Malcev presentations for subsemigroups of direct products of ...

Malcev presentations for subsemigroups of direct products of ...

Malcev presentations for subsemigroups of direct products of ...


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<strong>Malcev</strong> <strong>presentations</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>subsemigroups</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>direct</strong> <strong>products</strong> <strong>of</strong> coherent groupsAlan J. CainSchool <strong>of</strong> Mathematics and Statistics, University <strong>of</strong> St AndrewsNorth Haugh, St Andrews, Fife KY SS, United KingdomEmail: alanc@mcs.st-andrews.ac.ukWeb page: www-groups.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~alanc/This is a preprint <strong>of</strong> the article published as: Journal <strong>of</strong> Pure and AppliedAlgebra (), no. , pp. –. doi: ./j.jpaa....: . : ..The <strong>direct</strong> product <strong>of</strong> a free group and a polycyclic group is knownto be coherent. This paper shows that every finitely generatedsubsemigroup <strong>of</strong> the <strong>direct</strong> product <strong>of</strong> a virtually free group andan abelian group admits a finite <strong>Malcev</strong> presentation. (A <strong>Malcev</strong>presentation is a presentation <strong>of</strong> a special type <strong>for</strong> a semigroupthat embeds into a group. A group is virtually free if it containsa free subgroup <strong>of</strong> finite index.) By considering the <strong>direct</strong> product<strong>of</strong> two free semigroups, it is also shown that polycyclic groups,unlike nilpotent groups, can contain finitely generated <strong>subsemigroups</strong>that do not admit finite <strong>Malcev</strong> <strong>presentations</strong>. <strong>Malcev</strong> <strong>presentations</strong> are <strong>presentations</strong> <strong>of</strong> a special type <strong>for</strong> semigroupsembeddable into groups. They were introduced by Spehner [Spe],who later proved that all finitely generated submonoids <strong>of</strong> free monoids admitfinite <strong>Malcev</strong> <strong>presentations</strong> [Spe]. These two articles by Spehner <strong>for</strong>medthe whole <strong>of</strong> the literature on <strong>Malcev</strong> <strong>presentations</strong> until recent work <strong>of</strong> Cain,Robertson & Ruškuc [CRRa, CRRb] and Cain [Cai]. The present paper continuesthis research into <strong>Malcev</strong> <strong>presentations</strong>.Call a group — or more generally a group-embeddable semigroup — <strong>Malcev</strong>coherent if all <strong>of</strong> its finitely generated <strong>subsemigroups</strong> admit finite <strong>Malcev</strong><strong>presentations</strong>. (Recall that a group is coherent if all <strong>of</strong> its finitely generated subgroupsare finitely presented [Ser].) The class <strong>of</strong> <strong>Malcev</strong> coherent groups isproperly contained in the class <strong>of</strong> coherent groups [CRRa, Theorem ].The <strong>direct</strong> product <strong>of</strong> two free non-abelian groups is not coherent [Gru].This does not immediately preclude the <strong>Malcev</strong> coherence <strong>of</strong> the <strong>direct</strong> product

<strong>of</strong> two free semigroups, but Theorem shows that such <strong>direct</strong> <strong>products</strong> are notin general <strong>Malcev</strong> coherent: the <strong>direct</strong> product <strong>of</strong> two free semigroups <strong>of</strong> rankat least 2 is not <strong>Malcev</strong> coherent.The <strong>Malcev</strong> coherence <strong>of</strong> nilpotent groups was established by [CRRa, Theorem]. Polycyclic groups <strong>for</strong>m a more general class than finitely generatednilpotent groups whilst retaining the property <strong>of</strong> coherence [Sim, §§ .–.].One there<strong>for</strong>e naturally asks whether polycyclic groups are <strong>Malcev</strong> coherent.From Theorem and a result <strong>of</strong> Rosenblatt [Ros], one obtains a negative answer:polycyclic groups are not in general <strong>Malcev</strong> coherent.The <strong>direct</strong> product <strong>of</strong> a free group and an abelian group is coherent. (Aslight modification <strong>of</strong> the reasoning <strong>of</strong> [Mil] proves this assertion and, moregenerally, establishes the coherence <strong>of</strong> the <strong>direct</strong> product <strong>of</strong> a free group and apolycyclic group.) Both virtually free groups [CRRb, Theorem ] and abeliangroups are known to be <strong>Malcev</strong> coherent. [Every finitely generated subsemigroup<strong>of</strong> an abelian group — and more generally every finitely generated commutativesemigroup — admits a finite ‘ordinary’ presentation as a consequence<strong>of</strong> Rédei’s Theorem [Réd].] Most <strong>of</strong> this paper is dedicated to the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> itssecond main result, Theorem , which asserts that every <strong>direct</strong> product <strong>of</strong> avirtually free group and an abelian group is <strong>Malcev</strong> coherent.[This paper is based on Chapter <strong>of</strong> the author’s Ph.D. thesis [Cai].] Following [ECH + ], the notation used in this paper distinguishesa word from the element <strong>of</strong> the semigroup or group it represents. Let A be analphabet representing a set <strong>of</strong> generators <strong>for</strong> a semigroup S. For any word w ∈A + , denote by w the element <strong>of</strong> S represented by w. Similarly, if A representsa set <strong>of</strong> generators <strong>for</strong> a group G, let w be the element <strong>of</strong> G represented byw ∈ (A ∪ A −1 ) ∗ . In both cases, <strong>for</strong> any set <strong>of</strong> words W, W is the set <strong>of</strong> allelements represented by at least one word in W.The theory <strong>of</strong> <strong>Malcev</strong> <strong>presentations</strong> was introduced by Spehner [Spe], thoughthey are based on <strong>Malcev</strong>’s necessary and sufficient condition <strong>for</strong> the embeddability<strong>of</strong> a semigroup in a group [Mal, Mal]. (Details <strong>of</strong> the embeddabilitycondition can also be found in [CP, Chapter ].) Although this sectioncontains the definitions and results about <strong>Malcev</strong> <strong>presentations</strong> required <strong>for</strong> therest <strong>of</strong> the paper, the reader is assumed to be familiar with the basic theory <strong>of</strong>[ordinary] semigroup <strong>presentations</strong>. For a fuller exposition <strong>of</strong> the foundations<strong>of</strong> the theory <strong>of</strong> <strong>Malcev</strong> <strong>presentations</strong>, see [Cai, Chapter ]. . Let S be any semigroup. A congruence σ on S is a <strong>Malcev</strong>congruence if S/σ is embeddable in a group.If {σ i : i ∈ I} is a set <strong>of</strong> <strong>Malcev</strong> congruences on S, then σ = ∩ i∈I σ i is alsoa <strong>Malcev</strong> congruence on S. This is true because S/σ i embeds in a group G i <strong>for</strong>each i ∈ I, so S/σ embeds in ∏ i∈I S/σ i, which in turn embeds in ∏ i∈I G i. Thefollowing definition there<strong>for</strong>e makes sense. . Let A + be a free semigroup; let ρ ⊆ A + × A + be any binaryrelation on A + . Denote by ρ M the smallest <strong>Malcev</strong> congruence containing ρ —namely,ρ M = ∩ {σ : σ ⊇ ρ, σ is a <strong>Malcev</strong> congruence on A+ } .

Then SgM⟨A | ρ⟩ is a <strong>Malcev</strong> presentation <strong>for</strong> [any semigroup isomorphic to]A + /ρ M . If both A and ρ are finite, the the <strong>Malcev</strong> presentation SgM⟨A | ρ⟩ issaid to be finite.Let SgM⟨A | R⟩ be a <strong>Malcev</strong> presentation <strong>for</strong> a semigroup S. If S has a finite<strong>Malcev</strong> presentation, then it admits one <strong>of</strong> the <strong>for</strong>m SgM⟨A | Q⟩, where Q is afinite subset <strong>of</strong> R.The notation SgM⟨A | ρ⟩ distinguishes the <strong>Malcev</strong> presentation with generatorsA and defining relations ρ from the ordinary semigroup presentationSg⟨A | ρ⟩, which defines A + /ρ # . (Recall that ρ # denotes the smallest congruencecontaining ρ.) Similarly, Gp⟨A|ρ⟩ denotes the group presentation with the sameset <strong>of</strong> generators and defining relations. Let X be a subset <strong>of</strong> a group G. Denoteby Sg⟨X⟩ the subsemigroup generated by X, by Mon⟨X⟩ the submonoid generatedby X, and by Gp⟨X⟩ the subgroup generated by X. The free group withbasis A is denoted FG(A).Fix A + and ρ as in the Definition and let S = A + /ρ M . Let A L , A R be twosets in bijection with A under the mappings a ↦→ a L , a ↦→ a R , respectively, withA, A L , A R being pairwise disjoint. Extend the mappings a ↦→ a L , a ↦→ a R toanti-isomorphisms from A ∗ to (A L ) ∗ and (A R ) ∗ , respectively. Letτ = ρ ∪ { (bb R a, a), (abb R , a), (b L ba, a), (ab L b, a) : a ∈ A ∪ A L ∪ A R , b ∈ A } .Let G = Sg⟨A ∪ A L ∪ A R | τ⟩. The semigroup G is actually the universal group<strong>of</strong> S, with G ≃ Gp⟨A | ρ⟩. (See [CP, Chapter ] <strong>for</strong> background in<strong>for</strong>mationon universal groups.) There<strong>for</strong>e a <strong>Malcev</strong> presentation <strong>for</strong> a semigroup is effectivelya presentation <strong>for</strong> its universal group, with all defining relations confinedto A + × A + . It can be shown thator equivalently thatρ M = τ # ∩ (A + × A + ),ρ M = {(u, v) : u, v ∈ A + represent the same element <strong>of</strong> Gp⟨A | ρ⟩}.()There<strong>for</strong>e, two words u, v ∈ A + represent the same element <strong>of</strong> S if and only ifthere is a sequenceu = u 0 → u 1 → . . . → u n = v,with n ⩾ 0, where, <strong>for</strong> each i ∈ {0, . . . , n − 1}, there exist p i , q i , q ′ i , r i ∈ (A ∪A L ∪ A R ) ∗ such that u i = p i q i r i , u i+1 = p i q ′ i r i, and (q i , q ′ i ) ∈ τ or (q′ i , q i) ∈ τ.In fact, it can be shown that u, v ∈ A + represent the same element <strong>of</strong> S if anyonly if there exists such a sequence with p i ∈ (A ∪ A L ) ∗ and r i ∈ (A ∪ A R ) ∗ .This restriction on the letters that can appear in p i and r i simply means that nochanges can occur to the left <strong>of</strong> an a L or to the right <strong>of</strong> an a R . Such a sequenceis called a <strong>Malcev</strong> ρ-chain (or simply a <strong>Malcev</strong> chain) from u to v. If (u, v) ∈ ρ M ,then (u, v) is said to be a <strong>Malcev</strong> consequence <strong>of</strong> ρ. The first part <strong>of</strong> the present section is devoted to a pro<strong>of</strong> that the<strong>direct</strong> product <strong>of</strong> two free semigroups <strong>of</strong> rank at least 2 is not <strong>Malcev</strong> coherent.This contrasts with Spehner’s pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Malcev</strong> coherent <strong>of</strong> free monoids

[Spe]. This in turn contrasts the fact that free semigroups admit finitely generated<strong>subsemigroups</strong> that do not admit finite ‘ordinary’ <strong>presentations</strong>. [However,all <strong>subsemigroups</strong> <strong>of</strong> rank at most 3 <strong>of</strong> free semigroups do admit finite ordinary<strong>presentations</strong> [BMa]. Rank-4 <strong>subsemigroups</strong> <strong>of</strong> free semigroups maynot be finitely presented [Mar, p.].]The following example exhibits a finitely generated subsemigroup <strong>of</strong> a <strong>direct</strong>product <strong>of</strong> two free semigroups that does not admit a finite <strong>Malcev</strong> presentation. . Let A = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j} be an alphabet representing elements<strong>of</strong> {x, y, p, q, r, s} + × {x, y, p, q, r, s} + as follows:a = (x 2 pqrs, x),b = (pqrspqrs, p),c = (pqr, q),d = (spqr, r),e = (sy 2 , s),f = (x 2 pq, x),g = (rspq, p),h = (rsp, q),i = (qrspqrsp, r),j = (qrsy 2 , s).Let S be the subsemigroup <strong>of</strong> {x, y, p, q, r, s} + ×{x, y, p, q, r, s} + generated by A. . The semigroup S is presented by Sg⟨A | R⟩, whereR = {(ab α cd α e, fg α hi α j) : α ∈ N ∪ {0}} .[Observe in passing that (A, R) is a complete (i.e. confluent and noetherian)rewriting system. This fact is not essential <strong>for</strong> any <strong>of</strong> the subsequent reasoningin the paper.]Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> 4. Every relation in R holds in S:ab α cd α e = (x 2 pqrs(pqrspqrs) α pqr(spqr) α sy 2 , xp α qr α s)= (x 2 (pqrs) 3α+2 y 2 , xp α qr α s)= (x 2 pq(rspq) α rsp(qrspqrsp) α qrsy 2 , xp α qr α s)= fg α hi α j<strong>for</strong> all α ∈ N ∪ {0}.Define a set N <strong>of</strong> normal <strong>for</strong>ms to be the set <strong>of</strong> all words in A + that do notcontain subwords <strong>of</strong> the <strong>for</strong>m fg α hi α j <strong>for</strong> any α ∈ N ∪ {0}. Clearly, since thereare no overlaps between these <strong>for</strong>bidden words and words ab α cd α e, every element<strong>of</strong> S is represented by at least one element <strong>of</strong> N.Let u = u 1 · · · u ξ and v = v 1 · · · v η (u i , v i ∈ A <strong>for</strong> all i) be distinct words inthe set <strong>of</strong> normal <strong>for</strong>ms N, and suppose they represent the same element <strong>of</strong> S.Without loss <strong>of</strong> generality, suppose that u 1 ≠ v 1 and that u precedes v in thelexicographic ordering based on a ≺ b ≺ c ≺ . . . ≺ j. Consider the secondcomponent <strong>of</strong> u 1 and v 1 to see that(u 1 , v 1 ) ∈ {(a, f), (b, g), (c, h), (d, i), (e, j)}.Examining the first component <strong>for</strong>ces u 1 = a and v 1 = f. Sou = (x 2 pqrs · · · , x · · · ),v = (x 2 pq · · · , x · · · ).

The first component <strong>of</strong> v 2 must begin with r, which shows that the letter v 2 iseither g or h, and consideration <strong>of</strong> second components then <strong>for</strong>ces u 2 = b oru 2 = c, respectively. Without loss <strong>of</strong> generality, assume that the next α ∈ N∪{0}letters <strong>of</strong> v are letters g and v α+2 ≠ g. The case α > 0 is explained fully below;the case α = 0 is similar.So suppose v 2 · · · v α+1 = g α and v α+2 ≠ g with α > 0. Thenor, rearranging parentheses,u = (x 2 pqrs · · · , x · · · ),v = (x 2 pq(rspq) α · · · , xp α · · · ).u = (x 2 pqrs · · · , x · · · ),v = (x 2 (pqrs) α pq · · · , xp α · · · ).[In the remainder <strong>of</strong> the present pro<strong>of</strong>, parentheses will be rearranged withoutcomment.] In order to match the p α in the second component <strong>of</strong> v, the lettersu 2 , …u α+1 all lie in {b, g}. Since the first component <strong>of</strong> u 2 must begin with p(because α > 0), u 2 = b. So u begins ab β u β+2 · · · , where u β+2 ≠ b, withβ > 0.Suppose β < α/2. Then the first component <strong>of</strong> u β+2 must begin with p,and so u β+2 = c. The second component <strong>of</strong> u is then xp β q · · · and that <strong>of</strong> v isxp α · · · . However, this contradicts the equality <strong>of</strong> u and v since α > 2β > β.There<strong>for</strong>e β ⩾ α/2 and the first component <strong>of</strong> v α+2 begins with rs, whencev α+2 = h (since v α+2 ≠ g). Sou = (x 2 (pqrs) 2β+1 · · · , xp β · · · ),v = (x 2 (pqrs) α+1 p · · · , xp α q · · · ).This <strong>for</strong>ces β ⩽ α, and either u β+2 = c or u β+2 = h.Suppose β = α/2. Then the first component <strong>of</strong> u β+2 begins with p and sou β+2 = c. Consideration <strong>of</strong> the second components <strong>of</strong> u and v again leads to acontradiction.There<strong>for</strong>e β > α/2. Assume that 2β = α + γ, where γ > 0. Sou = (x 2 (pqrs) α+γ+1 · · · , xp (α+γ)/2 · · · ),v = (x 2 (pqrs) α+1 p · · · , xp α q · · · ).Consideration <strong>of</strong> first components requires that all <strong>of</strong> the letters v α+3 , …, v α+δ+2must be i, where δ ⩾ ⌊γ/2⌋. Assume without loss <strong>of</strong> generality that v α+δ+3 ≠ i.There<strong>for</strong>eu = (x 2 (pqrs) α+γ+1 · · · , xp (α+γ)/2 · · · ),v = (x 2 (pqrs) α+2δ+1 p · · · , xp α qr δ · · · ).Suppose first that γ is odd and that δ = (γ − 1)/2.Then the first component<strong>of</strong> v α+δ+3 would begin with qrs, <strong>for</strong>cing v α+δ+3 = j. Thenu = (x 2 (pqrs) α+γ+1 · · · , xp (α+γ)/2 · · · ),v = (x 2 (pqrs) α+γ+1 y 2 · · · , xp α qr γ−1 s · · · ).So the first component <strong>of</strong> u β+2 begins with y 2 , which is a contradiction.

There<strong>for</strong>e δ > (γ − 1)/2. Assume that 2δ = γ − 1 + ϵ, where ϵ > 0. Then thefirst component <strong>of</strong> u β+2 begins with p, <strong>for</strong>cing u β+2 = c. Thenu = (x 2 (pqrs) α+γ+1 pqr · · · , xp (α+γ)/2 q · · · ),v = (x 2 (pqrs) α+γ+ϵ p · · · , xp α qr δ · · · ).Suppose ϵ = 1. Since v α+δ+3 begins with q and v α+δ+3 ≠ i, it must holdthat v α+δ+3 = j, which <strong>for</strong>ces u β+3 = e. Considering second componentsthen requires δ = 0, which is impossible. So ϵ ⩾ 2 and the first component <strong>of</strong>u β+3 · · · u ξ must begin (spqr) ϵ−2 sp. So the letter u β+3 must begin a string <strong>of</strong>ϵ − 1 letters d. That is, u β+3 , …, u β+ϵ+1 must all be d. This givesu = (x 2 (pqrs) α+γ+ϵ pqr · · · , xp (α+γ)/2 qr ϵ−1 · · · ),v = (x 2 (pqrs) α+γ+ϵ p · · · , xp α qr δ · · · ).The first component <strong>of</strong> v α+δ+3 must begin qr, which <strong>for</strong>ces v α+δ+3 = j. Thefirst component <strong>of</strong> u β+ϵ+2 must begin sy 2 , which <strong>for</strong>ces u β+ϵ+2 = e. Sou = (x 2 (pqrs) α+γ+ϵ+1 y 2 · · · , xp (α+γ)/2 qr ϵ−1 s · · · ),v = (x 2 (pqrs) α+γ+ϵ+1 y 2 · · · , xp α qr δ s · · · ).Examine the second components <strong>of</strong> u and v to get (α+γ)/2 = α and ϵ−1 = δ.Since 2δ = γ − 1 + ϵ, it follows that α = γ = δ. Sov = v 1 (v 2 · · · v α+1 )v α+2 (v α+3 · · · v α+δ+2 )v α+δ+3 · · ·= fg α hi α j · · · ,which contradicts v’s membership <strong>of</strong> the set <strong>of</strong> normal <strong>for</strong>ms N. 4The semigroup S is there<strong>for</strong>e isomorphic to that <strong>of</strong> [CRRa, § ], which doesnot admit a finite <strong>Malcev</strong> presentation. To see this, observe that the universalgroup <strong>of</strong> S iswhereG = Gp⟨A | R⟩ ≃ FG(a, b, c, d, e) ∗ K FG(f, g, h, i, j) ,K = Gp⟨ab α cd α e : α ∈ N ∪ {0}⟩ ≃ Gp⟨fg α hi α j : α ∈ N ∪ {0}⟩ .The generating set {ab α cd α e : α ∈ N ∪ {0}} <strong>for</strong>ms a basis <strong>for</strong> the amalgamatedsubgroup K by [LS, Proposition I..]. So K is not finitely generated, and soa theorem <strong>of</strong> Baumslag [Bau] shows that the free product G is not finitelypresented. Thus, as its universal group is not finitely presented, S cannot admita finite <strong>Malcev</strong> presentation. . The <strong>direct</strong> product <strong>of</strong> two free semigroups <strong>of</strong> rank at least 2 is not <strong>Malcev</strong>coherent.Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> 5. Let D be the <strong>direct</strong> product <strong>of</strong> two free semigroups <strong>of</strong> rank at least2. The free semigroup <strong>of</strong> rank 2 contains isomorphic copies <strong>of</strong> free semigroups<strong>of</strong> every rank; D there<strong>for</strong>e contains a subsemigroup isomorphic to the <strong>direct</strong>product {x, y, p, q, r, s} + × {x, y, p, q, r, s} + . The semigroup D thus contains thefinitely generated subsemigroup S <strong>of</strong> Example , which does not admit a finite<strong>Malcev</strong> presentation. There<strong>for</strong>e D is not <strong>Malcev</strong> coherent. 5

Every finitely generated nilpotent group is polycyclic [Sim, Proposition ..].Whilst the class <strong>of</strong> polycyclic groups is strictly larger than the class <strong>of</strong> finitelygenerated nilpotent groups, the <strong>for</strong>mer class retains many <strong>of</strong> the pleasant properties<strong>of</strong> the latter [Sim, § .]. In particular, polycyclic groups are coherent.This remainder <strong>of</strong> this section is dedicated to proving that polycyclic groups arenot in general <strong>Malcev</strong> coherent, which contrasts with the <strong>Malcev</strong> coherence <strong>of</strong>virtually nilpotent groups [CRRa, Theorem ].The following two results are needed: ([Sim, Proposition ..]). Every extension <strong>of</strong> a polycyclic groupby a polycyclic group if itself polycyclic. That is, if E is an extension <strong>of</strong> G, and G andE/G are both polycyclic, then E is polycyclic. In particular, the <strong>direct</strong> product <strong>of</strong> twopolycyclic groups is polycyclic. ([Ros, Theorem .]). Let G be a polycyclic group. Then exactlyone <strong>of</strong> the following two statements is true:1. The group G is virtually nilpotent.2. The group G contains a free subsemigroup <strong>of</strong> rank 2.The fact that polycyclic groups are not in general <strong>Malcev</strong> coherent followsas a consequence <strong>of</strong> these results and Theorem : . The <strong>direct</strong> product <strong>of</strong> two polycyclic groups that are not virtuallynilpotent is not <strong>Malcev</strong> coherent. There<strong>for</strong>e polycyclic groups are not in general <strong>Malcev</strong>coherent.Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> 8. Let G and H be polycyclic groups that are not virtually nilpotent. LetP = G × H. Theorem shows that G and H both contain a free subsemigroup<strong>of</strong> rank 2. There<strong>for</strong>e P contains the <strong>direct</strong> product <strong>of</strong> two free semigroups <strong>of</strong>rank 2, which is not <strong>Malcev</strong> coherent by Theorem . Ergo, P itself is not <strong>Malcev</strong>coherent. By Proposition , P is a polycyclic group. 8 . Every <strong>direct</strong> product <strong>of</strong> a virtually free group and an abelian group is<strong>Malcev</strong> coherent.Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> 9. Let F be a virtually free group and let H be an abelian group. LetA be a finite alphabet representing elements <strong>of</strong> G = F × H. Let ρ : A ∗ → Gbe the standard representation mapping. Let S = Sg⟨Aρ⟩. The semigroup S isobviously presented by Sg⟨A | ker ρ⟩.Let π F : G → F and π H : G → H be the projection mappings to F and H,respectively. Define ρ F : A ∗ → F and ρ H : A ∗ → H by ρπ F and ρπ H , respectively.Notice that ker ρ = ker ρ F ∩ ker ρ H .The strategy <strong>of</strong> the pro<strong>of</strong> is based on the observation that any relation (u, v) ∈ker ρ can be decomposed as(u, v) = (c 1 , d 1 )(c 2 , d 2 ) · · · (c k , d k ),()where u = c 1 c 2 · · · c k , v = d 1 d 2 · · · d k , and each (c i , d i ) is in ker ρ F but notnecessarily in ker ρ H . The first stage <strong>of</strong> the pro<strong>of</strong> involves showing that every

elation in ker ρ is a <strong>Malcev</strong> consequence <strong>of</strong> relations that have a decomposition() where each pair (c i , d i ) is drawn from a particular finite set. However, theset <strong>of</strong> such relations is manifestly infinite. The second — rather technical —stage involves showing that all these relations are <strong>Malcev</strong> consequences <strong>of</strong> thosein a different, but still infinite, set. The reader — although perhaps beginning toempathize with Sisyphus — should be reassured by the fairly simple structure<strong>of</strong> this new set <strong>of</strong> relations. The third stage is an easy pro<strong>of</strong> that a finite subset<strong>of</strong> these relations suffices <strong>for</strong> a <strong>Malcev</strong> presentation.Preliminaries. Let S F = Sπ F ⊆ F. Notice that S F is not in general a subset <strong>of</strong> Sand that Aρ F is a finite generating set <strong>for</strong> S F . LetJ(A) = {uv −1 : u, v ∈ A + , (u, v) ∈ ker ρ F }.Using the results <strong>of</strong> [MS], one can easily show that J(A) is a context-free languageover A∪A −1 . (See [CRRb] <strong>for</strong> the reasoning in full.) Let Γ be a contextfreegrammar recognizing J(A). For (u, v) ∈ ker ρ F , define n(u, v) to be theminimum number <strong>of</strong> internal vertices in a Γ-derivation tree <strong>for</strong> uv −1 ∈ J(A).(See [HU, § .] <strong>for</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation on derivation trees.) For the purposes <strong>of</strong> thispro<strong>of</strong>, a path from the root <strong>of</strong> a Γ-derivation tree to an external vertex (labelledby an element <strong>of</strong> A ∪ A −1 ) is called a derivation path.Let R be the subset <strong>of</strong> ker ρ F consisting <strong>of</strong> all relations (u, v) such that uv −1admits a Γ-derivation tree in which every derivation path contains at most twovertices labelled by the same non-terminal. The set R is finite. (Theorem <strong>of</strong>[CRRb] shows that subsemigroup S F has a finite <strong>Malcev</strong> presentation SgM⟨A|R⟩.)Assume R is symmetrized, so that (u, v) ∈ R implies that (v, u) ∈ R. SupposethatR = {(u 1 , v 1 ), (v 1 , u 1 ), . . . , (u n , v n ), (v n , u n )} ,where u i , v i ∈ A + . The set <strong>of</strong> relations R is contained in ker ρ F . Fix these pairs(u i , v i ) throughout the pro<strong>of</strong>.Define δ : A + × A + → H by (u, v)δ = (uρ H ) − (vρ H ). Let D = Rδ ⊆ H.Observe that (u, v)δ = −(v, u)δ. Throughout this pro<strong>of</strong>, δ is used as a measure<strong>of</strong> the ‘difference’ in the H-components <strong>of</strong> the elements represented by the twosides <strong>of</strong> a relation in ker ρ F .Each (u, v) ∈ ker ρ can be decomposed (possibly in many ways) as a product(u, v) = (c 1 , d 1 )(c 2 , d 2 ) · · · (c k , d k ),where u = c 1 c 2 · · · c k , v = d 1 d 2 · · · d k , and (c i , d i ) ∈ ker ρ F .Define, <strong>for</strong> each decomposition (c 1 , d 1 )(c 2 , d 2 ) · · · (c k , d k ),andn ′ ((c 1 , d 1 )(c 2 , d 2 ) · · · (c k , d k )) = max{n(c i , d i ) : i = 1, . . . , k}.p ′ ((c 1 , d 1 )(c 2 , d 2 ) · · · (c k , d k )) =∣ {i : n(ci , d i ) = n ′ ((c 1 , d 1 )(c 2 , d 2 ) · · · (c k , d k ))} ∣ ∣ .So n ′ is the maximum n-value <strong>of</strong> any <strong>of</strong> the (c i , d i ), and p ′ is the number <strong>of</strong>times this maximum is achieved.Fix a canonical decomposition <strong>of</strong> each relation (u, v) ∈ ker ρ by selecting thedecompositions that minimize n ′ and from these selecting one that minimizesp ′ . Definen ′′ (u, v) = n ′ ((c 1 , d 1 )(c 2 , d 2 ) · · · (c k , d k ))

andp ′′ (u, v) = p ′ ((c 1 , d 1 )(c 2 , d 2 ) · · · (c k , d k )),where (c 1 , d 1 )(c 2 , d 2 ) · · · (c k , d k ) is the canonical decomposition <strong>of</strong> (u, v).First stage. Let S be the subset <strong>of</strong> ker ρ consisting <strong>of</strong> those relations whose canonicaldecompositions are <strong>for</strong>med by concatenating elements <strong>of</strong> R. LetQ = {(u i wv i , v i wu i ) : w ∈ A ∗ and i = 1, . . . , n}.Notice that Q ∈ R # , and furthermore that if (p, q) ∈ R + and w ∈ A ∗ , then(pwq, qwp) is a consequence <strong>of</strong> Q. (The set R + consists <strong>of</strong> all relations <strong>for</strong>medby concatenating elements <strong>of</strong> R.)Define an ordering ≪ <strong>of</strong> the set ker ρ as follows:(u, v) ≪ (u ′ , v ′ ) ⇐⇒ n ′′ (u, v) < n ′′ (u ′ , v ′ ) or(n ′′ (u, v) = n ′′ (u ′ , v ′ ) and p ′′ (u, v) < p ′′ (u ′ , v ′ ) ) .The line <strong>of</strong> reasoning in this first stage owes much to the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> [CRRb,Theorem ]. To show that each (u, v) is a <strong>Malcev</strong> consequence <strong>of</strong> ≪-precedingelements <strong>of</strong> ker ρ, one follows the basic outline <strong>of</strong> that earlier pro<strong>of</strong> to obtain ≪-preceding elements <strong>of</strong> ker ρ F ; one ‘compensates’ <strong>for</strong> the fact that these relationsmay not lie in ker ρ H by inserting pairs u i u R i , v iv R i , uL i u i, or v L i v i; and one usesthese newly-found relations and those in Q in a <strong>Malcev</strong> chain yielding (u, v). . Let (u, v) ∈ ker ρ − S. Then (u, v) is a <strong>Malcev</strong> consequence <strong>of</strong> relationsin Q and ≪-preceding elements <strong>of</strong> ker ρ.The following technical result will be needed in the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Theorem .In<strong>for</strong>mally, it is this result that allows the ‘compensation’ mentioned above. . Let (u, v) ∈ ker ρ F . Then (u, v)δ is a positive (that is, semigroup) sum<strong>of</strong> elements <strong>of</strong> D.Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> 11. This result is obviously true <strong>for</strong> elements <strong>of</strong> R ⊆ ker ρ F . Proceedby induction on n(u, v). Suppose (u, v) ∈ ker ρ F − R. Then any Γ-derivationtree fro uv −1 contains a derivation path with at least three vertices labelled bythe same non-terminal. Distinguish such a path with m > 2 repetitions <strong>of</strong> thenon-terminal M. SupposeO ∗ ⇒ xMy, M ∗ ⇒ α i Mβ i <strong>for</strong> each i ∈ {1, . . . , m − 1}, M ∗ ⇒ w,where O is the start symbol <strong>of</strong> Γ and uv −1 = xα 1 · · · α m−1 wβ m−1 · · · β 1 y.The point in the word uv −1 where the subword u ∈ A + ends and the subwordv −1 ∈ (A −1 ) + begins is called the u–v −1 boundary. . The u–v −1 boundary is in either x, w, or y (possibly at the end <strong>of</strong> x orw or the start <strong>of</strong> w or y).Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> 12. Suppose the u–v −1 boundary is in α i <strong>for</strong> some i ∈ {1, . . . , m − 1}(not at the start <strong>of</strong> α 1 or the end <strong>of</strong> α m−1 ). Then there exist s, t ∈ A + such thatα 1 · · · α m−1 = st −1 . By pumping derivation from M, it can be seen thatJ(A) ∋ x(α 1 · · · α m−1 ) 2 w(β m−1 · · · β 1 ) 2 y= xst −1 st −1 wβ m−1 · · · β 1 β m−1 · · · β 1 y,which is a contradiction, because this word is not in A + (A −1 ) + . A similar contradictionarises should the u–v −1 boundary be in some β i , thus proving thelemma. 12

The relation (u, v) there<strong>for</strong>e takes one <strong>of</strong> the following three <strong>for</strong>ms:. (xα 1 · · · α m−1 w ′ , y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−1 w′′ ), where w = w ′ (w ′′ ) −1 , if the u–v −1boundary is in w;. (xα 1 · · · α m−1 wβ m−1 · · · β 1 y ′ , y ′′ ), where y = y ′ (y ′′ ) −1 , if the u–v −1 boundaryis in y;. (x ′ , y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−1 w−1 α −1m−1 · · · α−1 1 x′′ ), where x = x ′ (x ′′ ) −1 , if the u–v −1 boundary is in x.The second and third cases are symmetrical. It shall there<strong>for</strong>e suffice to provethe result <strong>for</strong> the first two cases.Observe that in Γ, since m > 2, O ∗ ⇒ xMy, M ∗ ⇒ α 1 · · · α m−2 Mβ m−2 · · · β 1 ,M ∗ ⇒ α m−1 Mβ m−1 and M ∗ ⇒ w, and there<strong>for</strong>exα 1 · · · α m−2 wβ m−2 · · · β 1 y,xα m−1 wβ m−1 y, xwy ∈ J(A).()Furthermore, derivation trees with fewer than n(u, v) internal vertices exist <strong>for</strong>each <strong>of</strong> these words, as the following three derivations show:O ∗ ⇒ xMy ∗ ⇒ xα 1 · · · α m−2 Mβ m−2 · · · β 1 y ∗ ⇒ xα 1 · · · α m−2 wβ m−2 · · · β 1 y,O ∗ ⇒ xMy ∗ ⇒ xα m−1 Mβ m−1 y ∗ ⇒ xα m−1 wβ m−1 y,O ∗ ⇒ xMy ∗ ⇒ xwy.. Supposeu = xα 1 · · · α m−1 w ′ and v = y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−1 w′′ .Then, by (), the relations(xα 1 · · · α m−2 w ′ , y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−2 w′′ ),(xα m−1 w ′ , y −1 β −1m−1 w′′ ), and (xw ′ , y −1 w ′′ )are in ker ρ F and have n-values less than n(u, v). Assume that δ applied toeach <strong>of</strong> these relations () gives a positive sum <strong>of</strong> elements <strong>of</strong> D. Now,(u, v)δ = (uρ H ) − (vρ H )= (xα 1 · · · α m−1 w ′ )ρ H − (y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−1 w′′ )ρ H= (xα 1 · · · α m−2 w ′ )ρ H + (α m−1 )ρ H− (y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−2 w′′ )ρ H − (β m−1 )ρ H= (xα 1 · · · α m−2 w ′ , y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−2 w′′ )δ + (α m−1 )ρ H − (β m−1 )ρ H= (xα 1 · · · α m−2 w ′ , y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−2 w′′ )δ + (α m−1 )ρ H − (β m−1 )ρ H+ (x)ρ H + (w ′ )ρ H − (y −1 )ρ H − (w ′′ )ρ H− (x)ρ H − (w ′ )ρ H + (y −1 )ρ H + (w ′′ )ρ H= (xα 1 · · · α m−2 w ′ , y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−2 w′′ )δ+ (xα m−1 w ′ )ρ H − (y −1 β m−1 w ′′ )ρ H− (xw ′ )ρ H + (y −1 w ′′ )ρ H= (xα 1 · · · α m−2 w ′ , y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−2 w′′ )δ+ (xα m−1 w ′ , y −1 β m−1 w ′′ )δ + (y −1 w ′′ , xw ′ )δ.The assumption then shows that (u, v)δ is a positive sum <strong>of</strong> elements <strong>of</strong> D.()

. SupposeThen, by (), the relationsu = xα 1 · · · α m−1 wβ m−1 · · · β 1 y ′ and v = y ′′ .(xα 1 · · · α m−2 wβ m−2 · · · β 1 y ′ , y ′′ ),(xα m−1 wβ m−1 y ′ , y ′′ ), and (xwy ′ , y ′′ )are in ker ρ F and have n-values less than n(u, v). Again assume that δ appliedto each <strong>of</strong> these relations () gives a positive sum <strong>of</strong> elements <strong>of</strong> D.Then(u, v)δ = (uρ H ) − (vρ H )= (xα 1 · · · α m−1 wβ m−1 · · · β 1 y ′ )ρ H − (y ′′ )ρ H= (xα 1 · · · α m−2 wβ m−2 · · · β 1 y ′ )ρ H − (y ′′ )ρ H+ (α m−1 )ρ H + (β m−1 )ρ H= (xα 1 · · · α m−2 wβ m−2 · · · β 1 y ′ , y ′′ )δ + (α m−1 )ρ H + (β m−1 )ρ H+ (xwy ′ )ρ H − (y ′′ )ρ H − (xwy ′ )ρ H + (y ′′ )ρ H= (xα 1 · · · α m−2 wβ m−2 · · · β 1 y ′ , y ′′ )δ+ (xα m−1 wβ m−1 y ′ )ρ H − (y ′′ )ρ H − (xwy ′ )ρ H + (y ′′ )ρ H= (xα 1 · · · α m−2 wβ m−2 · · · β 1 y ′ , y ′′ )δ+ (xα m−1 wβ m−1 y ′ , y ′′ )δ + (y ′′ , xwy ′ )δ.Again, the assumption shows that(u, v)δ is a positive sum <strong>of</strong> elements <strong>of</strong> D.There<strong>for</strong>e, by induction on n(u, v), the image under δ <strong>of</strong> each (u, v) ∈ ker ρ Fcan be expressed as a positive sum <strong>of</strong> elements <strong>of</strong> D. 114.2. Let (c 1 , d 1 ) · · · (c k , d k ) be the canonical decomposition <strong>of</strong> (u, v). Since (u, v) ∈ker ρ − S, there exists (c j , d j ) ∈ ker ρ F − R. Reasoning as in the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>Lemma , there are three cases, two <strong>of</strong> which are parallel. For brevity, lets = c 1 · · · c j−1 , t = c j+1 · · · c k , s ′ = d 1 · · · d j−1 , and t ′ = d j+1 · · · d k .. Supposec j = xα 1 · · · α m−1 w ′ and d j = y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−1 w′′where x, α i , w ′ , w ′′ , β i , y as in the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Lemma . Then the relations(xα 1 · · · α m−2 w ′ , y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−2 w′′ ),are in ker ρ F . The relations(sxα 1 · · · α m−2 w ′ t, s ′ y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−2 w′′ t ′ ),(xα m−1 w ′ , y −1 β −1m−1 w′′ ), and (xw ′ , y −1 w ′′ )(sxα m−1 w ′ t, s ′ y −1 β −1m−1 w′′ t ′ ), and (sxw ′ , s ′ y −1 w ′′ t ′ )are thus also in ker ρ F . Now, since (u, v)δ = 0 H ,(sxα 1 · · · α m−2 w ′ t, s ′ y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−2 w′′ t ′ )δ = −(α m−1 )ρ H + (β −1m−1 )ρ H,(sxα m−1 w ′ t, s ′ y −1 β −1m−1 w′′ t ′ )δ = −(α 1 · · · α m−2 )ρ H+ (β −1m−2 · · · β−1 1 )ρ H,(sxw ′ t, s ′ y −1 w ′′ t ′ )δ = −(α 1 · · · α m−1 )ρ H+ (β −1m−1 · · · β−1 1 )ρ H.()

Lemma asserts that there are positive sums <strong>of</strong> elements <strong>of</strong> D thatequal the left-hand sides <strong>of</strong> the above equations. That is, one can chooseelements <strong>of</strong> R, concatenate them, and get a relation in ker ρ F whose imageunder δ takes one <strong>of</strong> these three values. By switching the two sides <strong>of</strong> sucha relation, one can invert the image under δ. There<strong>for</strong>e choose (p, q) and(p ′ , q ′ ) in R + such that (p, q)δ = (α m−1 )ρ H − (β −1m−1 )ρ H and (p ′ , q ′ )δ =(α 1 · · · α m−2 )ρ H −(β −1m−2 · · · β−1 1 )ρ H. Observe that the relations (pwq, qwp)and (p ′ wq ′ , q ′ wp ′ ) are consequences <strong>of</strong> Q, and that(p ′ p, q ′ q)δ = (p, q)δ + (p ′ , q ′ )δ = (α 1 · · · α m−1 )ρ H − (β −1m−1 · · · β−1 1 )ρ H.Using these relations (p, q) and (p ′ , q ′ ) as ‘compensation’, one obtainsthe relations(psxα 1 · · · α m−2 w ′ t, qs ′ y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−2 w′′ t ′ ),(sxα m−1 w ′ tp ′ , s ′ y −1 β −1m−1 w′′ t ′ q ′ ), and (q ′ qsxw ′ , p ′ ps ′ y −1 w ′′ t ′ ),()which lie in ker ρ since their images under δ are 0 H . By the choice <strong>of</strong> (p, q)and (p ′ , q ′ ), the relations () precede (u, v) in the ≪-ordering: <strong>for</strong> example,the decomposition <strong>of</strong> the first relation(p, q)(s, s ′ )(xα 1 · · · α m−2 w ′ , y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−2 w′′ )(t, t ′ )has a lesser value <strong>of</strong> n ′′ , or the same n ′′ -value and a smaller p ′′ -value, thanthe canonical decomposition <strong>of</strong> (u, v), so certainly the canonical decomposition<strong>of</strong> the first relation must have the same property.The following <strong>Malcev</strong> chain shows that (u, v) is a <strong>Malcev</strong> consequence<strong>of</strong> the relations () and those in Q:sxα 1 · · · α m−1 w ′ t→ p L psxα 1 · · · α m−2 w ′ tt R (w ′ ) R α m−1 w ′ t→ p L qs ′ y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−2 w′′ t ′ t R (w ′ ) R α m−1 w ′ tby ()→ p L qs ′ y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−2 (y−1 ) L (s ′ ) L q L (q ′ ) L q ′ qs ′ y −1 w ′′ t ′ t R (w ′ ) R α m−1 w ′ t→ p L qs ′ y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−2 (y−1 ) L (s ′ ) L q L (q ′ ) L p ′ psxw ′ tt R (w ′ ) R α m−1 w ′ t by ()→ p L qs ′ y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−2 (y−1 ) L (s ′ ) L q L (q ′ ) L p ′ psxα m−1 w ′ t→ p L qs ′ y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−2 (y−1 ) L (s ′ ) L q L (q ′ ) L p ′ psxα m−1 w ′ tq ′ (q ′ ) R→ p L qs ′ y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−2 (y−1 ) L (s ′ ) L q L (q ′ ) L q ′ psxα m−1 w ′ tp ′ (q ′ ) R by Q #→ p L qs ′ y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−2 (y−1 ) L (s ′ ) L q L psxα m−1 w ′ tp ′ (q ′ ) R→ p L qs ′ y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−2 (y−1 ) L (s ′ ) L q L ps ′ y −1 β −1m−1 w′′ t ′ q ′ (q ′ ) Rby ()→ p L qs ′ y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−2 (y−1 ) L (s ′ ) L q L ps ′ y −1 β −1m−1 w′′ t ′→ p L qs ′ y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−2 (y−1 ) L (s ′ ) L q L ps ′ y −1 β −1m−1 w′′ t ′ qq R→ p L qs ′ y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−2 (y−1 ) L (s ′ ) L q L qs ′ y −1 β −1m−1 w′′ t ′ pq R by Q #→ p L qs ′ y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−1 w′′ t ′ pq R→ p L ps ′ y −1 β1 −1 · · · β−1 m−1 w′′ t ′ qq R→ s ′ y −1 β −11 · · · β−1 m−1 w′′ t ′ .. Supposec j = xα 1 · · · α m−1 wβ m−1 · · · β 1 y ′ and d j = y ′′

where x, α i , w, β i , y ′ , y ′′ are as in the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Lemma . Then the relations(xα 1 · · · α m−2 wβ m−2 · · · β 1 y ′ , y ′′ ),(xα m−1 wβ m−1 y ′ , y ′′ ), and (xwy ′ , y ′′ )()are in ker ρ F . There<strong>for</strong>e the relations:(sxα 1 · · · α m−2 wβ m−2 · · · β 1 y ′ t, s ′ y ′′ t ′ ), (sxα m−1 wβ m−1 y ′ t, s ′ y ′′ t ′ ),are also in ker ρ F . Since (u, v)δ = 0 H ,and (sxwy ′ t, s ′ y ′′ t ′ )(sxα 1 · · · α m−2 wβ m−2 · · · β 1 y ′ t, s ′ y ′′ t ′ )δ = −(α m−1 )ρ H − (β m−1 )ρ H ,(sxα m−1 wβ m−1 y ′ t, s ′ y ′′ t ′ )δ = −(α 1 · · · α m−2 )ρ H − (β m−2 · · · β 1 )ρ H ,(sxwy ′ t, s ′ y ′′ t ′ )δ = −(α 1 · · · α m−1 )ρ H − (β m−1 · · · β 1 )ρ H .Choose ‘compensation’ relations (p, q) and (p ′ , q ′ ) in R + such that (p, q)δ =(α m−1 )ρ H +(β m−1 )ρ H and (p ′ , q ′ )δ = (α 1 · · · α m−2 )ρ H +(β −1m−2 · · · β 1)ρ H .The relations(sxα 1 · · · α m−2 wβ m−2 · · · β 1 y ′ tp, s ′ y ′′ t ′ q),(p ′ sxα m−1 wβ m−1 y ′ t, q ′ s ′ y ′′ t ′ ), and (pp ′ sxwy ′ t, qq ′ s ′ y ′′ t ′ ) ()are in ker ρ and precede (u, v) in the ≪-ordering. The following <strong>Malcev</strong>chain shows that the relation (u, v) is a <strong>Malcev</strong> consequence <strong>of</strong> the relations() and those in Q:sxα 1 · · · α m−1 wβ m−1 · · · β 1 y ′ t→ sxα 1 · · · α m−2 x L s L (p ′ ) L p ′ sxα m−1 wβ m−1 y ′ tt R (y ′ ) R β m−2 · · · β 1 y ′ t→ sxα 1 · · · α m−2 x L s L (p ′ ) L q ′ s ′ y ′′ t ′ t R (y ′ ) R β m−2 · · · β 1 y ′ t→ sxα 1 · · · α m−2 x L s L (p ′ ) L q L qq ′ s ′ y ′′ t ′ t R (y ′ ) R β m−2 · · · β 1 y ′ t→ sxα 1 · · · α m−2 x L s L (p ′ ) L q L pp ′ sxwy ′ tt R (y ′ ) R β m−2 · · · β 1 y ′ t→ sxα 1 · · · α m−2 x L s L (p ′ ) L q L pp ′ sxwβ m−2 · · · β 1 y ′ tqq R()by ()by ()→ sxα 1 · · · α m−2 x L s L (p ′ ) L q L qp ′ sxwβ m−2 · · · β 1 y ′ tpq R by Q #→ sxα 1 · · · α m−2 wβ m−2 · · · β 1 y ′ tpq R→ s ′ y ′′ t ′ qq R→ s ′ y ′′ t ′In either case, (u, v) ∈ ker ρ − S is a <strong>Malcev</strong> consequence <strong>of</strong> ≪-precedingelements <strong>of</strong> ker ρ plus relations from Q. There<strong>for</strong>e, by induction on n(u, v), thesemigroup S has a <strong>Malcev</strong> presentation SgM⟨A | S ∪ Q⟩. 12Second stage. The reasoning thus far has reduced the ‘ordinary’ presentationSg⟨A | ker ρ⟩ <strong>for</strong> S to the <strong>Malcev</strong> presentation SgM⟨A | S ∪ Q⟩. However, the set<strong>of</strong> relations S ∪ Q is infinite. The next stage is to show that all relations in S ∪ Qare <strong>Malcev</strong> consequences <strong>of</strong> those in a still infinite — but simpler — set T.This section is rather technical, so a few motivational remarks will be madeimmediately after some definitions required later.by ()

Let K = (N ∪ {0}) 2n and N = Z n . Define δ ′ : K → K byn∑(a 1 , a 1 ′ , . . . , a n, a n) ′ [↦→ ai (u i , v i )δ + a i ′ (v i, u i )δ ] .i=1(Recall that R = {(u 1 , v 1 ), (v 1 , u 1 ), . . . , (u n , v n ), (v n , u n )}.)Define σ : K → N byLet δ ′′ : N → H be given by(a 1 , a ′ 1 , . . . , a n, a ′ n) ↦→ (a 1 − a ′ 1 , . . . , a n − a ′ n).(b 1 , . . . , b n ) ↦→n∑b i (u i , v i )δ.Recall that every relation in S is a concatenation <strong>of</strong> elements <strong>of</strong> R. It is obvious,there<strong>for</strong>e, that S ⊆ R # . However, although all elements <strong>of</strong> R lie in ker ρ F ,they may have non-zero image under δ. (Recall that (u, v)δ = uρ H −vρ H .) Suppose(u, v) = (c 1 , d 1 ) · · · (c k , d k ), with (c j , d j ) ∈ R and that this decompositioncontains a i instances <strong>of</strong> (u i , v i ) and ai ′ instances <strong>of</strong> (v i, u i ) <strong>for</strong> each i. Recordthis fact using a tuple T = (a 1 , a1 ′ , a 2, a2 ′ , . . . , a n, a n) ′ ∈ K. Notice that theimage <strong>of</strong> T under δ ′ coincides with the image <strong>of</strong> (u, v) under δ. So the tuple correspondingto any relation in ker ρ must also have image 0 H under δ ′ . Now, asthe contributions <strong>of</strong> each a i and ai ′ to the sum () are mutually inverse, one maypass to a tuple (a 1 −a1 ′ , . . . , a n−a n) ′ in N (using the mapping σ) and still be ableto obtain the image <strong>of</strong> T under δ ′ using the mapping δ ′′ . (Lemma <strong>for</strong>malizesthis notion.) The kernel <strong>of</strong> δ ′′ (in the group-theoretical sense) is a subgroup <strong>of</strong>the finitely generated abelian group N and is there<strong>for</strong>e itself finitely generated.The strategy is to pick a finite [semigroup] generating set <strong>for</strong> this kernel, pullthis set back to a set <strong>of</strong> tuples Y in K, and thus to find a particular set T consisting<strong>of</strong> relations <strong>for</strong>med by concatenating relations from R and trivial relations(a, a) such that the number <strong>of</strong> (u i , v i ) and (v i , u i ) is described by a tuple in Y.(Thus each relation in T has image 0 H under δ.) The aim is to express the tupleT as a positive (semigroup) sum <strong>of</strong> tuples ∑ j∈J y j with y j ∈ Y. The definition<strong>of</strong> the relations in T then allows the construction <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Malcev</strong> chain from u tov in which there is a one-to-one correspondence between the steps <strong>of</strong> the chainand the y j in the sum <strong>of</strong> tuples.The details <strong>of</strong> the reasoning are, however, quite delicate: a number <strong>of</strong> technicaldifficulties arise in pulling back the generators <strong>of</strong> the kernel <strong>of</strong> δ ′′ to tuplesin K. Lemmata – show how to surmount these problems. . σδ ′′ = δ ′ .i=1Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> 13. Let (a 1 , a ′ 1 , . . . , a n, a ′ n) ∈ K. Then(a 1 , a 1 ′ , . . . , a n, a n)σδ ′ ′′ = (a 1 − a 1 ′ , . . . , a n − a n)δ ′ ′′n∑= (a i − a i ′ )(u i, v i )δ==i=1n∑[a i (u i , v i )δ − a i ′ (u i, v i )δ]i=1n∑[a i (u i , v i )δ + a i ′ (v i, u i )δ]i=1= (a 1 , a ′ 1 , . . . , a n, a ′ n)δ ′ .

There<strong>for</strong>e σδ ′′ = δ ′ . 13Now, Ker δ ′′ is a subgroup <strong>of</strong> N = Z n and so is finitely generated. Let X be afinite semigroup generating set <strong>for</strong> Ker δ ′′ . [This pro<strong>of</strong> adheres to a notationaldistinction between ker ϕ, which denotes a congruence on the domain <strong>of</strong> ahomomorphism ϕ, and Ker ψ, which is a normal subgroup <strong>of</strong> the domain <strong>of</strong> agroup homomorphism ψ.]Let τ : N → K be defined by(b 1 , . . . , b n ) ↦→ (max{b 1 , 0}, max{−b 1 , 0}, . . . , max{b n , 0}, max{−b n , 0}).Observe that τσ = id N . This observation and Lemma will together showthat τ is ‘almost’ an inverse <strong>of</strong> σ. Use τ to pull back X into K as follows: LetY ′ = Xτ. Let Y ′′ ⊆ K be the set{(1, 1, 0, 0, . . . , 0, 0), (0, 0, 1, 1, . . . , 0, 0), . . . , (0, 0, 0, 0, . . . , 1, 1)},and let Y = Y ′ ∪ Y ′′ .Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, the composition στ is not the identity mapping. However, itis close enough <strong>for</strong> the purposes <strong>of</strong> this pro<strong>of</strong>, in a sense made precise by thefollowing lemma: . For (a 1 , a ′ 1 , . . . , a n, a ′ n) ∈ K,(a 1 , a ′ 1 , . . . , a n, a ′ n) − (a 1 , a ′ 1 , . . . , a n, a ′ n)στ ∈ Mon ⟨ Y ′′⟩ .Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> 14. Let (. . . , a i , ai ′ , . . .) ∈ K. Then(. . . , a i , a ′ i , . . .)στ = (. . . , a i − a ′ i , . . .)τ= (. . . , max{a i − a ′ i , 0}, max{a′ i − a i, 0}, . . .).If a i ⩾ ai ′, then this gives (. . . , a i − ai ′ , 0, . . .), and(. . . , a i , a i ′ , . . .) − (. . . , a i − a i ′ , 0, . . .) = a′ i (. . . , 1, 1, . . .) + . . . .If a i ⩽ a ′ i , then this gives (. . . , 0, a′ i − a i, . . .), and(. . . , a i , a ′ i , . . .) − (. . . , 0, a′ i − a i, . . .) = a i (. . . , 1, 1, . . .) + . . . .Reasoning thus <strong>for</strong> each i gives the result. 14Similarly, τ is ‘close’ to being a homomorphism: . For (b 1 , . . . , b n ) and (c 1 , . . . , c n ) in N,(b 1 , . . . , b n )τ + (c 1 , . . . , c n )τ − (b 1 + c 1 , . . . , b n + c n )τ ∈ Mon ⟨ Y ′′⟩ .Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> 15. Let (. . . , b i , . . .) and (. . . , c i , . . .) be members <strong>of</strong> N. Then(. . . , b i , . . .)τ + (. . . , c i , . . .)τ= (. . . , max{b i , 0}, max{−b i , 0}, . . .) + (. . . , max{c i , 0}, max{−c i , 0}, . . .)= (. . . , max{b i , 0} + max{c i , 0}, max{−b i , 0} + max{−c i , 0}, . . .).Consider the following four cases:

. b i , c i ⩾ 0. This gives (. . . , b i , . . .)τ + (. . . , c i , . . .)τ = (. . . , b i + c i , 0, . . .), and(. . . , b i + c i , 0, . . .) − (. . . , b i + c i , . . .)τ= (. . . , b i + c i , 0, . . .) − (. . . , b i + c i , 0, . . .)= (. . . , 0, 0, . . .).. b i , c i ⩽ 0. This gives (. . . , b i , . . .)τ + (. . . , c i , . . .)τ = (. . . , 0, −b i − c i , . . .),and(. . . , 0, −b i − c i , 0, . . .) − (. . . , b i + c i , . . .)τ= (. . . , 0, −b i − c i , 0, . . .) − (. . . , 0, −b i − c i , . . .)= (. . . , 0, 0, . . .).. b i ⩾ 0, c i ⩽ 0. Now split into two sub-cases:(a) |b i | ⩾ |c i |. This gives (. . . , b i , . . .)τ + (. . . , c i , . . .)τ = (. . . , b i , −c i , . . .),and(. . . , b i , −c i , 0, . . .) − (. . . , b i + c i , . . .)τ= (. . . , b i , −c i , 0, . . .) − (. . . , b i + c i , 0, . . .)= (. . . , b i − b i − c i , −c i . . .)= (. . . , −c i , −c i , . . .).(Observe that −c i ⩾ 0.)(b) |b i | ⩽ |c i |. This gives (. . . , b i , . . .)τ + (. . . , c i , . . .)τ = (. . . , b i , −c i , . . .),and(. . . , b i , −c i , 0, . . .) − (. . . , b i + c i , . . .)τ= (. . . , b i , −c i , 0, . . .) − (. . . , 0, −(b i + c i ), . . .)= (. . . , b i , −c i + b i + c i . . .)= (. . . , b i , b i , . . .).. b i ⩽ 0, c i ⩾ 0. This is symmetric to case iii.Apply the four cases above to each i to complete the pro<strong>of</strong>. 15Finally, although Ker δ ′ is not guaranteed to be a subset <strong>of</strong> Mon⟨Y⟩, anyelement <strong>of</strong> Ker δ ′ differs from some element <strong>of</strong> Mon⟨Y⟩ only by an element <strong>of</strong>Mon⟨Y ′′ ⟩: . If (a 1 , a ′ 1 , . . . , a n, a ′ n)δ ′ = 0 H , then there exists y ∈ Mon⟨Y ′′ ⟩ suchthat (a 1 , a ′ 1 , . . . , a n, a ′ n) + y ∈ Mon⟨Y⟩.Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> 16. Let (a 1 , a ′ 1 , . . . , a n, a ′ n)δ ′ = 0 H . Lemma shows that the image <strong>of</strong>(a 1 , a ′ 1 , . . . , a n, a ′ n) under σ lies in Ker δ ′′ . So(a 1 , a ′ 1 , . . . , a n, a ′ n)σ = ∑ j∈Jx j <strong>for</strong> some x j ∈ X,((a 1 , a 1 ′ , . . . , a ∑n, a n)στ ′ = x j)τ,j∈J(a 1 , a ′ 1 , . . . , a n, a ′ n)στ + y = ∑ j∈J(x j τ) where y ∈ Mon ⟨ Y ′′⟩ , by Lemma ,(a 1 , a ′ 1 , . . . , a n, a ′ n) + y = ∑ j∈J(x j τ) + z where z ∈ Mon ⟨ Y ′′⟩ , by Lemma ,∈ Mon⟨Y⟩ ,

and this completes the pro<strong>of</strong>. 16Let T consist <strong>of</strong> all relations in (R ∪ {(a, a) : a ∈ A}) + , containing, <strong>for</strong> some(a 1 , a1 ′ , . . . , a n, a n) ′ ∈ Y, exactly a i instances <strong>of</strong> (u i , v i ) and ai ′ instances <strong>of</strong>(v i , u i ), <strong>for</strong> each i. Observe that T contains Q since Y contains Y ′′ . Notice thatthe definition <strong>of</strong> T makes no mention <strong>of</strong> canonical decompositions. When a relationin T used to rewrite a word over A, these a i instance <strong>of</strong> u i change to v i ,and the ai ′ instances <strong>of</strong> v i change to u i , and no other letters alter. Call theseunchanged intermediate letters ‘padding’.Suppose (u, v) ∈ T. Then obviously (u, v) ∈ ker ρ F . Also, (u, v) ∈ ker ρ H ,since(u, v)δ = (a 1 , a 1 ′ , . . . , a n, a n)δ ′ ′ = 0 H ,where (a 1 , a1 ′ , . . . , a n, a n) ′ ∈ Y. So T ⊆ ker ρ.Define χ : S → K as follows: w ∈ S maps to (a 1 , a1 ′ , . . . , a n, a n), ′ wherea i is the number <strong>of</strong> (u i , v i ) in the canonical decomposition <strong>of</strong> w, and ai ′ is thenumber <strong>of</strong> (v i , u i ). . Every relation in S is a <strong>Malcev</strong> consequence <strong>of</strong> those in T.Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> 17. Let (u, v) ∈ S. Then (u, v) ∈ ker ρ F ∩ker ρ H , so (u, v)χ ∈ Ker δ ′ . Lety ∈ Mon⟨Y ′′ ⟩ be such that (u, v)χ+y ∈ Mon⟨Y⟩. Suppose y = (b 1 , b 1 , . . . , b n , b n ).Let(s, t) = (u 1 , v 1 ) b 1(v 1 , u 1 ) b1 · · · (u n , v n ) b n(v n , u n ) b n. ()Observe that (s, t) ∈ Q # .Suppose that (u, v)χ + y = ∑ pj=1 y j, where y j ∈ Y. Construct a <strong>Malcev</strong> T-chain from u to v as follows. First <strong>of</strong> all, insert t and trans<strong>for</strong>m it to s usingrelations from Q ⊆ T:u → utt R → ust R .()The component a i <strong>of</strong> the tuple (u, v)χ + y describes the number <strong>of</strong> (u i , v i )that appear in the canonical decomposition <strong>of</strong> (u, v) concatenated with the decomposition() <strong>of</strong> (s, t). A similar statement applies to ai ′ and (v i, u i ). Putanother way, the components a i and ai ′ <strong>of</strong> the tuple (u, v)χ + y describes thenumber <strong>of</strong> subwords u i and v i <strong>of</strong> us that must be changed to v i and u i , respectively,in order to trans<strong>for</strong>m us to vt. As (u, v)χ + y = ∑ pj=1 y j, the sum <strong>of</strong> thea i and ai ′ components <strong>of</strong> the y j also gives the number subwords <strong>of</strong> each typethat must be changed.Construct a <strong>Malcev</strong> chain from us to vt by defining the jth step in the chain(where j = 1, . . . , p) as follows. Suppose y j = (a 1 , a1 ′ , . . . , a n, a n) ′ and that thefirst j − 1 steps have trans<strong>for</strong>med us to w. For each i, find a i subwords u i andai ′ subwords v i <strong>of</strong> w that have not been changed in the chain thus far. The jthstep consists <strong>of</strong> changing those words u i to v i and v i to u i . By the definition <strong>of</strong>T, a relation exists that permits this step. Furthermore, by the comments in thelast paragraph, the word left after the pth step is vt.Concatenate the <strong>Malcev</strong> chain () with the one just constructed and appendvtt R → vto obtain a <strong>Malcev</strong> T-chain from u to v. 17Third stage. The pro<strong>of</strong> thus far has shown that S has a <strong>Malcev</strong> presentationSgM⟨A | T⟩. The set T is still infinite. This third and final stage shows that afinite subset U <strong>of</strong> T will suffice in a <strong>Malcev</strong> presentation <strong>for</strong> S.

Let U be the subset <strong>of</strong> T where each padding string is either empty or oneletter long — elements <strong>of</strong> R are either adjacent or separated by a single (a, a)<strong>for</strong> some a ∈ A. Observe that the set U is finite because Y — which dictates howmany elements <strong>of</strong> R can appear — is finite. . Every relation in T is a <strong>Malcev</strong> consequence <strong>of</strong> those in U.Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> 18. Let (αwβ, γwζ) be a relation in T, with (w, w) being padding. Suppose(w, w) = (a, a)(w ′ , w ′ ) <strong>for</strong> a ∈ A. Since0 H = (αwβ, γwζ)δ= (αwβ)ρ H − (γwζ)ρ H= (αβ)ρ H − (γζ)ρ H + (w)ρ H − (w)ρ H= (αβ)ρ H − (γζ)ρ H= (αβ, γζ)δ,the relations(αaβ, γaζ), (αw ′ β, γw ′ ζ), (αβ, γζ)()are all in ker ρ. They are all clearly in T.The following <strong>Malcev</strong> chain shows that (αwβ, γwζ) is a <strong>Malcev</strong> consequence<strong>of</strong> the relations ():αwβ→ αaw ′ β→ αaββ R w ′ β→ γaζβ R w ′ β→ γaγ L γζβ R w ′ β→ γaγ L αββ R w ′ β→ γaγ L αw ′ β→ γaγ L γw ′ ζ→ γaw ′ ζ= γwζ.by induction on |w|Apply such reasoning to every padding string in the relation to show that it isa <strong>Malcev</strong> consequence <strong>of</strong> U. 18Conclusion. By Lemmata , , and ,ker ρ = S M = T M = U M .There<strong>for</strong>e S admits the finite <strong>Malcev</strong> presentation SgM⟨A|U⟩. Since S was an arbitraryfinite generated subsemigroup G, the group G — which was an arbitrary<strong>direct</strong> product <strong>of</strong> a free group and an abelian group — is <strong>Malcev</strong> coherent. 9 The <strong>direct</strong> product <strong>of</strong> a free group and a polycyclic group is coherent.Of course, Corollary implies that such <strong>direct</strong> <strong>products</strong> are not in general<strong>Malcev</strong> coherent. This leaves the following question unanswered:

. Is every <strong>direct</strong> product <strong>of</strong> a free group and a nilpotent group<strong>Malcev</strong> coherent?The class <strong>of</strong> coherent groups is closed under <strong>for</strong>ming finite extensions. There<strong>for</strong>ethe <strong>direct</strong> product <strong>of</strong> a free group and a virtually polycyclic group is alsocoherent. This immediately provokes the following question: . Is every <strong>direct</strong> product <strong>of</strong> a free group and a virtually abeliangroup <strong>Malcev</strong> coherent?It is not yet known whether the class <strong>of</strong> <strong>Malcev</strong> coherent groups is closed under<strong>for</strong>ming finite extensions. [The author opines that this is the most importantunsolved problem in the theory <strong>of</strong> <strong>Malcev</strong> <strong>presentations</strong>.] Thus it is conceiveablethat these two questions may have different answers if one replaces ‘free’by ‘virtually free’.For a general survey <strong>of</strong> the current state <strong>of</strong> knowledge <strong>of</strong> <strong>Malcev</strong> <strong>presentations</strong>,see [Cai].The author gratefully acknowledges the support <strong>of</strong> the CarnegieTrust <strong>for</strong> the Universities <strong>of</strong> Scotland. The author thanks the anonymous referee<strong>for</strong> many constructive comments, especially regarding the exposition <strong>of</strong>the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Propostion . [Bau] G. Baumslag. ‘A remark on generalized free <strong>products</strong>’. Proc. Amer. Math.Soc., (), pp. –. doi: ./.[BMa] L. G. Budkina & A. A. Markov. ‘F-semigroups with three generators’.Mat. Zametki, (), pp. –. [In Russian. See [BMb] <strong>for</strong> a translation.].[BMb] L. G. Budkina & A. A. Markov. ‘F-semigroups with three generators’.Math. Notes, (), pp. –. [Translated from the Russian.].[Cai] A. J. Cain. ‘Automatic structures <strong>for</strong> <strong>subsemigroups</strong> <strong>of</strong> Baumslag–Solitarsemigroups’.[Cai] A. J. Cain. Presentations <strong>for</strong> Subsemigroups <strong>of</strong> Groups. Ph.D. Thesis, University<strong>of</strong> St Andrews, . Available from: www-groups.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~alanc/publications/c_phdthesis/c_phdthesis.pdf.[Cai] A. J. Cain. ‘<strong>Malcev</strong> <strong>presentations</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>subsemigroups</strong> <strong>of</strong> groups — a survey’.In C. M. Campbell, M. Quick, E. F. Robertson, & G. C. Smith, eds,Groups St Andrews 2005 (Vol. ), no. in London Mathematical SocietyLecture Note Series, pp. –, Cambridge, . Cambridge UniversityPress.[CP] A. H. Clif<strong>for</strong>d & G. B. Preston. The Algebraic Theory <strong>of</strong> Semigroups (Vol. II).No. in Mathematical Surveys. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R.I., .[CRRa] A. J. Cain, E. F. Robertson, & N. Ruškuc. ‘Subsemigroups <strong>of</strong> groups: <strong>presentations</strong>,<strong>Malcev</strong> <strong>presentations</strong>, and automatic structures’. J. Group Theory,, no. (), pp. –. doi: ./jgt...[CRRb] A. J. Cain, E. F. Robertson, & N. Ruškuc. ‘Subsemigroups <strong>of</strong> virtuallyfree groups: finite <strong>Malcev</strong> <strong>presentations</strong> and testing <strong>for</strong> freeness’.

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