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26 Hyde Park Herald, February 26, 2014Houses for Sale–Chgo 360Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFCOOK COUNTY, ILLINOISCOUNTY DEPARTMENT -CHANCERY DIVISIONU.S. BANK N.A., AS TRUSTEE, ONBEHALF OF THE HOLDERS OFTHE J.P. MORGAN MORTGAGEACQUISITION TRUST 2006-RM1ASSET BACKED PASS-THROUGHCERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-RM1Plaintiff,-v.-MARCUS ZENO, MORTGAGEELECTRONIC REGISTRATIONSYSTEMS, INC., JPMORGANCHASE BANK, N.A. Defendants13 CH 71097115 SOUTH CHAMPLAIN AVEChicago, IL 60619NOTICE OF SALE PUBLICNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuantto a Judgment of Foreclosureand Sale entered in the above causeon December 16, 2013, an agent forThe Judicial Sales Corporation, will at10:30 AM on March 17, 2014, at theThe Judicial Sales Corporation, OneSouth Wacker Drive - 24th Floor,CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at publicauction to the highest bidder, as setforth below, the following describedreal estate:Commonly known as 7115 SOUTHCHAMPLAIN AVE, Chicago, IL 60619Property Index No. 20-27-205-003-0000. The real estate is improvedwith a multi-family residence. Thejudgment amount was $252,666.56.Sale terms: 25% down of the highestbid by certified funds at the close ofthe sale payable to The Judicial SalesCorporation. No third party checkswill be accepted. The balance, includingthe Judicial sale fee forAbandoned Residential PropertyMunicipality Relief Fund, which is calculatedon residential real estate atthe rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fractionthereof of the amount paid by thepurchaser not to exceed $300, in certifiedfunds/or wire transfer, is duewithin twenty-four (24) hours. No feeshall be paid by the mortgageeacquiring the residential real estatepursuant to its credit bid at the sale orby any mortgagee, judgment creditor,or other lienor acquiring the residentialreal estate whose rights in and tothe residential real estate arose priorto the sale. The subject property issubject to general real estate taxes,special assessments, or special taxeslevied against said real estate and isoffered for sale without any representationas to quality or quantity of titleand without recourse to Plaintiff andin “AS IS” condition. The sale is furthersubject to confirmation by thecourt. Upon payment in full of theamount bid, the purchaser will receivea Certificate of Sale that will entitlethe purchaser to a deed to the realestate after confirmation of the sale.The property will NOT be open forinspection and plaintiff makes no representationas to the condition of theproperty. Prospective bidders areadmonished to check the court file toverify all information. If this property isa condominium unit, or a unit which ispart of a common interest community,the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosuresale, other than a mortgagee,shall pay the assessments and thelegal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). In accordancewith 735 ILCS 5/15-1507(c)(1)(h-1)and (h-2), 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(5), and765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1), you arehereby notified that the purchaser ofthe property, other than a mortgagee,shall pay the assessments and legalfees required by subsections (g)(1)and (g)(4) of section 9 and theassessments required by subsection(g-1) of section 18.5 of the IllinoisCondominium Property Act. IF YOUARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOME-OWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHTTO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF ANORDER OF POSSESSION, INACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORT-GAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. Forinformation, contact Plaintiffʼs attorney:Anthony Porto, FREEDMANANSELMO LINDBERG LLC, 1807 W.DIEHL ROAD, SUITE 333,NAPERVILLE, IL 60563, (866) 402-8661 For bidding instructions, visitwww.fal-illinois.com.. Please refer tofile number F13030007. THE JUDI-CIAL SALES CORPORATION OneSouth Wacker Drive, 24th Floor,Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The JudicialSales Corporation at www.tjsc.comfor a 7 day status report of pendingsales. FREEDMAN ANSELMO LIND-BERG LLC 1807 W. DIEHL ROAD,SUITE 333 NAPERVILLE, IL 60563(866) 402-8661 E-Mail: foreclosurenotice@fal-illinois.comAttorneyFile No. F13030007 Attorney ARDCNo. 3126232 Attorney Code. 26122Case Number: 13 CH 7109 TJSC#:34-74 NOTE: Pursuant to the FairDebt Collection Practices Act, you areadvised that Plaintiffʼs attorney isdeemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthat purpose.I588331IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFCOOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVI-SION CITIMORTGAGE, INC.Plaintiff,-v.-PHAROAH SANDERS A/K/APHAROAH D. SANDERS, CITY OFCHICAGO, WOODBARK RESI-DENCES I CONDOMINIUM ASSOCI-ATION, UNKNOWN OWNERS ANDNONRECORD CLAIMANTSDefendants13 CH 0124646617 S. KIMBARK AVENUE UNIT#1A CHICAGO, IL 60637NOTICE OF SALE PUBLICNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuantto a Judgment of Foreclosureand Sale entered in the above causeon November 12, 2013, Auction.com,an agent for The Judicial SalesCorporation, will at 1:00 PM on March19, 2014, at the Holiday Inn ChicagoMart Plaza, 350 West Mart CenterDrive (in the Auction.com room),CHICAGO, IL, 60654, sell at publicauction to the highest bidder, as setforth below, the following describedreal estate: Commonly known as6617 S. KIMBARK AVENUE UNIT#1A, CHICAGO, IL 60637 PropertyIndex No. 20-23-223-036-1001 /1012; (20-23-223-004 Underlying).The real estate is improved with acondo/townhouse. Sale terms: 25%down of the highest bid by certifiedfunds at the close of the sale payableto The Judicial Sales Corporation. Nothird party checks will be accepted.The balance, including the Judicialsale fee for Abandoned ResidentialProperty Municipality Relief Fund,which is calculated on residential realestate at the rate of $1 for each$1,000 or fraction thereof of theamount paid by the purchaser not toexceed $300, in certified funds/orwire transfer, is due within twenty-four(24) hours. No fee shall be paid by themortgagee acquiring the residentialreal estate pursuant to its credit bid atthe sale or by any mortgagee, judgmentcreditor, or other lienor acquiringthe residential real estate whoserights in and to the residential realestate arose prior to the sale. Thesubject property is subject to generalreal estate taxes, special assessments,or special taxes levied againstsaid real estate and is offered for salewithout any representation as to qualityor quantity of title and withoutrecourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS”condition. The sale is further subjectto confirmation by the court. Uponpayment in full of the amount bid, thepurchaser will receive a Certificate ofSale that will entitle the purchaser toa deed to the real estate after confirmationof the sale. The property willNOT be open for inspection andplaintiff makes no representation asto the condition of the property.Prospective bidders are admonishedto check the court file to verify allinformation. If this property is a condominiumunit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale, other thana mortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required byThe Condominium Property Act, 765ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If thisproperty is a condominium unit whichis part of a common interest community,the purchaser of the unit at theforeclosure sale other than a mortgageeshall pay the assessmentsrequired by The CondominiumProperty Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR(HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THERIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSES-SION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRYOF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION,IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOISMORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW.For information, examine the court fileor contact Plaintiffʼs attorney:CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.,15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527,(630) 794-9876. Please refer to filenumber 14-13-10924. THE JUDICIALSALES CORPORATION One SouthWacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You canalso visit The Judicial SalesCorporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7day status report of pending sales.AUCTION.COM LLC For AdditionalInformation regarding Auction.com,please visit www.Auction.com or call(800-280-2832) CODILIS & ASSOCI-ATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTHFRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 Attorney File No. 14-13-10924Attorney ARDC No. 00468002Attorney Code. 21762 Case Number:13 CH 012464 TJSC#: 33-25772NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair DebtCollection Practices Act, you areadvised that Plaintiffʼs attorney isdeemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthat purpose.I590669Take a trip in time tothe past! Visit the HydePark Herald archives at:www.hpherald.comIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERYDIVISION GREEN TREE SERVICINGL L C ,P l a i n t i f f ,- v . -SUCHITRA PRASAD, 4030-32SOUTHCALUMENTCONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION,UNKNOWN OWNERS ANDNON-RECORD CLAIMANTSD e f e n d a n t s13 CH 144474030 S. CALUMET AVE. 2N Chicago,IL 60653NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to aJudgment of Foreclosure and Saleentered in the above cause onDecember 6, 2013, an agent for TheJudicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30AM on March 20, 2014, at the TheJudicial Sales Corporation, One SouthWacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO,IL, 60606, sell at public auction to thehighest bidder, as set forth below, thefollowing described real estate:Commonly known as 4030 S.CALUMET AVE. 2N, Chicago, IL60653 Property Index No.20-03-110-039-1003 VOL. 251. Thereal estate is improved with amulti-family residence. The judgmentamount was $160,803.23. Sale terms:25% down of the highest bid by certifiedfunds at the close of the sale payable toThe Judicial Sales Corporation. Nothird party checks will be accepted. Thebalance, including the Judicial sale feefor Abandoned Residential PropertyMunicipality Relief Fund, which iscalculated on residential real estate atthe rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fractionthereof of the amount paid by thepurchaser not to exceed $300, incertified funds/or wire transfer, is duewithin twenty-four (24) hours. No feeshall be paid by the mortgageeacquiring the residential real estatepursuant to its credit bid at the sale orby any mortgagee, judgment creditor,or other lienor acquiring the residentialreal estate whose rights in and to theresidential real estate arose prior to thesale. The subject property is subject togeneral real estate taxes, specialassessments, or special taxes leviedagainst said real estate and is offeredfor sale without any representation as toquality or quantity of title and withoutrecourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS"condition. The sale is further subject toconfirmation by the court. Upon paymentin full of the amount bid, the purchaserwill receive a Certificate of Sale that willentitle the purchaser to a deed to thereal estate after confirmation of thesale. The property will NOT be open forinspection and plaintiff makes norepresentation as to the condition of theproperty. Prospective bidders areadmonished to check the court file toverify all information. If this property is acondominium unit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale, other than amortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this propertyis a condominium unit which is part of acommon interest community, thepurchaser of the unit at the foreclosuresale other than a mortgagee shall paythe assessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THEMORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAININ POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYSAFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEILLINOISMORTGAGEFORECLOSURE LAW. Forinformation, contact Plaintiff's attorney:JOHNSON, BLUMBERG &ASSOCIATES, LLC, 230 W. MonroeStreet, Suite #1125, Chicago, IL 60606,(312) 541-9710. Please refer to filenumber 13-7658. THE JUDICIALSALES CORPORATION One SouthWacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You canalso visit The Judicial SalesCorporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 daystatus report of pending sales.JOHNSON, BLUMBERG &ASSOCIATES, LLC 230 W. MonroeStreet, Suite #1125 Chicago, IL 60606(312) 541-9710 Attorney File No.13-7658 Attorney Code. 40342 CaseNumber: 13 CH 14447 TJSC#:33-27200 NOTE: Pursuant to the FairDebt Collection Practices Act, you areadvised that Plaintiff's attorney isdeemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthatI589264purpose.IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY,ILLINOISCOUNTY DEPARTMENT -CHANCERYDIVISIONCITIMORTGAGE, INC. Plaintiff,- v . -PETER BONDARENKO, GOKBENULUDERYA, NEIGHBORHOODLENDING SERVICES, INC., STARTOWER CONDOMINIUMSASSOCIATION, NEIGHBORHOODHOUSING SERVICES OF CHICAGO,INC., THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGODefendants13 CH 0183675400 S. HARPER AVENUE UNIT#402 CHICAGO, IL 60615NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to aJudgment of Foreclosure and Saleentered in the above cause onNovember 7, 2013, an agent for TheJudicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30AM on March 17, 2014, at the TheJudicial Sales Corporation, One SouthWacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO,IL, 60606, sell at public auction to thehighest bidder, as set forth below, thefollowing described real estate:Commonly known as 5400 S. HARPERAVENUE UNIT #402, CHICAGO, IL60615 Property Index No.20-11-425-040-1010. The real estate isimproved with a condo/townhouse. Saleterms: 25% down of the highest bid bycertified funds at the close of the salepayable to The Judicial SalesCorporation. No third party checks willbe accepted. The balance, including theJudicial sale fee for AbandonedResidential Property Municipality ReliefFund, which is calculated on residentialreal estate at the rate of $1 for each$1,000 or fraction thereof of the amountpaid by the purchaser not to exceed$300, in certified funds/or wire transfer,is due within twenty-four (24) hours. Nofee shall be paid by the mortgageeacquiring the residential real estatepursuant to its credit bid at the sale orby any mortgagee, judgment creditor,or other lienor acquiring the residentialreal estate whose rights in and to theresidential real estate arose prior to thesale. The subject property is subject togeneral real estate taxes, specialassessments, or special taxes leviedagainst said real estate and is offeredfor sale without any representation as toquality or quantity of title and withoutrecourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS"condition. The sale is further subject toconfirmation by the court. Upon paymentin full of the amount bid, the purchaserwill receive a Certificate of Sale that willentitle the purchaser to a deed to thereal estate after confirmation of thesale. The property will NOT be open forinspection and plaintiff makes norepresentation as to the condition of theproperty. Prospective bidders areadmonished to check the court file toverify all information. If this property is acondominium unit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale, other than amortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this propertyis a condominium unit which is part of acommon interest community, thepurchaser of the unit at the foreclosuresale other than a mortgagee shall paythe assessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THEMORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAININ POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYSAFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEILLINOISMORTGAGEFORECLOSURE LAW. Forinformation, examine the court file orcontact Plaintiff's attorney: CODILIS &ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTHFRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100,BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630)794-9876. Please refer to file number14-13-17711. THE JUDICIAL SALESCORPORATION One South WackerDrive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You canalso visit The Judicial SalesCorporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 daystatus report of pending sales.CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527(630) 794-5300 Attorney File No.14-13-17711 Attorney ARDC No.00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 CaseNumber: 13 CH 018367 TJSC#:33-25618 NOTE: Pursuant to the FairDebt Collection Practices Act, you areadvised that Plaintiff's attorney isdeemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthatI588302purpose.IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERYD I V I S I O NEDC INDIANA, LLC, AN ILLINOISLIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ASASSIGNEE OF BANCO POPULARNORTHAMERICAP l a i n t i f f ,- v . -MINARNI DJAJA-BAKER A/K/AMINARNI DJAJA, RICHARD BAKER,CITY OF CHICAGO, JAMES H.LEATHERWOOD, UNKNOWNOWNERS AND NON-RECORDC L A I M A N T SD e f e n d a n t s2011 CH 403373652-54 S. INDIANA Chicago, IL 60653NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to aJudgment of Foreclosure and Saleentered in the above cause on February6, 2014, an agent for The Judicial SalesCorporation, will at 10:30 AM on March17, 2014, at the The Judicial SalesCorporation, One South Wacker Drive -24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sellat public auction to the highest bidder,as set forth below, the followingdescribed real estate:Commonly knownas 3652-54 S. INDIANA, Chicago, IL60653 Property Index No.17-34-308-024-0000 and17-34-308-025-0000. The real estate isimproved with a multi-family residence.The judgment amount was $715,803.00.Sale terms: 25% down of the highestbid by certified funds at the close of thesale payable to The Judicial SalesCorporation. No third party checks willbe accepted. The balance, including theJudicial sale fee for AbandonedResidential Property Municipality ReliefFund, which is calculated on residentialreal estate at the rate of $1 for each$1,000 or fraction thereof of the amountpaid by the purchaser not to exceed$300, in certified funds/or wire transfer,is due within twenty-four (24) hours. Nofee shall be paid by the mortgageeacquiring the residential real estatepursuant to its credit bid at the sale orby any mortgagee, judgment creditor,or other lienor acquiring the residentialreal estate whose rights in and to theresidential real estate arose prior to thesale. The subject property is subject togeneral real estate taxes, specialassessments, or special taxes leviedagainst said real estate and is offeredfor sale without any representation as toquality or quantity of title and withoutrecourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS"condition. The sale is further subject toconfirmation by the court. Upon paymentin full of the amount bid, the purchaserwill receive a Certificate of Sale that willentitle the purchaser to a deed to thereal estate after confirmation of thesale. The property will NOT be open forinspection and plaintiff makes norepresentation as to the condition of theproperty. Prospective bidders areadmonished to check the court file toverify all information. If this property is acondominium unit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale, other than amortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this propertyis a condominium unit which is part of acommon interest community, thepurchaser of the unit at the foreclosuresale other than a mortgagee shall paythe assessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THEMORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAININ POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYSAFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEILLINOISMORTGAGEFORECLOSURE LAW. Forinformation, contact Plaintiff's attorney:J. RYAN POTTS, BROTSCHULPOTTS LLC, 230 W. MONROE,SUITE 230, Chicago, IL 60606, (312)551-9003 FAX: 312-277-3278. THEJUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONOne South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor,Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312)236-SALE You can also visit TheJudicial Sales Corporation atwww.tjsc.com for a 7 day status reportof pending sales. BROTSCHULPOTTS LLC 230 W. MONROE, SUITE230 Chicago, IL 60606 (312) 551-9003Attorney ARDC No. 6278264 AttorneyCode. 43421 Case Number: 2011 CH40337 TJSC#: 34-2346 NOTE:Pursuant to the Fair Debt CollectionPractices Act, you are advised thatPlaintiff's attorney is deemed to be adebt collector attempting to collect adebt and any information obtained willbe used for that purpose.I591427IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERYDIVISION MARQUETTE BANKP l a i n t i f f ,- v . -DIMITRI ANAGNOSTOU, CITY OFCHICAGO, UNKNOWN OWNERSAND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTSD e f e n d a n t s2013 CH 176016623 SOUTH RHODES AVENUEChicago, IL 60637NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to aJudgment of Foreclosure and Saleentered in the above cause on January13, 2014, an agent for The JudicialSales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM onMarch 7, 2014, at the The JudicialSales Corporation, One South WackerDrive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL,60606, sell at public auction to thehighest bidder, as set forth below, thefollowing described real estate:Commonly known as 6623 SOUTHRHODES AVENUE, Chicago, IL60637 Property Index No.20-22-227-010-0000. The real estate isimproved with a two-story multi family.The judgment amount was $132,747.46.Sale terms: 25% down of the highestbid by certified funds at the close of thesale payable to The Judicial SalesCorporation. No third party checks willbe accepted. The balance, including theJudicial sale fee for AbandonedResidential Property Municipality ReliefFund, which is calculated on residentialreal estate at the rate of $1 for each$1,000 or fraction thereof of the amountpaid by the purchaser not to exceed$300, in certified funds/or wire transfer,is due within twenty-four (24) hours. Nofee shall be paid by the mortgageeacquiring the residential real estatepursuant to its credit bid at the sale orby any mortgagee, judgment creditor,or other lienor acquiring the residentialreal estate whose rights in and to theresidential real estate arose prior to thesale. The subject property is subject togeneral real estate taxes, specialassessments, or special taxes leviedagainst said real estate and is offeredfor sale without any representation as toquality or quantity of title and withoutrecourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS"condition. The sale is further subject toconfirmation by the court. Upon paymentin full of the amount bid, the purchaserwill receive a Certificate of Sale that willentitle the purchaser to a deed to thereal estate after confirmation of thesale. The property will NOT be open forinspection and plaintiff makes norepresentation as to the condition of theproperty. Prospective bidders areadmonished to check the court file toverify all information. If this property is acondominium unit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale, other than amortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this propertyis a condominium unit which is part of acommon interest community, thepurchaser of the unit at the foreclosuresale other than a mortgagee shall paythe assessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THEMORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAININ POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYSAFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEILLINOISMORTGAGEFORECLOSURE LAW. Forinformation, contact Plaintiff's attorney:Kimberly A. Padjen, GOMBERG,SHARFMAN, GOLD & OSTLER, PC,208 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1410,CHICAGO, IL 60604, (312) 332-6194.Please refer to file number 45823. THEJUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONOne South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor,Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312)236-SALE You can also visit TheJudicial Sales Corporation atwww.tjsc.com for a 7 day status reportof pending sales. GOMBERG,SHARFMAN, GOLD & OSTLER, PC208 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1410CHICAGO, IL 60604 (312) 332-6194Attorney File No. 45823 Attorney Code.90334 Case Number: 2013 CH 17601TJSC#: 34-1819 NOTE: Pursuant tothe Fair Debt Collection Practices Act,you are advised that Plaintiff's attorneyis deemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthatpurpose.I589202IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFCOOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVI-SION ILLINOIS SERVICE FEDERALSAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONPlaintiff,-v.-CHICAGO TITLE AND TRUSTCOMPANY, AS TRUSTEE UNDERTRUST AGREEMENT DATEDMARCH 13, 1989 AND KNOWN ASTRUST NUMBER 1092835, WINNIEGIBSON A/K/A WINNIE B. GIBSON,JANET A. CLEVELAND A/K/A JANETCLEVELAND, STATE OF ILLINOISDEPARTMENT OF HEALTHCAREAND FAMILY SERVICES,UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTSDefendants13 CH 002437712 SOUTH EVANS Chicago, IL60619NOTICE OF SALE PUBLICNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuantto a Judgment of Foreclosureand Sale entered in the above causeon November 14, 2013, an agent forThe Judicial Sales Corporation, will at10:30 AM on March 12, 2014, at theThe Judicial Sales Corporation, OneSouth Wacker Drive - 24th Floor,CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at publicauction to the highest bidder, as setforth below, the following describedreal estate:Commonly known as 7712SOUTH EVANS, Chicago, IL 60619Property Index No. 20-27-422-025-0000. The real estate is improvedwith a single family residence. Thejudgment amount was $35,132.22.Sale terms: 25% down of the highestbid by certified funds at the close ofthe sale payable to The Judicial SalesCorporation. No third party checkswill be accepted. The balance, includingthe Judicial sale fee forAbandoned Residential PropertyMunicipality Relief Fund, which is calculatedon residential real estate atthe rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fractionthereof of the amount paid by thepurchaser not to exceed $300, in certifiedfunds/or wire transfer, is duewithin twenty-four (24) hours. No feeshall be paid by the mortgageeacquiring the residential real estatepursuant to its credit bid at the sale orby any mortgagee, judgment creditor,or other lienor acquiring the residentialreal estate whose rights in and tothe residential real estate arose priorto the sale. The subject property issubject to general real estate taxes,special assessments, or special taxeslevied against said real estate and isoffered for sale without any representationas to quality or quantity of titleand without recourse to Plaintiff andin “AS IS” condition. The sale is furthersubject to confirmation by thecourt. Upon payment in full of theamount bid, the purchaser will receivea Certificate of Sale that will entitlethe purchaser to a deed to the realestate after confirmation of the sale.The property will NOT be open forinspection and plaintiff makes no representationas to the condition of theproperty. Prospective bidders areadmonished to check the court file toverify all information. If this property isa condominium unit, the purchaser ofthe unit at the foreclosure sale, otherthan a mortgagee, shall pay theassessments and the legal feesrequired by The CondominiumProperty Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1)and (g)(4). If this property is a condominiumunit which is part of a commoninterest community, the purchaserof the unit at the foreclosure saleother than a mortgagee shall pay theassessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THEMORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAININ POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYSAFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLO-SURE LAW. For information, contactPlaintiffʼs attorney: Kimberly A.Padjen, GOMBERG, SHARFMAN,GOLD & OSTLER, PC, 208 SouthLaSalle Street, Suite 1410, CHICA-GO, IL 60604, (312) 332-6194.Please refer to file number 45293.THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORA-TION One South Wacker Drive, 24thFloor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312)236-SALE You can also visit TheJudicial Sales Corporation atwww.tjsc.com for a 7 day statusreport of pending sales. GOMBERG,SHARFMAN, GOLD & OSTLER, PC208 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1410CHICAGO, IL 60604 (312) 332-6194Attorney File No. 45293 AttorneyCode. 90334 Case Number: 13 CH00243 TJSC#: 34-2145 NOTE:Pursuant to the Fair Debt CollectionPractices Act, you are advised thatPlaintiffʼs attorney is deemed to be adebt collector attempting to collect adebt and any information obtained willbe used for that purpose. I591275

Hyde Park Office1314 East 47th Street773-451-1200Call us today for your real estate needsOpen Sat 1 - 2:30February 26, 2014, Hyde Park Herald 274747 S Kenwood Ave 2-A $499,900Wanda J Robertson 773-451-1200Open Sun 1 - 36427-29 S Drexel Ave $275,000Jasmine Baynes 773-451-12006024 S Calumet Ave $236,900Constance Gibson 773-451-12008501 S Euclid Ave $152,500Monique Washington 773-451-1200324 E 80th St $400,000Valerie Wright 773-451-1200300 S South Shore 72 $140,000onique Washington 773-451-1200Open Sat 3 - 54529 S Drexel Blvd 1E $133,000Sandra J. Edwards 773-451-1200434 E 48th Pl 1 $125,000Artrice Clark 773-451-12004063 S Lake Park Ave 1 $125,000Eric Smith 773-451-12005530 S South Shore 14C $114,900Shirley Rucker 773-451-12004022 S Oakenwald Ave 1 $99,888Sybil Martin 773-451-12001640 E 50 St 13C $80,800Paulette Edwards 773-451-12004850 S Lake Park Ave 1002 $50,000Valerie Wright 773-451-1200ColdwellBankerOnline.com | Where Home Begins4248 S Drexel Blvd 3N $209,000Sybil Martin 773-451-1200Turn Your Household Items IntoCASH!FREE Classified AdsIf you want to make a little extra cash, sellyour unwanted household merchandise witha FREE AD in the Hyde Park Herald today!Be sure to includethe price and quantity ofeach item!NO FREE ADS ACCEPTED BYPHONE. This form mustaccompany each ad.Use this handy coupon to sell your unwanted household merchandiseand make a little extra cash!Name: __________________________________________________Address: ________________________________________________City: __________________________State: ____________________Phone: __________________________________________________Email: __________________________________________________FREE ads are for household merchandise only and the total value of itemsmay not exceed $100 per coupon. A price must be specified for EACH item.Cars, garage sales, real estate, help wanted, etc.are not included.LIST MERCHANDISE____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Bring or mail this form to:Hyde Park Herald Classified Department1435 E. Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615

Hyde Park Office1314 East 47th Street773-451-1200Call us today for your real estate needsOpen Sat 1 - 2:30February 26, 2014, Hyde Park Herald 274747 S Kenwood Ave 2-A $499,900Wanda J Robertson 773-451-1200Open Sun 1 - 36427-29 S Drexel Ave $275,000Jasmine Baynes 773-451-12006024 S Calumet Ave $236,900Constance Gibson 773-451-12008501 S Euclid Ave $152,500Monique Washington 773-451-1200324 E 80th St $400,000Valerie Wright 773-451-1200300 S South Shore 72 $140,000onique Washington 773-451-1200Open Sat 3 - 54529 S Drexel Blvd 1E $133,000Sandra J. Edwards 773-451-1200434 E 48th Pl 1 $125,000Artrice Clark 773-451-12004063 S Lake Park Ave 1 $125,000Eric Smith 773-451-12005530 S South Shore 14C $114,900Shirley Rucker 773-451-12004022 S Oakenwald Ave 1 $99,888Sybil Martin 773-451-12001640 E 50 St 13C $80,800Paulette Edwards 773-451-12004850 S Lake Park Ave 1002 $50,000Valerie Wright 773-451-1200ColdwellBankerOnline.com | Where Home Begins4248 S Drexel Blvd 3N $209,000Sybil Martin 773-451-1200Turn Your Household Items IntoCASH!FREE Classified AdsIf you want to make a little extra cash, sellyour unwanted household merchandise witha FREE AD in the Hyde Park Herald today!Be sure to includethe price and quantity ofeach item!NO FREE ADS ACCEPTED BYPHONE. This form mustaccompany each ad.Use this handy coupon to sell your unwanted household merchandiseand make a little extra cash!Name: __________________________________________________Address: ________________________________________________City: __________________________State: ____________________Phone: __________________________________________________Email: __________________________________________________FREE ads are for household merchandise only and the total value of itemsmay not exceed $100 per coupon. A price must be specified for EACH item.Cars, garage sales, real estate, help wanted, etc.are not included.LIST MERCHANDISE____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Bring or mail this form to:Hyde Park Herald Classified Department1435 E. Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615

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