Eco Audit White Paper. - Granta Design

Eco Audit White Paper. - Granta Design

Eco Audit White Paper. - Granta Design


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3. The approachThe approach developed here has threecomponents.1. Adopt simple measures ofenvironmental stress.Section 2 points to the use of energy or CO 2footprint as logical choices for measuringenvironmental stress, rather than combinedindicators. If we wanted to pick just one ofthese, energy has the merit that it is theeasiest to monitor, can be measured withrelative precision and, with appropriateprecautions, can when needed be used as aproxy for CO 2 .2. Distinguish the phases of life.Figure 3 suggests the breakdown, assigning afraction of the total life-energy demands of aproduct to material creation, productmanufacture, transport, and product use anddisposal. Product disposal can take manydifferent forms, some carrying an energypenalty, some allowing energy recycling orrecovery. When this distinction is made, it isfrequently found that one of phases ofFigure 3. Breakdown of energy into that associated witheach life-phase.Figure 1 dominates the picture. Figure 4presents the evidence. The upper row showsan approximate energy breakdown for threeclasses of energy-using products: a civilaircraft, a family car, and an appliance: for allthree the use-phase consumes more energythan the sum of all the others. The lower rowshows products that require energy during theuse-phase of life, but not as intensively asthose of the upper row. For these, theembodied energies of the materials of whichthey are made often dominate the picture.Two conclusions can be drawn. The first: onephase frequently dominates, accounting forFigure 4. Approximate values for the energy consumed at each phase of Figure 1 for a range of products (data fromrefs. (5) and (6)). The disposal phase is not shown because there are many alternatives for each product.The CES EduPack <strong>Eco</strong> <strong>Audit</strong> Tool 3 © 2012, <strong>Granta</strong> <strong>Design</strong>

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