Chemicals and Cleaning Products Production - PMMI

Chemicals and Cleaning Products Production - PMMI

Chemicals and Cleaning Products Production - PMMI


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MarketSegmentsSoutheast Asia Industrial <strong>Production</strong>Annual Trend: 116.6 Phase: C Year-over-Year: 0.3%Southeast Asia Industrial <strong>Production</strong>12-Month Moving AverageYear-over-Year Growth Rate12/12 Rate-of-Change135135202012512515151151151010105105559595008585-5-575'06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '1675-10'06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16-10IndustryOutlook2012: 1.0%2013: 2.7%2014: 0.4%2015: 4.6%Recessions in Thail<strong>and</strong> (-13.4%), Taiwan (-2.4%), <strong>and</strong>Hong Kong (-2.7%) are quickening the Southeast AsiaIndustrial <strong>Production</strong> rate-of-change decline. Note thatwe downward revised our forecast to reflect weaksignals emanating from leading indicators. Internaltrends indicate annual Industrial <strong>Production</strong> will plateauinto early 2013 <strong>and</strong> then mildly grow through the end ofthe year. Expect <strong>Production</strong> to plateau again in 2014 asthe global economies deal with a mild recession, butrise resumes by 2015. <strong>PMMI</strong> members should consideropportunities to create sales channels in this region dueto increasing personal incomes.Consumer markets are exp<strong>and</strong>ing in many SoutheastAsian countries. Retail Sales are rising in Hong Kong(13.6%), Singapore (4.0%), Thail<strong>and</strong> (7.2%), <strong>and</strong> Korea(1.6%). Internal trends suggest retail activity willcontinue to rise into 2013.ITR Economics 10 1st Quarter - 2013

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