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Visit us on the web: www.hpherald.comWednesday, February 26, 2014 • Volume 132 • Issue 9LocalSince1882CAC official in Hyde ParkBy DASCHELL M. PHILLIPSStaff WriterHyde Park-Kenwood has anofficial Chicago Public Schools(CPS) Community ActionCouncil (CAC). Four of thegroup’s board members werevoted in during its Wednesdaynight meeting and are drafting afour-point list of neighborhoodschool needs for the CPS board.Denise Hill, mother of two atRay and youth ministry leader,and Kristy Ulrich Papczun,former teacher and parent of apreschooler, were elected asinterim co-chairwomen of theofficial Hyde Park CommunityAction Council (HP-K CAC).Jeffrey Alstadt, former assistantprincipal of Ray, and LakeishaHamilton, Ray and KenwoodAcademy High School graduateand chairwoman of the localschool council at Jackie RobinsonElementary School, were electedas interim co-secretaries for thecouncil. The four officers willserve until the end of the schoolyear, June 2014, then an electionfor permanent board officers willtake place.As a CAC, the Hyde Parkcommunity will develop strategicplans for elementary and highschools within the boundaries ofRobinson Elementary, 4225 SLake Park Ave., to the north;Dyett High School, 555 E. 51stSt., to the west; CarnegieElementary, 1414 E. 61st Pl., tothe south and Bret HarteElementary, 1556 E. 56th St., tothe east.The community was motivatedto start the group as a step towardkeeping open Canter MiddleSchool, 4959 S. Blackstone Ave.The group’s mission expanded toalso advocating keeping Dyettopen.“Our middle school closing iscausing pressure on Ray and BretHarte and Dyett’s closing couldput pressure on Kenwood,” saidJane Averill, pre-school teacher atRay, speaking about how theincreased enrollment inwelcoming schools are affectedby the two closing schools.Papczun said keeping Canteropen is still on the CAC’s hottopics list but the group’s four-See CAC on page 2Newly elected Community Action Council Co-Chairs Denise Hill andKristy Ulrich Papczun during the Tuesday night elections. Spencer BibbsTest fatigueUs timeMurray condemns testing climate in resolutionBy DASCHELL M. PHILLIPSStaff WriterThe Murray Elementary Schoollocal school council has released aresolution showing its support of anational campaign that is seekingto put an end to the waystandardized tests are used.Murray, 5335 S. Kenwood Ave.,adopted the resolution from TimeOut From Testing (TOFT), anational campaign against the useof tests to determine studentpromotion and teacher evaluation.The local branch of TOFT, MoreThan A Score, has been leading alocal campaign encouragingparents to use their right to “optout”or refuse to allow theirSee MURRAY on page 3Student Nina Wishcamper teaches her dad about numbers during "1 on 1 Night" Wednesday atThe Ancona School’s preschool, 4770 S. Dorchester Ave.Spencer BibbsHistorical society annualdinnerpage 16The local school council at Murray Language Academy, 5335 S.Kenwood Ave., has passed a resolution condemning high-stakes testing.Marc MonagahnMORE INSIDE...Calendar....................5Sex assault update ...... 6Theater......................7Crosstown rivals ........11Blotter ....................18Classifieds................21

2 Hyde Park Herald, February 26, 2014Changing timesFormer engineer and Rev. Terry Gallager explains the benefits of a carbontax in slowing global warming Sunday at First Unitarian Church, 5650 S.Woodlawn Ave.Owen M. Lawson IIIMystery author visits historical societyMystery novelist Frances McNamarawill discuss her work from 2 p.m. to 4p.m. on Sunday, March 2, at the HydePark Historical Society, 5529 S. LakePark Ave.McNamara is the author of severalChicago whodunit tales, including “Deathand Hull House” — which takes place at19th century social worker Jane Addams’famed West Side settlement house — and“Death at the Fair,” set at the 1893World’s Columbian Exposition.Her latest book, “Death at Woods Hole,”was published in July 2012.U. of C. updates on Harper Ct.By LINDSAY WELBERSStaff WriterOne restaurant that had been expected toopen in Harper Court fell through leaving agap in the retail block in the development.Park Tavern, an upscale sports bar that hadleased 5,000 square feet of space in HarperCourt, nixed its plans to open its doors.Jim Hennesy, associate vice president forCommercial Real Estate for the Universityof Chicago, said it is considering dividingthe space into two or three smaller retailareas.Hennessey said the new retailers are likelyto be soft goods, such as clothing orhousewares.“If we did another restaurant it would haveto be another chef-driven destination,”Hennessey said. Any more restaurantswould need to be higher-end places likeA10, 1462 E. 53rd St., as opposed to a fast,casual restaurant like Chipotle or FiveGuys.Three businesses that will open in HarperCourt, as well as the Harper Theater, arelooking to obtain liquor licenses for theirbusinesses.Native Foods, 1518 E. Harper Ct., hasrequested a liquor license that will allowbeer and liquor sales incidental with itsvegan fare. Native Foods expects to beginserving patrons in its 54-seat restaurant,with another 15 seats on its patio, on March11.Native Foods expects liquor to account foronly 1 to 2 percent of its overall sales.Porkchop, 1516 E. Harper Ct., will requesta liquor license that will allow for a full baropen during its business hours, whichinclude breakfast through evening.Porkchop expects liquor to account for onethirdof its sales. Porkchop will offersouthern-style barbeque. It plans to offer 22draught beers, all local to the Chicago area,as well as wine and spirits.Jamaican restaurant Ja’Grill, 1510 E.Harper Ct., is also requesting a liquorlicense that would allow it to have a full bar.The restaurant will have 80 indoor seats andexpects 30 percent of its sales to come fromliquor.“People really enjoy our food, but the bestway to do it is with a Red Stripe or a rumpunch,” owner Tony Coates said.Tony Fox, owner of the Harper Theater,5238 S. Harper Ave., is also seeking a liquorlicense that will allow for a full bar in themovie house.Fox said the theater’s liquor license wouldallow it to stay competitive with alcoholsales offered at other theaters, including TheNew 400, the Harper’s sister theater inRogers Park, which is also owned by Fox.Hennessey also suggested that fashionclothingretailer Akira, 1539 E. 53rd St., hasexceeded its own sales expectations andmay look to expand to include a shoe storein another retail space nearby.Promontory, the music venue andrestaurant located at the back of the Akirabuilding is now expecting to open in April,Hennessey said.l.welbers@hpherald.comCACfrom page 1point plan is a broader list of concerns suchas opportunities for a middle schoolexperience, early childhood education,social emotional development andmarketing for neighborhood schools.“The four points are a working documentand are flexible in development as we learnwhat the schools need,” Papczun said.“There will be a lot of communication withadministrators and community about howthey should be developed.”The group is still accepting membershipapplications. Camille Hamilton-Doyle, cochairof the bylaws committee of HP-KCAC, said there are currently 21applicants, “which is fine but CPS prefersthat we have more.”According to a proclamation from CPSCEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett CACs shouldhave approximately 25 voting membersthat include community stakeholders suchas parents, students, community basedorganizations, faith-community leaders,elected officials, administrators frominstitutions of higher education and othereducation leaders, local business ownersand community members.Hamilton-Doyle said the HP-K CAC hasa good mix of members but is in need ofmore members who own businesses in thecommunity.The HP-K CAC will meet at 6 p.m. every4th Thursday of the month at Kenwood.d.phillips@hpherald.comChicago’s Old est Community News pa per • Since 1882Volume 132 Issue 9 Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2014Phone: 1-773-643-8533 • Fax: 1-773-643-8542e-mail: hpherald@hpherald.com • www.hpherald.comPublisher: Bruce Sagan, ext. 126V. P./General Manager: Susan J. Walker, ext. 128s.walker@hpherald.comEditor: Gabriel Piemonte, ext. 140g.piemo@hpherald.comDisplay Advertising Manager: Carol Cichocki, ext. 129Production Manager: Tony Zralka, ext. 131Reporter: Daschell M. Phillips, ext. 135Reporter: Lindsay Welbers, ext. 139Reporter: Jeffrey Bishku-Aykul, ext. 134Display Advertising: Elizabeth Robinson, ext. 130Classified Manager: Lisa Vinaccia, ext. 124; Fax, 667-0938Deadline for editorial is Thursday.Display advertising deadline for spacereservation is Thursday, copy deadline isnoon Friday before publication.Deadline for classified advertising is2 p.m. Monday before publication.Hyde Park Herald (USPS 580-440) is publishedweekly by Herald Newspapers, Inc.,1435 E. Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615.Periodical postage paid at Chicago, IL.POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: HeraldNewspapers, Inc., c/o Hyde Park Herald, 1435 E.Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615Tony Coates of Ja’Grill, one of several restaurants to open soon in Harper Court, describesthe restaurant’s culinary concept and explains its need for a liquor license during the 53rdStreet Tax Increment Finance District (TIF) Advisory Council meeting last Monday eveningat Kenwood Academy High School, 5015 S. Blackstone Ave.Marc MonaghanSubscribe Today!1. Call 1-773-643-8533 ext. 127 OR2. Return form to: Hyde Park Herald, 1435 E. Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago, IL 606152.3. Send an e-mail! to busmgrhp@hpherald.com❑ $20 One Year ❑ $31 Two Years ❑ $43 Three Years❑ Please don’t kill any trees on my behalf. 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The Pearl touts own schoolBy DASCHELL M. PHILLIPSStaff WriterLittle Black Pearl shed its alternative highschool partnership with Youth ConnectionsCharter School and opened a public highschool through Chicago Public Schools(CPS). The school is hosting an open houseWednesday.Little Black Pearl, an art and design centerfor youth, 1060 E. 47th St., launched TheLittle Black Pearl Art and Design Academyas a CPS contract school in August 2013.About two years prior to its opening, theLittle Black Pearl housed the OptionsLaboratory School, a branch of YouthConnections Charter School (YCCS).YCCSserves at-risk students and high schooldropouts between the ages of 16 to 21 whohave been underserved and /or disconnectedfrom traditional education. It has about 20campuses across the city.“We wanted to be able to serve a youngerpopulation,” said Monica Haslip, founder ofthe Little Black Pearl. “The students nowhave a longer opportunity to build up theirinterests in the arts.”The high school now serves about 200students between the ages of 14 and 18 andoffers an arts integrated curriculum thatincludes music, visual arts and technology.Haslip said the school also focuses onproviding in-school and after-schooltutoring to freshmen who need extraacademic support.“There are a large number of 8th graderswho enter high school with learningchallenges. We work to get them back ontrack in reading and math,” Haslip said,adding that the school is also required toprepare its students for standardized testing.Haslip said the school makes sure that thestudents know all their options before theymake a choice about which art disciplinethey will choose. In their freshman year,the students rotate through all the arts suchas music production, choir, computergraphics and glass blowing. Then, in theirsophomore year, the students can choose amajor and concentrate on what mostinterests them.While the school is arts-focused, Haslipsaid the main goal is to create eager learners.“We use the arts to keep them motivated,”Haslip said. “Those interested in arts as acareer we help them build a portfolio and getthem on the right path.”The Little Black Pearl Art and DesignAcademy will host an open house Wednesday,Feb. 26 and another one on Wednesday,March 5 from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.d.phillips@hpherald.comConstantly creativeArtist Denise Rhoden discusses her work on display at the Museum ofScience and Industry, 5700 S. Lake Shore Dr., as part of its annual BlackCreativity Exhibit.Owen M. Lawson IIIMURRAYfrom page 1children to be given standardized tests.During Murray’s Feb. 19 local schoolcouncil (LSC) meeting the resolution wasapproved by a 9-0 vote with one absence andthe principal abstaining.“The LSC considered this resolution as acurrent policy issue and determined that weare in agreement with its aims and goals,”said Michael Scott, communityrepresentative of the Murray LSC. “As theLSC looked at the amount of time [that] isspent on mandated tests versus the timespent on other instruction we decided thatFebruary 26, 2014, Hyde Park Herald 3this is a sensible thing to do.”In the resolution the school is calling on thegovernor, General Assembly and Board ofEducation to reexamine how it uses testsresults and develop a new system that doesnot rely heavily on standardized tests todetermine student promotion and teachereffectiveness.The resolution also calls for an overhaul ofthe No Child Left Behind Act, which wouldreduce the number of mandated tests, thestrict set of guidelines toward preparing forthe tests and fixed role for the use of studenttest scores in evaluating educators.Editor’s note: See the full resolution on pg.4.d.phillips@hpherald.comSenior Jordan Chambers removes a glob of molten glass from the furnace during TracyKirchmann’s class at the Little Black Pearl Art & Design Academy, 1060 E. 47th St., Mondaymorning.Marc MonaghanAffordable Portraitschildrengrandchildrenpetsyour homeyourselfCrafted withskill and love byKenwood artistArthur WrightPrices aslow as $30773.896.5790wrightdesigninc@aol.comfacebook.com/wrightdesigninc

4 Hyde Park Herald, February 26, 2014Editorial:Support Murray’sstand on testingMurray Language Academy’s local school council isofficially putting Chicago Public Schools on notice that itis tired of students and teachers being put through theringer for the sake of a battery of standardized tests of questionablevalue.Their opposition comes in the form of a resolution, so it is hardlyearth shattering, but it may well be a harbinger of things to come.The question we have is whether Hyde Parkers are willing tosupport the local school council (LSC) at Murray, 5335 S.Kenwood Ave., and at other public schools, should they followsuit. And what, beyond passing resolutions, are we willing to do?It is no secret that standardized tests are making schools joylessplaces. With all of the other challenges public school teachers andadministrators have, stifling opportunities for innovation by forcingteachers to teach to one-size-fits-all tests seems completely out ofstep with the times. In the private schools where the politicians andpolicymakers who implement these rules send their children,emphasis is on freedom and inspiration. These, it seems, arequalities reserved for the education of the children of the elite few.There are few teachers who will defend the current system ofpublic education, but they will all tell you that it is going to take awell-orchestrated opposition to truly push back against the glut ofstandardized testing that even elementary school children are nowforced to endure. We are hopeful that this step taken by Murray’sLSC will inspire other school councils.Ultimately, however, it will take the whole community rallyingaround this brave stand in order for words to translate into action.Local school council elections are in April. Hyde Park couldbegin a sea change in Chicago against standardized testing abuseby voting in critics of high-stakes testing. A test boycott in thepresident’s — and education secretary’s — home neighborhoodwould send a powerful message across the country.Parents are understandably intimidated by the phalanx ofprofessionals who warn them that they are jeopardizing theirchildren’s future if they don’t test them every which way thefederal government demands. It will take a lot of support tocounteract that intimidation. Is Hyde Park willing?In years past, our community has been at the vanguard of publiceducation innovation. During the recent teachers strike, Hyde Parkwas outstanding in its support of the teachers. We can shine evenbrighter by standing behind the Murray LSC and encouragingother LSCs to adopt a similar resolution condemning high-stakestesting. And we can go further than that by supporting a boycottof unnecessary tests.The most important thing we can do for the children of Hyde Parkright now is to protect their right to be children – and not cogs.New director for U. of C.’s Delhi siteBy LINDSAY WELBERSStaff WriterThe University of Chicago named Bharath Visweswariah, a businessand management consultant in India, as the executive director of theuniversity’s Center in Delhi earlier this month.The center is expected to open in March. Visweswariah will create andoversee administrative functions, staffing the center and implementing astrategic plan provided by Gary Tubb, the faculty director at the center,and its faculty steering committee.Visweswariah has worked at CEB Asia, a publicly traded, memberbasedcompany that advises more than 6,000 businesses from 111countries.The University of Chicago opened its Center in Beijing in 2010 andthe Center in Paris in 2004. It also has campuses in London andSingapore.The university is also working to open a center in Hong Kong that willhouse a Booth School of Business.l.welbers@hpherald.comA protest against theCAC electionTo the Editor:A Hyde Park-KenwoodCommunity Action Council (HP-K CAC) election recall isrequested. Wednesday, Feb. 19,the HP-K CAC elections wereheld at Kenwood Academy fortwo co-chairs and two secretarieswith three candidates each, but Icontest the HP-K CAC elections. Iwas one of three candidates whoran for co-chair of the HP-K CACto assist community and parentsto create Level 1 schools throughfamily and communityengagement. I became temporaryleadership by attending HP-KCAC meetings: planning, e-mailing and discussing crucialeducational issues with the intentof creating a three-point plan tosave our traditional neighborhoodpublic schools — Canter andDyett — from closing. Ourcommunity needs and deservesneighborhood public schools inwalking distance of their homes—elements of citizenship anddemocracy should not becompromised.Before we started the HP-KCAC, we mobilized at Canterschool — next door to KenwoodAcademy — then we heldmeetings at Kenwood AcademyKing Room and Little Theatre.Though the HP-K CAC formedfrom a “Save Canter and Dyett”theme, there was less interest insaving these schools and a threepointplan over time. Instead, theHP-K CAC kept looking forbusiness interests and somewhatdisregarding education interest.For instance, when I submitted mysuggestion for the three-pointplan, the CAC liaison told me thatthere was not enough interest inmy three point plan because theCAC was not fully formed, eventhough this liaison told me that wewere an official CAC at the All-CAC meeting. HP-K CAC alsointroduced the group as the 9thCAC to form city-wide.As my temporary leadership rolein the CAC continued, I noticedthat more and more favoritism wasbeing shown toward anothercandidate for co-chair.The candidate called a meeting ather home. Hyde Park-KenwoodCommunity Conference (HP-KCC) leaders initially started theorganization of the CAC, but werenot invited. Later I was told by aHP-K CC Schools Committeerepresentative that the HP-K CCdid not want that meeting heldwithout them present. As we metthe “winning” candidate wasgiven the position as point personto the CAC liaison (while she andI were serving as Temporary HP-K CAC leadership) by a CACmember at a meeting with onlyfour CAC membersattending. Afterward I sent an e-mail for my interest in being apoint person to the “winningcandidate” and she did not agreewith me being point person alongwith her. She took on the pointperson position as CAC liaisonwithout a vote of the full CAC.This was in a sense“gerrymandering,” and takingpower that was not approved bywell-organized communityorganizations.Later, the “winningcandidate” was told to present theagenda before and for the electionon Feb. 19 by a member of theCAC. Again, the full CAC did notvote on her being point personwhile running for the position ofco-chair. There were no votewatchers assigned to watch the votecounting. There were only about 40voters in attendance. The CACliaison told us that all could vote.At the Feb. 5 meeting held at the“winning” co-chair’s home, it wassaid that they were going todisregard dates set for CACscitywide to achieve certain goals,not mentioning all the e-mails IMail: Letters to the Editor,Hyde Park Herald,1435 E. Hyde Park Blvd.,Chicago, IL 60615Fax: 773-643-8542E-mail: Letters@hpherald.comLetters are due Wednesday by noonand must include a name, addressand daytime telephone numberor e-mail address. Letters maybe edited for space.sent with my website targeted athelping parents to build theirchild’s reading skills and meetthose goals — my suggestion forthe three-point plan on mywebsite. They never commentedon it through e-mails, at meetings,or in person — it was as though Iwas a “ghost” CAC member whenit came to visiting my website andparticipating in planning andtasks.More importantly I suggestedthat we needed an “agent ofchange” — improve level 3schools — that could beownership of reading levels(reading more on independentreading levels for mastery whilepreparing for instructional levelsand never being tested onfrustration levels) as testing onfrustration levels is unreliable andinvalid in the school communityI have contacted CPS Network 9out of the 13 networks city-wideto file a complaint. They arepreparing the complaint as of thismoment. I ask for another electionthat is fair and democratic withoutfavoritism, and all candidates beallowed vote watchers or pollwatchers to verify count.Patricia A. BreckenridgeHyde Park-KenwoodTemporary HP-K CACLeadershipMurray local school council statement on testingNote from the local school council: The followingresolution was approved at the Murray LanguageAcademy LSC meeting on Feb. 19, 2014 by a 9-0 votewith one absence and the principal abstaining. Forfurther information about the Murray LSC resolutionplease contact Secretary Michael J. Scott atmjscottuic@gmail.com or 773-957-6953. Furtherinformation about the national resolution can befound at timeoutfromtesting.org/national resolution.WHEREAS, our nation’s future well-being relies ona high-quality public education system that preparesall students for college, careers, citizenship andlifelong learning, and strengthens the nation’s socialand economic well-being; andWHEREAS, our nation’s school systems have beenspending growing amounts of time, money andenergy on high-stakes standardized testing, in whichstudent performance on standardized tests is used tomake major decisions affecting individual students,educators and schools; andWHEREAS, the overreliance on high-stakesstandardized testing in state and federalaccountability systems is undermining educationalquality and equity in U.S. public schools byhampering educators’ efforts to focus on the broadrange of learning experiences that promote theinnovation, creativity, problem solving,collaboration, communication, critical thinking anddeep subject-matter knowledge that will allowstudents to thrive in a democracy and an increasinglyglobal society and economy; andWHEREAS, it is widely recognized thatstandardized testing is an inadequate and oftenunreliable measure of both student learning andeducator effectiveness; andWHEREAS, the over-emphasis on standardizedtesting has caused considerable collateral damage intoo many schools, including narrowing thecurriculum, teaching to the test, reducing love oflearning, pushing students out of school, drivingexcellent teachers out of the profession, andundermining school climate; andWHEREAS, high-stakes standardized testing hasnegative effects for students from all backgrounds,and especially for low-income students, Englishlanguage learners, children of color, and those withdisabilities; andWHEREAS, the culture and structure of the systemsin which students learn must change in order to fosterengaging school experiences that promote joy inlearning, depth of thought and breadth of knowledgefor students; therefore be itRESOLVED that the Murray Language AcademyLocal School Council calls on the governor, statelegislature and state education boards andadministrators to reexamine public schoolaccountability systems in this state, and to develop asystem based on multiple forms of assessment whichdoes not require extensive standardized testing, moreaccurately reflects the broad range of studentlearning, and is used to support students and improveSee STATEMENT on page 9

HYDE PARKHAPPENINGSweek starting Feb. 26Calendar deadline is noon Thursday beforefollowing Wednesday’s publication. Submitcalendar items to the editor by fax: 643-8542, e-mail: calendar@hpherald.com ormail: 1435 E. Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago, IL60615ongoing61st Street Farmers Market. 9 a.m.-2p.m., every fourth Saturday through April 26,indoors at Experimental Station, 6100 S.Blackstone Ave., 773-241-6044,experimentalstation.org. LINK and SeniorFarmer's Market Coupons accepted. LINKpurchases matched up to $25 every marketday.E-Waste Collection. 8-10 a.m., everysecond Wednesday, 61st St. and SouthBlackstone Ave., near the South CampusChiller Plant, 6035 S. Blackstone Ave., 773-834-4188, free. A program of the U. of C.'sOffice of Sustainability. Visitsustainability.uchicago.edu for a list ofaccepted items and more details.Weekly Meditation Class. 6 p.m., everyWednesday, Rockefeller Chapel, room 019,5850 S. Woodlawn Ave., free. A graduatedcourse in mindfulness of breathing for thedevelopment of calm and clarity through theBuddhist practice of samatha meditation.Beginners welcome. For more information,send an e-mail tosamathachicago@gmail.com.Weekly Meditation Class. 7:30 p.m., everySunday, Chaturanga Holistic Fitness, 1525 E.55th St., Suite No. 302, free. A graduatedcourse in mindfulness of breathing for thedevelopment of calm and clarity through theBuddhist practice of samatha meditation.Beginners welcome. For more information,send an e-mail tosamathachicago@gmail.com.Children's Musical. "When Good BroccoliGoes Bad." 10:30 a.m. every Tuesday and 3p.m. every Sunday and at 10:30 a.m., everyThursday after March 4. DuSable Museum ofAfrican American History, 740 E. 56th St.,773-947-0600, dusablemuseum.org, $7. Aplay directed by Carla Stillwell promotinghealthy eating. For more information, call773-947-0600. To R.S.V.P., visitbroccoli.eventbrite.com.The Hyde Park Village Salon. 4-5:30 p.m.,every second Tuesday of the month, TheSnail Restaurant, 1649 E. 55th St. A dinnerclub for members of the Chicago Hyde ParkVillage. For more information, call JennetteRader at 773-753-4678.Meditation. Twenty Minutes Still. 8-8:20a.m., every weekday, Rockefeller Chapel,5850 S. Woodlawn Ave., 773-702-2100, free.Led by qualified meditation teachers.Sunday at Rockefeller. 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m.,every Sunday, Rockefeller Chapel, 5850 S.Woodlawn Ave., 773-702-2100, free. WeeklyChristian services, with a communion tableopen to all.Jumu'ah Prayers. 1-1:30 p.m. and 1:45-2:15 p.m., every Friday, Bond Chapel, 1050E. 59th St., 773-702-2100. Muslim Fridayprayers.Holy Communion Service. 6-7 p.m., everySunday, Bond Chapel, 1050 E. 59th St., 773-702-2100, free. For more information,contact Robert Kinney by calling 773-771-0771 or sending an e-mail torkinney@htcchicago.org.Zen Meditation at Rockefeller. 5-6:45p.m., every Wednesday, Rockefeller Chapel,5850 S. Woodlawn Ave., 773-702-2100, free.Soto Zen meditation instruction fornewcomers at 5 p.m., followed by 35 minutesof meditation.Restorative Yoga. 4:30-5:30 p.m. and 5:45-6:45 p.m., every Tuesday, RockefellerChapel, 5850 S. Woodlawn Ave., 773-702-2100, $5 suggested donation, free forstudents.Chicago Hyde Park Village Drop In.10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., every second andfourth Wednesday of the month, AugustanaLutheran Church, 5500 S. Woodlawn Ave., $7suggested donation. Featuring lunch, lightexercise and socializing. Call 773-752-6587for assistance with transportation.Health Care Signup. 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.,every Thursday through March 27.Blackstone Library, 4904 S. Lake Park Ave.,312-747-0511. An agent will be available toguide visitors through the process of signingup for coverage under the Affordable CareFebruary 26, 2014, Hyde Park Herald 5Act. A program of Get Covered Illinois,sponsored by Ada S. McKinley CommunityServices, Inc.Lecture Series. "MAAFA." 6:30 p.m.,every Wednesday in February. DuSableMuseum of African American History, 740 E.e-mail to auditions@hpys.com.Resource Center. 9 a.m.-noon, Mondaysthrough Thursdays, Hyde Park NeighborhoodClub, 5480 S. Kenwood Ave., 773-643-4062,hpnclub.org, $9 drop-in, $45 10-day pass,$65 monthly pass.56th St., 773-947-0600, Tot Lot. 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Mondays throughdusablemuseum.org. A series of lectures onthe African Holocaust, with topics rangingfrom Ghanaian independence to the HaitianRevolution. Visit the museum's website toFridays, Hyde Park Neighborhood Club,early childhood room, 5480 S. KenwoodAve.,773-643-4062, hpnclub.org, $9 drop-in,$45 10-day pass, $65 monthly pass. WithR.S.V.P.Motor Monkeys on Mondays andAffordable Care Act Education andEnrollment Session. 5-8 p.m. every TuesdayWednesdays, soccer on Tuesdays and Danceon Feb. 13, 20 and 27.and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. every Saturday. Infant Playgroup and Music Circle. 10Rainbow/PUSH Coalition Headquarters, 930 a.m.-noon, every Monday, Hyde ParkE. 50th St., 773-373-3366, rainbowpush.org.The Wright 3 Mystery Tour of the RobieHouse. 1:30 p.m., every Saturday, FrankNeighborhood Club, early childhood room,5480 S. Kenwood Ave., 773-643-4062,hpnclub.org, $9 drop-in, $45 10-day pass,Lloyd Wright Robie House, 5757 S. $65 monthly pass. For infants to children 18-Woodlawn Ave., 312-994-4000, months-old.gowright.org, $15 adults, $12 students ages 4to 17 and seniors over age 65. Based on BlueBalliett's novel, "The Wright 3."Lakeside Quilting Guild. 6:30-9 p.m.,every Tuesday, Treasure Island, basement,Sensory Play. 10 a.m.-noon, every Tuesday,Hyde Park Neighborhood Club, art room,5480 S. Kenwood Ave., 773-643-4062,hpnclub.org, $9 drop-in, $45 10-day pass,$65 monthly pass.1526 E. 55th St., Musical Story Time. 10-10:45 a.m. and 11-l a kesidequiltingguild.weebly. c o m , 11:45 a.m., every Tuesday, Hyde Parklakeside_quilters@yahoo.com. Guild Neighborhood Club, early childhood room,meetings are on the second Tuesday of everymonth. All other sessions are devoted topersonal or group projects.5480 S. Kenwood Ave., 773-643-4062,hpnclub.org, $9 drop-in, $45 10-day pass,$65 monthly pass.Calvert House Tutoring. 4-6 p.m. on Dramatic Play. 10 a.m.-noon, everyTuesdays and Thursdays and 10 a.m.-noonand 1-3 p.m. on Saturdays, Calvert House,5735 S. University Ave., 773-288-2311,uofccatholic.com. Tutoring for 2nd through12th grade students.Wednesday, Hyde Park Neighborhood Club,classroom e, 5480 S. Kenwood Ave., 773-643-4062, hpnclub.org, $9 drop-in, $45 10-day pass, $65 monthly pass.Bi-lingual Story Time. 10-10:30 and 11-Audition for the Hyde Park Youth 11:30 a.m., every Thursday, Hyde ParkSymphony. 4 p.m., Hyde Park Union Neighborhood Club, 5480 S. Kenwood Ave.,Church, 5600 S. Woodlawn Ave., 773-363-6063. For woodwinds, strings, percussion and773-643-4062, hpnclub.org, $9 drop-in, $4510-day pass, $65 monthly pass.brass players. Held by appointment. To makean appointment, call 773-562-2369 or send an See CALENDAR on page 9H A R P E RT H E A T E R5238 Harper Ave773-966-5091www.harpertheater.comSHOWTIMES:Friday, Feb. 28 throughThurday, Mar. 6, 2014About Last Night R12:00 2:30 5:00 7:3010:00Lego 2D PG12:25 5:30 10:30Lego 3D PG3:00 8:00Non-Stop PG1312:15 2:50 5:25 7:5010:15Monuments Men PG1312:10 2:45 5:20 7:5510:30$8 Adult; $7 Student$6 Seniors, Children & MatineeCheck out our websitefor future showtimes!

6 Hyde Park Herald, February 26, 2014“The Nightingale” opening Pressure on assault policyBy JENNET POSEYHerald InternThe Hyde Park School of Dance (HPSD)will present an original production of HansChristian Andersen’s “The Nightingale” at 7p.m. on Saturday, March 15 and at 2 p.m. onSunday, March 16 at the Logan Center, 915E. 60th St.The performance by HPSD, 5650 S.Woodlawn Ave., is an adaptation of the 1843fairy tale about a Chinese emperor and hismechanical nightingale. It features more than80 student dancers ages 7 to 18 backed bynarration and music from Russian composerModest Mussorgsky’s “Pictures at anExhibition” and “Night on Bald Mountain.”Rehearsal director Aimee Tye says she isimpressed at how well the students haveprogressed under a tight rehearsal schedule.“Our students always do this,” she said.“They always bring the ballets to a new leveland they just make it theirs.”According to HPSD founder and ArtisticDirector August Tye, the production has beena community effort involving HPSDstudents, their parents and volunteers:“There’s an army of people who believe inthis mission.”Tickets are $20 for general admission and$10 for children ages 5 to 18, seniors andstudents with ID. Admission is free forchildren younger than 5. For moreinformation, visit hydeparkdance.org or call773-493-8498.herald@hpherald.comHyde Park School of Dance Artistic Director August Tye works with student Drew Henry ata rehearsal for its March production of “The Nightingale.”Jennet PoseyBy LINDSAY WELBERSStaff WriterUniversity of Chicago alumni havesubmitted an open letter to their alma materdemanding sexual assault policy reform thatthey called for in the 1990s.In a letter to U. of C. President RobertZimmer dated Feb. 13, a group calledAlumni for a Student Assault Policy said“We are deeply concerned that shortcomingsthat we identified in our university’sapproach to sexual violence when we werestudents apparently still persist. We hope thatthe US Department of Education’s Office forCivil Rights (OCR) investigation will be thecatalyst to meaningful, permanentimprovements in both the response to andprevention of sexual assault.”Last month, OCR said it would beinvestigating the university for mishandlinga student’s sexual assault complaint andviolating her rights under Title IX, whichbans sex-based discrimination.The letter says in 1996 and 1997 thenstudentsformed Action for a Student AssaultPolicy (ASAP) and the Coalition AgainstSexual Violence (CASV) “to address whatwe perceived as an urgent need for reform inhow our university prevented and respondedto sexual and other forms of assault. Theorganizations were created in reaction tofrustration with what we believed were theadministration’s mishandled and inadequateresponses to both sexual assaults andassaults against minority students.”The letter argues that at the time that ASAPwas formed “allegations of assault wereoften handled by administrators with little orinadequate training in rape crisis response.Investigations, when conducted, wereusually channeled through campus securityrather than the Chicago Police Department.Campus police and student health servicesregularly failed to follow best practices whenresponding to allegations of sexual assaultcrimes, resulting in loss of evidence andinadequate care. Victims were offeredrelocation and “mediation” with theirassailant, whom they might see in classagain the next day.”Alumni are invited to add their signature tothe letter at bit.ly/1fnY6Sf.Last June, Olivia Ortiz filed a federalcomplaint with the OCR after shecomplained to the university that said shehad been assaulted by her-then boyfriend.Ortiz said was pressured into an “informalmediation” where met face-to-face with herassailant and the Dean of Students SusanArt. Informal mediation is a process thatviolates both university procedures andTitle IX of the Education Amendment of1972 of the Civil Rights Act, which banssex-based discrimination in all educationprograms or activities that receive financialassistance.Last month the OCR expanded itsinvestigation campus-wide.The university in response created a fulltimeposition for a dedicated specialist whowould work under the dean of students andspecialize in cases of sexual assault andmisconduct on campus. The position hadpreviously been part-time.Ortiz has been appointed to a studentadvisory board with resources to work onsexual violence prevention on campus andemergency student response systems.l.welbers@hpherald.com

February 26, 2014, Hyde Park Herald 7“Ain’tMisbehavin’”RECOMMENDEDWhere: Porchlight Music Theatre atStage 773, 1225 W. Belmont Ave.When: through March 9Tickets: $43.50Phone: 773-327-5252By ANNE SPISELMANTheater CriticPorchlight Music Theatre is cannilycelebrating Black History Month withMurray Horwitz and Richard Maltby,Jr.’s “Ain’t Misbehavin’,” the 1978 smashmusical revue devoted to Thomas Wright“Fats” Waller, the prolific entertainer whocomposed more than 400 songs before dyingat 39 in December, 1943.And what a lively celebration it is!Directed and choreographed by BrendaDidier, the five performers are in highoctanemode and perpetual motion from thetime they open with the title number untilthe end of a second-act medley of Waller’sgreatest hits, among them “I’m Going to SitRight Down and Write Myself a Letter,” “ICan’t Give You Anything But Love,” “It’s aSin to Tell a Lie,” and “Honeysuckle Rose.”Practically the only time they slow down isfor the oh-so-melancholy “Black andBlue,” the beautifully harmonizedensemble number that always brings a lumpto my throat.The conceit — that we’re at an after-hoursparty in a Harlem basement in the winter of1944 — comes across, deliberately or not,in the raucous, rough-edged nature of thewhole evening. I could wish for a little lesschoreography, more control, and lowervolume, but maybe that’s partly because Iwas sitting in the front row. Tucked oneither side of Jeffrey D. Kmiec’s simple set,the talented combo — Chris Thigpen onbass, Michael Weatherspoon on drums,Shaun Johnson on trumpet, Rajiv Halim onsax — is comparatively unobtrusive,though conductor/pianist Austin Cook isclose to center stage most of the time,enthusiastically attacking the ivories as astand-in for Waller.The diverse repertoire evokes the era witheverything from “Lounging at the Waldorf”to “When the Nylons Bloom Again,”arguably reveals a streak of self-hatred in“Your Feet’s Too Big” and “Fat andGreasy” and includes the requisite raunchysongs that depend on sexual doubleentendre as well as more straightforwardblues and jazz pieces and a mini tutorial onstride piano. One of my favorites is “TheViper’s Drag,” performed to a T byDonterrio Johnson, the obvious dancer inthe ensemble.The others are Robin Da Silva, SharrieseHamilton, Lina Wass and Lorenzo Rush,Jr., who bears a real resemblance to Waller,whose picture is on the wall. Each has hisor her fine moments, though theperformances are a little uneven. So are thetechnical elements, especially Bill Morey’scostume design, which suits the men fairlywell but saddles the women with somefrightfully unflattering frocks and gowns.So, should you go see this “Ain’tMisbehavin’”? Well, if you like Waller’smusic and don’t expect a slick production,it’s not a bad way to warm up from thecold.“Gypsy”RECOMMENDEDWhere: Chicago Shakespeare TheaterCourtyard Theater, Navy PierWhen: through March 23Tickets: $45-$88Phone: 312-595-5600In most of the productions of “Gypsy”I’ve seen, Mama Rose is the iconic stagemother from hell relentlessly pushing herdaughters to succeed in show business outof her own failed ambition. But at ChicagoShakespeare Theater, director Gary Griffinhas a much more complicated vision for theanti-heroine of the 1959 musical by ArthurLaurents (book), Jule Style (music) andStephen Sondheim (lyrics), and actressLouise Pitre brings it to life brilliantly.Essentially, we watch Rose in the processof becoming a monster as her goal ofmaking Baby June, and later Louise, avaudeville star seems to come within reach,then repeatedly is thwarted, often by herown belligerent behavior. At first, she justwants to get out of the house and on theroad with the girls — she’s called a pioneerwithout a frontier — and as she pleads withPop (John Reeger) for money, Pitre conveysa combination of vulnerability and steelydetermination. She doesn’t have apowerhouse singing voice, and that actuallymakes Rose’s solos — “Some People,”“Everything’s Coming Up Roses,” andfinally “Rose’s Turn” — all the more potentand poignant.We never doubt that Rose loves June (ErinBurniston), the oft-neglected Louise(Jessica Rush), and even devoted, longsufferingHerbie (Keith Kupferer, letterperfect), and that shows in Pitre’s gentlegood humor during the duets “SmallWorld” and “You’ll Never Get Away FromMe,” as well as the delightful trio “TogetherWherever We Go.” We understand whyHerbie cares for her, root for him to win herhand, and despair with him when hersingle-mindedness goes beyond acceptablelimits.As the disappointments pile up, Pitrecaptures Rose’s increasingly desperatedrive and deepening denial. She’s no morecapable of accepting that vaudeville isdying than she has been of acknowledgingthat her daughters have grown up and thatthe same “Baby June and Her Newsboys”act — with slight variations hilariouslystaged — no longer serves, not that it wasvery good in the first place.When the ultimate insult of being bookedinto a burlesque house leads to Louise’sSee THEATER on page 8Musical Hyde ParkAbove: Student musician and pianist Ryan Dahn (left)takes some direction Thursday evening from awardwinningpianist Lisa Kaplan during a Master Class at theUniversity of Chicago’s Fulton Hall 1010 E. 59th St.Spencer BibbsRight: (Left to right) Lizabeth Bistrow, violin; DanielGolden, viola; Elaine B. Smith, piano, and Van Bistrow,cello, performed at the Blackstone Library, 4904 S. LakePark Ave., last Wednesday evening.Owen M, Lawson III

8 Hyde Park Herald, February 26, 2014George Anastaplo, 88George Anastaplo, longtime Hyde Parkresident and law professor, died Feb. 14 ofmetastatic prostate cancer. Anastaplo, whowas 88 at the time of his death, was widelyknown for arguing his own case in front ofthe U.S. Supreme Court.Anastaplo was born Nov. 7, 1925 in St.Louis, Mo., to Greek immigrants TheodoreAnastaplo and Margarita Syriopulou. Afterserving in World War II as a navigator forthe U.S Army Air Corps, he was honorablydischarged in 1947 and attended theUniversity of Chicago, where he receivedboth his B.A. and J.D.Anastaplo passed his bar exam in 1950.However, months later, he was denied fromthe Illinois Bar Association after itsSubcommittee of the Committee onCharacter and Fitness asked him whetherhe was a communist; Anastaplo insistedthe question was irrelevant. TheCommittee voted 11-6 not to admit him.Anastaplo’s appeal made its way to theIllinois Supreme Court and then the U.S.Supreme Court, where he argued his owncase at the age of 35 — and lost.Unable to practice as a lawyer, Anastaploobtained his Ph.D. in Philosophy from theUniversity of Chicago and moved on to acareer in academia where he taught law,political science and philosophy. He was alecturer for the University of Chicago’sBasic Program of Liberal Education forAdults for more than 50 years. He was alsoa professor at Dominican University andthe Loyola University Chicago School ofLaw.“The career he made for himself afterbeing denied from the bar is much moreinteresting than if he’d hadn’t beendenied,” said Barry Sullivan, law professorat Loyola University.Sullivan, who met Anastaplo at a familydinner about 40 years ago, said he has fondmemories of weekday commutes withAnastaplo on the CTA No. 6 Jackson ParkExpress bus.“We’d have great conversations aboutlaw, philosophy, anything,” Sullivan said.“He was passionate about everything, hehad strong views and he had a way ofgetting you to express your own opinions.”Sullivan said Anastaplo was aninspiration to his students at Loyolabecause of the tenacity he showed byrepresenting himself in Supreme Court,returning to school after the ruling andcontinuing to teach even when he learnedSay It!Let us know what you think.of his diagnosis.“He still taught through fall of 2013, andhe was in a lot of pain,” Sullivan said.David Yellen, dean of the law school atLoyola University, said Anastaplo facedhis illness with grace and his greatestdesire was to finish writing a few morebooks before his passing.Anastaplo has published about 20 books,including “The Bible: RespectfulReadings,” “Reflections on Freedom ofSpeech and the First Amendment” and“Plato’s Meno: Translation andCommentary.” Additional books arecurrently being considered for publication.“He was a very delightful and inspiringcolleague,” Sullivan said. “His historymade him iconic but on a personal level hewas a very lively and curious person.”Wendy Doniger, History of Religionsprofessor at the University of Chicago,remembers meeting him about 35 yearsago at one of the many speeches andlectures he gave at the university.“He was a wonderful member of theintellectual community,” said Doniger, whowrote a blurb on the back of one of hisbooks.Chris Colmo, said when he was agraduate student at University of Chicago,Anastaplo would meet up with a group ofstudents in Regenstein Library for bookdiscussions.Colmo said several years later, when heand Anastalpo were team teaching afreshman seminar class at DominicanUniversity — then Rosary College —Anastaplo still had a great connection withstudents though impromptu discussions.“He was great with the older studentswho were returning to college,” Colmosaid. “They’d gather around the lunchtable for discussions.”Anastalpo is survived by his wife SaraPrince Anastaplo, four children and eightgrandchildren.In lieu of flowers, the family asks thatdonations be made to The University ofChicago, and mailed to: The GeorgeAnastaplo Basic Program Lecturer Fund,Graham School of Continuing Liberal andProfessional Studies, The University ofChicago, 1427 E. 60th St., Chicago, IL60637.A memorial service will take place at alater date. For more information, call theCremation Society of Illinois at 773-281-5058 or visit cremation-society.com.Send letters to: Editor, Hyde Park Herald1435 E. Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615letters@hpherald.comScience fiction at libraryBy JEFFREY BISHKU-AYKULAssistant to the EditorScience fiction author Nnedi Okorafor willpresent the next Despres Memorial FamilyLecture at Blackstone Library, 4904 S.Blackstone Ave.Okarafor will read from her latest novel“Who Fears Death,” and short storycollection, “Kabu Kabu,” at the event, whichis being hosted by Friends of BlackstoneLibrary (FOBL). Okorafor will alsoparticipate in a Q and A session and booksigning.“I was really excited about being able tobring her because I was aware of her work,”said FOBL President Brenda Sawyer, whofirst saw Okorafor at the DuSable Museumof African American History.Sawyer arranged for Okorafor to arrive byreaching out to Maywood, Ill. bookstoreAfri-Ware, where her work is on sale. “Ithink the most outstanding thing aboutOkorafor is her use of African folklore,”Sawyer said.The expected publication date ofOkorafor’s latest book, “Lagoon,” is April10.FOBL will host three more monthly talksthrough May as part of its DespresMemorial Family Lecture Series.j.bishku@hpherald.comSend your kid’s art to WashingtonBy JEFFREY BISHKU-AYKULAssistant to the EditorU.S. Rep. Robin Kelly (D-2) will beparticipating in this year’s annualCongressional Art Competition.Her two district offices will be acceptingoriginal artwork from district high schoolersbetween April 14 and 19. On April 26, Kellywill announce a winner whose piece will beexhibited at the U.S. Capitol.THEATERfrom page 7career as Gypsy Rose Lee, arguably themost famous stripper ever (and author ofthe memoir that sparked the musical), theironies come together in the way Griffinpresents her less-than-sensationalstripteases and the fraught motherdaughterconfrontations. Like Pitre, Rushis masterful at betraying a whole range ofemotions at once. While Gypsy claims torelish the trappings of success and firmlyrejects Rose’s attempts at interference, wefeel the anger, pain, eagerness to please,and underlying love that have brought herto this point.Besides assembling a top-notch cast —including Marc Grapey and Matt DeCaroin several minor roles, as well as MillyCallinan, Rengin Altay, and Barbara E.Robertson, who have a ball as the strippersMazeppa, Electra, and Tessie Tura —Griffin has done a terrific job of adaptingwhat was a proscenium-arch show forChicago Shakepeare’s thrust stage andscaling the orchestra to the size of thetheater. Musical director Rick Fox’sadditional orchestrations for the 14“It’s a way to display a little piece of yourdistrict in the nation’s Capitol,” Kelly said.The freshman congresswoman whoreplaced disgraced representative JesseJackson Jr. last April says she “cannot drawa lick‚“ but enjoys visiting museums.To submit a work of art this spring, makean appointment with Kelly’s Chicago office,1000 E. 111th St., or Matteson office, 600Holiday Plaza Dr.j.bishku@hpherald.commusicians (down from the originalproduction’s 28), who are on a raisedplatform across the back of the stage,simulate the musical feel of the erabetween World War I and World War IIwithout sacrificing any of the sound.Kevin Depinet’s inventive scenicdesign, enhanced by Philip S.Rosenberg’s lighting, starts with anoversize, curvy, gilded proscenium thatvaguely resembles a giant mouth orwomb. Red velvet curtains create a stagewithin-a-stageas needed, whileaccouterments suspended from theceiling lower to augment simple sets andprops. The costume demands areformidable, partly because of the manyquick changes, and Virgil C. Johnson hashandled them with aplomb and relativelyfew compromises in authenticity.In recent years, local companies rangingfrom Court Theatre to Writers Theatre inGlencoe have devoted more and moreattention to musicals. At first I wonderedwhy they would bother given all theresources at the command of the bigtouring productions. But Griffin’s “Gypsy”for Chicago Shakespeare has somethingthese road shows rarely do: acting that’s asdeep and compelling as in any play.

CALENDARfrom page 5Child Care Information Session. Noon-1p.m., every Thursday, Hyde ParkNeighborhood Club, 5480 S. Kenwood Ave.,773-643-4062, hpnclub.org, free.Messy Art. 9:30-11:30 a.m., every Friday,Hyde Park Neighborhood Club, Art Room,5480 S. Kenwood Ave., 773-643-4062,hpnclub.org, $9 drop-in, $45 10-day pass, $65monthly pass.Sign Language. 10-10:40 and 10:45-11:15a.m., every Friday, Hyde Park NeighborhoodClub, early childhood room, 5480 S.Kenwood Ave.,773-643-4062, hpnclub.org,$9 drop-in, $45 10-day pass, $65 monthlypass.Match Up! Teen Program. 3-6 p.m., everyTuesday, Thursday and Friday, Hyde ParkNeighborhood Club, 5480 S. Kenwood Ave.,773-643-4062, hpnclub.org. Students ages 13to 18 develop study skills and participate inmonthly volunteer opportunities.After School Learning Lab. 3-6 p.m.,every weekday, Hyde Park NeighborhoodClub, 5480 S. Kenwood Ave., 773-643-4062,hpnclub.org. Tutoring, supervision, sports andmore for children under 12.Exhibit. “Black Age of Comics.” 5020 S.Cornell Ave., 773-324-5520, hydeparkart.org.Featuring work from the alternative graphicnovel movement know as “The Black Age ofComics.” Runs through March 3.Exhibit. "The Endangered Species: AVisual Response to the Vanishing BlackMan." DuSable Museum of African AmericanHistory, 740 E. 56th St., 773-947-0600,dusablemuseum.org. Featuring art curated byRaub Welch addressing Black masculinity inAmerica. Runs through March 30.Exhibit. "Homer in Print: The Transmissionand Reception of Homer's Works."Regenstein Library, The Special CollectionsResearch Center, 1100 E. 57th St., 773-702-4685. Featuring editions of Homer in severallanguages from the 15th century to the 21st.Runs through March 15.Exhibit. "Charles Otis Whitman: HisScience, His Special Birds, and the MarineBiological Laboratory." Crerar Library, 5730S. Ellis Ave., 773-702-7715, free. An exhibitexamining the legacy of the late U. of C.zoologist, in commemoration of thehundredth anniversary of the extinction of thepassenger pigeon. Runs through March 21.Exhibit. "Interiors and Exteriors: Avant-Garde Itineraries in Postwar France." SmartMuseum of Art, 5550 S. Greenwood Ave.,773-702-0200, smartmuseum.uchicago. edu.Featuring art tracing the relationship betweenthe emerging generation of avant-gardemovements in 1950s France and the postwarsurrealist movement. Runs through March 26.Exhibit. "Not Just Another Pretty Face."5020 S. Cornell Ave., 773-324-5520,hydeparkart.org. Featuring 75 works of artthat are part of the center's similarly titledcommissioning project. Runs through March30.Exhibit. "The Co-op Documentary Project:Capturing the Bookstore's DistinctiveCharacter and History." Hyde Park HistoricalSociety, 5529 S. Lake Park Ave., 773-493-1893, free. Featuring photography andtestimonies about the Seminary Co-opbookstore's previous location at 5757 S.University Ave.Exhibit. "Inside the Outside." Hyde ParkArt Center, 5020 S. Cornell Ave., 773-324-5520, hydeparkart.org. Featuring work bylongtime artists Richard Loving and EleanorSpiess-Ferris to kick of the Center's 75thAnniversary exhibition season. Runs throughMay 4.Exhibit. "Topographical Depictions of theBronzeville Resistance." Hyde Park ArtCenter, 5020 S. Cornell Ave., 773-324-5520,hydeparkart.org. An interactive installation bySamantha Hill featuring oral narratives andmaterials donated from the African Americancommunity in Bronzeville. Runs throughMay 18.Exhibit. Performing Images: Opera inChinese Visual Culture." Smart Museum ofArt, 5550 S. Greenwood Ave., 773-702-0200,smartmuseum.uchicago.edu. Featuring printsdepicting opera from the time of the QingDynasty. Held in conjunction with U. of C.'scultural festival, "Envisioning China: AFestival of Arts and Culture." Runs throughJune 15.Exhibit. "Inspired by the Opera:Contemporary Chinese Photography andVideo." Smart Museum of Art, 5550 S.Greenwood Ave., 773-702-0200,smartmuseum.uchicago.edu. Exploring therelevance of opera in contemporary Chinesephotography. Held in conjunction with U. ofC.'s cultural festival, "Envisioning China: AFestival of Arts and Culture." Runs from Feb.13 through June 15.Exhibit. "Silk Road and Indian OceanTraders: Connecting China and the MiddleEast?" Oriental Institute, 1155 E. 58th St.,773-702-9507, free. Focusing on Chineseceramics and the influence of Chineseinvention on the Middle East. Runs from Feb.18 through June 29.Exhibit. “Monster Roser: Existentialist Artin Postwar Chicago." Smart Museum of Art,5550 S. Greenwood Ave., 773-702-0200,smartmuseum.uchicago.edu. Featuringpostwar art by a group of Chicago artistsnicknamed the Monster Roser. Runs throughJune 2016.Wednesday, Feb. 26Wednesday Worship. 11:30 a.m.-noon,Bond Chapel, 1050 E. 59th St., 773-702-8200. A brief worship service co-sponsoredby the U. of C. Divinity School andRockefeller Chapel.Author Talk. 6-7:30 p.m., InternationalHouse, assembly hall, 1414 E. 59th St., 773-753-2274, free. Kenan Trebincevic, author of"The Bosnia List: A Memoir of War, Exileand Return," and Julia Lieblich, author of"Wounded I Am More Awake: FindingMeaning After Terror," present.Concert. Lunch with Mr. Skinner. 12:30-1 p.m., Rockefeller Chapel, 5850 S.Woodlawn Ave., 773-702-2100, free. Alunchtime organ performance. Visitors areinvited to bring their lunch. Beveragesprovided.Samatha Meditation: Beginner's Class. 6-7:30 p.m., Rockefeller Chapel,Interreligious Center, Room 019, 5850 S.Woodlawn Ave., 773-702-2100, free. A classon mindfulness of breathing.Zen Meditation at Rockefeller. 5-6:45p.m., Rockefeller Chapel, 5850 S.Woodlawn Ave., 773-702-2100, free. SotoZen mediation instruction for newcomers at 5p.m., followed by 35 minutes of meditation.Despres Family Memorial Lecture. 6p.m., Blackstone Library, 4904 S. LakePark Ave., 312-747-0511.Panel Discussion. "How to Draw theMaps: Redistricting Reform in AmericanPolitics. 6 p.m., Quadrangle Club, 1155 E.57th St., 773-834-4671. Visitbit.ly/1aSMxgG to register.Thursday, Feb. 27Workshop. Homeschool Event: MummyScience. 1:30-3:30 p.m., Oriental Institute,1155 E. 58th St., 773-702-9507, $5members, $8 non-members. Participantslearn about the science that made Egyptianmummification possible. Register (required)at orientalinstitute.eventbrite.com.Lecture. "Universal BrotherhoodRevisted: China, the Working Classes andVisual Culture In and Around the GreatExhibition in London, 1851." 2:30-4:30p.m., Classics Building, room 110, 1010 E.59th St., 773-702-1255. Patricia Siber, ofOhio State University, presents.Collecting for Chicago. 7-9 p.m., OrientalInstitute, Breasted Hall, 1155 E. 58th St.,773-834-9775, free. Emily Teeter, of theOriental Institute, presents on the museum'scollection as part of a James Henry BreastedSociety event. To R.S.V.P., contact BrittanyMullins by sending an e-mail tobfmullins@uchicago.edu or calling 773-834-9775.Author Talk. 6-7:30 p.m., InternationalHouse, assembly hall, 1414 E. 59th St., 773-753-2274, free. Michio Kaku, author of "TheFuture of the Mind," presents.Tea Time Concert Series. 4:30-5:30 p.m.,Fulton Hall, 5845 S. Ellis Ave., 773-702-8484, free. Flutist Masha Popova and pianistSvetlana Krasnova perform. Withcomplimentary tea and cookies at 4:15 p.m.Gentle Yoga. 4-5 p.m., Bond Chapel, 1050E. 59th St., 773-702-2100, free. Time forquiet reflection, meditation and yogainstruction.Vespers. 8-9 p.m. Bond Chapel, 1050 E.59th St., 773-702-2100, free.Toddler Time. 10:30 a.m., BlackstoneLibrary, 4904 S. Lake Park Ave., 312-747-0511. Picture books, activities and songs forchildren up to age 3.Friday, Feb. 28Conference. Sociologies of Music Theory:Instituions, Media and Practice. 9 a.m.-6p.m., Logan Center, seminar terrace 801,915 E. 60th St., 773-702-2787, free. Formore information, send an e-mail to ThomasChristensen at tchriste@uchicago.edu.Discussion. Woman with a MovieCamera, Now and Then (Digital andAnalog). 7 p.m., Logan Center, screeningroom 201, 915 E. 60th St., 773-702-8596,free. Experimental filmmaker BabetteMangolte presents.Concert. 7:30-9:30 p.m., Mandel Hall,1131 E. 57th St., 773-702-2787, $25 generaladmission, $5 students. The Venice BaroqueOrchestra and counter-tenor PhilippeFebruary 26, 2014, Hyde Park Herald 9Jaroussky perform music by Handel andmore, preceded by a lecture by MarthaFeldman, of the U. of C. For moreinformation, call 773-702-8068.Sounds for Wellness. 4:30-4:45 p.m.,Smart Museum of Art, 5550 S. GreenwoodAve., 773-702-0200, free. Bagpiper ZacharyCahill performs.Jumu'ah Prayers. 1-1:30 p.m. and 1:45-2:15 p.m., Bond Chapel, 1050 E. 59th St.,773-702-2100. Muslim Friday prayers.Concert. "Suite DuSable: A Vision ofFaith." 7-9 p.m., DuSable Museum ofAfrican American History, 740 E. 56th St.,773-947-0600, dusablemuseum.org, $20general admission, $10 members.Composer Renée Baker conducts. To buytickets, visit bit.ly/M0RsGM.Artist Salon and Brown Bag Lunch.12:15-1:15 p.m., Hyde Park Art Center,5020 S. Cornell Ave., 773-324-5520,hydeparkart.org. A chance to meet andcatch up with HPAC students and communitymembers over food and art.Saturday, March 1Game Day. 10 a.m.-4 p.m., BlackstoneLibrary, 4904 S. Lake Park Ave., 312-747-0511. A chance to play board games foradults and kids 9 and up.Global Girls Cultural Showcase. 10 a.m.-9 p.m., International House, assembly hall,1414 E. 59th St.,773-753-2274, $20 generaladmission. Performances by and awardsceremonies for an international group ofindividuals and organizations addressingwomen's and girls issues.Family Day: Domino Throwdown. 1-4p.m., Smart Museum of Art, 5550 S.Greenwood Ave., 773-702-0200, free.Visitors make their own playing cards andjoin in a dominoes tournament. All materialsprovided. Activities are best for kids ages 4 to12 accompanied by an adult. Held inconjunction with the museum's exhibit,"Inspired by the Opera: ContemporaryChinese Photography and Video."Conference. "A Numerate Film History?Cinemetrics Looks at Griffith, Sennett andChaplin (1909-1917).” 1-6 p.m., CobbLecture Hall, room 307, 5811 S. Ellis Ave.,773-834-8936. With professors includingTom Gunning and Yuri Tsivian of the U. of C.Discussion. Views from White HouseEconomists. 4-6 p.m., Charles M. HarperCenter, room 104, 5807 S. Woodlawn Ave.,773-702-7587. With former Chairmen of theCouncil of Economic Advisers MartinFeldstein and Martin Baily. Presented by TheBecker Friedman Institute. Space is limited.Register at bfi.uchicago.edu.FOTA Film Festival. 5-7 p.m., LoganCenter, screening room 201, 915 E. 60thSt., 773-702-2787, $5 in advance, $7 at thedoor. A screening of short filmsSee CALENDAR on page 13Offer expires March 31, 2014STATEMENTfrom page 4schools; andRESOLVED, that the Murray LanguageAcademy Local School Council calls on theU.S. Congress and Administration tooverhaul the Elementary and SecondaryEducation Act (currently known as the “NoChild Left Behind Act”), reduce the testingmandates, promote multiple forms ofevidence of student learning and schoolquality in accountability, and not mandateany fixed role for the use of student testscores in evaluating educators

10 Hyde Park Herald, February 26, 2014

February 26, 2014, Hyde Park Herald 11Kenwood Broncos defeat rivals U-High MaroonsBy JOSEPH PHILLIPSHyde Park HeraldOn Thursday night at KenwoodAcademy, 5015 S. Blackstone Ave., 6-foot-2 shooting guard Xavier Edwardswould drain one of the most remarkableshots of his career and maybe schoolhistory. Edwards would haul a 60-foot,half-court buzzer-beater shot to defeatneighborhood basketball rivals the U-HighMaroons in a 60-58 comeback.“It’s not how you start but how youfinish,” said Kenwood guard XavierEdwards after the victory.“I knew that we only hadone possession left and I was the onlyoption open on that in-bounds play,” heBy LINDSAY WELBERSStaff WriterThe Chicago Innovation Exchange, abusiness incubator housed inside HarperCourt, awarded $275,000 to its inauguralclass of students.The CIE is the University of Chicago’sspace for business and technologicaldevelopment. It currently occupies spaceon the 11th floor of Harper Court, butwhen fully operational will also occupythe second floors of the Harper Theaterbuilding and the former Herald building.The CIE is supported financially byUChicago Tech, the university’s Center forTechnology Development and Venturesand the Polsky Center forEntrepreneurship and Innovation.A group of 16 students were awardedbetween $50,000 and $100,000 aftershowing their proof-of-concept work forprojects focusing on science, technology,engineering or math (STEM) projects.Students, in addition to funding, aregiven space inside the CIE to help buildtheir business and support running andgrowing their business from experiencedentrepreneurs.explained.Down by as many as 13 points at thehalf, the Broncos’ (11-14) defensivepressure ignited two strong quarters oftheir own, outscoring the Maroons 22-15in the third quarter and 19-16 in the fourthquarter and combining to outscore theMaroons 41-31 to close the game.“It was an exciting game,” said Broncoscoach Jim Maley.“Out of my top five memorable momentsof my coaching career,this definitely ranks number one on mylist,” Maley added.Although the Broncos would win on abuzzer-beater, there were other big playsthat would impact the game down thestretch, including one coming late in theDance school’s new headBy DASCHELL M. PHILLIPSStaff WriterTerra Schultz has been named executivedirector of the Hyde Park School of Dance.She replaced Mariam Thiam, who served asexecutive director from 2011 to 2013.Schultz is a graduate of the University ofWisconsin-Green Bay, with degrees in theaterand communications. Prior to returning to theHyde Park School of Dance (HPSD), whereshe was the operations coordinator from2009-2011, Schultz held arts administrationand organizational management positions atEmerald City Theatre Company.The appointment comes after a six-monthsearch by the school’s board of directors.“We are all very excited about Terra’sappointment,” said Ronald Cohen, boardU. of C. Institute of Politics ExecutiveDirector Darren Reisberg has beenappointed to Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn’s TaskForce on Civic Education.Reisberg met for the first time last Fridaywith the 13-member task force, assigned topresident of HPSD. “She brings acombination of warmth, people skills andmanagerial experience that HPSD needs aswe begin our 21st year.”August Tye, director of HPSD, said she wasglad to have Schultz back.“She shares my passion for arts educationand has a clear compelling vision for theschool and its mission.”HPSD’s next public performance is aproduction of “The Nightingale,” a storyballet based on the Hans Christian Andersenfairy tale. Two performances are scheduledat the Reva and David Logan Center for theArts at 7 p.m., Saturday, March 15 and 2p.m., Sunday, March 16.For tickets, call 773-493-8498 or visithydeparkdance.org.d.phillips@hpherald.comIOP head moves over to Quinnexamine civic education in Illinois andpresent recommendations to the GeneralAssembly.The task force was created last spring afterthe passage of HB 2428. The group mustpresent their recommendations by May 31.Innovation Exchange gives cashThe top award recipient, QuantitativeInsights, was given $100,000 for theirQuantX U.S. product launch. The product,QuantX, is a software platform that assistsradiologists in making more accurate andefficient breast cancer diagnoses.Simplified Chromatin ConformationCapture (S3C) was awarded $75,000 tofurther develop a tool for identifyingdistant genomic interactions key to normalbiological function as well as diseasessuch as cancer, diabetes and autoimmuneand inflammatory disorders into a kitavailable to researcher and drugdevelopers.An additional $55,000 was awarded toCompanion Diagnostic for treatment ofestrogen receptor negative breast cancer tohelp develop a tool that could accuratelyidentify tumors in patients likely to benefitfrom a new targeted breast cancertreatment.The final award of $50,000 went to adaptsoftware developed by the university’sFlash Center for Computational Sciencefor modeling complex extreme ultravioletlight sources needed for newsemiconductor chips.l.welbers@hpherald.comfourth quarter, as 5-foot-7 Broncos guardJuwon Johnson would force his olderbrother Jordan Moran of U-High into acostly turnover. This keyed a Broncos run.Moran missed one out of two freeTickets will be available starting at noontoday for a Republican gubernatorial forumtaking place on the U. of C. campus at 6 p.m.next Tuesday, March 4.The 60-minute event moderated by NBC 5political editor Carol Marin will feature DanRutherford, Kirk Dillard, Bill Brady andfront-runner Bruce Rauner, followed by ahalf-hour Q and A session with thecandidates. It will take place in theFormer 2nd Illinois District U.S. Rep. MelReynolds pleaded guilty Friday to a visaviolation in Zimbabwe, but was dismissedon charges of pornography possession.Reynolds was arrested last Monday.The disgraced ex-Congressman andonetime Rhodes Scholar - who resigned onthrows with 1.7 seconds left to play whichled to Edwards’ half court buzzer-beateron the ensuing possession.Final Score: Kenwood 60, U-High 58herald@hpherald.comWatch Republicans battleperformance hall of the Logan Center, 915E. 60th St., where it will be broadcast live byNBC 5.To reserve a ticket, visitticketsweb.uchicago.edu or call 773-702-2787 beginning at noon today. To ask aquestion for consideration at the forum, usethe hashtag #ILGovTalk on Twitter.For more information and updates, visitpolitics.uchicago.edu.Reynolds back in hot seatthe heels of a 1995 sexual assaultconviction - ran in last year’s specialelection to replace Jesse Jackson Jr.,coming in at 8th place with only .8 percentof the vote.As of Herald press time, Reynolds was stillin jail awaiting deportation.For Breaking Community NewsAs It Happens...We Make It Easy...Go to www.hpherald.comMore Women go to Collegethan ever Before.Make sure Your Daughteris One of Them!Located in Bronzeville, the Young Women’sLeadership Charter School (YWLCS), ensuresthat girls (grades 7-12) excel academically andpersonally.YWLCS Girls:Enjoy small classes with one teacher for every twelvestudents. Learn both inside and outside the classroomthrough the school’s unique business partnerships. Goto college with the skills and tools to succeed.ASSURE YOUR DAUGHTER’SFUTURE TODAY.Apply to the Young Women’s Leadership Charter School now.There are a few spots open.Apply today!Visit:www.ywlcs.org/admissionsor call312-949-9400, ext. 100Act fast - Space is limited!

12 Hyde Park Herald, February 26, 2014Stumping — and shenanigansWhile 26th District challenger Jay Travis (top right) and state Rep. ChristianMitchell (bottom right) knock on doors and shake hands with prospective voters,volunteers place cards for the candidates in doorways. The volunteer whoplaced the card for Mitchell in the photo above over the card that was there forTravis explained that it was the only spot on the door where it would fit.Marc Monaghan

CALENDARfrom page 9commissioned by the U. of C. Festival of theArts board. Audience members are invited tojudge each film and a winner will be declared.Refreshments provided.Concert. 8-9 p.m., Fulton Hall, 5845 S.Ellis Ave., 773-702-8484, free. The U. of C.University Brass Ensemble performs.Sunday, March 2Discussion. “Story Foraging: Looking atthe Works of Eleanor Spiess-Ferris.” 3-5p.m., Hyde Park Art Center, 5020 S.Cornell Ave., 773-324-5520,hydeparkart.org. Gavin Van Horn leads adiscussion with curator Aarot Ott and painterEleanor Spiess-Ferris.Concert. Contempo: New Music forViolin and Piano. 3-5 p.m. Logan Center,performance penthouse 901, 915 E. 60thSt., 773-702-8068, $25 general admission,$5 students. Violinist Miranda Cuckson andpianist Ning Yu perform. To buy tickets, call773-702-2787.DuSable Day 2014. Noon-5 p.m., DuSableMuseum of African American History, 740E. 56th St., 773-947-0600,dusablemuseum.org, free. The museum’sannual event celebrating its namesake andChicago’s first settler, Jean Baptiste PointeDusable. Featuring dance and musicalperformances, films, talks, arts and craftsworkshops and more.Concert. 3-5 p.m. Rockefeller Chapel,5850 S. Woodlawn Ave., 773-702-2100, $20general admission, free to students withuniversity ID. The Rockefeller Chapel Choirand VocalEssence singers perform.Concert. The Persian Concert. 7:30-9p.m. Logan Center, performance hall, 915E. 60th St., 773-702-8484, $10 requestedgeneral admission donation, $5 requestedstudent donation. The U. of C. Middle EastMusic Ensemble presents.Boy Scout Archaeology Badge Workshop.2-5 p.m., Oriental Institute, 1155 E. 58thSt., Chicago, 773-702-9514,oi.uchicago.edu, $15 members, $20 nonmembers.Participants work toward earningan a Boy Scout archaeology badge. Registerat oi.uchicago.edu/order/classes.Author Conversation. 3 p.m., SeminaryCo-op Bookstore, 5751 S. Woodlawn Ave.,773-752-4381. Micah Uetricht, author of“Strike for America: Chicago TeachersAgainst Austerity,” joins Rick Perlstein,author of “Nixonland: The Rise of a Presidentand the Fracturing of America,” inconversation.Concert. Sunday Night Jazz. 7:30-11:30p.m., Room 43, 1043 E. 43rd St., $10adults, $5 for university students with IDor children with adults. SaxophonistBernard Scavella performs. A Hyde Park JazzSociety program.Monday, March 3Lecture. "Factional Struggles in Genevaon the Eve of Reformation." 5-6:30 p.m.,Pick Hall, room 319, 5828 S. UniversityAve., 773-834-8936, free. Mathieu Caesar, ofthe University of Geneva, presents.Emerging Minds Project CommunityConversation. 6-8 p.m., Office ofMulticultural Student Affairs, room 107,5710 S. Woodlawn Ave., 773-834-4672. Anopportunity for the campus community toengage in dialogue around a topic of interest.Opening Reception. 6-8 p.m., RegensteinLibrary, lobby, 1100 E. 57th St., 773-702-7752. For the library's exhibit, "Women'sWork: Scholarship at the University ofChicago," part of the U. of C.’s InternationalWomen’s Day programming. Refreshmentsprovided. R.S.V.P. at bit.ly/1bjQbpA.Film Screening. "American Promise." 7p.m., International House, assembly hall,1414 E. 59th St., 773-753-2274, free. Ascreening of Joe Brewster and MicheleStephenson's 2013 film. Presented by the U.of C.'s Center for the Study of Race, Politicsand Culture.Tuesday, March 4Republican Gubernatorial Forum. 6p.m., Logan Center, performance hall, 915E. 60th St., 773-834-4671,politics.uchicago.edu. A forum with fourIllinois Republican gubernatorial candidates— including front-runner Bruce Rauner —moderated by NBC 5 Political Editor CarolMarin. To reserve tickets, call 773-702-2787or visit ticketsweb.uchicago.edu starting atnoon today.Lecture. “Sustainable Production and theImpact of Advanced Biofuels andBioproducts.” 6 p.m., Classics Building,room 110, 1010 E. 59th St.,globalenergies.uchicago.edu. Seth W.Snyder, senior fellow at the U. of C.’s EnergyPolicy Institute at Chicago, presents.Author Reading. 6 p.m., Midway Studios,929 E. 60th St., 773-834-8524, free. AuthorWIlliam Fuller presents.Preschool Story Time. 10:30 a.m.,Blackstone Library, 4904 S. Lake ParkAve., 312-747-0511. Picture books andactivities for children up to age 3.Homeless Food Run. 6-8:30 p.m., CalvertHouse, 5735 S. University Ave., 773-288-2311, uofccatholic.com. Participants prepareand pass out bagged meals for the city’sneedy.Talk. Noon-1:30 p.m., Harper MemorialLibrary, room 284, 1116 E. 59th St., 773-702-7040. Dr. Miriam Kalichman, of theFebruary 26, 2014, Hyde Park Herald 13University of Illinois College of Medicine,presents. R.S.V.P. by March 3 by sending ane-mail to ucihp@uchicago.edu.Day of Service. 3:30-8 p.m., ReynoldsClub, 5706 S. University Ave., 773-753-4483. A day of service and volunteerism forChicago women, held as part of the U. of C.’sInternational Women’s Day programming.Film Screening and Discussion. “It WasRape.” 5-6:30 p.m., Ida Noyes Hall, MaxPalevsky Cinema, 1212 E. 59th St., 773-702-7752. A screening of JenniferBaumgardner’s 2013 documentary featuringeight women sharing their personal stories ofsexual assault, followed by a Q and A sessionwith Vicki Sides, a representative ofResources for Sexual Violence Prevention atthe U. of C.Tea and Pipes. 4:30-5 p.m., Bond Chapel,1050 E. 59th St.,773-702-2100, free. Tea andbiscuits served at 4 p.m., followed by organmusic.Wednesday, March 5Women’s History Month Film Screening.“Say My Name.” 6 p.m., BlackstoneLibrary, 4904 S. Lake Park Ave., 312-747-0511. A screening of Nirit Peled’s 2009 filmabout women in hip-hop. For ages 14 and up.Concert. Lunch with Mr. Skinner. 12:30-1 p.m., Rockefeller Chapel, 5850 S.Woodlawn Ave., 773-702-2100, free. Alunchtime organ performance. Visitors areinvited to bring their lunch. Beveragesprovided.Performances. Catcher in the Rhyme. 8-10 p.m., Logan Center, Cafe, 915 E. 60thSt., 773-702-2787, free. Featuring studentwork such as readings, spoken word, openmics and slam competitions.Lecture. “Wastelandia: InfrastructureSee CALENDAR on page 18

14 Hyde Park Herald, February 26, 2014PULL THIS TAB TOVIEW OUR ENTIRE AD:1526 E. 55thStreet, Hyde ParkHyde Park Shopping Center, 55th & Lake Park Avenue • 773-358-6400Store Hours: See Posted Hours at Your Local Store. ALL STORES OPEN SUNDAY. All Beef and Lamb is USDA Grade Choice.Sale prices good February 26 to March 4, 2014. We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct printing errors.

February 26, 2014, Hyde Park Herald 15Makesure tovisit usonFacebookand Twitter!

16 Hyde Park Herald, February 26, 2014A good night for historyAbove: Hyde Park Historical Society Jean Block Award winners Susan O’ConnorDavis and John Vinci, who received the award for the book “Chicago’s Historic HydePark,” at the society’s annual dinner. Davis addresses the audience while acceptingthe award. Vinci is an internationally renowned architect and restored the society’sheadquarters, a former waiting room for cable cars, and built the award-winning,modernist South Kenwood home of Davis and her husband, Allison Davis, and theirfamily. Susan O’Connor Davis is the principal author of the book and produces amonthly column, “Lost Hyde Park,” for the Herald.Below: Richardson (left) and Janice Spofford (center) receive the Presidents Awardfor the restoration of their Howard Van Doren Shaw house and for their years ofservice to the community. The award was presented by Hyde Park Historical SocietyPresident, Ruth Knack (far right).Top right: (Left to right) State Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie (D-25), Mary Ann Johnson,Pat Spear and Toni Holden-McGhee.Middle right: Hyde Park Historical Society board member Jack Spicer (right)presents the University of Chicago, represented by James Hennessy, associate vicepresident for Commercial Real Estate, an award for the restoration and rehabilitationof the Harper Theater Building, 5238 S. Harper Ave.Spencer Bibbs

Solution to Feb. 19, 2014 Crossword PuzzleM O B I L E S A P A R T S T R A S S EO N E S I D E B A S I E T H I T H E RS T A T I S T B U E N A R E D E E M ST O T O U S U A L G R I E F S L I TL O L L O P M I O D E A R T OT S E U L N A C O S I T B E V A SY E M E N I A C U T E F I N E S TR E A L T V A V A A L I O D E S S AO O N A A P T E R R I C E U W Y E SN U I S A N C E T A R E A R P H O N EE T A T S T E E N A G E R S R O U T SI W A S N E U E R T T O PO I L C A R O J Y O R G O B E Y E RA M I N A C H O A E R I E E C OF I V E M A N Y S A T H O L T S O SS T E M S B L E H L I A M G U T S YA R U T L E D A A C R E U T E PS T P O V E N N A M R O N I R H OH O O P L A N O N N O S I E T U D E SE R O D E S M O O D Y S A F A R IA S L A N T A N N E S T R O Y E SHUNGRY? TIRED?NEED A BREAK?DON’T FEEL LIKE COOKING?to find localHyde Parkrestaurantmenusonline!If your restaurant is not listed. Please contact773-358-3128 to have your menu listed FREE of charge.Go tohpherald.comCALENDARfrom page 18February 26, 2014, Hyde Park Herald 19International Women’s Day festivities.MEETINGSSaturdayCoalition for Equitable Community Development AnnualMeeting. "Who Needs Affordable Housing: ThreeAgencies, Their Programs, and Client Stories." 10 a.m.-noon, Augustana Lutheran Church, 5500 S. WoodlawnAve. Presentations on affordable housing by three localorganizations.Monday4th Ward Constituent Night. 5-8 p.m., 435 E. 35th St.,773-536-8103. A chance for constituents to meet with Ald.Will Burns one-on-one.WednesdayBeulah Shoesmith Elementary School local schoolcouncil meeting. 5:45-6:15 p.m., 1330 E. 50th St., 773-535-1764.The New York Times Magazine Crossword PuzzleNo. 0216PASSING GRADES By YAAKOV BENDAVID/ Edited by Will Shortz1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22ACROSS1 Summerrefreshers5 Israel’s Netanyahu,informally9 Bowler and sailor13 Tracking systems19 Ports21 Memphis deity22 Actress Cuthbertof “24”23 One who turnedCinderella’spumpkininto pumpkincheesecake?25 Drive away26 Reference27 New York’s Jacob___ Park28 Crude coconutopener29 Cherry part30 Worth mentioning32 Iglu and yoghurt,e.g.33 Bad beginning?36 ___ cycle37 Dustin Hoffmantitle role39 County or lakeof Cooperstown,N.Y.42 Dunking cookie44 Be too syrupyFor any three answers, callfrom a touch-tone phone:1-900-285-5656, $1.49 aminute; or, with a creditcard, 1-800-814-5554.45 Liquor unit49 Snorkelingbargain?52 Hip-hop artistwith the 2013#1 album “BornSinner”53 Up to, shortly54 French noodles?55 What makes bluejeans blue56 “She’s got electricboots, a ___suit” (“Bennieand the Jets”lyric)57 Rust-causingagents59 Vex60 Stomachs61 Fit to ___62 Tin can plinker,maybe63 Challenge fora speech coach64 Oscar winnerLeachman67 Setting of “TheCrucible”68 Nappy fabric72 Undeveloped73 Elizabeth Taylorrole of ’6374 Roman rulerbefore Caesar75 Subj. of Snowdenleaks76 Dismantle ona ship77 Transportationcompany thatskimps on safety?80 Conk81 Wisecrack82 Of the flock83 Lawn care brand84 Mythologicalmonster87 Addr. book datum88 Even if, in brief89 Corkscrewed92 “___ no turningback”95 Dress accessory99 Knacks100 Reason for anophthalmologist’svisit101 It might beanswered, “Muybien, gracias”104 Sergeant’s order105 StephenHawking’scomputergeneratedvoice?107 Church vessel108 Bring in109 Duvel puboffering110 Prepares topropose111 Kind of rug112 Buttonhole, forexample113 NASA’s ___Research CenterDOWN1 Acting family2 Did a Vegas job3 Return option4 Pulled strings,maybe?5 Former 6’9”N.B.A.’er Hayes,to fans6 “What did ___deserve this?”7 Comfortablestate8 Suffix with age9 Band’s cue10 More wan11 Draws12 Old atlas initials13 Force under Stalin14 Keys on a piano15 Two things seenbeside JamesBond at a casino?16 Popular ski spot17 Butler ofliterature18 Register ring-ups20 Screenwritingguru Field24 Call from abalcony28 Massenet opera31 Indoor balls32 In a loathsomeway34 Starting trouble35 Tryst site38 Director’s cry39 “The Simpsons”character with ahabit of callingthings “gnarly”40 Candy barthat comes twoto a pack41 Most arias43 Insect repellentingredient46 Artery47 “That’s ___!”48 Bodies of eau50 Little: Suffix51 Per ___52 Use for a résumé56 Spammer enabler58 “Oh, yeah? Let’ssee you hold yourbreath for twominutes!” e.g.?59 Better qualified23 24 2526 27 2829 30 31 3262 Like Bruce Willis,in his later movieroles63 She “drankchampagne anddanced all night,”in song64 Crude weapon65 46-Down division66 Spanishalternative?67 Checked (out)33 34 35 36 37 3839 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4849 50 51 5253 54 55 5657 58 59 6061 62 6364 65 66 67 68 69 70 7172 73 74 7576 77 78 7980 81 82 8384 85 86 87 8889 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 9899 100 101 102 103104 105 106107 108 109110 111 112 11368 Myocyte69 Sweater, e.g.70 “___ it rich?”(Sondheim lyric)71 Highlands refusals74 Better atconniving77 Handles78 Triangular sail79 Infuser contents81 Altar no-shows85 Gingerbread housevisitor86 Enrobe89 Heap90 Eucharist holder91 TV actress Graff93 Spotted scavenger94 “Ditto”96 “Take me ___”97 Lifted98 Hosiery brand100 Kind of tissue102 Coin grade103 Repetitivebehaviorcondition, forshort105 View from aboardwalk106 Grammy AwardsairerFor any three answers, call from a touch-tone phone: 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 each minute; or with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554

20 Hyde Park Herald, February 26, 2014

To place your ad, call:1-773-358-3124or email: classifi@hpherald.comSERVICE DIRECTORY SHOWCASE:KELLYPLASTERING CO.PLASTER PATCHING -DRYVIT - STUCCOFULLY INSURED(708) 798-3810HYDE PARK HERALD and LAKEFRONT OUTLOOKGEORGE’SPLUMBING & SEWERFlood Control SpecialistsAll Types of Plumbing Repairs• Bathroom Installations• Toilets, Tubs, Sinks, Faucets• Sewers Rodded • Sump Pumps• Sewers Inspected by camera• Foundation Leaks Repaired• Battery Backup SystemsQuality Work – Reasonable Prices40 yrs. exp.Lic. #SL574(773) 585-1893February 26, 2014, Hyde Park Herald 21Ad copy deadline:1:00 p.m. Friday beforeSERVICE DIRECTORY Wednesday publication date.Professional Workmanship witha Personal Touch!• Painting• Drywall• Plaster• Ceramic& Vinyl TileEDWARD PENA, Owner/OperatorPhone: 312.287.2911email: PenasPrecisionDecorating@gmail.comAPPLIANCES –★ Refrigerators, Stoves – $ 98 00 & Up★ Washers, Dryers and Freezers★ Family Tables & Chairs – $ 115 00★ Full Beds – $ 99 00★ Single Beds – $ 89 00★ Bunk Beds – $ 199 00★ Chests – $ 49 00★ Sofa Sets – $ 229 00★ Lamps – $ 29/Pair“Furniture For All!”MIKE’S FURNITURE1259 N. 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22 Hyde Park Herald, February 26, 2014Classified ads get results!NOTICE TO OURCLASSIFIED ADVERTISERSPlease notify us if you find an error in your ad, or if your ad failed torun. If you notify us at once, we will make a correction as soon asdeadlines permit. We want to give you the best possible service.However, if you do not inform us about a problem with an ad the firsttime it runs, the ad may continue incorrectly. The newspaper will notbe liable for failure to publish an ad, or typographical error(s) in publicationexcept to the extent of the cost of the ad for the first day’sinsertion. Adjustment for errors is limited to the cost of that portionof the ad where the error occurred. Please check your ad each timeit appears and notify us promptly in case of an error.PoliciesAll advertising is subject to the newspaper’s standards of acceptance.The Herald Newspapers reserve the right to edit, decline orproperly classify any ad. Receipt of copy via remote entry (facsimile,email, etc.) does not constitute final acceptance by this newspaper.The advertiser, NOT THE NEWSPAPER, assumes fullresponsibility of their advertising message.All real estate advertising is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Actand the Illinois Constitution, which makes it illegal to advertise “anypreference, limitation or discrimination”.Classified Deadline: 2pm Monday1-773-643-8533 ext. 124Fax: 1-773-667-0938email: classifi@hpherald.comPlease include a phone number with all emails.Find your new home inthe Hyde Park Herald.Subscribe Today!LEGAL NOTICENotice to Chas Riley, lastknown address of 4734 SDrexel Apt 2S, Chicago,IL 60615, concerningCanine “Mase”, pursuantto the Illinois VeterinaryMedicine and SurgeryPractice Act of 2004 (225ILCS 115/18). Pet wasboarded from Saturday,September 07, 2013 andscheduled to be pickedup on December 10,2013. There has been nocontact from owner sinceJanuary 9, 2014. UnlessHyde Park Animal Hospitalreceives notice in writingorin person, or pet ispicked up by owner nomore than seven (7) daysfrom publication of thisnotice, pet must be consideredabandoned andwill be surrendered toCook County Animal andRabies Control.GET RESULTS!Place your classified ad Inthe Hyde Park Herald!Real Estate • Help Wanted • Lost & Found • Announcements• Greetings • Garage Sales • Articles for Sale • Apts. for RentThere are several convenient ways to place your ad:PHONE us at1-773-643-8533 ext. 124,Monday through Friday:9:00 am to 5 pm;FAX your ad to us at:1-773-667-0938MAIL your ad to us atHyde Park Herald,1435 E. Hyde Park Blvd.Chicago, IL 60615Find your new home inthe Hyde Park Herald.Subscribe Today!Reach us ON-LINE by E-mail:classifi@hpherald.comFind your new home inthe Hyde Park Herald.Subscribe Today!

Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360Houses for Sale–Chgo 360February 26, 2014, Hyde Park Herald 23Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERYDIVISION WILMINGTON SAVINGSFUND SOCIETY, FSB, NOT IN ITSINDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SLELYAS TRUSTEE FOR THEPRIMESTAR-H FUND I TRUSTP l a i n t i f f ,- v . -ANGELA DADE, 4948FORRESTVILLE, INC., UNKNOWNOWNERS AND NONRECORDCLAIMANTS Defendants08 CH 0083194948 S. FORRESTVILLE AVENUECHICAGO, IL 60615NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to aJudgment of Foreclosure and Saleentered in the above cause onSeptember 25, 2013, an agent for TheJudicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30AM on March 18, 2014, at the TheJudicial Sales Corporation, One SouthWacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO,IL, 60606, sell at public auction to thehighest bidder, as set forth below, thefollowing described real estate:Commonly known as 4948 S.FORRESTVILLEAVENUE,CHICAGO, IL 60615 Property Index No.20-10-217-044. The real estate isimproved with a residence. Sale terms:25% down of the highest bid by certifiedfunds at the close of the sale payable toThe Judicial Sales Corporation. Nothird party checks will be accepted. Thebalance, including the Judicial sale feefor Abandoned Residential PropertyMunicipality Relief Fund, which iscalculated on residential real estate atthe rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fractionthereof of the amount paid by thepurchaser not to exceed $300, incertified funds/or wire transfer, is duewithin twenty-four (24) hours. No feeshall be paid by the mortgageeacquiring the residential real estatepursuant to its credit bid at the sale orby any mortgagee, judgment creditor,or other lienor acquiring the residentialreal estate whose rights in and to theresidential real estate arose prior to thesale. The subject property is subject togeneral real estate taxes, specialassessments, or special taxes leviedagainst said real estate and is offeredfor sale without any representation as toquality or quantity of title and withoutrecourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS"condition. The sale is further subject toconfirmation by the court. Upon paymentin full of the amount bid, the purchaserwill receive a Certificate of Sale that willentitle the purchaser to a deed to thereal estate after confirmation of thesale. The property will NOT be open forinspection and plaintiff makes norepresentation as to the condition of theproperty. Prospective bidders areadmonished to check the court file toverify all information. If this property is acondominium unit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale, other than amortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this propertyis a condominium unit which is part of acommon interest community, thepurchaser of the unit at the foreclosuresale other than a mortgagee shall paythe assessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THEMORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAININ POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYSAFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEILLINOISMORTGAGEFORECLOSURE LAW. Forinformation, examine the court file orcontact Plaintiff's attorney: CODILIS &ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTHFRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100,BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630)794-9876. Please refer to file number14-08-05457. THE JUDICIAL SALESCORPORATION One South WackerDrive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You canalso visit The Judicial SalesCorporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 daystatus report of pending sales.CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527(630) 794-5300 Attorney File No.14-08-05457 Attorney ARDC No.00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 CaseNumber: 08 CH 008319 TJSC#:34-2250 NOTE: Pursuant to the FairDebt Collection Practices Act, you areadvised that Plaintiff's attorney isdeemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthatI590762purpose.IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY,ILLINOISCOUNTY DEPARTMENT -CHANCERYDIVISIONU.S. BANK NATIONALASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FORJPMORGANMORTGAGEACQUISITION TRUST 2006-CH2,ASSET BACKED PASS-THROUGHCERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-CH2P l a i n t i f f ,- v . -TRACY M. HAMILTON, CHASEBANK USA, NA, 5537-39 HYDE PARKCONDO ASSOC. Defendants10 CH 0273715539 S. HYDE PARK BLVD UNIT #1SCHICAGO, IL 60637NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to aJudgment of Foreclosure and Saleentered in the above cause onDecember 12, 2013, an agent for TheJudicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30AM on March 17, 2014, at the TheJudicial Sales Corporation, One SouthWacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO,IL, 60606, sell at public auction to thehighest bidder, as set forth below, thefollowing described real estate:Commonly known as 5539 S. HYDEPARK BLVD UNIT #1S, CHICAGO, IL60637 Property Index No.20-13-102-022-1004. The real estate isimproved with a residence. Sale terms:25% down of the highest bid by certifiedfunds at the close of the sale payable toThe Judicial Sales Corporation. Nothird party checks will be accepted. Thebalance, including the Judicial sale feefor Abandoned Residential PropertyMunicipality Relief Fund, which iscalculated on residential real estate atthe rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fractionthereof of the amount paid by thepurchaser not to exceed $300, incertified funds/or wire transfer, is duewithin twenty-four (24) hours. No feeshall be paid by the mortgageeacquiring the residential real estatepursuant to its credit bid at the sale orby any mortgagee, judgment creditor,or other lienor acquiring the residentialreal estate whose rights in and to theresidential real estate arose prior to thesale. The subject property is subject togeneral real estate taxes, specialassessments, or special taxes leviedagainst said real estate and is offeredfor sale without any representation as toquality or quantity of title and withoutrecourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS"condition. The sale is further subject toconfirmation by the court. Upon paymentin full of the amount bid, the purchaserwill receive a Certificate of Sale that willentitle the purchaser to a deed to thereal estate after confirmation of thesale. The property will NOT be open forinspection and plaintiff makes norepresentation as to the condition of theproperty. Prospective bidders areadmonished to check the court file toverify all information. If this property is acondominium unit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale, other than amortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this propertyis a condominium unit which is part of acommon interest community, thepurchaser of the unit at the foreclosuresale other than a mortgagee shall paythe assessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THEMORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAININ POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYSAFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEILLINOISMORTGAGEFORECLOSURE LAW. Forinformation, examine the court file orcontact Plaintiff's attorney: CODILIS &ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTHFRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100,BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630)794-9876. Please refer to file number14-10-04965. THE JUDICIAL SALESCORPORATION One South WackerDrive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You canalso visit The Judicial SalesCorporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 daystatus report of pending sales.CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527(630) 794-5300 Attorney File No.14-10-04965 Attorney ARDC No.00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 CaseNumber: 10 CH 027371 TJSC#:33-27755 NOTE: Pursuant to the FairDebt Collection Practices Act, you areadvised that Plaintiff's attorney isdeemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthatI588315purpose.IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERYDIVISIONNATIONSTARMORTGAGE,LLCP l a i n t i f f ,- v . -OLUJIMI ADEONIGBAGBE, 4755-57S. ST. LAWRENCE CONDOMINIUMASSOCIATION, ST. LAWRENCECONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION,UNKNOWN OWNERS ANDNONRECORD CLAIMANTS, KELLEYWOODSDefendants10 CH 0535484755-57 S. ST. LAWRENCE AVENUEUNIT B4 CHICAGO, IL 60615NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to aJudgment of Foreclosure and Saleentered in the above cause on January31, 2013, an agent for The JudicialSales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM onMarch 5, 2014, at the The JudicialSales Corporation, One South WackerDrive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL,60606, sell at public auction to thehighest bidder, as set forth below, thefollowing described real estate:Commonly known as 4755-57 S. ST.LAWRENCE AVENUE UNIT B4,CHICAGO, IL 60615 Property Index No.20-10-203-046-1009 (Underlying PIN20-10-203-020). The real estate isimproved with a condo/townhouse. Saleterms: 25% down of the highest bid bycertified funds at the close of the salepayable to The Judicial SalesCorporation. No third party checks willbe accepted. The balance, including theJudicial sale fee for AbandonedResidential Property Municipality ReliefFund, which is calculated on residentialreal estate at the rate of $1 for each$1,000 or fraction thereof of the amountpaid by the purchaser not to exceed$300, in certified funds/or wire transfer,is due within twenty-four (24) hours. Nofee shall be paid by the mortgageeacquiring the residential real estatepursuant to its credit bid at the sale orby any mortgagee, judgment creditor,or other lienor acquiring the residentialreal estate whose rights in and to theresidential real estate arose prior to thesale. The subject property is subject togeneral real estate taxes, specialassessments, or special taxes leviedagainst said real estate and is offeredfor sale without any representation as toquality or quantity of title and withoutrecourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS"condition. The sale is further subject toconfirmation by the court. Upon paymentin full of the amount bid, the purchaserwill receive a Certificate of Sale that willentitle the purchaser to a deed to thereal estate after confirmation of thesale. The property will NOT be open forinspection and plaintiff makes norepresentation as to the condition of theproperty. Prospective bidders areadmonished to check the court file toverify all information. If this property is acondominium unit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale, other than amortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this propertyis a condominium unit which is part of acommon interest community, thepurchaser of the unit at the foreclosuresale other than a mortgagee shall paythe assessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THEMORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAININ POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYSAFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEILLINOISMORTGAGEFORECLOSURE LAW. Forinformation, examine the court file orcontact Plaintiff's attorney: CODILIS &ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTHFRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100,BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630)794-9876. Please refer to file number14-10-42155. THE JUDICIAL SALESCORPORATION One South WackerDrive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You canalso visit The Judicial SalesCorporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 daystatus report of pending sales.CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527(630) 794-5300 Attorney File No.14-10-42155 Attorney ARDC No.00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 CaseNumber: 10 CH 053548 TJSC#:34-1597 NOTE: Pursuant to the FairDebt Collection Practices Act, you areadvised that Plaintiff's attorney isdeemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthatI589258purpose.IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERYDIVISION CITIMORTGAGE, INC.P l a i n t i f f ,- v . -ALICIA DAVIS A/K/A ADEKUNBIALICIA DAVIS, MIDLAND FUNDING,LLC, CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA),N.A., LAKEFRONT PLACECONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION,UNKNOWN OWNERS ANDNON-RECORD CLAIMANTSD e f e n d a n t s11 CH 422266730 SOUTH SHORE DRIVE, UNIT505 Chicago, IL 60649NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to aJudgment of Foreclosure and Saleentered in the above cause onDecember 20, 2013, an agent for TheJudicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30AM on March 21, 2014, at the TheJudicial Sales Corporation, One SouthWacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO,IL, 60606, sell at public auction to thehighest bidder, as set forth below, thefollowing described real estate:Commonly known as 6730 SOUTHSHORE DRIVE, UNIT 505, Chicago,IL 60649 Property Index No.20-24-406-027-1024. The real estate isimproved with a condo/townhouse. Thejudgment amount was $109,012.54.Sale terms: 25% down of the highestbid by certified funds at the close of thesale payable to The Judicial SalesCorporation. No third party checks willbe accepted. The balance, including theJudicial sale fee for AbandonedResidential Property Municipality ReliefFund, which is calculated on residentialreal estate at the rate of $1 for each$1,000 or fraction thereof of the amountpaid by the purchaser not to exceed$300, in certified funds/or wire transfer,is due within twenty-four (24) hours. Nofee shall be paid by the mortgageeacquiring the residential real estatepursuant to its credit bid at the sale orby any mortgagee, judgment creditor,or other lienor acquiring the residentialreal estate whose rights in and to theresidential real estate arose prior to thesale. The subject property is subject togeneral real estate taxes, specialassessments, or special taxes leviedagainst said real estate and is offeredfor sale without any representation as toquality or quantity of title and withoutrecourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS"condition. The sale is further subject toconfirmation by the court. Upon paymentin full of the amount bid, the purchaserwill receive a Certificate of Sale that willentitle the purchaser to a deed to thereal estate after confirmation of thesale. The property will NOT be open forinspection and plaintiff makes norepresentation as to the condition of theproperty. Prospective bidders areadmonished to check the court file toverify all information. If this property is acondominium unit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale, other than amortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this propertyis a condominium unit which is part of acommon interest community, thepurchaser of the unit at the foreclosuresale other than a mortgagee shall paythe assessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THEMORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAININ POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYSAFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEILLINOISMORTGAGEFORECLOSURE LAW. Forinformation, contact Plaintiff's attorney:HAUSELMAN, RAPPIN & OLSWANG,LTD., 39 South LaSalle Street - Suite1105, CHICAGO, IL 60603, (312)372-2020. Please refer to file number11-2222-18669. THE JUDICIALSALES CORPORATION One SouthWacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You canalso visit The Judicial SalesCorporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 daystatus report of pending sales.HAUSELMAN, RAPPIN & OLSWANG,LTD. 39 South LaSalle Street - Suite1105 CHICAGO, IL 60603 (312)372-2020 Attorney File No.11-2222-18669 Attorney Code. 4452Case Number: 11 CH 42226 TJSC#:34-2500 NOTE: Pursuant to the FairDebt Collection Practices Act, you areadvised that Plaintiff's attorney isdeemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthatI591753purpose.IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFCOOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVI-SION JPMORGAN CHASE BANKN.A. SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TOBANK ONE, N.A.Plaintiff,-v.-MICHAEL R. DAVIS, FIRST MID-WEST BANK, INGLESIDE COURTCONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION,STATE OF ILLINOIS, SWANETTETRIEM D/B/A ASHLAND SUPPLYCO., SPRINGLEAF FINANCE COM-MERCIAL CORP. F/K/A AMERICANGENERAL FINANCE CORP.,UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS Defendants11 CH 0391335461 S. INGLESIDE AVENUE UNIT#1E CHICAGO, IL 60615NOTICE OF SALE PUBLICNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuantto a Judgment of Foreclosureand Sale entered in the above causeon December 18, 2013, an agent forThe Judicial Sales Corporation, will at10:30 AM on March 20, 2014, at theThe Judicial Sales Corporation, OneSouth Wacker Drive - 24th Floor,CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at publicauction to the highest bidder, as setforth below, the following describedreal estate: Commonly known as5461 S. INGLESIDE AVENUE UNIT#1E, CHICAGO, IL 60615 PropertyIndex No. 20-11-328-025-1022. Thereal estate is improved with a residence.Sale terms: 25% down of thehighest bid by certified funds at theclose of the sale payable to TheJudicial Sales Corporation. No thirdparty checks will be accepted. Thebalance, including the Judicial salefee for Abandoned ResidentialProperty Municipality Relief Fund,which is calculated on residential realestate at the rate of $1 for each$1,000 or fraction thereof of theamount paid by the purchaser not toexceed $300, in certified funds/orwire transfer, is due within twenty-four(24) hours. No fee shall be paid by themortgagee acquiring the residentialreal estate pursuant to its credit bid atthe sale or by any mortgagee, judgmentcreditor, or other lienor acquiringthe residential real estate whoserights in and to the residential realestate arose prior to the sale. Thesubject property is subject to generalreal estate taxes, special assessments,or special taxes levied againstsaid real estate and is offered for salewithout any representation as to qualityor quantity of title and withoutrecourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS”condition. The sale is further subjectto confirmation by the court. Uponpayment in full of the amount bid, thepurchaser will receive a Certificate ofSale that will entitle the purchaser toa deed to the real estate after confirmationof the sale. The property willNOT be open for inspection andplaintiff makes no representation asto the condition of the property.Prospective bidders are admonishedto check the court file to verify allinformation. If this property is a condominiumunit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale, other thana mortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required byThe Condominium Property Act, 765ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If thisproperty is a condominium unit whichis part of a common interest community,the purchaser of the unit at theforeclosure sale other than a mortgageeshall pay the assessmentsrequired by The CondominiumProperty Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR(HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THERIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSES-SION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRYOF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION,IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOISMORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW.For information, examine the court fileor contact Plaintiffʼs attorney:CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.,15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527,(630) 794-9876. Please refer to filenumber 14-11-26225. THE JUDICIALSALES CORPORATION One SouthWacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You canalso visit The Judicial SalesCorporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7day status report of pending sales.CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527(630) 794-5300 Attorney File No. 14-11-26225 Attorney ARDC No.00468002 Attorney Code. 21762Case Number: 11 CH 039133 TJSC#:33-27973 NOTE: Pursuant to the FairDebt Collection Practices Act, you areadvised that Plaintiffʼs attorney isdeemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthat purpose.I588805IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFCOOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVI-SIONTHE BANK OF NEW YORK MEL-LON F/K/A THE BANK OF NEWYORK, AS TRUSTEE FOR THEHOLDERS OF THE CERTIFICATES,FIRST HORIZON MORTGAGEPASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATESSERIES FH07-AA3, BY FIRST HORI-ZON HOME LOANS, A DIVISION OFFIRST TENNESSEE BANK NATION-AL ASSOCIATION, MASTER SER-VICER, IN ITS CAPACITY ASAGENT FOR THE TRUSTEEUNDER THE POOLING AND SERV-ICING AGREEMENTPlaintiff,-v.-FELICIA J RILEY, MORTGAGEELECTRONIC REGISTRATIONSYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FORMIDWEST FUNDING BANCORP, ANILLINOIS CORPORATION, 4828-32SOUTH INDIANA AVENUE CONDO-MINIUM ASSN. Defendants11 CH 279794832 SOUTH INDIANA AVENUE#101 CHICAGO, IL 60615NOTICE OF SALE PUBLICNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuantto a Judgment of Foreclosureand Sale entered in the above causeon September 18, 2012, an agent forThe Judicial Sales Corporation, will at10:30 AM on March 17, 2014, at theThe Judicial Sales Corporation, OneSouth Wacker Drive - 24th Floor,CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at publicauction to the highest bidder, as setforth below, the following describedreal estate: Commonly known as4832 SOUTH INDIANA AVENUE#101, CHICAGO, IL 60615 PropertyIndex No. 20-10-108-026-1010, 20-10-108-026-1014. The real estate isimproved with a multi unit condominiumwith no garage. Sale terms: 25%down of the highest bid by certifiedfunds at the close of the sale payableto The Judicial Sales Corporation. Nothird party checks will be accepted.The balance, including the Judicialsale fee for Abandoned ResidentialProperty Municipality Relief Fund,which is calculated on residential realestate at the rate of $1 for each$1,000 or fraction thereof of theamount paid by the purchaser not toexceed $300, in certified funds/orwire transfer, is due within twenty-four(24) hours. No fee shall be paid by themortgagee acquiring the residentialreal estate pursuant to its credit bid atthe sale or by any mortgagee, judgmentcreditor, or other lienor acquiringthe residential real estate whoserights in and to the residential realestate arose prior to the sale. Thesubject property is subject to generalreal estate taxes, special assessments,or special taxes levied againstsaid real estate and is offered for salewithout any representation as to qualityor quantity of title and withoutrecourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS”condition. The sale is further subjectto confirmation by the court. Uponpayment in full of the amount bid, thepurchaser will receive a Certificate ofSale that will entitle the purchaser toa deed to the real estate after confirmationof the sale. The property willNOT be open for inspection andplaintiff makes no representation asto the condition of the property.Prospective bidders are admonishedto check the court file to verify allinformation. If this property is a condominiumunit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale, other thana mortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required byThe Condominium Property Act, 765ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If thisproperty is a condominium unit whichis part of a common interest community,the purchaser of the unit at theforeclosure sale other than a mortgageeshall pay the assessmentsrequired by The CondominiumProperty Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR(HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THERIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSES-SION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRYOF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION,IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOISMORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW.For information: Visit our website atservice.atty-pierce.com. between thehours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE &ASSOCIATES, Plaintiffʼs Attorneys,One North Dearborn Street Suite1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No.(312) 476-5500. Please refer to filenumber PA1115056. THE JUDICIALSALES CORPORATION One SouthWacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You canalso visit The Judicial SalesCorporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7day status report of pending sales.PIERCE & ASSOCIATES One NorthDearborn Street Suite 1300 CHICA-GO, IL 60602 (312) 476-5500Attorney File No. PA1115056 AttorneyCode. 91220 Case Number: 11 CH27979 TJSC#: 33-27480 I588836IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFCOOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVI-SIONBEAL BANK USAPlaintiff,-v.-LINDA F. BRUNSON, UNITEDSTATES OF AMERICA, WEST HIGH-LAND CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA-TION, UNKNOWN HEIRS ANDLEGATEES OF LINDA F. BRUNSON,IF ANY, UNKNOWN OWNERS ANDNON-RECORD CLAIMANTSDefendants11 CH 56546733 SOUTH RIDGELANDAVENUE UNIT 2S CHICAGO, IL60649NOTICE OF SALE PUBLICNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuantto a Judgment of Foreclosureand Sale entered in the above causeon December 27, 2013, an agent forThe Judicial Sales Corporation, will at10:30 AM on March 31, 2014, at theThe Judicial Sales Corporation, OneSouth Wacker Drive - 24th Floor,CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at publicauction to the highest bidder, as setforth below, the following describedreal estate: Commonly known as6733 SOUTH RIDGELAND AVENUEUNIT 2S, CHICAGO, IL 60649Property Index No. 20-24-303-025-1004. The real estate is improvedwith a brick condominium; detached 3car garage. Sale terms: 25% down ofthe highest bid by certified funds atthe close of the sale payable to TheJudicial Sales Corporation. No thirdparty checks will be accepted. Thebalance, including the Judicial salefee for Abandoned ResidentialProperty Municipality Relief Fund,which is calculated on residential realestate at the rate of $1 for each$1,000 or fraction thereof of theamount paid by the purchaser not toexceed $300, in certified funds/orwire transfer, is due within twenty-four(24) hours. No fee shall be paid by themortgagee acquiring the residentialreal estate pursuant to its credit bid atthe sale or by any mortgagee, judgmentcreditor, or other lienor acquiringthe residential real estate whoserights in and to the residential realestate arose prior to the sale. Thesubject property is subject to generalreal estate taxes, special assessments,or special taxes levied againstsaid real estate and is offered for salewithout any representation as to qualityor quantity of title and withoutrecourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS”condition. The sale is further subjectto confirmation by the court. Uponpayment in full of the amount bid, thepurchaser will receive a Certificate ofSale that will entitle the purchaser toa deed to the real estate after confirmationof the sale. Where a sale ofreal estate is made to satisfy a lienprior to that of the United States, theUnited States shall have one yearfrom the date of sale within which toredeem, except that with respect to alien arising under the internal revenuelaws the period shall be 120 days orthe period allowable for redemptionunder State law, whichever is longer,and in any case in which, under theprovisions of section 505 of theHousing Act of 1950, as amended (12U.S.C. 1701k), and subsection (d) ofsection 3720 of title 38 of the UnitedStates Code, the right to redeemdoes not arise, there shall be no rightof redemption. The property will NOTbe open for inspection and plaintiffmakes no representation as to thecondition of the property. Prospectivebidders are admonished to check thecourt file to verify all information. Ifthis property is a condominium unit,the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosuresale, other than a mortgagee,shall pay the assessments and thelegal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this propertyis a condominium unit which is part ofa common interest community, thepurchaser of the unit at the foreclosuresale other than a mortgageeshall pay the assessments requiredby The Condominium Property Act,765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARETHE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWN-ER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TOREMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF ANORDER OF POSSESSION, INACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORT-GAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. Forinformation: Visit our website at service.atty-pierce.com.between thehours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE &ASSOCIATES, Plaintiffʼs Attorneys,One North Dearborn Street Suite1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No.(312) 476-5500. Please refer to filenumber PA1102843. THE JUDICIALSALES CORPORATION One SouthWacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You canalso visit The Judicial SalesCorporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7day status report of pending sales.PIERCE & ASSOCIATES One NorthDearborn Street Suite 1300 CHICA-GO, IL 60602 (312) 476-5500Attorney File No. PA1102843 AttorneyCode. 91220 Case Number: 11 CH5654 TJSC#: 34-15 I590739Take a trip in time to HydePark’s past! Visit the HydePark Herald archives at:www.hpherald.com

24 Hyde Park Herald, February 26, 2014Houses for Sale–Chgo 360Houses for Sale–Chgo 360Houses for Sale–Chgo 360Houses for Sale–Chgo 360Houses for Sale–Chgo 360Houses for Sale–Chgo 360Houses for Sale–Chgo 360IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY,ILLINOISCOUNTYDEPARTMENT,CHANCERYDIVISIONBANK OF AMERICA, N.A.,SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO BACHOME LOANS SERVICING, LP,F/K/A COUNTRYWIDE HOMELOANSSERVICING,P l a i n t i f fV .JULIA D. FERGUSON; MORTGAGEELECTRONIC REGISTRATIONSYSTEMS, INC.; BUCKINGHAMLOFTSCONDOMINIUMA S S O C I A T I O N ,D e f e n d a n t s11 CH 27766Property Address: 4436 SOUTHCALUMET AVE. UNIT G CHICAGO,IL 60653NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE -C O N D O M I N I U MFisher and Shapiro file # 10-037359(It is advised that interested partiesconsult with theirown attorneys before bidding atmortgage foreclosure sales.)PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given thatpursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosureentered on December 13,2013, Kallen Realty Services, Inc., asSelling Official will at 12:30 p.m. onMarch 14, 2014, at 205 W. RandolphStreet, Suite 1020, Chicago, Illinois,sell at public auction to the highestbidder for cash, as set forth below, thefollowing described real property:Commonly known as 4436 SouthCalumet Avenue, Unit G, Chicago, IL60653 Permanent Index No.:2 0 - 0 3 - 3 1 0 - 0 3 2 - 1 0 0 9The mortgaged real estate is improvedwith a dwelling. The property will NOTbe open for inspection. The purchaserof the unit other than a mortgagee shallpay the assessments and the legal feesrequired by 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and( g ) ( 4 ) .The judgment amount was $183,659.71.Sale terms for non-parties: 10% ofsuccessful bid immediately atconclusion of auction, balance by 12:30p.m. the next business day, both bycashier's checks; and no refunds. Thesale shall be subject to general realestate taxes, special taxes, specialassessments, special taxes levied, andsuperior liens, if any. The property isoffered "as is," with no express orimplied warranties and without anyrepresentation as to the quality of titleor recourse to Plaintiff. Prospectivebidders are admonished to review thecourt file to verify all information and toview auction rules at www.kallenrs.com.For information: Sale Clerk, Fisher andShapiro, Attorney # 42168, 2121Waukegan Road, Suite 301,Bannockburn, Illinois 60015, (847)291-1717, between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00p.m. weekdays only.I584576IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY,ILLINOISCOUNTYDEPARTMENT,CHANCERYDIVISIONDEUTSCHE BANK NATIONALTRUSTCOMPANY,AS TRUSTEE FOR HARBORVIEW2 0 0 5 - 0 7 ,P l a i n t i f fV .GELENE M. STANTON A/K/AGELENE M. BROWNA/K/A GELENE STANTON A/K/AGELENEBROWN;RAWLIN E. BROWN; MORTGAGEELECTRONIC REGISTRATIONSYSTEMS,INC.;CITY OF CHICAGO, AN ILLINOISMUNICIPAL CORPORATION,D e f e n d a n t sCase No. 10 CH 11456Calendar No. 56PropertyAddress:4317 SOUTH VERNON AVENUECHICAGO, IL 60653NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALEFisher and Shapiro file # 09-030110(It is advised that interested partiesconsult with theirown attorneys before bidding atmortgage foreclosure sales.)PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given thatpursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosureentered on December 18, 2013, KallenRealty Services, Inc., as Selling Officialwill at 12:30 p.m. on March 20, 2014, at205 W. Randolph Street, Suite 1020,Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auctionto the highest bidder for cash, as setforth below, the following described realp r o p e r t y :Commonly known as 4317 South VernonAvenue, Chicago, IL 60653Permanent Index No.: 20-03-400-049The mortgaged real estate is improvedwith a dwelling. The property will NOTbe open for inspection.The judgment amount was $481,610.43.Sale terms for non-parties: 10% ofsuccessful bid immediately atconclusion of auction, balance by 12:30p.m. the next business day, both bycashier's checks; and no refunds. Thesale shall be subject to general realestate taxes, special taxes, specialassessments, special taxes levied, andsuperior liens, if any. The property isoffered "as is," with no express orimplied warranties and without anyrepresentation as to the quality of titleor recourse to Plaintiff. Prospectivebidders are admonished to review thecourt file to verify all information and toview auction rules at www.kallenrs.com.For information: Sale Clerk, Fisher andShapiro, Attorney # 42168, 2121Waukegan Road, Suite 301,Bannockburn, Illinois 60015, (847)291-1717, between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00p.m. weekdays only.2 / 1 3 / 2 0 1 4I585702IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY,ILLINOISCOUNTY DEPARTMENT -CHANCERYDIVISIONM&TBANKP l a i n t i f f ,v s .DOUGLAS TINDALL; 3917-21 S.I N D I A N ACONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION;UNKNOWN OWNERS ANDNONRECORD CLAIMANTS;D e f e n d a n t s ,13 CH 18594NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TOJUDGMENT OF FORECLOSUREUNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGEFORECLOSURELAWPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given thatpursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosureentered in the above entitled cause onDecember 16, 2013, IntercountyJudicial Sales Corporation will onTuesday, March 18, 2014, at the hour of11 a.m. in their office at 120 WestMadison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago,Illinois, sell to the highest bidder forcash, the following described property:P.I.N. 20-03-103-046-1001,2 0 - 0 3 - 1 0 3 - 0 4 6 - 1 0 1 0 .Commonly known as 3921 SOUTHINDIANA AVENUE UNIT 1N,CHICAGO, IL 60653.The mortgaged real estate is improvedwith a condominium residence. Thepurchaser of the unit other than amortgagee shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required bysubdivisions (g)(1) and (g)(4) ofSection 9 of the Condominium PropertyAct Sale terms: 25% down by certifiedfunds, balance within 24 hours, bycertified funds. No refunds. Theproperty will NOT be open forinspection. Upon payment in full of theamount bid, the purchaser will receive aCertificate of Sale which will entitle thepurchaser to a Deed to the premisesafter confirmation of the sale.For information: Visit our website athttp://service.atty-pierce.com. Between3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce &Associates, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 1North Dearborn Street, Chicago,Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500.Refer to File Number 1225370.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALESC O R P O R A T I O NSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I589744IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY,ILLINOISCOUNTY DEPARTMENT -CHANCERYDIVISIONURBAN PARTNERSHIP BANK, ASSUCCESSORININTEREST SHOREBANK,P l a i n t i f f ,v s .CHICAGO TITLE LAND TRUSTCOMPANY AS TRUSTEEU/T/A DATED NOVEMBER 1, 1998AND KNOWN ASTRUST NO. 1106556; ANIS ELAHIA/K/ADENNISELAHI; CITY OF CHICAGO;UNKNOWN OWNERS ANDNON-RECORD CLAIMANTS;D e f e n d a n t s ,12 CH 20436NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given thatpursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosureentered in the above entitled cause onJanuary 24, 2014, Intercounty JudicialSales Corporation will on Monday,March 17, 2014, at the hour of 11 a.m.in their office at 120 West MadisonStreet, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois,sell to the highest bidder for cash, thefollowing described mortgaged reale s t a t e :Commonly known as 227 East 51stStreet, Chicago, Il 60615.P.I.N. 20-10-304-011-0000.The mortgaged real estate is acommercialbuilding.Sale terms: Bidders must present, atthe time of sale, a cashier's or certifiedcheck for 10% of the successful bidamount. The balance of the successfulbid shall be paid within 24 hours, bysimilar funds. The property will NOTbe open for inspection.For information call Ms. Erica N. Byrdat Plaintiff's Attorney, Garfield & Merel,Ltd., 180 North Stetson Avenue,Chicago, Illinois 60601-6710. (312)2 8 8 - 0 1 0 5 .INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALESC O R P O R A T I O NSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I589655HUNGRY? TIRED?NEED A BREAK?DON’T FEEL LIKE COOKING?to find localHyde Parkrestaurantmenusonline!If your restaurant is not listed. Please contact773-358-3128 to have your menu listed FREE of charge.Go toRead the HydePark Herald.A new issueeveryWednesday.Read the HydePark Herald.A new issueeveryWednesday.hpherald.comIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY,ILLINOISCOUNTY DEPARTMENT -CHANCERYDIVISIONPNC BANK, NATIONALASSOCIATIONPlaintiff,v s .MARLENE C MCKINNEY; S.M.MCKINNEY&ASSOCIATES, LLP; DREXELCOMMONS CONDOMINIUM;UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORDCLAIMANTS;D e f e n d a n t s ,10 CH 25140PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given thatpursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosureentered in the above entitled cause onOctober 5, 2011, Intercounty JudicialSales Corporation will on Monday,March 31, 2014, at the hour of 11 a.m.in their office at 120 West MadisonStreet, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois,sell to the highest bidder for cash, thefollowing described property:P.I.N. 20-02-316-035-1033,2 0 - 0 2 - 3 1 6 - 0 3 5 - 1 0 6 3 .Commonly known as 4637 SOUTHDREXEL AVENUE UNIT 1E,CHICAGO, IL 60653.The mortgaged real estate is improvedwith a condominium residence. Thepurchaser of the unit other than amortgagee shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required bysubdivisions (g)(1) and (g)(4) ofSection 9 of the Condominium PropertyAct Sale terms: 25% down by certifiedfunds, balance within 24 hours, bycertified funds. No refunds. Theproperty will NOT be open forinspection. Upon payment in full of theamount bid, the purchaser will receive aCertificate of Sale which will entitle thepurchaser to a Deed to the premisesafter confirmation of the sale.For information: Visit our website athttp://service.atty-pierce.com. Between3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce &Associates, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 1North Dearborn Street, Chicago,Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500.Refer to File Number 1015780.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALESC O R P O R A T I O NSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I591624IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY,ILLINOISCOUNTY DEPARTMENT -CHANCERYDIVISIONWELLS FARGO BANK N.A.;P l a i n t i f f ,v s .VERONICA FLEETON; 6926-28 S.PAXTONCONDOASSOCIATION; UNKNOWNOWNERS AND NON RECORDC L A I M A N T S ;D e f e n d a n t s ,12 CH 2089PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given thatpursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosureentered in the above entitled cause onDecember 19, 2013, IntercountyJudicial Sales Corporation will onFriday, March 21, 2014, at the hour of11 a.m. in their office at 120 WestMadison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago,Illinois, sell to the highest bidder forcash, the following described property:P.I.N. 20-24-417-027-1004.Commonly known as 6928 SOUTHPAXTON AVENUE UNIT 2S,CHICAGO, IL 60649.The mortgaged real estate is improvedwith a condominium residence. Thepurchaser of the unit other than amortgagee shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required bysubdivisions (g)(1) and (g)(4) ofSection 9 of the Condominium PropertyAct Sale terms: 25% down by certifiedfunds, balance within 24 hours, bycertified funds. No refunds. Theproperty will NOT be open forinspection. Upon payment in full of theamount bid, the purchaser will receive aCertificate of Sale which will entitle thepurchaser to a Deed to the premisesafter confirmation of the sale.For information: Visit our website athttp://service.atty-pierce.com. Between3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce &Associates, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 1North Dearborn Street, Chicago,Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500.Refer to File Number 1128906.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALESC O R P O R A T I O NSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I589790Read the HydePark Herald.A new issueeveryWednesday.IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFCOOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVI-SION CITIMORTGAGE, INC. SUC-CESSOR BY MERGER TO ABNAMRO MORTGAGE GROUP, INC.Plaintiff,-v.-CHICAGO, IL 60615 VERA VIDEN-OVICH, THE NEWPORT CONDO-MINIUM ASSOCIATION, UNKNOWNOWNERS AND NONRECORDCLAIMANTSDefendants13 CH 0137194800 S. CHICAGO BEACH DRIVEUNIT #1513NNOTICE OF SALE PUBLICNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuantto a Judgment of Foreclosureand Sale entered in the above causeon November 12, 2013, Auction.com,an agent for The Judicial SalesCorporation, will at 1:00 PM on March19, 2014, at the Holiday Inn ChicagoMart Plaza, 350 West Mart CenterDrive (in the Auction.com room),CHICAGO, IL, 60654, sell at publicauction to the highest bidder, as setforth below, the following describedreal estate: Commonly known as4800 S. CHICAGO BEACH DRIVEUNIT #1513N, CHICAGO, IL 60615Property Index No. 20-12-100-003-1300. The real estate is improvedwith a condo/townhouse. Sale terms:25% down of the highest bid by certifiedfunds at the close of the salepayable to The Judicial SalesCorporation. No third party checkswill be accepted. The balance, includingthe Judicial sale fee forAbandoned Residential PropertyMunicipality Relief Fund, which is calculatedon residential real estate atthe rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fractionthereof of the amount paid by thepurchaser not to exceed $300, in certifiedfunds/or wire transfer, is duewithin twenty-four (24) hours. No feeshall be paid by the mortgageeacquiring the residential real estatepursuant to its credit bid at the sale orby any mortgagee, judgment creditor,or other lienor acquiring the residentialreal estate whose rights in and tothe residential real estate arose priorto the sale. The subject property issubject to general real estate taxes,special assessments, or special taxeslevied against said real estate and isoffered for sale without any representationas to quality or quantity of titleand without recourse to Plaintiff andin “AS IS” condition. The sale is furthersubject to confirmation by thecourt. Upon payment in full of theamount bid, the purchaser will receivea Certificate of Sale that will entitlethe purchaser to a deed to the realestate after confirmation of the sale.The property will NOT be open forinspection and plaintiff makes no representationas to the condition of theproperty. Prospective bidders areadmonished to check the court file toverify all information. If this property isa condominium unit, the purchaser ofthe unit at the foreclosure sale, otherthan a mortgagee, shall pay theassessments and the legal feesrequired by The CondominiumProperty Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1)and (g)(4). If this property is a condominiumunit which is part of a commoninterest community, the purchaserof the unit at the foreclosure saleother than a mortgagee shall pay theassessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THEMORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAININ POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYSAFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLO-SURE LAW. For information, examinethe court file or contact Plaintiffʼsattorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES,P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGEROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL60527, (630) 794-9876. Please referto file number 14-13-08560. THEJUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONOne South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor,Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The JudicialSales Corporation at www.tjsc.comfor a 7 day status report of pendingsales. AUCTION.COM LLC ForAdditional Information regardingAuction.com, please visitwww.Auction.com or call (800-280-2832) CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527(630) 794-5300 Attorney File No. 14-13-08560 Attorney ARDC No.00468002 Attorney Code. 21762Case Number: 13 CH 013719 TJSC#:33-25563 NOTE: Pursuant to the FairDebt Collection Practices Act, you areadvised that Plaintiffʼs attorney isdeemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthat purpose.I590673Find the perfecthome in the HydePark HeraldRealEstateSectionIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY,ILLINOISCOUNTYDEPARTMENT,CHANCERYDIVISIONTHE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLONF/K/A THE BANK OF NEW YORK ASTRUSTEE, FOR THE BENEFIT OFTHE CERTIFICATE HOLDERS OFCWALT, INC., ALTERNATIVE LOANTRUST 2007-18CB MORTGAGEPASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES,SERIES2007-18CB,P l a i n t i f fV .MICHAEL CLARKE; PATRICIACLARKE; STANDARD BANK ANDTRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEEUNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ATRUST AGREEMENT DATED THE24TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2004 ANDKNOWN AS TRUST NUMBER 18131;UNITED STATES OF AMERICA;UNITED STATES OF AMERICA;4010 S. DREXEL CONDOMINIUMASSOCIATION A/K/A 4010-12 S.DREXELBOULEVARDCONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION;CITY OF CHICAGO, AN ILLINOISMUNICIPAL CORPORATION;D e f e n d a n t s10 CH 21029Property Address: 4010 SOUTHDREXEL BLVD. UNIT 1S CHICAGO,IL 60653NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE -C O N D O M I N I U MFisher and Shapiro file # 09-032638(It is advised that interested partiesconsult with theirown attorneys before bidding atmortgage foreclosure sales.)PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given thatpursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosureentered on September 27, 2012, KallenRealty Services, Inc., as Selling Officialwill at 12:30 p.m. on March 21, 2014, at205 W. Randolph Street, Suite 1020,Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auctionto the highest bidder for cash, as setforth below, the following described realp r o p e r t y :Commonly known as 4010 South DrexelBoulevard, Unit 1S, Chicago, IL 60653Permanent Index No.:2 0 - 0 2 - 1 0 5 - 0 3 1 - 1 0 0 1The mortgaged real estate is improvedwith a dwelling. The property will NOTbe open for inspection. The purchaserof the unit other than a mortgagee shallpay the assessments and the legal feesrequired by 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and( g ) ( 4 ) .The judgment amount was $269,769.81. Sale terms for non-parties:10% of successful bid immediately atconclusion of auction, balance by 12:30p.m. the next business day, both bycashier's checks; and no refunds. Thesale shall be subject to general realestate taxes, special taxes, specialassessments, special taxes levied, andsuperior liens, if any. The property isoffered "as is," with no express orimplied warranties and without anyrepresentation as to the quality of titleor recourse to Plaintiff. Prospectivebidders are admonished to review thecourt file to verify all information and toview auction rules at www.kallenrs.com.For information: Sale Clerk, Fisher andShapiro, Attorney # 42168, 2121Waukegan Road, Suite 301,Bannockburn, Illinois 60015, (847)291-1717, between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00p.m. weekdays only.I589624HUNGRY?TIRED?NEED FOODFAST?Go tohpherald.comto find local Hyde Parkrestaurant menus online!If your restaurant is not listed. Pleasecontact 773-358-3128 to have yourmenu listed FREE of charge.

Houses for Sale–Chgo 360Houses for Sale–Chgo 360Houses for Sale–Chgo 360February 26, 2014, Hyde Park Herald 25Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFCOOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVI-SIONTCF NATIONAL BANK SUCCES-SOR BY MERGER TO STANDARDFINANCIAL MORTGAGE CORPO-RATION Plaintiff,-v.-ROBERT T. BRAYE A/K/A ROBERTBRAYE, ADRIENNE J. ARCHIA A/K/AADRIENNE ARCHIA, HOUSEHOLDFINANCE CORPORATION III, UNIT-ED STATES OF AMERICA,EVERETT CONDOMINIUM APART-MENTS, INC. A/K/A EVERETT CON-DOMINIUM APARTMENT CONDO-MINIUM, EVERETT CONDOMINIUMASSOCIATION A/K/A EVERETTCONDO ASSOCIATION, STATE OFILLINOISDefendants11 CH 0441671722 E. 55TH STREET UNIT #1CHICAGO, IL 60615NOTICE OF SALE PUBLICNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuantto a Judgment of Foreclosureand Sale entered in the above causeon December 19, 2013, an agent forThe Judicial Sales Corporation, will at10:30 AM on March 21, 2014, at theThe Judicial Sales Corporation, OneSouth Wacker Drive - 24th Floor,CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at publicauction to the highest bidder, as setforth below, the following describedreal estate: Commonly known as1722 E. 55TH STREET UNIT #1,CHICAGO, IL 60615 Property IndexNo. 20-12-114-039-1008. The realestate is improved with a residence.Sale terms: 25% down of the highestbid by certified funds at the close ofthe sale payable to The Judicial SalesCorporation. No third party checkswill be accepted. The balance, includingthe Judicial sale fee forAbandoned Residential PropertyMunicipality Relief Fund, which is calculatedon residential real estate atthe rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fractionthereof of the amount paid by thepurchaser not to exceed $300, in certifiedfunds/or wire transfer, is duewithin twenty-four (24) hours. No feeshall be paid by the mortgageeacquiring the residential real estatepursuant to its credit bid at the sale orby any mortgagee, judgment creditor,or other lienor acquiring the residentialreal estate whose rights in and tothe residential real estate arose priorto the sale. The subject property issubject to general real estate taxes,special assessments, or special taxeslevied against said real estate and isoffered for sale without any representationas to quality or quantity of titleand without recourse to Plaintiff andin “AS IS” condition. The sale is furthersubject to confirmation by thecourt. Upon payment in full of theamount bid, the purchaser will receivea Certificate of Sale that will entitlethe purchaser to a deed to the realestate after confirmation of the sale.The property will NOT be open forinspection and plaintiff makes no representationas to the condition of theproperty. Prospective bidders areadmonished to check the court file toverify all information. If this property isa condominium unit, the purchaser ofthe unit at the foreclosure sale, otherthan a mortgagee, shall pay theassessments and the legal feesrequired by The CondominiumProperty Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1)and (g)(4). If this property is a condominiumunit which is part of a commoninterest community, the purchaserof the unit at the foreclosure saleother than a mortgagee shall pay theassessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THEMORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAININ POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYSAFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLO-SURE LAW. For information, examinethe court file or contact Plaintiffʼsattorney: CODILIS & ASSOCIATES,P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGEROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL60527, (630) 794-9876. Please referto file number 14-11-41174. THEJUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONOne South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor,Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The JudicialSales Corporation at www.tjsc.comfor a 7 day status report of pendingsales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527(630) 794-5300 Attorney File No. 14-11-41174 Attorney ARDC No.00468002 Attorney Code. 21762Case Number: 11 CH 044167 TJSC#:33-27967 NOTE: Pursuant to the FairDebt Collection Practices Act, you areadvised that Plaintiffʼs attorney isdeemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthat purpose.I590142IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFCOOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVI-SIONSEA PAC PORTFOLIO, LLCPlaintiff,-v.-UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGA-TEES OF EDWARD U. KEITH A/K/AEDWARD ULYSSES KEITH, HELENK. NESBIT A/K/A HELEN KEITHNESBIT, EVELYN KEITH SIMMONS,ELLA HECTOR AS EXECUTOR,UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEESOF EVELYN KEITH SIMMONS,UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, GERALDNORDGREN, AS SPECIAL REPRE-SENTATIVE FOR EDWARD U.KEITH A/K/A EDWARD ULYSSESKEITH (DECEASED), EDWARD L.PYATT, LADY R. PYATTDefendants12 CH 0426136335 S. RHODES AVENUE CHICA-GO, IL 60637NOTICE OF SALE PUBLICNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuantto a Judgment of Foreclosureand Sale entered in the above causeon December 19, 2013, an agent forThe Judicial Sales Corporation, will at10:30 AM on March 21, 2014, at theThe Judicial Sales Corporation, OneSouth Wacker Drive - 24th Floor,CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at publicauction to the highest bidder, as setforth below, the following describedreal estate: Commonly known as6335 S. RHODES AVENUE, CHICA-GO, IL 60637 Property Index No. 20-22-203-019. The real estate isimproved with a multi-family residence.Sale terms: 25% down of thehighest bid by certified funds at theclose of the sale payable to TheJudicial Sales Corporation. No thirdparty checks will be accepted. Thebalance, including the Judicial salefee for Abandoned ResidentialProperty Municipality Relief Fund,which is calculated on residential realestate at the rate of $1 for each$1,000 or fraction thereof of theamount paid by the purchaser not toexceed $300, in certified funds/orwire transfer, is due within twenty-four(24) hours. No fee shall be paid by themortgagee acquiring the residentialreal estate pursuant to its credit bid atthe sale or by any mortgagee, judgmentcreditor, or other lienor acquiringthe residential real estate whoserights in and to the residential realestate arose prior to the sale. Thesubject property is subject to generalreal estate taxes, special assessments,or special taxes levied againstsaid real estate and is offered for salewithout any representation as to qualityor quantity of title and withoutrecourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS”condition. The sale is further subjectto confirmation by the court. Uponpayment in full of the amount bid, thepurchaser will receive a Certificate ofSale that will entitle the purchaser toa deed to the real estate after confirmationof the sale. The property willNOT be open for inspection andplaintiff makes no representation asto the condition of the property.Prospective bidders are admonishedto check the court file to verify allinformation. If this property is a condominiumunit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale, other thana mortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required byThe Condominium Property Act, 765ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If thisproperty is a condominium unit whichis part of a common interest community,the purchaser of the unit at theforeclosure sale other than a mortgageeshall pay the assessmentsrequired by The CondominiumProperty Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR(HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THERIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSES-SION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRYOF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION,IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOISMORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW.For information, examine the court fileor contact Plaintiffʼs attorney:CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.,15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527,(630) 794-9876. Please refer to filenumber 14-12-23424. THE JUDICIALSALES CORPORATION One SouthWacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You canalso visit The Judicial SalesCorporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7day status report of pending sales.CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527(630) 794-5300 Attorney File No. 14-12-23424 Attorney ARDC No.00468002 Attorney Code. 21762Case Number: 12 CH 042613 TJSC#:33-27984 NOTE: Pursuant to the FairDebt Collection Practices Act, you areadvised that Plaintiffʼs attorney isdeemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthat purpose.I589503For Breaking CommunityNews As It Happens...We Make It Easy...Go to www.hpherald.comIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFCOOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVI-SION U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO-CIATION, AS TRUSTEE, SUCCES-SOR IN INTEREST TO BANK OFAMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIA-TION AS TRUSTEE AS SUCCES-SOR BY MERGER TO LASALLEBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, ASTRUSTEE FOR CERTIFICATE-HOLDERS OF BEAR STEARNSASSET BACKED SECURITIES ILLC, ASSET-BACKED CERTIFI-CATES, SERIES 2006-HE9Plaintiff,-v.-NICOLE GALLOWAY A/K/ANICOLE T. GALLOWAY, CITY OFCHICAGODefendants12 CH 0435566615 S. DREXEL AVENUE CHICA-GO, IL 60637NOTICE OF SALE PUBLICNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuantto a Judgment of Foreclosureand Sale entered in the above causeon April 9, 2013, an agent for TheJudicial Sales Corporation, will at10:30 AM on March 17, 2014, at theThe Judicial Sales Corporation, OneSouth Wacker Drive - 24th Floor,CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at publicauction to the highest bidder, as setforth below, the following describedreal estate: Commonly known as6615 S. DREXEL AVENUE, CHICA-GO, IL 60637 Property Index No. 20-23-122-005. The real estate isimproved with a multi-family residence.Sale terms: 25% down of thehighest bid by certified funds at theclose of the sale payable to TheJudicial Sales Corporation. No thirdparty checks will be accepted. Thebalance, including the Judicial salefee for Abandoned ResidentialProperty Municipality Relief Fund,which is calculated on residential realestate at the rate of $1 for each$1,000 or fraction thereof of theamount paid by the purchaser not toexceed $300, in certified funds/orwire transfer, is due within twenty-four(24) hours. No fee shall be paid by themortgagee acquiring the residentialreal estate pursuant to its credit bid atthe sale or by any mortgagee, judgmentcreditor, or other lienor acquiringthe residential real estate whoserights in and to the residential realestate arose prior to the sale. Thesubject property is subject to generalreal estate taxes, special assessments,or special taxes levied againstsaid real estate and is offered for salewithout any representation as to qualityor quantity of title and withoutrecourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS”condition. The sale is further subjectto confirmation by the court. Uponpayment in full of the amount bid, thepurchaser will receive a Certificate ofSale that will entitle the purchaser toa deed to the real estate after confirmationof the sale. The property willNOT be open for inspection andplaintiff makes no representation asto the condition of the property.Prospective bidders are admonishedto check the court file to verify allinformation. If this property is a condominiumunit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale, other thana mortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required byThe Condominium Property Act, 765ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If thisproperty is a condominium unit whichis part of a common interest community,the purchaser of the unit at theforeclosure sale other than a mortgageeshall pay the assessmentsrequired by The CondominiumProperty Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR(HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THERIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSES-SION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRYOF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION,IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOISMORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW.For information, examine the court fileor contact Plaintiffʼs attorney:CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.,15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527,(630) 794-9876. Please refer to filenumber 14-12-34710. THE JUDICIALSALES CORPORATION One SouthWacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You canalso visit The Judicial SalesCorporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7day status report of pending sales.CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527(630) 794-5300 Attorney File No. 14-12-34710 Attorney ARDC No.00468002 Attorney Code. 21762Case Number: 12 CH 043556 TJSC#:34-2291 NOTE: Pursuant to the FairDebt Collection Practices Act, you areadvised that Plaintiffʼs attorney isdeemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthat purpose.I591476IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICTCOURT FOR THE NORTHERNDISTRICT OF ILLINOIS EASTERNDIVISION U.S. BANK NATIONALASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FORTHE GSAMP TRUST 2006-HE2MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGHCERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-HE2P l a i n t i f f ,- v . -HAROON R. SHEIKH,CITIMORTGAGE, INC., CITY OFCHICAGO, A MUNICIPALCORPORATION JUDGE BLANCHEM. MANNINGD e f e n d a n t s12 CV 48126221 S. MICHIGAN AVENUEChicago, IL 60637NOTICE OF SPECIALCOMMISSIONER'S SALE PUBLICNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thatpursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosureand Sale entered in the above cause onDecember 13, 2012, an agent for TheJudicial Sales Corporation, SpecialCommissioner appointed herein,will at10:30 AM on March 12, 2014, at theThe Judicial Sales Corporation, OneSouth Wacker Drive - 24th Floor,CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at publicauction to the highest bidder, as setforth below, the following described realestate: Commonly known as 6221 S.MICHIGAN AVENUE, Chicago, IL60637 Property Index No.20-15-314-018-0000. The real estate isimproved with a single family residence.The judgment amount was $283,765.08.Sale terms: 10% down of the highestbid by certified funds at the close of thesale payable to The Judicial SalesCorporation. No third party checks willbe accepted. The balance in certifiedfunds/or wire transfer, is due withintwenty-four (24) hours. The subjectproperty is subject to general realestate taxes, special assessments, orspecial taxes levied against said realestate and is offered for sale without anyrepresentation as to quality or quantityof title and without recourse to Plaintiffand in "AS IS" condition. The sale isfurther subject to confirmation by thecourt. Upon payment in full of theamount bid, the purchaser will receive aCertificate of Sale that will entitle thepurchaser to a deed to the real estateafter confirmation of the sale. Theproperty will NOT be open forinspection and plaintiff makes norepresentation as to the condition of theproperty. Prospective bidders areadmonished to check the court file toverify all information. If this property is acondominium unit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale, other than amortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this propertyis a condominium unit which is part of acommon interest community, thepurchaser of the unit at the foreclosuresale other than a mortgagee shall paythe assessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THEMORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAININ POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYSAFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEILLINOISMORTGAGEFORECLOSURE LAW. Forinformation, contact Plaintiff's attorney:POTESTIVO & ASSOCIATES, P.C.,223 WEST JACKSON BLVD, STE 610,Chicago, IL 60606, (312) 263-0003.Please refer to file number C14-95497.THE JUDICIAL SALESCORPORATION One South WackerDrive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You canalso visit The Judicial SalesCorporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 daystatus report of pending sales.POTESTIVO & ASSOCIATES, P.C.223 WEST JACKSON BLVD, STE 610Chicago, IL 60606 (312) 263-0003Attorney File No. C14-95497 AttorneyCode. Case Number: 1 : 12 CV 4812TJSC#: 34-1692 NOTE: Pursuant tothe Fair Debt Collection Practices Act,you are advised that Plaintiff's attorneyis deemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthatpurpose.I590182IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERYDIVISION FIFTH THIRDMORTGAGE COMPANYP l a i n t i f f ,- v . -MARIA PAUNESCU A/K/A MARIAMAKA, CALIN PAUNESCU, 809 E.40TH STREET CONDOMINIUMSD e f e n d a n t s12 CH 045163809 E. 40TH STREET UNIT #6-5CHICAGO, IL 60653NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to aJudgment of Foreclosure and Saleentered in the above cause onDecember 12, 2013, an agent for TheJudicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30AM on March 14, 2014, at the TheJudicial Sales Corporation, One SouthWacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO,IL, 60606, sell at public auction to thehighest bidder, as set forth below, thefollowing described real estate:Commonly known as 809 E. 40THSTREET UNIT #6-5, CHICAGO, IL60653 Property Index No.20-02-105-030-1022/1033. The realestate is improved with acondo/townhouse. Sale terms: 25%down of the highest bid by certifiedfunds at the close of the sale payable toThe Judicial Sales Corporation. Nothird party checks will be accepted. Thebalance, including the Judicial sale feefor Abandoned Residential PropertyMunicipality Relief Fund, which iscalculated on residential real estate atthe rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fractionthereof of the amount paid by thepurchaser not to exceed $300, incertified funds/or wire transfer, is duewithin twenty-four (24) hours. No feeshall be paid by the mortgageeacquiring the residential real estatepursuant to its credit bid at the sale orby any mortgagee, judgment creditor,or other lienor acquiring the residentialreal estate whose rights in and to theresidential real estate arose prior to thesale. The subject property is subject togeneral real estate taxes, specialassessments, or special taxes leviedagainst said real estate and is offeredfor sale without any representation as toquality or quantity of title and withoutrecourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS"condition. The sale is further subject toconfirmation by the court. Upon paymentin full of the amount bid, the purchaserwill receive a Certificate of Sale that willentitle the purchaser to a deed to thereal estate after confirmation of thesale. The property will NOT be open forinspection and plaintiff makes norepresentation as to the condition of theproperty. Prospective bidders areadmonished to check the court file toverify all information. If this property is acondominium unit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale, other than amortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this propertyis a condominium unit which is part of acommon interest community, thepurchaser of the unit at the foreclosuresale other than a mortgagee shall paythe assessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THEMORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAININ POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYSAFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEILLINOISMORTGAGEFORECLOSURE LAW. Forinformation, examine the court file orcontact Plaintiff's attorney: CODILIS &ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTHFRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100,BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630)794-9876. Please refer to file number14-12-36790. THE JUDICIAL SALESCORPORATION One South WackerDrive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You canalso visit The Judicial SalesCorporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 daystatus report of pending sales.CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527(630) 794-5300 Attorney File No.14-12-36790 Attorney ARDC No.00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 CaseNumber: 12 CH 045163 TJSC#:33-27571 NOTE: Pursuant to the FairDebt Collection Practices Act, you areadvised that Plaintiff's attorney isdeemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthatI588323purpose.IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFCOOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVI-SION JPMORGAN CHASE BANK,NATIONAL ASSOCIATIONPlaintiff,-v.-MAGNOLIA STEWART, ROBERT F.HARRIS, GUARDIAN OF THEESTATE OF MAGNOLIA STEWART,THIRD PARTY INTERVENOR,SHERONDA L. GREENLEAF, ASGUARDIAN OF THE PERSON ANDESTATE OF MAGNOLIA STEWART,UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTSDefendants12 CH 443355324 SOUTH WABASH AVENUEChicago, IL 60615NOTICE OF SALE PUBLICNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuantto a Judgment of Foreclosureand Sale entered in the above causeon January 21, 2014, an agent forThe Judicial Sales Corporation, will at10:30 AM on March 13, 2014, at theThe Judicial Sales Corporation, OneSouth Wacker Drive - 24th Floor,CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at publicauction to the highest bidder, as setforth below, the following describedreal estate: Commonly known as5324 SOUTH WABASH AVENUE,Chicago, IL 60615 Property Index No.20-10-307-022-0000. The real estateis improved with a single family residence.The judgment amount was$30,989.65. Sale terms: 25% down ofthe highest bid by certified funds atthe close of the sale payable to TheJudicial Sales Corporation. No thirdparty checks will be accepted. Thebalance, including the Judicial salefee for Abandoned ResidentialProperty Municipality Relief Fund,which is calculated on residential realestate at the rate of $1 for each$1,000 or fraction thereof of theamount paid by the purchaser not toexceed $300, in certified funds/orwire transfer, is due within twenty-four(24) hours. No fee shall be paid by themortgagee acquiring the residentialreal estate pursuant to its credit bid atthe sale or by any mortgagee, judgmentcreditor, or other lienor acquiringthe residential real estate whoserights in and to the residential realestate arose prior to the sale. Thesubject property is subject to generalreal estate taxes, special assessments,or special taxes levied againstsaid real estate and is offered for salewithout any representation as to qualityor quantity of title and withoutrecourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS”condition. The sale is further subjectto confirmation by the court. Uponpayment in full of the amount bid, thepurchaser will receive a Certificate ofSale that will entitle the purchaser toa deed to the real estate after confirmationof the sale. The property willNOT be open for inspection andplaintiff makes no representation asto the condition of the property.Prospective bidders are admonishedto check the court file to verify allinformation. If this property is a condominiumunit, or a unit which is partof a common interest community, thepurchaser of the unit at the foreclosuresale, other than a mortgagee,shall pay the assessments and thelegal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). In accordancewith 735 ILCS 5/15-1507(c)(1)(h-1)and (h-2), 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(5), and765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1), you arehereby notified that the purchaser ofthe property, other than a mortgagee,shall pay the assessments and legalfees required by subsections (g)(1)and (g)(4) of section 9 and theassessments required by subsection(g-1) of section 18.5 of the IllinoisCondominium Property Act. IF YOUARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOME-OWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHTTO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF ANORDER OF POSSESSION, INACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORT-GAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. Forinformation, contact Plaintiffʼs attorney:Anthony Porto, FREEDMANANSELMO LINDBERG LLC, 1807 W.DIEHL ROAD, SUITE 333,NAPERVILLE, IL 60563, (866) 402-8661 For bidding instructions, visitwww.fal-illinois.com.. Please refer tofile number F12110330. If the sale isnot confirmed for any reason, thePurchaser at the sale shall be entitledonly to a return of the purchase pricepaid. The Purchaser shall have nofurther recourse against theMortgagor, the Mortgagee or theMortgageeʼs attorney. THE JUDICIALSALES CORPORATION One SouthWacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You canalso visit The Judicial SalesCorporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7day status report of pending sales.FREEDMAN ANSELMO LINDBERGLLC 1807 W. DIEHL ROAD, SUITE333 NAPERVILLE, IL 60563 (866)402-8661 E-Mail: foreclosurenotice@fal-illinois.comAttorney File No.F12110330 Attorney ARDC No.3126232 Attorney Code. 26122 CaseNumber: 12 CH 44335 TJSC#: 34-2191 NOTE: Pursuant to the FairDebt Collection Practices Act, you areadvised that Plaintiffʼs attorney isdeemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthat purpose.I590649IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERYD I V I S I O NTHE NORTHERN TRUST BANKP l a i n t i f f ,- v . -ANITA PUTMAN, UNKNOWNOWNERS , KING DRIVECONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATIOND e f e n d a n t s12 CH 189534144 S KING DRIVE #8 Chicago, IL6 0 6 5 3NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to aJudgment of Foreclosure and Saleentered in the above cause onDecember 19, 2013, an agent for TheJudicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30AM on March 21, 2014, at the TheJudicial Sales Corporation, One SouthWacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO,IL, 60606, sell at public auction to thehighest bidder, as set forth below, thefollowing described real estate:Commonly known as 4144 S KINGDRIVE #8, Chicago, IL 60653 PropertyIndex No. 20-03-117-034-1008. Thereal estate is improved with acondominium. The judgment amountwas $189,274.81. Sale terms: 25%down of the highest bid by certifiedfunds at the close of the sale payable toThe Judicial Sales Corporation. Nothird party checks will be accepted. Thebalance, including the Judicial sale feefor Abandoned Residential PropertyMunicipality Relief Fund, which iscalculated on residential real estate atthe rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fractionthereof of the amount paid by thepurchaser not to exceed $300, incertified funds/or wire transfer, is duewithin twenty-four (24) hours. No feeshall be paid by the mortgageeacquiring the residential real estatepursuant to its credit bid at the sale orby any mortgagee, judgment creditor,or other lienor acquiring the residentialreal estate whose rights in and to theresidential real estate arose prior to thesale. The subject property is subject togeneral real estate taxes, specialassessments, or special taxes leviedagainst said real estate and is offeredfor sale without any representation as toquality or quantity of title and withoutrecourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS"condition. The sale is further subject toconfirmation by the court. Upon paymentin full of the amount bid, the purchaserwill receive a Certificate of Sale that willentitle the purchaser to a deed to thereal estate after confirmation of thesale. The property will NOT be open forinspection and plaintiff makes norepresentation as to the condition of theproperty. Prospective bidders areadmonished to check the court file toverify all information. If this property is acondominium unit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale, other than amortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this propertyis a condominium unit which is part of acommon interest community, thepurchaser of the unit at the foreclosuresale other than a mortgagee shall paythe assessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THEMORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAININ POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYSAFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEILLINOISMORTGAGEFORECLOSURE LAW. Forinformation, contact Plaintiff's attorney:KROPIK, PAPUGA & SHAW, 120South LaSalle Street, Suite 1500,CHICAGO, IL 60603, (312) 236-6405.THE JUDICIAL SALESCORPORATION One South WackerDrive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You canalso visit The Judicial SalesCorporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 daystatus report of pending sales.KROPIK, PAPUGA & SHAW 120 SouthLaSalle Street, Suite 1500 CHICAGO,IL 60603 (312) 236-6405 Attorney Code.91024 Case Number: 12 CH 18953TJSC#: 33-27937 NOTE: Pursuant tothe Fair Debt Collection Practices Act,you are advised that Plaintiff's attorneyis deemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthatpurpose.I589490

26 Hyde Park Herald, February 26, 2014Houses for Sale–Chgo 360Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360 Houses for Sale–Chgo 360IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFCOOK COUNTY, ILLINOISCOUNTY DEPARTMENT -CHANCERY DIVISIONU.S. BANK N.A., AS TRUSTEE, ONBEHALF OF THE HOLDERS OFTHE J.P. MORGAN MORTGAGEACQUISITION TRUST 2006-RM1ASSET BACKED PASS-THROUGHCERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-RM1Plaintiff,-v.-MARCUS ZENO, MORTGAGEELECTRONIC REGISTRATIONSYSTEMS, INC., JPMORGANCHASE BANK, N.A. Defendants13 CH 71097115 SOUTH CHAMPLAIN AVEChicago, IL 60619NOTICE OF SALE PUBLICNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuantto a Judgment of Foreclosureand Sale entered in the above causeon December 16, 2013, an agent forThe Judicial Sales Corporation, will at10:30 AM on March 17, 2014, at theThe Judicial Sales Corporation, OneSouth Wacker Drive - 24th Floor,CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at publicauction to the highest bidder, as setforth below, the following describedreal estate:Commonly known as 7115 SOUTHCHAMPLAIN AVE, Chicago, IL 60619Property Index No. 20-27-205-003-0000. The real estate is improvedwith a multi-family residence. Thejudgment amount was $252,666.56.Sale terms: 25% down of the highestbid by certified funds at the close ofthe sale payable to The Judicial SalesCorporation. No third party checkswill be accepted. The balance, includingthe Judicial sale fee forAbandoned Residential PropertyMunicipality Relief Fund, which is calculatedon residential real estate atthe rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fractionthereof of the amount paid by thepurchaser not to exceed $300, in certifiedfunds/or wire transfer, is duewithin twenty-four (24) hours. No feeshall be paid by the mortgageeacquiring the residential real estatepursuant to its credit bid at the sale orby any mortgagee, judgment creditor,or other lienor acquiring the residentialreal estate whose rights in and tothe residential real estate arose priorto the sale. The subject property issubject to general real estate taxes,special assessments, or special taxeslevied against said real estate and isoffered for sale without any representationas to quality or quantity of titleand without recourse to Plaintiff andin “AS IS” condition. The sale is furthersubject to confirmation by thecourt. Upon payment in full of theamount bid, the purchaser will receivea Certificate of Sale that will entitlethe purchaser to a deed to the realestate after confirmation of the sale.The property will NOT be open forinspection and plaintiff makes no representationas to the condition of theproperty. Prospective bidders areadmonished to check the court file toverify all information. If this property isa condominium unit, or a unit which ispart of a common interest community,the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosuresale, other than a mortgagee,shall pay the assessments and thelegal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). In accordancewith 735 ILCS 5/15-1507(c)(1)(h-1)and (h-2), 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(5), and765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1), you arehereby notified that the purchaser ofthe property, other than a mortgagee,shall pay the assessments and legalfees required by subsections (g)(1)and (g)(4) of section 9 and theassessments required by subsection(g-1) of section 18.5 of the IllinoisCondominium Property Act. IF YOUARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOME-OWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHTTO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF ANORDER OF POSSESSION, INACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORT-GAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. Forinformation, contact Plaintiffʼs attorney:Anthony Porto, FREEDMANANSELMO LINDBERG LLC, 1807 W.DIEHL ROAD, SUITE 333,NAPERVILLE, IL 60563, (866) 402-8661 For bidding instructions, visitwww.fal-illinois.com.. Please refer tofile number F13030007. THE JUDI-CIAL SALES CORPORATION OneSouth Wacker Drive, 24th Floor,Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The JudicialSales Corporation at www.tjsc.comfor a 7 day status report of pendingsales. FREEDMAN ANSELMO LIND-BERG LLC 1807 W. DIEHL ROAD,SUITE 333 NAPERVILLE, IL 60563(866) 402-8661 E-Mail: foreclosurenotice@fal-illinois.comAttorneyFile No. F13030007 Attorney ARDCNo. 3126232 Attorney Code. 26122Case Number: 13 CH 7109 TJSC#:34-74 NOTE: Pursuant to the FairDebt Collection Practices Act, you areadvised that Plaintiffʼs attorney isdeemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthat purpose.I588331IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFCOOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVI-SION CITIMORTGAGE, INC.Plaintiff,-v.-PHAROAH SANDERS A/K/APHAROAH D. SANDERS, CITY OFCHICAGO, WOODBARK RESI-DENCES I CONDOMINIUM ASSOCI-ATION, UNKNOWN OWNERS ANDNONRECORD CLAIMANTSDefendants13 CH 0124646617 S. KIMBARK AVENUE UNIT#1A CHICAGO, IL 60637NOTICE OF SALE PUBLICNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuantto a Judgment of Foreclosureand Sale entered in the above causeon November 12, 2013, Auction.com,an agent for The Judicial SalesCorporation, will at 1:00 PM on March19, 2014, at the Holiday Inn ChicagoMart Plaza, 350 West Mart CenterDrive (in the Auction.com room),CHICAGO, IL, 60654, sell at publicauction to the highest bidder, as setforth below, the following describedreal estate: Commonly known as6617 S. KIMBARK AVENUE UNIT#1A, CHICAGO, IL 60637 PropertyIndex No. 20-23-223-036-1001 /1012; (20-23-223-004 Underlying).The real estate is improved with acondo/townhouse. Sale terms: 25%down of the highest bid by certifiedfunds at the close of the sale payableto The Judicial Sales Corporation. Nothird party checks will be accepted.The balance, including the Judicialsale fee for Abandoned ResidentialProperty Municipality Relief Fund,which is calculated on residential realestate at the rate of $1 for each$1,000 or fraction thereof of theamount paid by the purchaser not toexceed $300, in certified funds/orwire transfer, is due within twenty-four(24) hours. No fee shall be paid by themortgagee acquiring the residentialreal estate pursuant to its credit bid atthe sale or by any mortgagee, judgmentcreditor, or other lienor acquiringthe residential real estate whoserights in and to the residential realestate arose prior to the sale. Thesubject property is subject to generalreal estate taxes, special assessments,or special taxes levied againstsaid real estate and is offered for salewithout any representation as to qualityor quantity of title and withoutrecourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS”condition. The sale is further subjectto confirmation by the court. Uponpayment in full of the amount bid, thepurchaser will receive a Certificate ofSale that will entitle the purchaser toa deed to the real estate after confirmationof the sale. The property willNOT be open for inspection andplaintiff makes no representation asto the condition of the property.Prospective bidders are admonishedto check the court file to verify allinformation. If this property is a condominiumunit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale, other thana mortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required byThe Condominium Property Act, 765ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If thisproperty is a condominium unit whichis part of a common interest community,the purchaser of the unit at theforeclosure sale other than a mortgageeshall pay the assessmentsrequired by The CondominiumProperty Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR(HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THERIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSES-SION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRYOF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION,IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOISMORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW.For information, examine the court fileor contact Plaintiffʼs attorney:CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.,15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527,(630) 794-9876. Please refer to filenumber 14-13-10924. THE JUDICIALSALES CORPORATION One SouthWacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You canalso visit The Judicial SalesCorporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7day status report of pending sales.AUCTION.COM LLC For AdditionalInformation regarding Auction.com,please visit www.Auction.com or call(800-280-2832) CODILIS & ASSOCI-ATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTHFRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 Attorney File No. 14-13-10924Attorney ARDC No. 00468002Attorney Code. 21762 Case Number:13 CH 012464 TJSC#: 33-25772NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair DebtCollection Practices Act, you areadvised that Plaintiffʼs attorney isdeemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthat purpose.I590669Take a trip in time tothe past! Visit the HydePark Herald archives at:www.hpherald.comIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERYDIVISION GREEN TREE SERVICINGL L C ,P l a i n t i f f ,- v . -SUCHITRA PRASAD, 4030-32SOUTHCALUMENTCONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION,UNKNOWN OWNERS ANDNON-RECORD CLAIMANTSD e f e n d a n t s13 CH 144474030 S. CALUMET AVE. 2N Chicago,IL 60653NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to aJudgment of Foreclosure and Saleentered in the above cause onDecember 6, 2013, an agent for TheJudicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30AM on March 20, 2014, at the TheJudicial Sales Corporation, One SouthWacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO,IL, 60606, sell at public auction to thehighest bidder, as set forth below, thefollowing described real estate:Commonly known as 4030 S.CALUMET AVE. 2N, Chicago, IL60653 Property Index No.20-03-110-039-1003 VOL. 251. Thereal estate is improved with amulti-family residence. The judgmentamount was $160,803.23. Sale terms:25% down of the highest bid by certifiedfunds at the close of the sale payable toThe Judicial Sales Corporation. Nothird party checks will be accepted. Thebalance, including the Judicial sale feefor Abandoned Residential PropertyMunicipality Relief Fund, which iscalculated on residential real estate atthe rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fractionthereof of the amount paid by thepurchaser not to exceed $300, incertified funds/or wire transfer, is duewithin twenty-four (24) hours. No feeshall be paid by the mortgageeacquiring the residential real estatepursuant to its credit bid at the sale orby any mortgagee, judgment creditor,or other lienor acquiring the residentialreal estate whose rights in and to theresidential real estate arose prior to thesale. The subject property is subject togeneral real estate taxes, specialassessments, or special taxes leviedagainst said real estate and is offeredfor sale without any representation as toquality or quantity of title and withoutrecourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS"condition. The sale is further subject toconfirmation by the court. Upon paymentin full of the amount bid, the purchaserwill receive a Certificate of Sale that willentitle the purchaser to a deed to thereal estate after confirmation of thesale. The property will NOT be open forinspection and plaintiff makes norepresentation as to the condition of theproperty. Prospective bidders areadmonished to check the court file toverify all information. If this property is acondominium unit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale, other than amortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this propertyis a condominium unit which is part of acommon interest community, thepurchaser of the unit at the foreclosuresale other than a mortgagee shall paythe assessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THEMORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAININ POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYSAFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEILLINOISMORTGAGEFORECLOSURE LAW. Forinformation, contact Plaintiff's attorney:JOHNSON, BLUMBERG &ASSOCIATES, LLC, 230 W. MonroeStreet, Suite #1125, Chicago, IL 60606,(312) 541-9710. Please refer to filenumber 13-7658. THE JUDICIALSALES CORPORATION One SouthWacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You canalso visit The Judicial SalesCorporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 daystatus report of pending sales.JOHNSON, BLUMBERG &ASSOCIATES, LLC 230 W. MonroeStreet, Suite #1125 Chicago, IL 60606(312) 541-9710 Attorney File No.13-7658 Attorney Code. 40342 CaseNumber: 13 CH 14447 TJSC#:33-27200 NOTE: Pursuant to the FairDebt Collection Practices Act, you areadvised that Plaintiff's attorney isdeemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthatI589264purpose.IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY,ILLINOISCOUNTY DEPARTMENT -CHANCERYDIVISIONCITIMORTGAGE, INC. Plaintiff,- v . -PETER BONDARENKO, GOKBENULUDERYA, NEIGHBORHOODLENDING SERVICES, INC., STARTOWER CONDOMINIUMSASSOCIATION, NEIGHBORHOODHOUSING SERVICES OF CHICAGO,INC., THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGODefendants13 CH 0183675400 S. HARPER AVENUE UNIT#402 CHICAGO, IL 60615NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to aJudgment of Foreclosure and Saleentered in the above cause onNovember 7, 2013, an agent for TheJudicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30AM on March 17, 2014, at the TheJudicial Sales Corporation, One SouthWacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO,IL, 60606, sell at public auction to thehighest bidder, as set forth below, thefollowing described real estate:Commonly known as 5400 S. HARPERAVENUE UNIT #402, CHICAGO, IL60615 Property Index No.20-11-425-040-1010. The real estate isimproved with a condo/townhouse. Saleterms: 25% down of the highest bid bycertified funds at the close of the salepayable to The Judicial SalesCorporation. No third party checks willbe accepted. The balance, including theJudicial sale fee for AbandonedResidential Property Municipality ReliefFund, which is calculated on residentialreal estate at the rate of $1 for each$1,000 or fraction thereof of the amountpaid by the purchaser not to exceed$300, in certified funds/or wire transfer,is due within twenty-four (24) hours. Nofee shall be paid by the mortgageeacquiring the residential real estatepursuant to its credit bid at the sale orby any mortgagee, judgment creditor,or other lienor acquiring the residentialreal estate whose rights in and to theresidential real estate arose prior to thesale. The subject property is subject togeneral real estate taxes, specialassessments, or special taxes leviedagainst said real estate and is offeredfor sale without any representation as toquality or quantity of title and withoutrecourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS"condition. The sale is further subject toconfirmation by the court. Upon paymentin full of the amount bid, the purchaserwill receive a Certificate of Sale that willentitle the purchaser to a deed to thereal estate after confirmation of thesale. The property will NOT be open forinspection and plaintiff makes norepresentation as to the condition of theproperty. Prospective bidders areadmonished to check the court file toverify all information. If this property is acondominium unit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale, other than amortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this propertyis a condominium unit which is part of acommon interest community, thepurchaser of the unit at the foreclosuresale other than a mortgagee shall paythe assessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THEMORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAININ POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYSAFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEILLINOISMORTGAGEFORECLOSURE LAW. Forinformation, examine the court file orcontact Plaintiff's attorney: CODILIS &ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTHFRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100,BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630)794-9876. Please refer to file number14-13-17711. THE JUDICIAL SALESCORPORATION One South WackerDrive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You canalso visit The Judicial SalesCorporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 daystatus report of pending sales.CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527(630) 794-5300 Attorney File No.14-13-17711 Attorney ARDC No.00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 CaseNumber: 13 CH 018367 TJSC#:33-25618 NOTE: Pursuant to the FairDebt Collection Practices Act, you areadvised that Plaintiff's attorney isdeemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthatI588302purpose.IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERYD I V I S I O NEDC INDIANA, LLC, AN ILLINOISLIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ASASSIGNEE OF BANCO POPULARNORTHAMERICAP l a i n t i f f ,- v . -MINARNI DJAJA-BAKER A/K/AMINARNI DJAJA, RICHARD BAKER,CITY OF CHICAGO, JAMES H.LEATHERWOOD, UNKNOWNOWNERS AND NON-RECORDC L A I M A N T SD e f e n d a n t s2011 CH 403373652-54 S. INDIANA Chicago, IL 60653NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to aJudgment of Foreclosure and Saleentered in the above cause on February6, 2014, an agent for The Judicial SalesCorporation, will at 10:30 AM on March17, 2014, at the The Judicial SalesCorporation, One South Wacker Drive -24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sellat public auction to the highest bidder,as set forth below, the followingdescribed real estate:Commonly knownas 3652-54 S. INDIANA, Chicago, IL60653 Property Index No.17-34-308-024-0000 and17-34-308-025-0000. The real estate isimproved with a multi-family residence.The judgment amount was $715,803.00.Sale terms: 25% down of the highestbid by certified funds at the close of thesale payable to The Judicial SalesCorporation. No third party checks willbe accepted. The balance, including theJudicial sale fee for AbandonedResidential Property Municipality ReliefFund, which is calculated on residentialreal estate at the rate of $1 for each$1,000 or fraction thereof of the amountpaid by the purchaser not to exceed$300, in certified funds/or wire transfer,is due within twenty-four (24) hours. Nofee shall be paid by the mortgageeacquiring the residential real estatepursuant to its credit bid at the sale orby any mortgagee, judgment creditor,or other lienor acquiring the residentialreal estate whose rights in and to theresidential real estate arose prior to thesale. The subject property is subject togeneral real estate taxes, specialassessments, or special taxes leviedagainst said real estate and is offeredfor sale without any representation as toquality or quantity of title and withoutrecourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS"condition. The sale is further subject toconfirmation by the court. Upon paymentin full of the amount bid, the purchaserwill receive a Certificate of Sale that willentitle the purchaser to a deed to thereal estate after confirmation of thesale. The property will NOT be open forinspection and plaintiff makes norepresentation as to the condition of theproperty. Prospective bidders areadmonished to check the court file toverify all information. If this property is acondominium unit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale, other than amortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this propertyis a condominium unit which is part of acommon interest community, thepurchaser of the unit at the foreclosuresale other than a mortgagee shall paythe assessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THEMORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAININ POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYSAFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEILLINOISMORTGAGEFORECLOSURE LAW. Forinformation, contact Plaintiff's attorney:J. RYAN POTTS, BROTSCHULPOTTS LLC, 230 W. MONROE,SUITE 230, Chicago, IL 60606, (312)551-9003 FAX: 312-277-3278. THEJUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONOne South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor,Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312)236-SALE You can also visit TheJudicial Sales Corporation atwww.tjsc.com for a 7 day status reportof pending sales. BROTSCHULPOTTS LLC 230 W. MONROE, SUITE230 Chicago, IL 60606 (312) 551-9003Attorney ARDC No. 6278264 AttorneyCode. 43421 Case Number: 2011 CH40337 TJSC#: 34-2346 NOTE:Pursuant to the Fair Debt CollectionPractices Act, you are advised thatPlaintiff's attorney is deemed to be adebt collector attempting to collect adebt and any information obtained willbe used for that purpose.I591427IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKCOUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERYDIVISION MARQUETTE BANKP l a i n t i f f ,- v . -DIMITRI ANAGNOSTOU, CITY OFCHICAGO, UNKNOWN OWNERSAND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTSD e f e n d a n t s2013 CH 176016623 SOUTH RHODES AVENUEChicago, IL 60637NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to aJudgment of Foreclosure and Saleentered in the above cause on January13, 2014, an agent for The JudicialSales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM onMarch 7, 2014, at the The JudicialSales Corporation, One South WackerDrive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL,60606, sell at public auction to thehighest bidder, as set forth below, thefollowing described real estate:Commonly known as 6623 SOUTHRHODES AVENUE, Chicago, IL60637 Property Index No.20-22-227-010-0000. The real estate isimproved with a two-story multi family.The judgment amount was $132,747.46.Sale terms: 25% down of the highestbid by certified funds at the close of thesale payable to The Judicial SalesCorporation. No third party checks willbe accepted. The balance, including theJudicial sale fee for AbandonedResidential Property Municipality ReliefFund, which is calculated on residentialreal estate at the rate of $1 for each$1,000 or fraction thereof of the amountpaid by the purchaser not to exceed$300, in certified funds/or wire transfer,is due within twenty-four (24) hours. Nofee shall be paid by the mortgageeacquiring the residential real estatepursuant to its credit bid at the sale orby any mortgagee, judgment creditor,or other lienor acquiring the residentialreal estate whose rights in and to theresidential real estate arose prior to thesale. The subject property is subject togeneral real estate taxes, specialassessments, or special taxes leviedagainst said real estate and is offeredfor sale without any representation as toquality or quantity of title and withoutrecourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS"condition. The sale is further subject toconfirmation by the court. Upon paymentin full of the amount bid, the purchaserwill receive a Certificate of Sale that willentitle the purchaser to a deed to thereal estate after confirmation of thesale. The property will NOT be open forinspection and plaintiff makes norepresentation as to the condition of theproperty. Prospective bidders areadmonished to check the court file toverify all information. If this property is acondominium unit, the purchaser of theunit at the foreclosure sale, other than amortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsand the legal fees required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this propertyis a condominium unit which is part of acommon interest community, thepurchaser of the unit at the foreclosuresale other than a mortgagee shall paythe assessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THEMORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAININ POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYSAFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEILLINOISMORTGAGEFORECLOSURE LAW. Forinformation, contact Plaintiff's attorney:Kimberly A. Padjen, GOMBERG,SHARFMAN, GOLD & OSTLER, PC,208 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1410,CHICAGO, IL 60604, (312) 332-6194.Please refer to file number 45823. THEJUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONOne South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor,Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312)236-SALE You can also visit TheJudicial Sales Corporation atwww.tjsc.com for a 7 day status reportof pending sales. GOMBERG,SHARFMAN, GOLD & OSTLER, PC208 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1410CHICAGO, IL 60604 (312) 332-6194Attorney File No. 45823 Attorney Code.90334 Case Number: 2013 CH 17601TJSC#: 34-1819 NOTE: Pursuant tothe Fair Debt Collection Practices Act,you are advised that Plaintiff's attorneyis deemed to be a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt and anyinformation obtained will be used forthatpurpose.I589202IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFCOOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVI-SION ILLINOIS SERVICE FEDERALSAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONPlaintiff,-v.-CHICAGO TITLE AND TRUSTCOMPANY, AS TRUSTEE UNDERTRUST AGREEMENT DATEDMARCH 13, 1989 AND KNOWN ASTRUST NUMBER 1092835, WINNIEGIBSON A/K/A WINNIE B. GIBSON,JANET A. CLEVELAND A/K/A JANETCLEVELAND, STATE OF ILLINOISDEPARTMENT OF HEALTHCAREAND FAMILY SERVICES,UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTSDefendants13 CH 002437712 SOUTH EVANS Chicago, IL60619NOTICE OF SALE PUBLICNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuantto a Judgment of Foreclosureand Sale entered in the above causeon November 14, 2013, an agent forThe Judicial Sales Corporation, will at10:30 AM on March 12, 2014, at theThe Judicial Sales Corporation, OneSouth Wacker Drive - 24th Floor,CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at publicauction to the highest bidder, as setforth below, the following describedreal estate:Commonly known as 7712SOUTH EVANS, Chicago, IL 60619Property Index No. 20-27-422-025-0000. The real estate is improvedwith a single family residence. Thejudgment amount was $35,132.22.Sale terms: 25% down of the highestbid by certified funds at the close ofthe sale payable to The Judicial SalesCorporation. No third party checkswill be accepted. The balance, includingthe Judicial sale fee forAbandoned Residential PropertyMunicipality Relief Fund, which is calculatedon residential real estate atthe rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fractionthereof of the amount paid by thepurchaser not to exceed $300, in certifiedfunds/or wire transfer, is duewithin twenty-four (24) hours. No feeshall be paid by the mortgageeacquiring the residential real estatepursuant to its credit bid at the sale orby any mortgagee, judgment creditor,or other lienor acquiring the residentialreal estate whose rights in and tothe residential real estate arose priorto the sale. The subject property issubject to general real estate taxes,special assessments, or special taxeslevied against said real estate and isoffered for sale without any representationas to quality or quantity of titleand without recourse to Plaintiff andin “AS IS” condition. The sale is furthersubject to confirmation by thecourt. Upon payment in full of theamount bid, the purchaser will receivea Certificate of Sale that will entitlethe purchaser to a deed to the realestate after confirmation of the sale.The property will NOT be open forinspection and plaintiff makes no representationas to the condition of theproperty. Prospective bidders areadmonished to check the court file toverify all information. If this property isa condominium unit, the purchaser ofthe unit at the foreclosure sale, otherthan a mortgagee, shall pay theassessments and the legal feesrequired by The CondominiumProperty Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1)and (g)(4). If this property is a condominiumunit which is part of a commoninterest community, the purchaserof the unit at the foreclosure saleother than a mortgagee shall pay theassessments required by TheCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THEMORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER),YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAININ POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYSAFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OFPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLO-SURE LAW. For information, contactPlaintiffʼs attorney: Kimberly A.Padjen, GOMBERG, SHARFMAN,GOLD & OSTLER, PC, 208 SouthLaSalle Street, Suite 1410, CHICA-GO, IL 60604, (312) 332-6194.Please refer to file number 45293.THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORA-TION One South Wacker Drive, 24thFloor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312)236-SALE You can also visit TheJudicial Sales Corporation atwww.tjsc.com for a 7 day statusreport of pending sales. GOMBERG,SHARFMAN, GOLD & OSTLER, PC208 South LaSalle Street, Suite 1410CHICAGO, IL 60604 (312) 332-6194Attorney File No. 45293 AttorneyCode. 90334 Case Number: 13 CH00243 TJSC#: 34-2145 NOTE:Pursuant to the Fair Debt CollectionPractices Act, you are advised thatPlaintiffʼs attorney is deemed to be adebt collector attempting to collect adebt and any information obtained willbe used for that purpose. I591275

Hyde Park Office1314 East 47th Street773-451-1200Call us today for your real estate needsOpen Sat 1 - 2:30February 26, 2014, Hyde Park Herald 274747 S Kenwood Ave 2-A $499,900Wanda J Robertson 773-451-1200Open Sun 1 - 36427-29 S Drexel Ave $275,000Jasmine Baynes 773-451-12006024 S Calumet Ave $236,900Constance Gibson 773-451-12008501 S Euclid Ave $152,500Monique Washington 773-451-1200324 E 80th St $400,000Valerie Wright 773-451-1200300 S South Shore 72 $140,000onique Washington 773-451-1200Open Sat 3 - 54529 S Drexel Blvd 1E $133,000Sandra J. Edwards 773-451-1200434 E 48th Pl 1 $125,000Artrice Clark 773-451-12004063 S Lake Park Ave 1 $125,000Eric Smith 773-451-12005530 S South Shore 14C $114,900Shirley Rucker 773-451-12004022 S Oakenwald Ave 1 $99,888Sybil Martin 773-451-12001640 E 50 St 13C $80,800Paulette Edwards 773-451-12004850 S Lake Park Ave 1002 $50,000Valerie Wright 773-451-1200ColdwellBankerOnline.com | Where Home Begins4248 S Drexel Blvd 3N $209,000Sybil Martin 773-451-1200Turn Your Household Items IntoCASH!FREE Classified AdsIf you want to make a little extra cash, sellyour unwanted household merchandise witha FREE AD in the Hyde Park Herald today!Be sure to includethe price and quantity ofeach item!NO FREE ADS ACCEPTED BYPHONE. This form mustaccompany each ad.Use this handy coupon to sell your unwanted household merchandiseand make a little extra cash!Name: __________________________________________________Address: ________________________________________________City: __________________________State: ____________________Phone: __________________________________________________Email: __________________________________________________FREE ads are for household merchandise only and the total value of itemsmay not exceed $100 per coupon. A price must be specified for EACH item.Cars, garage sales, real estate, help wanted, etc.are not included.LIST MERCHANDISE____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Bring or mail this form to:Hyde Park Herald Classified Department1435 E. Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615

28 Hyde Park Herald, February 26, 2014• OPEN SATURDAY 11 - 1DESIRABLE VINTAGE HOUSE •• JUST LISTED!TWO BEDROOM WITH GARAGE •• OPEN SUNDAY 1 - 3MAGNIFICENT HOUSE, HUGE LOT •5445 SOUTH ELLIS - NOW $549,000This lovely nine-room house, built in 1901, has been beautifully updated and hasa finished basement with an office/bedroom, a 16x11 foot family room and a newbath. The four bedroom, two-and-a-half bath house has an updated kitchen, aseparate dining room, original moldings and a 10x10 foot bonus room on thebedroom level of the house. The property has a two-car garage.• OPEN SATURDAY 11 - 1CLASSIC ELEVATOR BUILDING •1700 EAST 56TH STREET — $219,500This 37th floor two-bedroom, two bath condominium has gorgeous views of theLake and one can enjoy great sunsets from the west facing windows. The fiveroom apartment has two very spacious bedrooms and a 12x12 foot dining area.This residence is centrally air-conditioned, has great closet space AND garageparking. Building amenities include a doorman, an exercise room, storage, a rooftop deck and a newly renovated party room• JUST LISTED!ONE BEDROOM WITH GARAGE •3619 SOUTH KING DRIVE - $890,000When you enter this stunning house, you are transported to another, infinitely moregrand era. Set on a magnificent, 122 X 125 foot lot, the house has all of the glamorousand desirable vintage features: Beautifully paneled walls, four fireplaces, high ceilings,gorgeous pocket doors and handsome original floors. There is both a living room anda parlour; a beautiful formal dining room and a modern, eat-in kitchen. The secondand third floors have five rooms, including an enormous master bedroom. There is afull basement, a large deck on the rear of the property and a two car garage.• EXQUISITE MODERN HOUSE •5421 SOUTH CORNELL - $370,000This beautiful four bedroom, three bath condominium occupies the entire ninthfloor of this classic East Hyde Park building. Graciously proportioned rooms —in an unusual, highly desirable square layout — are flooded with light and havestunning views of the lake and the city in all four directions. The updated kitchenhas stainless steel appliances. Other upgrades include a new bath, newer windowsand in-unit laundry. One assigned parking space as well as guest parking.• OPEN SATURDAY 1 - 3MOVE-IN READY THREE BEDROOM •VISTA HOMES 5836 S STONY ISLAND - $137,000This spacious residence, at the venerable Vista Homes Co-operative, has a beautifulliving room, a 12x18 foot living room, a 11x17 foot living room and a largekitchen. The apartment has high ceilings, generous closets, crown moldings andhardwood floors. Views from the 14th floor are east to the Lakefront and westtoward the University of Chicago. Vista Homes has wonderful outdoor space,lovely gardens, an on-site manager, a door person and a garage.• SPACIOUS SIX ROOM CONDOMINIUM •1122 EAST 49TH - NOW $2,725,000This 7,000 square foot, five-bedroom residence, designed in 2007, has rooms for every purpose:An exquisite circular formal dining room, two spacious family rooms with built-in bookshelvesand custom cabinetry, a sunroom, a ten-seat movie theatre with a 100-inch projectionTV, a work-out room, a sauna, a meditation room and a 14x40 foot third floor multi-purposeroom. The spectacular eat-in kitchen/great room has a white carrera marble island and top-ofthe-lineappliances. The master bedroom suite has incredible his and her walk-in closets and asteam shower. Other features include five kinds of stunning custom flooring, some with radiantheat; two furnaces and air conditioning systems; an audio-visual system and a 40-foot long,outdoor heated water feature. Both front and back yards are professionally landscaped.• FIFTEEN ROOM KENWOOD HOUSE •5010 SOUTH DORCHESTER - $212,500This gracious vintage condominium is in absolutely move-in condition. The residence,just painted, has new windows, beautifully refinished hardwood floorsand a newer eat-in kitchen. There is a decorative fireplace in the living room andthe formal dining room retains the original built-in buffet. Ceilings are high andthere is a lot of natural light. Enjoy a great Hyde Park location, near to publictransportation and, when it opens, walking distance from Whole Foods.• OPEN SATURDAY 1:30 - 3:30UNIQUE CAMPUS THREE BEDROOM •5525 SOUTH BLACKSTONE - $295,000Located on a great University of Chicago campus block, this charming three-bedroom,two-bath residence at The Inns of Court has a one-or-a-kind floor plan. Thereare all the sought after vintage features: high ceilings, original moldings, handsomeoak and maple floors, multi-paned windows and a wood burning fireplace. There is aprivate back porch adjacent to the kitchen. Laundry machines are available for use bythe residents, at no charge. Each apartment has a large basement storage locker.• PERFECTLY LOCATED TWO BEDROOM! •6922 SOUTH JEFFERY BLVD - $165,900This bright and sunny vintage condominium has great bones and space that youwill adore. There are hardwood floors, high ceilings, plaster moldings, a woodburning fireplace and leaded glass windows. The 3,000 square foot propertyoffers room sizes that are gracious and wonderful for entertaining. In this residence,one has luxury of space one enjoys in a house, coupled with the convenienceof life in a mid-rise condominium building. Close to the lake, the golfcourse and Lake Shore Drive.• FOUR BEDROOM CONDOMINIUM •1348 EAST 48TH STREET - $345,000This extremely spacious four bedroom condominium in historic HydePark/Kenwood has high ceilings as well as oak floors and interesting architecturaldetail throughout. The dining room is 18x14 feet; all the rooms are large andwell proportioned. Outdoor space is excellent, with a private back porch off theeat-in kitchen and a balcony off the living room. Street parking is easy to find onthis tree-lined residential block. This residence is just steps to the AnconaMontessori School and walking distance to the University of Chicago and the lake.• VISTA HOMES THREE BEDROOM •1225 EAST 50TH STREET - NOW $1,100,000The first time on the market in over 25 years, this fabulous 1891 three-storyKenwood house is approximately 3,577 square feet plus a finished basement,remodeled three years ago. The house has fifteen rooms, six bedrooms, three andone-half baths, original hardwood floors, two fireplaces, two skylights, three decks,two laundry rooms and a front porch. A three-year old four-season room opens ontoone of the decks, as does the over-sized master bedroom suite. A working elevatorconnects the first and second floors. There is a sprinkler system in the front andback yards. The property, on a 30x150 foot lot, has a detached two-car garage.• IN SEARCH OF A NEW OWNER TO RESCUEA MAGNIFICENT HOUSE, COACH HOUSE •4805 SOUTHDREXEL AVE -$1,100,000*A once a stunning 1901 eight bedroomhouse, with a three bedroom coachhouse, was converted years ago into aneight-apartment building. Fortunatelythis building can easily be restored to asingle family residence. Original vintagedetails are intact in the house:beautiful wood moldings, the originalstaircase and wainscoting in the livingand dining rooms. The house is sitedon a 100 x 175 foot lot.• GLORIOUS IN EVERY WAY! •1231 EAST 53RD STREET -$139,000This two-bedroom condominium is priced for a quick sale. The apartment has veryspacious rooms and hardwood floors. There is a large separate dining room thatcan be used as flex space. The updated eat-in kitchen has wood laminate floors,granite counters with a work island and extended cabinets. The large bath has theoriginal built-in. This prime location is steps from the University of Chicago, RaySchool, Murray Language Academy, parks, shopping and transportation.5832 STONY ISLAND - $175,000This is your cozy, warm hideaway in East Hyde Park. This delightful Vista Homessix bedroom cooperative retains original and lovely vintage details and is ready foryour palette and personality. The rooms are large enough to dance in, there areplenty of walls for bookcases and the nine foot ceilings are embellished withbeautiful crown moldings. The residence has French window bays, wonderfulcloset space and interesting views. And then, there are the gardens AND a garage!4950 SOUTH CHICAGO BEACH DRIVE - $495,000Located on the top floor of The Powhatan, the Art Deco landmark on Hyde Park’slakefront, this seven room cooperative has spectacular lake views. Extraordinaryvintage finishes include parquet floors, walnut doors, limestone details and awood-burning fireplace. Among the modern conveniences are a new kitchen withstainless steel appliances, beautifully updated baths, an in-unit laundry and centralair. The Powhatan has a fabulous indoor pool, a roof top ballroom, huge terracesand an amazing staff. Parking is included.

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