Eco Audit White Paper. - Granta Design

Eco Audit White Paper. - Granta Design Eco Audit White Paper. - Granta Design
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Figure 8. The 1 st -life energy and carbon emissions, compared with potential end-of-life credit.When fossil fuel or electricity are convertedinto heat, there are no losses—the efficiencyis 100%. But when energy in the form of fossilfuel is converted to electrical energy theconversion efficiency is, on average 2 , about33%. The direct conversion of primary energyto mechanical power depends on the input: forelectricity it is between 85 and 90%; for fossilfuel it is, at best, 40%. Selecting an energyconversion mode causes the tool to retrievethe efficiency and multiply it by the power andthe duty cycle—the usage over the productlife—calculated from the life in years times thedays per year times the hours per day.Products that are part of a transport systemcarry an additional energy and CO 2 penalty bycontributing to its weight. The mobile modepart of step 3 gives a pull-down menu to selectthe fuel and mobility type. On entering theusage and daily distance the tool calculatesthe necessary energy.Step 4, the final step, clicking “report”completes the calculation. The Appendixshows example output.5. Case studiesAn eco audit is a fast initial assessment. Itidentifies the phases of life—material,manufacture, transport, and use—that carrythe highest demand for energy or create the2 Modern dual-cycle power stations achieve anefficiency around 40%, but averaged over all stations,some of them old, the efficiency is less.greatest burden of emissions. It points thefinger, so to speak, identifying where thegreatest gains might be made. Often, onephase of life is, in eco terms, overwhelminglydominant, accounting for 60% or more of theenergy and carbon totals. This difference is solarge that the imprecision in the data and theambiguities in the modeling are not an issue;the dominance remains even when the mostextreme values are used. It then makes senseto focus first on this dominant phase, since itis here that the potential innovative materialchoice to reduce energy and carbon aregreatest. As we shall see later, materialsubstitution has more complex aspects—thereare trade-offs to be considered—but for nowwe focus on the simple audit.This section outlines case studies that bringout the strengths and weaknesses of the EcoAudit Tool. Its use is best illustrated by a casestudy of extreme simplicity—that of a PETdrink bottle—since this allows the inputs andoutputs to be shown in detail. The casestudies that follow it are presented in lessdetail.Bottled waterOne brand of bottled water is sold in 1 literPET bottles with polypropylene caps (similarto that in Figure 9). A bottle weighs 40 grams;the cap 1 gram. Bottles and caps are molded,filled, transported 550km from the French Alpsto London, England, by 14 tonne truck,refrigerated for 2 days requiring 1 m 3 ofrefrigerated space at 4 o C and then sold.The CES EduPack Eco Audit Tool 8 © 2012, Granta Design

Table 1 shows the data entered in the EcoAudit Tool.Table 1. The inputs.Product name: PET bottle, bill of materials.Life: 1 year.Step 1: Materials and manufacture: 100 unitsComponentnameMaterial Process Mass(kg)Bottle, 100 units PET Molded 4Cap, 100 units PP Molded 0.1Dead weight(100 liters ofwater)Water 100Step 2: TransportStage nameTransport of filledbottlesTransport Distance (km)type14 tonne truck 550Step 3: Use phase: static mode – refrigeration iEnergy inputand outputElectric tomechanicalPowerrating(kw)Usage(hr / day)Usage(days /year)0.12 24 2i The energy requirements for refrigeration, based on A-ratedappliances are 10.5 MJ/m 3 .day for refrigeration at 4 o C and13.5 MJ/m 3 .day for freezing at -5 o C. The use energy is chosento give the value for refrigeration.What has the tool done? For step 1 itretrieved from the database the energies andCO 2 profiles of the materials and theprocesses 3 . What it found there are ranges forthe values. It created the (geometric) mean ofthe range, storing the values shown below:Material and primarymanufacturingprocessEmbodiedenergy(MJ/kg)CO 2footprint(kg/kg)PET, material 84 2.3PP, material 95 2.7Polymer molding 6.8 0.53It then multiplied these by the mass of eachmaterial, summing the results to give totalenergy and carbon.For step 2 it retrieved the energy and CO 2profile of the selected transport mode from alook-up table, finding:TransporttypeEnergy(MJ / 2 footprint(kg CO 2 / tonne truck 0.87 0.062It then multiplies these by the total weight ofthe product and the distance traveled. If morethan one transport stage is entered, the toolsums them, storing the sum. For step 3 thetool retrieves an efficiency factor for thechosen energy conversion mode (here electricto mechanical because the refrigeration unit isa mechanical pump driven by an electricmotor), finding in its look-up table:Energy input andoutputElectric to mechanical 0.28Efficiency factor relative tooilThe tool uses this and the user-entered valuesfor power and usage to calculate the energyand CO 2 profile of the use phase. For the finalstep 4 the tool retrieved (if asked to do so) theFigure 9. A 1 liter PET water bottle.The calculation is for 100 units.3 Data are drawn from the CES EduPack Level 2 or 3database, according to choice.The CES EduPack Eco Audit Tool 9 © 2012, Granta Design

Figure 8. The 1 st -life energy and carbon emissions, compared with potential end-of-life credit.When fossil fuel or electricity are convertedinto heat, there are no losses—the efficiencyis 100%. But when energy in the form of fossilfuel is converted to electrical energy theconversion efficiency is, on average 2 , about33%. The direct conversion of primary energyto mechanical power depends on the input: forelectricity it is between 85 and 90%; for fossilfuel it is, at best, 40%. Selecting an energyconversion mode causes the tool to retrievethe efficiency and multiply it by the power andthe duty cycle—the usage over the productlife—calculated from the life in years times thedays per year times the hours per day.Products that are part of a transport systemcarry an additional energy and CO 2 penalty bycontributing to its weight. The mobile modepart of step 3 gives a pull-down menu to selectthe fuel and mobility type. On entering theusage and daily distance the tool calculatesthe necessary energy.Step 4, the final step, clicking “report”completes the calculation. The Appendixshows example output.5. Case studiesAn eco audit is a fast initial assessment. Itidentifies the phases of life—material,manufacture, transport, and use—that carrythe highest demand for energy or create the2 Modern dual-cycle power stations achieve anefficiency around 40%, but averaged over all stations,some of them old, the efficiency is less.greatest burden of emissions. It points thefinger, so to speak, identifying where thegreatest gains might be made. Often, onephase of life is, in eco terms, overwhelminglydominant, accounting for 60% or more of theenergy and carbon totals. This difference is solarge that the imprecision in the data and theambiguities in the modeling are not an issue;the dominance remains even when the mostextreme values are used. It then makes senseto focus first on this dominant phase, since itis here that the potential innovative materialchoice to reduce energy and carbon aregreatest. As we shall see later, materialsubstitution has more complex aspects—thereare trade-offs to be considered—but for nowwe focus on the simple audit.This section outlines case studies that bringout the strengths and weaknesses of the <strong>Eco</strong><strong>Audit</strong> Tool. Its use is best illustrated by a casestudy of extreme simplicity—that of a PETdrink bottle—since this allows the inputs andoutputs to be shown in detail. The casestudies that follow it are presented in lessdetail.Bottled waterOne brand of bottled water is sold in 1 literPET bottles with polypropylene caps (similarto that in Figure 9). A bottle weighs 40 grams;the cap 1 gram. Bottles and caps are molded,filled, transported 550km from the French Alpsto London, England, by 14 tonne truck,refrigerated for 2 days requiring 1 m 3 ofrefrigerated space at 4 o C and then sold.The CES EduPack <strong>Eco</strong> <strong>Audit</strong> Tool 8 © 2012, <strong>Granta</strong> <strong>Design</strong>

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