Driving - Teamsters Local 25

Driving - Teamsters Local 25 Driving - Teamsters Local 25

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eyond their regular shift. Workers will also receive significantpay increases in all four years of the contract. Finally,workers received a signing bonus of $1,500 on December 15,2006 if they have worked for the company for more than ayear, while other workers (except for new hires) received a$1,000 bonus. Congratulations to all Joint Venture employeesfor remaining united and for taking part in the process.Negotiations with Kuehne + Nagel in Franklin,Massachusetts, one of the world's leading logistics providers,are still ongoing.I have several arbitration cases going forward. Oneinvolves an employee of Romanow Container, a cardboardbox company, who was involved in a forklift accident.The company fired the worker but we’re fighting to savehis job.As we begin the new year, we have many challengesahead, including two contracts that need to be negotiated.One is at Southworth-Milton, Inc. in Franklin,Massachusetts. Local 25 represents the parts employees atthe Caterpillar dealership. The current contract expires inJune, 2007. Also on the horizon: the contract at LindenmeyrMunroe, a paper company in Franklin, Massachusetts. Thecurrent contract expires June 30, 2007. Soon, I will be seekingcontract proposals from workers at both locations, and Ilook forward to getting workers’ input.I would like to thank all my stewards at the Stop & Shopwarehouse in Freetown, Massachusetts for all their hardwork, help and leadership at their work site. The workershave taught me a lot, and I hope to use the knowledge toprovide the excellent representation you deserve. I lookforward to working with you in 2007 and beyond.The Toys for Tots drive, which kicked off in earlyNovember, was a huge success once again. I and BusinessAgent Bob McAllister co-chaired this past season’s drive.Once again, Local 25 members, retirees and your familiescame through to help the area’s needy families. As ofmid-December, we had collected close to $18,000 in cashand double that in toy donations (see separate story andphoto). Thank you to everyone who helped.Business AgentDave PietroforteI am very excited to serve as Local25’s newest business agent. SinceNovember 1, 2006, I have served asassistant to the business agents, andI was sworn in as a business agentin early January 2007.After working as a truck driverfor 30 years at various Teamster-represented companies, mostrecently Yellow Transportation, I am honored to representmy fellow Teamsters.I now represent workers at U.S. Foods, Costa Fruit, cityof Everett, Chelsea 911 and Public Works, The ProduceCenter, RIS Paper, Atlas Paper, Arrow Paper, Lilly Express,M.S. Walker and Charles Gilman (liquor distributors), andmany others.I have met many stewards and continue to meet morestewards and members. I have held numerous meetings in aneffort to hear members’ concerns and to educate membersabout their contracts. Education is critical in our fight forjustice in the workplace.I have gotten off to a fast start when it comes to handlinggrievances. For example, I recently helped get a Chelsea 911worker his job back. I was able to change his firing to asuspension, saving his job.At Costa Fruit in Charlestown, I settled about eight grievancesbefore they got to arbitration hearings. I won membersback pay and benefits involving the error/mispickpolicy. In addition to winning the back pay and benefits,I was able to change the policy in the future to the benefitof the membership.At U.S. Foods in Everett, I have handled numerousgrievances. In one case, we won three days back pay andwere able to get the member a clean file.We have many challenges ahead in 2007. I’m workingon contract negotiations for our new members at theActon 911. This is their first contract. I’m also fighting towin improvements for workers at G.D. Matthews, whichmanufactures frozen pot pies. The workers there have hadan open contract for two years, and we are fighting to winthem gains.I am also fighting to place our out-of-work membersinto union jobs. As of the end of 2006, I placed fourmembers into new jobs. I will continue to make this apriority in 2007.For years I have been an active, outspoken and proudmember of Local 25. I have attended meetings and I wasnever afraid to speak out about issues that are important tome and to my brothers and sisters.As business agent, I vow to continue to fight for justiceand respect in the workplace. I will continue to visit mywork sites and I look forward to meeting as many membersas possible.Together, there is nothing that we cannot achieve.www.teamsterslocal25.com | WINTER 2007 | The SPOKESMAN | 5

FedUpLocal 25 Wins Elections for FedEx Home Delivery Drivers at Two Locations in WilmingtonOn October 20, 2006, 39 FedEx HomeDelivery drivers voted at two differentlocations in Wilmington, Massachusetts.The ballots were impounded due to a FedExappeal, and finally counted on November 17,2006. The workers in the two locations votedoverwhelmingly to join Teamsters Local 25by a 24-8 vote.“We are happy with the clear resultsof this very important and vital electionwith FedEx,” said Sean M. O’Brien,President of Teamsters Local 25. “Thecompany waged a very nasty campaignagainst us. They held captive audiencemeetings and generated dozens of antiunionfliers to persuade the workers tovote against the union. These driverswere very resilient throughout thecampaign. They will make greatTeamsters. I look forward to futurenegotiations with the company.”The two National Labor RelationsBoard (NLRB) elections in Wilmingtonwill have a far-reaching impact onmore than the drivers in Massachusetts.There are 14,000 FedEx ground driverswho work under the independentcontractor “scheme.”This election will have a rippleeffect throughout the country.“This vote sends one clear andsimple message to FedEx—the free rideis over,” said Jim Hoffa, TeamstersGeneral President. “These workers andthis union will not stand idly by whileFedEx rakes in profits and avoids itsresponsibilities to the workers and theircommunities by exploiting this phonyindependent contractor model.”Drivers Speak OutCathy Curran, a driver for nearlysix years, said she was fed up with workrules that changed constantly. Themanagers’ emotional abuse of workersmade things much worse.“The rules change for each personand they change every day,” CurranCathy Curran celebrates workers’ victory.6 | The SPOKESMAN | WINTER 2007 | www.teamsterslocal25.com

eyond their regular shift. Workers will also receive significantpay increases in all four years of the contract. Finally,workers received a signing bonus of $1,500 on December 15,2006 if they have worked for the company for more than ayear, while other workers (except for new hires) received a$1,000 bonus. Congratulations to all Joint Venture employeesfor remaining united and for taking part in the process.Negotiations with Kuehne + Nagel in Franklin,Massachusetts, one of the world's leading logistics providers,are still ongoing.I have several arbitration cases going forward. Oneinvolves an employee of Romanow Container, a cardboardbox company, who was involved in a forklift accident.The company fired the worker but we’re fighting to savehis job.As we begin the new year, we have many challengesahead, including two contracts that need to be negotiated.One is at Southworth-Milton, Inc. in Franklin,Massachusetts. <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> represents the parts employees atthe Caterpillar dealership. The current contract expires inJune, 2007. Also on the horizon: the contract at LindenmeyrMunroe, a paper company in Franklin, Massachusetts. Thecurrent contract expires June 30, 2007. Soon, I will be seekingcontract proposals from workers at both locations, and Ilook forward to getting workers’ input.I would like to thank all my stewards at the Stop & Shopwarehouse in Freetown, Massachusetts for all their hardwork, help and leadership at their work site. The workershave taught me a lot, and I hope to use the knowledge toprovide the excellent representation you deserve. I lookforward to working with you in 2007 and beyond.The Toys for Tots drive, which kicked off in earlyNovember, was a huge success once again. I and BusinessAgent Bob McAllister co-chaired this past season’s drive.Once again, <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong> members, retirees and your familiescame through to help the area’s needy families. As ofmid-December, we had collected close to $18,000 in cashand double that in toy donations (see separate story andphoto). Thank you to everyone who helped.Business AgentDave PietroforteI am very excited to serve as <strong>Local</strong><strong>25</strong>’s newest business agent. SinceNovember 1, 2006, I have served asassistant to the business agents, andI was sworn in as a business agentin early January 2007.After working as a truck driverfor 30 years at various Teamster-represented companies, mostrecently Yellow Transportation, I am honored to representmy fellow <strong>Teamsters</strong>.I now represent workers at U.S. Foods, Costa Fruit, cityof Everett, Chelsea 911 and Public Works, The ProduceCenter, RIS Paper, Atlas Paper, Arrow Paper, Lilly Express,M.S. Walker and Charles Gilman (liquor distributors), andmany others.I have met many stewards and continue to meet morestewards and members. I have held numerous meetings in aneffort to hear members’ concerns and to educate membersabout their contracts. Education is critical in our fight forjustice in the workplace.I have gotten off to a fast start when it comes to handlinggrievances. For example, I recently helped get a Chelsea 911worker his job back. I was able to change his firing to asuspension, saving his job.At Costa Fruit in Charlestown, I settled about eight grievancesbefore they got to arbitration hearings. I won membersback pay and benefits involving the error/mispickpolicy. In addition to winning the back pay and benefits,I was able to change the policy in the future to the benefitof the membership.At U.S. Foods in Everett, I have handled numerousgrievances. In one case, we won three days back pay andwere able to get the member a clean file.We have many challenges ahead in 2007. I’m workingon contract negotiations for our new members at theActon 911. This is their first contract. I’m also fighting towin improvements for workers at G.D. Matthews, whichmanufactures frozen pot pies. The workers there have hadan open contract for two years, and we are fighting to winthem gains.I am also fighting to place our out-of-work membersinto union jobs. As of the end of 2006, I placed fourmembers into new jobs. I will continue to make this apriority in 2007.For years I have been an active, outspoken and proudmember of <strong>Local</strong> <strong>25</strong>. I have attended meetings and I wasnever afraid to speak out about issues that are important tome and to my brothers and sisters.As business agent, I vow to continue to fight for justiceand respect in the workplace. I will continue to visit mywork sites and I look forward to meeting as many membersas possible.Together, there is nothing that we cannot achieve.www.teamsterslocal<strong>25</strong>.com | WINTER 2007 | The SPOKESMAN | 5

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