May 1903 - Northwestern College

May 1903 - Northwestern College May 1903 - Northwestern College
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THE. CLASSIC. TRE CLASSIC. .:8- moral and intellectual elevation.. The object of the meeting held in The Study d English.Nex York City was to tage steps for combined action in this direction.The North as well as the South feels the responsibility h t. Amopg all $he dierent studies in a school, there are some veryimpor-t. Some are mors important than others. To my mihd' 'I . . -.$he one most important of all is the-study of Ehgfish.GAIN 'I'EIE Turks have beg& their work of murder and devas- In the first place it teaches us to undersland Grammar. Ifl tation. This time the Albanians and the Bulgarians have when I drst came to this school I could not tell' an adjectivesuffer at the hands of the despot. The rebels are assisted by the from an adverb. That one should know this, if he ever wishes' to 'Macedonians,. so that several Turkish posts have been become zi geer or writer, is of the greatest importance: Whatsurrender-to the aggressors. The Turks have in their tuauthor would be read or what speaker would peoplb listen'to, if heconstanby violated the+ rules of Grammar? If he should use an adjectivefor an adverb?. It Qs snre.that such an author would not- twice, and such a speaker would not appear on the same s-efor the second time. 'Another very important thing that one obtains by the study ofsibilities with more seriousness.English is that one learns to see the beauty of the English language.The Turkish gove&lent has always been tt blight and a curse Never can one appreciate the beauty vf the English langu~,andto the countries subjected to its rule. This oppression has often ledthe many different shades of meaning that can be expressed, andto the most sanguinary wars of modern times,' There is no doubtthe beautiful figures and analogies, without first studying English.- but that the Albanians and the ~ulgahus have just reason for re-I know before I went to school I did not know what it meant whenbellion, and it is sincerely hoped that the de~potic Turk may soon I h&rd them speak of beaqtiful English; and I used to ask other .be humbled by the combined forces of England rand Austria, students what it, meant. BuJ now I h&ve quite a different ideaTHERE is a large number of Chinese in ~alifornia. ~t is mid that about this, and the longer I go to school the more I see what itthe number in Chinatown done is ni, less than 40,000; and the means to use beautiful language. The sweetest music on earth;number is still increasing. - Chinatown ie as much Chinese as anyand the thing. most pleasant to 'Listen to, is' to hear a gond speakertown in China. Merchants, Dktors, Restaurants,,end theatres arewho uses the best and most beautiful English language.all Chinese. The only white men among them are a few police andBy the study of English one learns' to adapt his di'scourse intourists.harmony with the subject, ocksion, and circumstances. F s isThe prejudice of $he white people in California mintsthese Chinese is even greater than that of the Southern whitesone of the most important things to be observed by a swer. Theone that fails to do. this will fail in his work. The reason why thoseagainst the negroes. They act kindly toward the negro, while theChinese is hardly looked u p as a beiag with aa'immortal soul.great men like Burke, Macaulay, ~ebster , and Lincoln, have beepWe can, however, hardly blame these peopb for their prejudiceso successful, is because they dways observed this rule. . Whatagainst these foreignerg, because they 'come' from €&ha and takewould one think of a preacher, if in delivering a funeral address, heall their rude, Chinese customs with them. B y seem to be desti-should speak as though it were at a public meetiw on a k'ourth oftute of all assimilative power. Never have %by Been known to giw J*? Again, one will learn to use different forms of discourse,up their customs to adopt those of the Ameriwm. The number ofnarration, exposition, argument, or persuasion, as the subject de-Chinese now living in California has not yet a very great effect onmands. This one'muld not do if he had not studied them.our country. But the number is increasing rapidly; and if it keepson in this way for a few more years the effect wW. undoub~y beseen. These people come here for money. A Ohinaman cornea toour country and works for a few years; saving from $100 to $200'annually. Thii he does until he has a few hundreds of dollars -themreturns to Ohina to pose 81 a wadthy man,.

THE. CLASSIC. TRE CLASSIC. .:8- moral and intellectual elevation.. The object of the meeting held in The Study d English.Nex York City was to tage steps for combined action in this direction.The North as well as the South feels the responsibility h t. Amopg all $he dierent studies in a school, there are some veryimpor-t. Some are mors important than others. To my mihd' 'I . . -.$he one most important of all is the-study of Ehgfish.GAIN 'I'EIE Turks have beg& their work of murder and devas- In the first place it teaches us to undersland Grammar. Ifl tation. This time the Albanians and the Bulgarians have when I drst came to this school I could not tell' an adjectivesuffer at the hands of the despot. The rebels are assisted by the from an adverb. That one should know this, if he ever wishes' to 'Macedonians,. so that several Turkish posts have been become zi geer or writer, is of the greatest importance: Whatsurrender-to the aggressors. The Turks have in their tuauthor would be read or what speaker would peoplb listen'to, if heconstanby violated the+ rules of Grammar? If he should use an adjectivefor an adverb?. It Qs snre.that such an author would not- twice, and such a speaker would not appear on the same s-efor the second time. 'Another very important thing that one obtains by the study ofsibilities with more seriousness.English is that one learns to see the beauty of the English language.The Turkish gove&lent has always been tt blight and a curse Never can one appreciate the beauty vf the English langu~,andto the countries subjected to its rule. This oppression has often ledthe many different shades of meaning that can be expressed, andto the most sanguinary wars of modern times,' There is no doubtthe beautiful figures and analogies, without first studying English.- but that the Albanians and the ~ulgahus have just reason for re-I know before I went to school I did not know what it meant whenbellion, and it is sincerely hoped that the de~potic Turk may soon I h&rd them speak of beaqtiful English; and I used to ask other .be humbled by the combined forces of England rand Austria, students what it, meant. BuJ now I h&ve quite a different ideaTHERE is a large number of Chinese in ~alifornia. ~t is mid that about this, and the longer I go to school the more I see what itthe number in Chinatown done is ni, less than 40,000; and the means to use beautiful language. The sweetest music on earth;number is still increasing. - Chinatown ie as much Chinese as anyand the thing. most pleasant to 'Listen to, is' to hear a gond speakertown in China. Merchants, Dktors, Restaurants,,end theatres arewho uses the best and most beautiful English language.all Chinese. The only white men among them are a few police andBy the study of English one learns' to adapt his di'scourse intourists.harmony with the subject, ocksion, and circumstances. F s isThe prejudice of $he white people in California mintsthese Chinese is even greater than that of the Southern whitesone of the most important things to be observed by a swer. Theone that fails to do. this will fail in his work. The reason why thoseagainst the negroes. They act kindly toward the negro, while theChinese is hardly looked u p as a beiag with aa'immortal soul.great men like Burke, Macaulay, ~ebster , and Lincoln, have beepWe can, however, hardly blame these peopb for their prejudiceso successful, is because they dways observed this rule. . Whatagainst these foreignerg, because they 'come' from €&ha and takewould one think of a preacher, if in delivering a funeral address, heall their rude, Chinese customs with them. B y seem to be desti-should speak as though it were at a public meetiw on a k'ourth oftute of all assimilative power. Never have %by Been known to giw J*? Again, one will learn to use different forms of discourse,up their customs to adopt those of the Ameriwm. The number ofnarration, exposition, argument, or persuasion, as the subject de-Chinese now living in California has not yet a very great effect onmands. This one'muld not do if he had not studied them.our country. But the number is increasing rapidly; and if it keepson in this way for a few more years the effect wW. undoub~y beseen. These people come here for money. A Ohinaman cornea toour country and works for a few years; saving from $100 to $200'annually. Thii he does until he has a few hundreds of dollars -themreturns to Ohina to pose 81 a wadthy man,.

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