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24 Hyde Park Herald, February 26, 2014Houses for Sale–Chgo 360Houses for Sale–Chgo 360Houses for Sale–Chgo 360Houses for Sale–Chgo 360Houses for Sale–Chgo 360Houses for Sale–Chgo 360Houses for Sale–Chgo 360IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY,ILLINOISCOUNTYDEPARTMENT,CHANCERYDIVISIONBANK OF AMERICA, N.A.,SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO BACHOME LOANS SERVICING, LP,F/K/A COUNTRYWIDE HOMELOANSSERVICING,P l a i n t i f fV .JULIA D. FERGUSON; MORTGAGEELECTRONIC REGISTRATIONSYSTEMS, INC.; BUCKINGHAMLOFTSCONDOMINIUMA S S O C I A T I O N ,D e f e n d a n t s11 CH 27766Property Address: 4436 SOUTHCALUMET AVE. UNIT G CHICAGO,IL 60653NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE -C O N D O M I N I U MFisher and Shapiro file # 10-037359(It is advised that interested partiesconsult with theirown attorneys before bidding atmortgage foreclosure sales.)PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given thatpursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosureentered on December 13,2013, Kallen Realty Services, Inc., asSelling Official will at 12:30 p.m. onMarch 14, 2014, at 205 W. RandolphStreet, Suite 1020, Chicago, Illinois,sell at public auction to the highestbidder for cash, as set forth below, thefollowing described real property:Commonly known as 4436 SouthCalumet Avenue, Unit G, Chicago, IL60653 Permanent Index No.:2 0 - 0 3 - 3 1 0 - 0 3 2 - 1 0 0 9The mortgaged real estate is improvedwith a dwelling. The property will NOTbe open for inspection. The purchaserof the unit other than a mortgagee shallpay the assessments and the legal feesrequired by 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and( g ) ( 4 ) .The judgment amount was $183,659.71.Sale terms for non-parties: 10% ofsuccessful bid immediately atconclusion of auction, balance by 12:30p.m. the next business day, both bycashier's checks; and no refunds. Thesale shall be subject to general realestate taxes, special taxes, specialassessments, special taxes levied, andsuperior liens, if any. The property isoffered "as is," with no express orimplied warranties and without anyrepresentation as to the quality of titleor recourse to Plaintiff. Prospectivebidders are admonished to review thecourt file to verify all information and toview auction rules at www.kallenrs.com.For information: Sale Clerk, Fisher andShapiro, Attorney # 42168, 2121Waukegan Road, Suite 301,Bannockburn, Illinois 60015, (847)291-1717, between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00p.m. weekdays only.I584576IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY,ILLINOISCOUNTYDEPARTMENT,CHANCERYDIVISIONDEUTSCHE BANK NATIONALTRUSTCOMPANY,AS TRUSTEE FOR HARBORVIEW2 0 0 5 - 0 7 ,P l a i n t i f fV .GELENE M. STANTON A/K/AGELENE M. BROWNA/K/A GELENE STANTON A/K/AGELENEBROWN;RAWLIN E. BROWN; MORTGAGEELECTRONIC REGISTRATIONSYSTEMS,INC.;CITY OF CHICAGO, AN ILLINOISMUNICIPAL CORPORATION,D e f e n d a n t sCase No. 10 CH 11456Calendar No. 56PropertyAddress:4317 SOUTH VERNON AVENUECHICAGO, IL 60653NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALEFisher and Shapiro file # 09-030110(It is advised that interested partiesconsult with theirown attorneys before bidding atmortgage foreclosure sales.)PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given thatpursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosureentered on December 18, 2013, KallenRealty Services, Inc., as Selling Officialwill at 12:30 p.m. on March 20, 2014, at205 W. Randolph Street, Suite 1020,Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auctionto the highest bidder for cash, as setforth below, the following described realp r o p e r t y :Commonly known as 4317 South VernonAvenue, Chicago, IL 60653Permanent Index No.: 20-03-400-049The mortgaged real estate is improvedwith a dwelling. The property will NOTbe open for inspection.The judgment amount was $481,610.43.Sale terms for non-parties: 10% ofsuccessful bid immediately atconclusion of auction, balance by 12:30p.m. the next business day, both bycashier's checks; and no refunds. Thesale shall be subject to general realestate taxes, special taxes, specialassessments, special taxes levied, andsuperior liens, if any. The property isoffered "as is," with no express orimplied warranties and without anyrepresentation as to the quality of titleor recourse to Plaintiff. Prospectivebidders are admonished to review thecourt file to verify all information and toview auction rules at www.kallenrs.com.For information: Sale Clerk, Fisher andShapiro, Attorney # 42168, 2121Waukegan Road, Suite 301,Bannockburn, Illinois 60015, (847)291-1717, between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00p.m. weekdays only.2 / 1 3 / 2 0 1 4I585702IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY,ILLINOISCOUNTY DEPARTMENT -CHANCERYDIVISIONM&TBANKP l a i n t i f f ,v s .DOUGLAS TINDALL; 3917-21 S.I N D I A N ACONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION;UNKNOWN OWNERS ANDNONRECORD CLAIMANTS;D e f e n d a n t s ,13 CH 18594NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TOJUDGMENT OF FORECLOSUREUNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGEFORECLOSURELAWPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given thatpursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosureentered in the above entitled cause onDecember 16, 2013, IntercountyJudicial Sales Corporation will onTuesday, March 18, 2014, at the hour of11 a.m. in their office at 120 WestMadison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago,Illinois, sell to the highest bidder forcash, the following described property:P.I.N. 20-03-103-046-1001,2 0 - 0 3 - 1 0 3 - 0 4 6 - 1 0 1 0 .Commonly known as 3921 SOUTHINDIANA AVENUE UNIT 1N,CHICAGO, IL 60653.The mortgaged real estate is improvedwith a condominium residence. Thepurchaser of the unit other than amortgagee shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required bysubdivisions (g)(1) and (g)(4) ofSection 9 of the Condominium PropertyAct Sale terms: 25% down by certifiedfunds, balance within 24 hours, bycertified funds. No refunds. Theproperty will NOT be open forinspection. Upon payment in full of theamount bid, the purchaser will receive aCertificate of Sale which will entitle thepurchaser to a Deed to the premisesafter confirmation of the sale.For information: Visit our website athttp://service.atty-pierce.com. Between3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce &Associates, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 1North Dearborn Street, Chicago,Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500.Refer to File Number 1225370.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALESC O R P O R A T I O NSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I589744IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY,ILLINOISCOUNTY DEPARTMENT -CHANCERYDIVISIONURBAN PARTNERSHIP BANK, ASSUCCESSORININTEREST SHOREBANK,P l a i n t i f f ,v s .CHICAGO TITLE LAND TRUSTCOMPANY AS TRUSTEEU/T/A DATED NOVEMBER 1, 1998AND KNOWN ASTRUST NO. 1106556; ANIS ELAHIA/K/ADENNISELAHI; CITY OF CHICAGO;UNKNOWN OWNERS ANDNON-RECORD CLAIMANTS;D e f e n d a n t s ,12 CH 20436NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given thatpursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosureentered in the above entitled cause onJanuary 24, 2014, Intercounty JudicialSales Corporation will on Monday,March 17, 2014, at the hour of 11 a.m.in their office at 120 West MadisonStreet, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois,sell to the highest bidder for cash, thefollowing described mortgaged reale s t a t e :Commonly known as 227 East 51stStreet, Chicago, Il 60615.P.I.N. 20-10-304-011-0000.The mortgaged real estate is acommercialbuilding.Sale terms: Bidders must present, atthe time of sale, a cashier's or certifiedcheck for 10% of the successful bidamount. The balance of the successfulbid shall be paid within 24 hours, bysimilar funds. The property will NOTbe open for inspection.For information call Ms. Erica N. Byrdat Plaintiff's Attorney, Garfield & Merel,Ltd., 180 North Stetson Avenue,Chicago, Illinois 60601-6710. (312)2 8 8 - 0 1 0 5 .INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALESC O R P O R A T I O NSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I589655HUNGRY? TIRED?NEED A BREAK?DON’T FEEL LIKE COOKING?to find localHyde Parkrestaurantmenusonline!If your restaurant is not listed. Please contact773-358-3128 to have your menu listed FREE of charge.Go toRead the HydePark Herald.A new issueeveryWednesday.Read the HydePark Herald.A new issueeveryWednesday.hpherald.comIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY,ILLINOISCOUNTY DEPARTMENT -CHANCERYDIVISIONPNC BANK, NATIONALASSOCIATIONPlaintiff,v s .MARLENE C MCKINNEY; S.M.MCKINNEY&ASSOCIATES, LLP; DREXELCOMMONS CONDOMINIUM;UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORDCLAIMANTS;D e f e n d a n t s ,10 CH 25140PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given thatpursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosureentered in the above entitled cause onOctober 5, 2011, Intercounty JudicialSales Corporation will on Monday,March 31, 2014, at the hour of 11 a.m.in their office at 120 West MadisonStreet, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois,sell to the highest bidder for cash, thefollowing described property:P.I.N. 20-02-316-035-1033,2 0 - 0 2 - 3 1 6 - 0 3 5 - 1 0 6 3 .Commonly known as 4637 SOUTHDREXEL AVENUE UNIT 1E,CHICAGO, IL 60653.The mortgaged real estate is improvedwith a condominium residence. Thepurchaser of the unit other than amortgagee shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required bysubdivisions (g)(1) and (g)(4) ofSection 9 of the Condominium PropertyAct Sale terms: 25% down by certifiedfunds, balance within 24 hours, bycertified funds. No refunds. Theproperty will NOT be open forinspection. Upon payment in full of theamount bid, the purchaser will receive aCertificate of Sale which will entitle thepurchaser to a Deed to the premisesafter confirmation of the sale.For information: Visit our website athttp://service.atty-pierce.com. Between3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce &Associates, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 1North Dearborn Street, Chicago,Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500.Refer to File Number 1015780.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALESC O R P O R A T I O NSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I591624IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY,ILLINOISCOUNTY DEPARTMENT -CHANCERYDIVISIONWELLS FARGO BANK N.A.;P l a i n t i f f ,v s .VERONICA FLEETON; 6926-28 S.PAXTONCONDOASSOCIATION; UNKNOWNOWNERS AND NON RECORDC L A I M A N T S ;D e f e n d a n t s ,12 CH 2089PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given thatpursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosureentered in the above entitled cause onDecember 19, 2013, IntercountyJudicial Sales Corporation will onFriday, March 21, 2014, at the hour of11 a.m. in their office at 120 WestMadison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago,Illinois, sell to the highest bidder forcash, the following described property:P.I.N. 20-24-417-027-1004.Commonly known as 6928 SOUTHPAXTON AVENUE UNIT 2S,CHICAGO, IL 60649.The mortgaged real estate is improvedwith a condominium residence. Thepurchaser of the unit other than amortgagee shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required bysubdivisions (g)(1) and (g)(4) ofSection 9 of the Condominium PropertyAct Sale terms: 25% down by certifiedfunds, balance within 24 hours, bycertified funds. No refunds. Theproperty will NOT be open forinspection. Upon payment in full of theamount bid, the purchaser will receive aCertificate of Sale which will entitle thepurchaser to a Deed to the premisesafter confirmation of the sale.For information: Visit our website athttp://service.atty-pierce.com. Between3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce &Associates, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 1North Dearborn Street, Chicago,Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500.Refer to File Number 1128906.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALESC O R P O R A T I O NSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I589790Read the HydePark Herald.A new issueeveryWednesday.IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFCOOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVI-SION CITIMORTGAGE, INC. SUC-CESSOR BY MERGER TO ABNAMRO MORTGAGE GROUP, INC.Plaintiff,-v.-CHICAGO, IL 60615 VERA VIDEN-OVICH, THE NEWPORT CONDO-MINIUM ASSOCIATION, UNKNOWNOWNERS AND NONRECORDCLAIMANTSDefendants13 CH 0137194800 S. CHICAGO BEACH DRIVEUNIT #1513NNOTICE OF SALE PUBLICNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuantto a Judgment of Foreclosureand Sale entered in the above causeon November 12, 2013, Auction.com,an agent for The Judicial SalesCorporation, will at 1:00 PM on March19, 2014, at the Holiday Inn ChicagoMart Plaza, 350 West Mart CenterDrive (in the Auction.com room),CHICAGO, IL, 60654, sell at publicauction to the highest bidder, as setforth below, the following describedreal estate: Commonly known as4800 S. CHICAGO BEACH DRIVEUNIT #1513N, CHICAGO, IL 60615Property Index No. 20-12-100-003-1300. The real estate is improvedwith a condo/townhouse. Sale terms:25% down of the highest bid by certifiedfunds at the close of the salepayable to The Judicial SalesCorporation. No third party checkswill be accepted. The balance, includingthe Judicial sale fee forAbandoned Residential PropertyMunicipality Relief Fund, which is calculatedon residential real estate atthe rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fractionthereof of the amount paid by thepurchaser not to exceed $300, in certifiedfunds/or wire transfer, is duewithin twenty-four (24) hours. No feeshall be paid by the mortgageeacquiring the residential real estatepursuant to its credit bid at the sale orby any mortgagee, judgment creditor,or other lienor acquiring the residentialreal estate whose rights in and tothe residential real estate arose priorto the sale. The subject property issubject to general real estate taxes,special assessments, or special taxeslevied against said real estate and isoffered for sale without any representationas to quality or quantity of titleand without recourse to Plaintiff andin “AS IS” condition. The sale is furthersubject to confirmation by thecourt. Upon payment in full of theamount bid, the purchaser will receivea Certificate of Sale that will entitlethe purchaser to a deed to the realestate after confirmation of the sale.The property will NOT be open forinspection and plaintiff makes no representationas to the condition of theproperty. Prospective bidders areadmonished to check the court file toverify all information. If this property isa condominium unit, the purchaser ofthe unit at the foreclosure sale, otherthan a mortgagee, shall pay theassessments and the legal feesrequired by The CondominiumProperty Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1)and (g)(4). If this property is a condominiumunit which is part of a commoninterest community, the purchaserof the unit at the foreclosure saleother than a mortgagee shall pay theassessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THEMORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAININ POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYSAFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLO-SURE LAW. For information, examinethe court file or contact Plaintiffʼsattorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES,P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGEROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL60527, (630) 794-9876. Please referto file number 14-13-08560. THEJUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONOne South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor,Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The JudicialSales Corporation at www.tjsc.comfor a 7 day status report of pendingsales. AUCTION.COM LLC ForAdditional Information regardingAuction.com, please visitwww.Auction.com or call (800-280-2832) CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527(630) 794-5300 Attorney File No. 14-13-08560 Attorney ARDC No.00468002 Attorney Code. 21762Case Number: 13 CH 013719 TJSC#:33-25563 NOTE: Pursuant to the FairDebt Collection Practices Act, you areadvised that Plaintiffʼs attorney isdeemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthat purpose.I590673Find the perfecthome in the HydePark HeraldRealEstateSectionIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY,ILLINOISCOUNTYDEPARTMENT,CHANCERYDIVISIONTHE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLONF/K/A THE BANK OF NEW YORK ASTRUSTEE, FOR THE BENEFIT OFTHE CERTIFICATE HOLDERS OFCWALT, INC., ALTERNATIVE LOANTRUST 2007-18CB MORTGAGEPASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES,SERIES2007-18CB,P l a i n t i f fV .MICHAEL CLARKE; PATRICIACLARKE; STANDARD BANK ANDTRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEEUNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ATRUST AGREEMENT DATED THE24TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2004 ANDKNOWN AS TRUST NUMBER 18131;UNITED STATES OF AMERICA;UNITED STATES OF AMERICA;4010 S. DREXEL CONDOMINIUMASSOCIATION A/K/A 4010-12 S.DREXELBOULEVARDCONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION;CITY OF CHICAGO, AN ILLINOISMUNICIPAL CORPORATION;D e f e n d a n t s10 CH 21029Property Address: 4010 SOUTHDREXEL BLVD. UNIT 1S CHICAGO,IL 60653NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE -C O N D O M I N I U MFisher and Shapiro file # 09-032638(It is advised that interested partiesconsult with theirown attorneys before bidding atmortgage foreclosure sales.)PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given thatpursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosureentered on September 27, 2012, KallenRealty Services, Inc., as Selling Officialwill at 12:30 p.m. on March 21, 2014, at205 W. Randolph Street, Suite 1020,Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auctionto the highest bidder for cash, as setforth below, the following described realp r o p e r t y :Commonly known as 4010 South DrexelBoulevard, Unit 1S, Chicago, IL 60653Permanent Index No.:2 0 - 0 2 - 1 0 5 - 0 3 1 - 1 0 0 1The mortgaged real estate is improvedwith a dwelling. The property will NOTbe open for inspection. The purchaserof the unit other than a mortgagee shallpay the assessments and the legal feesrequired by 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and( g ) ( 4 ) .The judgment amount was $269,769.81. Sale terms for non-parties:10% of successful bid immediately atconclusion of auction, balance by 12:30p.m. the next business day, both bycashier's checks; and no refunds. Thesale shall be subject to general realestate taxes, special taxes, specialassessments, special taxes levied, andsuperior liens, if any. The property isoffered "as is," with no express orimplied warranties and without anyrepresentation as to the quality of titleor recourse to Plaintiff. Prospectivebidders are admonished to review thecourt file to verify all information and toview auction rules at www.kallenrs.com.For information: Sale Clerk, Fisher andShapiro, Attorney # 42168, 2121Waukegan Road, Suite 301,Bannockburn, Illinois 60015, (847)291-1717, between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00p.m. weekdays only.I589624HUNGRY?TIRED?NEED FOODFAST?Go tohpherald.comto find local Hyde Parkrestaurant menus online!If your restaurant is not listed. Pleasecontact 773-358-3128 to have yourmenu listed FREE of charge.

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