The Honey Jar - Congregation Ohev Shalom

The Honey Jar - Congregation Ohev Shalom The Honey Jar - Congregation Ohev Shalom


Page 14The Honey JarLEAVESעליםTree of Life leafIn honor of Jeffrey Himelstein’s Bar MitzvahApril 17, 2010 (3 Iyar 5770)From his parents, Andrew and Rima and siblings, Danny and RobynHavurah Groups FormingIn the past, many of you have expressed aninterest in becoming part of a havurah. Theword “havurah” comes from the Jewish word“haver” which means friend. The havurahexperience can be a wonderful way to socializeeither with or without a Jewish theme. Yourhavurah can meet once a month, every othermonth, or as often as your group agrees upon.This havurah committee hopes to help eachgroup, once organized, to plan their first event,and hopefully, from then on, your group willcontinue to plan its own gatherings, doing theSocial Action and Chesed Committee ReportsFriends,Last week, Ohev Shalom lostone of its kindest souls, BettyKaplan, who started theMitzvah Corps and sustained itfor many, many years. She leftus with a memory that will behard to live up to.The next LifeCenterdinner is Sunday, May 2. Weneed seven servers (12 yearsold and up -- a great mitzvahto do with teens) and a coupleof shoppers. Shoppers meet atBJs (takes about an hour), anytime on Sunday). Servers meetat the Springfield Genuardi’s at 5:30 and finishabout 7:40. We also need shoppers and serversfor Sunday, July 4, and Sunday, September 5.Ruth Kaplan always needs drivers to deliverchallot to a few congregants who need a littleextra Sabbath cheer. Great mitzvah to do withkids of any age.things that interest you most: educationalpursuits, tikkun olam, athletics, or just gatheringfor a meal and camaraderie.Havurah applications are available onlineon our website ( or in thesynagogue office. Please return it as soon aspossible so you can begin your havurahexperience.Sincerely,Judy Young and the HavurahCommitteeReading Partners is takinga break until the next Life Skillsclass starts at Wesley House.We read with kids while theirmoms are in class, from about5:30 - 7 p.m. on Mondayevenings. The kids love beingable to keep the books theyread or listen to.The donations cupboard by theparking lot entrance alwayswelcomes food donations,especially tunafish, cannedstew and soup, and dry cereal.Betty KaplanFood pantries always strugglein the summertime, whendonations drop off and demand increasesbecause school breakfast and lunch programsclose down for the summer.Fran Stier,Social Action Chair

Page 14<strong>The</strong> <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong>LEAVESעליםTree of Life leafIn honor of Jeffrey Himelstein’s Bar MitzvahApril 17, 2010 (3 Iyar 5770)From his parents, Andrew and Rima and siblings, Danny and RobynHavurah Groups FormingIn the past, many of you have expressed aninterest in becoming part of a havurah. <strong>The</strong>word “havurah” comes from the Jewish word“haver” which means friend. <strong>The</strong> havurahexperience can be a wonderful way to socializeeither with or without a Jewish theme. Yourhavurah can meet once a month, every othermonth, or as often as your group agrees upon.This havurah committee hopes to help eachgroup, once organized, to plan their first event,and hopefully, from then on, your group willcontinue to plan its own gatherings, doing theSocial Action and Chesed Committee ReportsFriends,Last week, <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> lostone of its kindest souls, BettyKaplan, who started theMitzvah Corps and sustained itfor many, many years. She leftus with a memory that will behard to live up to.<strong>The</strong> next LifeCenterdinner is Sunday, May 2. Weneed seven servers (12 yearsold and up -- a great mitzvahto do with teens) and a coupleof shoppers. Shoppers meet atBJs (takes about an hour), anytime on Sunday). Servers meetat the Springfield Genuardi’s at 5:30 and finishabout 7:40. We also need shoppers and serversfor Sunday, July 4, and Sunday, September 5.Ruth Kaplan always needs drivers to deliverchallot to a few congregants who need a littleextra Sabbath cheer. Great mitzvah to do withkids of any age.things that interest you most: educationalpursuits, tikkun olam, athletics, or just gatheringfor a meal and camaraderie.Havurah applications are available onlineon our website ( or in thesynagogue office. Please return it as soon aspossible so you can begin your havurahexperience.Sincerely,Judy Young and the HavurahCommitteeReading Partners is takinga break until the next Life Skillsclass starts at Wesley House.We read with kids while theirmoms are in class, from about5:30 - 7 p.m. on Mondayevenings. <strong>The</strong> kids love beingable to keep the books theyread or listen to.<strong>The</strong> donations cupboard by theparking lot entrance alwayswelcomes food donations,especially tunafish, cannedstew and soup, and dry cereal.Betty KaplanFood pantries always strugglein the summertime, whendonations drop off and demand increasesbecause school breakfast and lunch programsclose down for the summer.Fran Stier,Social Action Chair

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