Chemicals and Cleaning Products Production - PMMI

Chemicals and Cleaning Products Production - PMMI

Chemicals and Cleaning Products Production - PMMI


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MarketSegmentsLatin America Industrial <strong>Production</strong>Annual Trend: 147.5 Phase: D Year-over-Year: -1.7%Latin America Industrial <strong>Production</strong>12-Month Moving AverageYear-over-Year Growth Rate12/12 Rate-of-Change160160151515015010101401405513013000120120-5-5110'06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16110-10'06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16-10IndustryOutlook2012: -3.7%2013: 4.1%2014: -1.2%2015: 4.2%Latin America Industrial <strong>Production</strong> fell to an 18-monthlow in September, 1.7% below the year-ago level(annual basis). Annual <strong>Production</strong> will decline into early2013, but rise resumes around mid-year, lasting thoughmid-2014. A mild recession then takes hold throughearly 2015.Weakness in the Brazilian economy is the main sourceof drag in Latin America. Brazil Industrial <strong>Production</strong> is3.1% below the year-ago level. However, quarterly<strong>Production</strong> is 2.8% below the year ago level <strong>and</strong>improving, indicating the decline in annual <strong>Production</strong> isnearing an end.The Mexican economy is at a record size, exp<strong>and</strong>ing4.1% during the past year (annual Industrial <strong>Production</strong>basis). Industrial <strong>Production</strong> will maintain an upwardtrajectory through 2013, as the US economy, Mexico’sdominant export market, continues to exp<strong>and</strong> in 2013.ITR Economics 12 1st Quarter - 2013

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