTD/155Consumer Svs. Company PConsumer Tvs. Company QOn 27-06-11, the <strong>Commission</strong> received a complaint from Consumer Sregarding the repair of a “Skope” single door bottle cooler. <strong>The</strong> said repairsspecifically involved fitting a new 1/3 hp compressor and services totaling$1144.25. Consumer S informed FCC that the fridge was shipped fromSavusavu at a cost of $150.00 and on 09/03/11, the fridge was shippedback to Savusavu at an additional cost of $150.00. <strong>The</strong> fridge was runningwell for a week, after which it ceased to cool at all and a local refrigerationtechnician revealed after a visual inspection that the compressor had notbeen changed. An additional cost of $150.00 was incurred to ship the fridgeback to Suva. FCC formally wrote to the respondent informing them of theissue and seeking a response. A response was received, informing FCCthat Consumer S needed to give a written order for the mechanical fault tobe repaired; pay 50% upfront deposit on the quotation, a representative ofConsumer S to inspect the cooler and Consumer S to pay balance of 50%and then take the cooler. <strong>The</strong> above was conveyed to the complainant, andwith no further correspondence on the issue, the matter was closed.On 28-06-11, the <strong>Commission</strong> received a complaint from Consumer Tagainst Company Q regarding a gear box problem. She informed FCC thatshe had bought a car from Company Q and after using it for one month sheexperienced a gear box problem. She approached Company Q asking themto replace the gear box and nothing was done. FCC formally wrote to therespondent, informing them of the issue and sought a response. A responsewas received informing FCC that the vehicle was given out as a privaterental for monetary gains and the complaint regarding the gear box waslodged to them and they could not replace the gear box since the warrantyhad expired. <strong>The</strong> above was conveyed to the complainant and the case wasclosed.ConsumerProtection &Unfair Practices Section 75No Breach of the<strong>Commerce</strong><strong>Commission</strong>Decree 2010<strong>2011</strong>/06/28/BC-FTD/155Page69of236

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