quanta 2010 event diary day 1 - City Montessori School

quanta 2010 event diary day 1 - City Montessori School

quanta 2010 event diary day 1 - City Montessori School

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PHYSICSMATHEMATICSCOMPUTERS<strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong><strong>School</strong>,CHEMISTRYASTRONOMYBIOLOGYLucknow<strong>2010</strong>Symphony of ActivitiesGlimpses of Inaugural Function5A Unique <strong>School</strong> Nurturing the Future...CITY MONTESSORI SCHOOL, LUCKNOW, INDIA<strong>diary</strong>Wednes<strong>day</strong>, 10th November, <strong>2010</strong> Day 1P H YSICSMATHEMATICSCOMPUTERS<strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong><strong>School</strong>,CHEMISTRYASTRONOMYBI O L O G YLucknow<strong>2010</strong>Organised by : CMS, Chowk CampusSnapshotsDay 1Chief Guest Shri. Ram Veer Upadhyay, Minister for Power, U.P Government lighting the lamp of learning alongwith Dr Jagdish Gandhi, Founder Manager, CMS and Prof. Geeta Gandhi Kingdon, Chief Operating Officer, CMSQuanta <strong>2010</strong> a concerted attempt by theworld's largest school to promote global living.CMS is exerting every effort to ensure the protection and security ofthe world's two billion children and generations yet-to-be-born.Event Diary Team : Priyanka Bhardwaj, Smita Khare, Roopesh & Arun Bhatt<strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Chowk Campus, Lucknow, INDIATelephones : +91 522 - 2254778 Fax : +91 522 - 2254778, 2635497 Website : http://www.cmseducation.org/branches/chowk.htmlE-mail : cmschowk@cmseducation.orgEvery year Quanta, the mega <strong>event</strong> of aninternational repute is organized by <strong>City</strong><strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> Chowk campus with a lot ofzeal and enthusiasm. Its success is attributed tothe team work of all the staff members andstudent's under the able guidance of theirdynamic Principal, Mrs. Sadhna Bedi.The arrival of 43 teams began with a warmwelcome which was extended to them in a richIndian cultural and traditional way. The hostswanted to leave no stone unturned in their effortsof making the stay of guests comfortable andmemorableIn continuation to the previous trend, numerousteams, both Indian and international showcasedgreat enthusiasm participating in this prestigious<strong>event</strong>, They found it to be a great opportunity forthem to showcase their skills and talents.The <strong>event</strong> commenced with the cultural eveningprogram which began with the introduction given bythe <strong>School</strong> Headboy Dheer Chawla. Following thiswas a multimedia presentation which madeeveryone recall fond memories of Quanta 2009.Mrs. Sadhna Bedi then threw light on the aimsbehind organizing a grand <strong>event</strong> like Quanta andwelcomed all eminent guests and the participatingteams.Dr. Jagdish Gandhi, Founder Manager, <strong>City</strong><strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>, then formally introduced theChief Guest Shri. Ram Veer Upadhyay, Minister forPower, U.P Government, Mrs. Sadhna Bedi,formally introduced the foreign dignitaries and team

Expressions open new vistas for global actions.P H YSI C SMATHEMATICSCOMPUTERS<strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong><strong>School</strong>,CHEMISTRYASTRONOMYB IO L OGYLucknow<strong>2010</strong>leaders of both the Nationaland International teams. Prof.Geeta Gandhi Kingdon, ChiefOperating Officer, CMS toshare her views and blessed allthe participants. Prof. Kingdonf u r t h e r h i g h l i g h t e d t h ei m p o r t a n c e o f Q u a l i t yAssurance and the holisticeducation imparted by CMSstressing material, human, anddivine education. She stressedthat value education is instrumental in promotingworld peace and unity of hearts.Her enlightening speech was followed by thelighting of the lamp of learning. All the principals andthe team leaders were invited to light the lamp. Allthe dignitaries were then garlanded.psyche of the audience.Like every start has to have its end the inauguralceremony ended with the senior section studentspresented a very lively Choreography based on theSnapshotsfamous song 'Waka Waka' sung by Shakira. Whenall the teams joined in it was a very magical and anSnapshotsenergetic environment.SnapshotsP H YSICSMATHEMATICSCOMPUTERS<strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong><strong>School</strong>,CHEMISTRYASTRONOMYBIOLOGYLucknow<strong>2010</strong>This <strong>event</strong> was followed by an All Religion Prayerdance which reflected beauty, grace and elegance.The Peace Prayer reflected the theme of worldpeace and unity.A beautiful Choreography performed by the primarysection was based on the theme of divinity depictingLord Krishna's dance with his beloved Gopis. It wasa pleasure to watch the tiny tots perform thisethereal dance to such perfection. The audiencewere spell bound and captivated by their marvelousand commendable performance. Following this<strong>event</strong>, the Chief Guest Sri Ram Veer Upadhyaydeclared QUANTA opened. Soon after this Dr. BhartiGandhi delivered a highly motivating speechhighlighting the remarkable achievements of thechief guest Shri. Dharam Veer Upadhyay and hisfather.The HOOP and the PLACARD Drill highlighted thesensitivity of our patriotic song 'Saare Jahan SeAccha…, and this drill left a deep impact on the

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