The Honey Jar - Congregation Ohev Shalom

The Honey Jar - Congregation Ohev Shalom

The Honey Jar - Congregation Ohev Shalom


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Page 2<strong>The</strong> <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong><strong>The</strong> <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong> is published 10X/Yrby <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>2 Chester RoadWallingford, PA 19086610-874-1465 ▪ Fax: 610-874-1466www.ohev.net ▪ exec@ohev.netSubmissions accepted at:<strong>The</strong><strong>Honey</strong><strong>Jar</strong>@hotmail.comAmy Larchuk, EditorJeremy Gerber, RabbiLouis Kaplan, Rabbi EmeritusSteven Friedrich,Cantor and Education DirectorJoshua Laster,Executive DirectorDavid Pollack, PresidentAffiliated withthe United Synagogueof Conservative JudaismJewish War VeteransPost 134Memorial Day Service11:00 a.m.Monday, May 31Veterans’ Circleat the<strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> cemetery

Volume 5, No. 9 Page 7Kippur. kinot (dirges) are thepiyyutim recited on Tisha B’Av.Unfortunately today thesebeautiful poems are chanted bymost congregations only on theHigh Holy Days. It is the additionof these piyyutim that makes theHigh Holy Day services markedlydifferent (and longer) from thatof the Shabbat and the Yom Tovservice. A contributing reason forthe general disappearance of thisform of piyyut during other timesof the year was the ongoingopposition of some Rabbis whoconsidered the piyyutim to be anunwarranted and improperinterruption of the obligatoryprayers. Since the music of theseprayers was not governed by therules of Nusach, many Hazzanimtook advantage by composinglong, often tedious, musicalsettings to these prayers. As aresult, outside of the HighHoliday period, the only Piyyutimthat are still in widespread useare the short Prayers for Rain andDew recited on Shmini Atzeretand the first day of Pesach. Somecongregations (including ours)still recite hoshanot whilemarching with lulav and etrogon Sukkot. Fewer still recite theunwieldy and complicatedspecial piyyut for Shavuot calledAkdamut. Written in Aramaic,Akdamut is interesting in that it isof a form called Reshut, a request(to God) for permission to digressfrom the usual order of prayers.This reshut was composed at atime when the Torah reading forShavuot was chanted in Aramaicrather than Hebrew. <strong>The</strong>Aramaic reading of Torah haslong since disappeared from anysynagogue service, but theAkdamut remains. You will hear itrecited prior to the Torah readingon the first morning of Shavuot(Wednesday, May 19).Some of these piyyutimwere just so beautiful that theyhave survived the test of timeand we still recite them everyShabbat. It’s a rare Jew whohasn’t heard of Adon Olam, EinKelohenu, L’cha Dodi, or Yigdal.For many of our congregantsthese wonderful words of lovefor God are their favorite reasonsfor coming to services. I alsohave a special love for certainpiyyutim, mostly because of theway they sound to me whensung out loud. I will write aboutthem in more detail in the future.Please let me know if there arepiyyutim that are special to you. Iwould be happy to put those atthe top of my research list.B’shalom,Cantor Steven FriedrichCommunicationsCommittee Report<strong>The</strong> Board of Directors islooking to update our publicidentity, or “<strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> look.”<strong>The</strong> recently formedCommunications Committee issetting guidelines for aconsistent, cohesive look inflyers, ads, press releases,stationery, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong>, andour electronic venues ofwebsite, Facebook, and weeklyannouncements.We’re looking forward toa future unveiling!Adult Education --Please note!<strong>The</strong> trope class originallyscheduled for May 5 hasbeen cancelled. Trope classwill resume in June and willspecifically focus on HighHoliday Torah trope, to beutilized for this year’s HighHoliday Torah readings forRosh HaShanah and YomKippur. Anyone wishing tolearn (or upgrade) the HighHoliday Trope should contactCantor Friedrich to discusspossible meeting times. Amorning trope class can beformed if there is enoughinterest.<strong>The</strong> “X-rated Version ofMegillat Ruth” originallyscheduled for Wednesday,May 12, has been postponed.It will be presented onTuesday evening, May 18, byboth Rabbi Gerber andCantor Friedrich as part ofour Tikkun Leyl Shavuotprogram following ShavuotMa’ariv services that evening(see page 4 for a completeShavuot schedule).

Page 10<strong>The</strong> <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong>You don’t cook?Pick up something Dairy or Parveat the 320 Market, orBring something Dairy orParve from Genuardi’s orTrader Joe’s

A Message from Your Executive DirectorAt the time I am writing this article, I’ve been herenearly four weeks. I’ve been fortunate enough tohave met many members, but I was just sittinghere in my office wondering how I would everget to know all of the members of <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>.And then, all of a sudden, I heard a voice. “If youorganize it, you will recognize them.” I figured itwas a little sleep deprivation making me hearvoices. I shook it off and continued to ponder.I’ve heard a lot of the names of the wonderfulpeople at this congregation, but how will I everrecognize them when I meet them. And just likethat, I heard the voice again; “If you organize it,you will recognize them.”Now I figured, I must be totally crazy! I’msitting here trying to figure out a way to get torecognize as many people from <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> aspossible, and this voice keeps interrupting me. Tobe honest, I was getting a little frustrated. As if Idon’t have enough to do without beinginterrupted by imaginary voices! <strong>The</strong>n I heardthe voice again! “Look on the table next to yourdesk, pick up the folder marked Pictorial Directoryand let people know about the schedule forgetting their photos taken for the 2010-2011<strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> Photo Directory.”I guess the voice couldn’t get more specificthan that. If you haven’t figured it out yet, it’stime for you to sign up, and get your photo takenfor the 2010-2011 <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>Directory. I’m going to share these dates andtimes with you, but you have to do your part andsign-up ASAP!Olan Mills , the largest "Church" directoryprovider offers every <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> family anamazing opportunity. Please understand all theirVolume 5, No. 9 Page 11references to our synagogue will be "church.” Ipromise we are working to help them changethat language for the photo shoot in 2020!In return for your coming in for a photosession for our new directory, you will receive afree 8x10 portrait in addition to the photo 5771Sisterhood Directory. You will have theopportunity to order additional prints as well, butthe 8x10 is yours free. I hope you are as excitedas I am! Since the directory will NOT be releaseduntil the High Holy Days, I’ll do the best that Ican to learn names and faces until then.You can sign-up for your photo session twodifferent ways:1. Call 800-866-22632. Sign up via our website, http://ohev.net., andclick on the link on the right side of the pagein the “News and Events” section.<strong>The</strong> dates and times are as follows:Sunday, May 16 11:00 AM to 5:00 PMMonday, May 17 2:00 PM to 9:30 PMMonday, May 24 2:00 PM to 9:30 PMTuesday, June 1 2:00 PM to 9:30 PMWednesday, June 2 2:00 PM to 9:30 PMDon’t delay, time slots will go very quickly! It’sbeen an amazing experience getting to know somany of you so far, and I can’t wait to meet evenmore of you in the months to come!B’shalom,Joshua LasterExecutive DirectorA Michael Fackenthall Production ...Ann Fackenthall reports that her son Michael made a short film aboutKristallnacht as told from a child’s perspective. Director Michael includedsisters Ana and Chrissie in supporting roles. Michael also composed themusic.To view it on YouTube (it runs about six minutes), search“Kfackenthall.”So far, the reviews are unqualified thumbs up!

Page 12<strong>The</strong> <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong>You’re Cordially Invited to Attend<strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> Sisterhood’s Year-End Celebration BrunchColor Your HomeAn informal seminar featuringPamela KenneyUncommon Threads Interior DesignWeary of white walls?Bored by beige?Learn about color combinations that createenergy, relaxation, and a welcoming interior environment for your home.Sunday, May 23, 10:30 a.m. - 12 noonHosted byWindow Concepts, 4653 West Chester Pike, Newtown Square, PAGold Donor $100 • Silver Donor $75 • Donor $50Brunch Only $18 ($25 for non-Sisterhood members)Event Chairs: Penni Starer and Doreen DworkinRSVP before May 17, 2010Please send this completed form along with your check payable to:<strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> Sisterhood,and mail to <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>, 2 Chester Road, Wallingford, PA 19086Name______________________________________________________________________________ I will be attending the Sisterhood Year-End Event. I will be unable to attend. Gold Donor $100 Silver Donor $75 Donor $50 Brunch Only $18 ($25 for non-Sisterhood members)

Page 14<strong>The</strong> <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong>LEAVESעליםTree of Life leafIn honor of Jeffrey Himelstein’s Bar MitzvahApril 17, 2010 (3 Iyar 5770)From his parents, Andrew and Rima and siblings, Danny and RobynHavurah Groups FormingIn the past, many of you have expressed aninterest in becoming part of a havurah. <strong>The</strong>word “havurah” comes from the Jewish word“haver” which means friend. <strong>The</strong> havurahexperience can be a wonderful way to socializeeither with or without a Jewish theme. Yourhavurah can meet once a month, every othermonth, or as often as your group agrees upon.This havurah committee hopes to help eachgroup, once organized, to plan their first event,and hopefully, from then on, your group willcontinue to plan its own gatherings, doing theSocial Action and Chesed Committee ReportsFriends,Last week, <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> lostone of its kindest souls, BettyKaplan, who started theMitzvah Corps and sustained itfor many, many years. She leftus with a memory that will behard to live up to.<strong>The</strong> next LifeCenterdinner is Sunday, May 2. Weneed seven servers (12 yearsold and up -- a great mitzvahto do with teens) and a coupleof shoppers. Shoppers meet atBJs (takes about an hour), anytime on Sunday). Servers meetat the Springfield Genuardi’s at 5:30 and finishabout 7:40. We also need shoppers and serversfor Sunday, July 4, and Sunday, September 5.Ruth Kaplan always needs drivers to deliverchallot to a few congregants who need a littleextra Sabbath cheer. Great mitzvah to do withkids of any age.things that interest you most: educationalpursuits, tikkun olam, athletics, or just gatheringfor a meal and camaraderie.Havurah applications are available onlineon our website (www.ohev.net) or in thesynagogue office. Please return it as soon aspossible so you can begin your havurahexperience.Sincerely,Judy Young and the HavurahCommitteeReading Partners is takinga break until the next Life Skillsclass starts at Wesley House.We read with kids while theirmoms are in class, from about5:30 - 7 p.m. on Mondayevenings. <strong>The</strong> kids love beingable to keep the books theyread or listen to.<strong>The</strong> donations cupboard by theparking lot entrance alwayswelcomes food donations,especially tunafish, cannedstew and soup, and dry cereal.Betty KaplanFood pantries always strugglein the summertime, whendonations drop off and demand increasesbecause school breakfast and lunch programsclose down for the summer.Fran Stier,Social Action Chair

Page 16<strong>The</strong> <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong>Your Contributions for the Month of MarchInformation Unavailable

Page 18<strong>The</strong> <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong>Information Unavailable

Volume 5, No. 9 Page 19Thanks to the Rabbi Kaplan Jubilee VolunteersHonorary Co-Chairs, Cecily and Dick Morris, and Co-Chairs, Doreen and Ross Dworkin and Marianne andAllan Glanzman, would like to thank all of thecommittee members whose dedication, time, and hardwork made the Rabbi Louis Kaplan Jazz Jubilee such asuccess!Advisory Committee:Henry DicksonBruce GodickCindy HoffmanAmy PollackFrances SheehanPenni and Andy StarerOutreach Committee:Ellen AbramowitzCarol BogdanoffCeil DobkinHelen DworkinTammy FinsterbuschLise FishmanReisha FreedmanEsther GraumanBernice HittnerRuth KaplanBarbara LevyVi ManskyShelley MissanDiane RossetPenni and Andy StarerPublicityBonnie BreitCindy HoffmanOrna WisemanTribute Book Committee:Jane Cohen (advertising chair)Bev Dickson (layout)Amy Pollack (design and editing)Fabienne Lauret and Ken Wachs (personaltributes)Bruce BogdanoffCliff CohenDoris EloferBrad ErnestBruce GodickDavid JablonskiLauren KatzAlan SchapireAlec SchwartzFrances SheehanRise SkobeloffJudy StallAndy SzaboInvitations and MailingsAmy Pollack (design)Frank ConsoliRSVPs and SeatingPenni StarerFrances SheehanServicesElsa Wachs (chair)Sue Long (program art)Bruce BogdanoffRabbi Peggy DeProphetisSteven DuchovnayJoel FeinCantor FreidrichRabbi GerberBruce GodickRomie GriesmerPeter KoelleKaren and Louis StesisAndy SzaboMargie WainfanRuss YoungDécorCecily Morris (chair)Allan Baron (lighting)Don AbramowitzDebbie ConsoliElayne DeSimoneDoreen DworkinSteve LevinsteinPam NeigutFestivitiesDonna and Cliff Cohen (food and drink)Karen Stesis (hospitality)Henry DicksonDeivy PetrescuFrances SheehanRise SkobeloffSilent Auction DonorsDon AbramowitzBonnie BreitDoreen DworkinDoris EloferAnn FackenthallEmily FarrellLise FishmanRabbi GerberAllan GlanzmanAmy GrahamRon KatcherCecily Morris and daughter Stacy Morris YoreAmy and David PollackAlan SchapireRise and Emil SkobeloffLiz SternElsa WachsMargie and Dan WainfanLeslie Wendell

Page 20<strong>The</strong> <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong>Please patronize the Rabbi Kaplan Jubilee Advertisers and DonorsTribute Book Chair, Jane Cohen, HonoraryCo‐Chairs, Cecily and Dick Morris, andCo‐Chairs, Doreen and Ross Dworkin andMarianne and Allan Glanzman, would like tothank all of the advertisers and auction donorswho helped to make the Rabbi Louis Kaplan JazzJubilee such a success! Please patronize ourbusiness partners, and when you do, be sure tothank them for their support! We would like toacknowledge the tributes made to Rabbi Kaplanby Representative Killion,tkillion@pahousegop.com, Senator Pileggi,www.senatorpileggi.com, Congressman Sestak,www.sestak.house.gov and Senator Specter,www.specter.senate.gov. We would also like tothank State Senator Dominic Pileggi for visitingon Friday evening and taking time out of hisbusy schedule to attend Rabbi Gillman’s lecture.AdvertisersAdvantage Industrial Supply, P.O. Box 37452,Philadelphia, 19148, 215‐327‐7752,swoloff@aol.comAAMCO Transmissions, Dale Estus, 746 ChesterPike, Prospect Park, 19076, 610‐461‐0580Allstate Insurance, Steve Taub, 399 East BaltimorePike, Media, 19063, 610‐566‐3500steventaub@allstate.comAMF Auto Clinic, Inc., 3808 Edgmont Ave.,Brookhaven, 610‐872‐2167, www.amf‐auto.comARMDI American Red Magen David for Israel,Minyan Sam Morris Chapter, c/o Alan Goldman,<strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>Arrowhead Day Camp, 610‐353‐KIDS,www.arrowheaddaycamp.comBME Consulting (Computers), Brad Miller,610‐853‐4461Bernstein Global Wealth Management, PeterGelwarg, 1345 Avenue of the Americas,New York,NY 10105, 212‐486‐5800, www.bernstein.comBroomall Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics,Delaware County Medical Center, 1999 SproulRd., #14‐15, Broomall, 19008, 610‐356‐1454,www.childrens‐dentistry.comVictor R. Burgos & Son, Inc., Building Contractors,2910 Edgmont Ave., Brookhaven, 19015,610‐876‐1939, www.BurgosConstruction.comBozentka & Voiner, Oral Surgeons, 700 S ChesterRd., Swarthmore, 19081, 610‐328‐0773,www.nbozentka.comBurmans Pharmacy, 3400 Edgmont Ave.,Brookhaven, 19015, 610‐872‐5418Conicelli Auto, www.conicelli.comContemporary Styles by Mena, Full Service HairSalon, 203 E Baltimore Pike, Media, 19063,610‐565‐5155Cycle Fit Bike Shop, 320 S Chester Rd., Wallingford,19086, 610‐876‐9450, www.cyclefitonline.comEckell, Sparks, Levy, Auerbach, Monte, Sloane,Matthews and Auslander, P.C., 344 W Front St.,Media, 19063, 610‐565‐3700,www.eckellsparks.comElko & Associates Ltd. Certified Public Accountants,2 W. Baltimore Ave., Media, 19063,610‐565‐3930, www.elkocpa.comExecutive Cleaners, 13 S Chester Rd., Swarthmore,610‐544‐8441Federation Early Learning Services,www.FelsKids.org 610‐872‐0400First Keystone Bank, 330 Dartmouth Ave.,Swarthmore, 610‐361‐1300,www.firstkeystone.comFizzano Bros. Concrete Products, 176 Chester Pike,Crum Lynne, 19022, 610‐833‐1100Food Designs, 921‐23 E Chelten Ave., Philadelphia,19138, 215‐843‐2292, baxelrod@comcast.netForwood & Christie Orthodontics, 200 S ProvidenceRd., Wallingford, 19086, 610‐565‐8888,www.ForwodOrtho.comFour Paws Shoppe, 300 W State St., Media, 19063,610‐566‐3017, www.fourpawsshoppe.comCamp Galil, 484‐684‐6532, www.campgalil.orgScott Garrison, DDS, MSD, Periodontics andImplants, 422 Manchester Ave, Media, 19063,610‐566‐2217, mediaperio@mac.comGoldsteins’ Rosenberg’s, Raphael‐Sacks, Inc.215‐927‐5800, www.GoldsteinsFuneral.comHar Zion Hebrew High School, 1500 Hagys Ford Rd,Penn Valley, PA 19072, 610‐667‐5000,www.harziontemple.orgHobbs Coffee, 1 Park Ave., Swarthmore,610‐624‐1391, www.hobbscoffee.comImmediate Care Back & Neck Pain Relief Center, Dr.Joseph Schneider, 477 Baltimore Pike,Springfield, 19064, 610‐544‐9800

Volume 5, No. 9 Page 21Israel Bonds, 1500 Walnut St., Suite 1302,Philadelphia, 19102, 215‐545‐8380,www.israelbonds.comCamp JCC, 101 Garden of Eden Road, N Wilmington,302‐478‐5660, www.siegeljcc.orgLarson Family Builders 27 Linden Ave, Rutledge,610‐544‐8575, larsonfamilybuilders@yahoo.comMAB Jewelers, Olde Sproul Village, Springfield,19064, 610‐544‐4656320 Market Café, 713 S Chester Rd., Swarthmore,19081, 610‐328‐7211,www.<strong>The</strong>320MarketCafe.comMartindale’s Natural Markets, 1172 Baltimore Pike,Springfield, 610‐543‐6811,www.martindalesnutrition.comMekom Torah, Rabbi Helen Plotkin, 610‐368‐4065,helen@mekomtorah.orgDavid Ostwald’s Gully Low Jazz Band,www.ostwaldjazz.com<strong>The</strong> Pain and Spine Treatment Center, Dr. GeraldDworkin, Philadelphia College of OsteopathicMedicineProvidence Ear Nose & Throat Specialists, Dr. SteveFischer and colleagues, Riddle Memorial Hospital,Outpatient Pavilion, Suite 3406, 4 th floor, 1098 WBaltimore Pike, Media, 610‐566‐4100,www.providenceent.comCamp Ramah, 215‐885‐8556,www.campramahpoconos.orgJean Raymond Salon, 918 Providence Rd., Media,19063, 610‐566‐5400Rose Tree Dental Group, 1245 N Providence Rd.,Media, 19063, 610‐565‐5077Sabra Dental Studio, Jacob Loia, 795 Franklin Ave.,Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417, 1‐800‐572‐2725,JackLoia@yahoo.comSenior Helpers, 610‐789‐4700,www.seniorhelpers.comBob Scittina, State Farm Insurance, 801 Yale Ave.,Suite 5A, Swarthmore, 610‐328‐9500ShopRite, 1300 Rocky Run Parkway, Wilmington, DE302‐477‐3270Lou G. Siegel, Inc. (Caterer), 212‐921‐4433,www.lougsiegelcaterers.comSproul Lanes, 745 W Sproul Rd., Springfield, 19064,610‐544‐4524Total Maintenance Services, Inc. / Top Notch TreeExperts, P.O. Box 1941, Boothwyn, 19061,610‐494‐5589Twist n’ Shout, Amy Pollack, 610‐543‐5431,www.twistnshout.comWade, Goldstein, Landau & Abruzzo, P.C., Attorneys,61 Cassatt Ave., Berwyn 19312, 610‐296‐1800,www.wadegold.com<strong>The</strong> Watermark at Logan Square (Senior Living) TwoFranklin Town Blvd., Philadelphia, 19103,215‐268‐7659, www.watermarkcommunities.comWilliams & Witherell, Ophalmologists, CustomizedCataract Surgery, Chester/Media/Glen Mills,610‐874‐5261Window Concepts, <strong>The</strong> Elofers, 4653 W Chester Pike,Newtown Square, 19073, 610‐325‐2094,www.windowconceptspa.comWoodlyn Dental Associates, Bruce Godick, D.M.D. &Russ Young, D.D.S., Fairview Rd. at 5 th Ave.,610‐833‐5833Auction DonorsAria Mediterranean Cuisine, 405 Dartmouth Ave.,Swarthmore, 610‐543‐2701Benjamin’s Family Market, 1 W. Front St., Media19063, 610‐565‐0535Earth and State, 23 W State St., Media,610‐566‐9270, www.earthandstate.comFour Paws Shoppe, 300 W State St., Media, 19063,610‐566‐3017, www.fourpawsshoppe.comGarnet Cleaners, 100 Park Ave., Swarthmore,610‐544‐6400<strong>The</strong> Healthplex (Sports Club and Spa) 194 W SproulRd., Springfield, 610‐328‐8888,www.healthplex.netHobbs Coffee,1 Park Ave., Swarthmore,610‐624‐1391, www.hobbscoffee.comMedia Hair Stop, 21 E State St., Media 19063,610‐566‐8228Occasionally Yours, 10 Park Ave., Swarthmore,610‐328‐9360, www.occyours.comOne or Two of a Kind, 112 W. State St., Media,610‐565‐8012, www.1or2ofakind.comLorri Primavera Jewelry, 208 Highland Ave.,Wallingford, 19086Seven Stones Café, 24 S. Plum St., Media, 19063,610‐627‐2077Sorella Boutique , 23 E. State St., Media, 19063,610‐566‐2393, www.sorellashop.comSwarthmore Dry Cleaners, 729 S Chester Rd,Swarthmore 19081, 610‐543‐8808Ten Thousand Villages, 101 W. State St., Media19063, 610‐892‐5020,www.tenthousandvillages.comTrader Joe’s, 12 E. State St., Media, 19063,610‐891‐2752, www.traderjoes.comBuzz Waterston, Divine Woodwork, LLC, Wallingford,19086, www.divinewoodwork.com

Page 22<strong>The</strong> <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong>Please plan to attend<strong>The</strong> Annual <strong>Congregation</strong>al MeetingTHURSDAY, JUNE 177:45 P.M.following an abbreviated Board of Directors meetingTentative Agenda:▪ Volunteer Appreciation Reception▪ Report from new Executive Director Joshua Laster▪ Election of officers and Board members▪ Approval of Constitution revisions pertaining togovernance▪ Approval of the 2010-2011 budget▪ Outgoing President David Pollack: Summary of thePast Year▪ Thank-you to David Pollack for his service▪ Incoming President Frances Sheehan: Plans forthe Future

Volume 5, No. 9 Page 23<strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>Israel Trip 2.0Summer 2011Join Rabbi Jeremy Gerber when <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> returns to Israel, building on thesuccessful 2008 trip, when 50+ individuals experienced many of the wonders Israelhas to offer.This trip is in the earliest of planning stages. It will offer something foreveryone, those who have already been to Israel and those who have not. If youhave any interest in participating, please contact Rabbi Gerber at rabbi@ohev.net,or 610-874-1465, or Rich Kaplan at rzanek@msn.com, or 610-892-0122. Anyone witha desire to be part of the Planning Committee, please make contact as soon aspossible.See Us At Our NEW SHOWROOM!WERTHEIMERLIBERTY MONUMENTSAnyone can shop!Anyone can join!Check out theSWARTHMORE CO-OP!Open 8 to 8 Mon-Sat, and 8-7 Sunday610-543-9805758 Second Street PikeSouthampton, PA215-396-7470Fax: 215-396-7473Monday, Tuesday, Thursday9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.Friday, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.Sunday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.CLOSED Shabbat and Yom TovConvenient off-street parking341 Dartmouth AvenueSwarthmore, PA 19081swacoop@comcast.netswarthmore.coop

Page 24<strong>The</strong> <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong>

Volume 5, No. 9 Page 25From a small, intimate gourmet dinnerto a banquet for several hundred…from a cocktail party to a formal dinner…Boscov’s A La Carte makes entertaining easy.We’ll bring the party to you…or prepare it in your kitchen, if you prefer…perfectly tailored to your specificationsand very affordably priced.<strong>The</strong> best party you ever gaveis just a phone call away610-370-37186410 N. Broad StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19126(215) 927-5800Albert MendelFuneral DirectorBennett GoldsteinSupervisor

Page 26<strong>The</strong> <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong>

PERSONENHeeft u een beoogd gedeputeerdeJa, Jaap Lodders.Wat betekent een mogelijk gedeputeerden-schap voor de fractieDe fractie is stabiel.Schat u in dat er draagvlak is bij andere partijen voor deze kandidatuurJa.Wat vindt u belangrijke eigenschappen bij een collega gedeputeerde- Collegialiteit;- vertrouwen;- elkaar iets gunnen;- politiek/bestuurlijke sensitiviteit;- collegiaal uitdragen van het collegebeleid.-/-Datum: 30-03-2015Verslag informatiegesprekVVD* Jaap Lodders, Jan de Reus, VVD* Tanja Klip, informateur* Amanda Kost, griffier (verslag)NADERE VRAGENNaar aanleiding van het breekpunt ten aanzien van de PVV (verslag 25-3)De VVD blijft bij haar standpunt ten aanzien van de PVV: zolang de uitspraak ‘minderminder’ niet wordt ingetrokken, ziet de VVD geen mogelijkheden met de PVV bestuurlijksamen te werken.Naar aanleiding van de voorwaarden die de VVD stelt voor deelname aan het college enspeerpunten van de VVDDe VVD staat open voor samenwerking met D66 in coalitieverband.Wel verneemt zij nog graag van D66 hoe zij mogelijke bestuurlijke verantwoordelijkheid wilwaarmaken, tegen de achtergrond van de opstelling tijdens de afgelopen bestuursperiode.De VVD staat ook open voor samenwerking met de SP, omdat ook de VVD geen verdereafbouw van het sociaal domein wenst.-/-- 3 -

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