Educational - Ozean Publications

Educational - Ozean Publications

Educational - Ozean Publications


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European Journal of <strong>Educational</strong> Studies 2(2), 2010REFERENCESHofman,J.R. Stavisky,H.Falk,B.: (1995) The Efect of Water Restriction Anaerobic Power And Vertical JumpingHeight Ýn Basketbol Players.Ýnt.J Sport Medicine,16(4):214-8Kalkavan, A : (1999 )“Comparison of Physical and Physiological features of Little , Star and Young footballers ofTrabzonspor Dynamic Sports Science Magazine 1-1”, M.Ü. BESYOKien,C.L.: (2003)Chiodo A.R.Physical Activity Ýn Midle School Aged Children Partticipating Ýn a School-BasetRecraition Program.Arch Pediatr Adolescan.157(8),811-5Loko J, Aule R, Sikkut T, Ereline J, Viru A : (2000) “Motor Performance Status in on 10 to 17 Years Old EstonianGirls and Boys” Scand J Med Sci Sports 109-13Malina,R.M.Bouchard C: (1991)Growth Maturation and Physical Activity. Human Kinetics Publishers inc,Ýlinois,.Mengütay, S :(2000 ) Movement Development and Sport at Pre-schools and Primary schools, Tütibay Publishers,AnkaraMetiner G, Uluğ Ý : (1993) Physical and Motoric Performance Difference Examination of Children Whose Parentswere Doing Sports and Those Not Doing sports. 4th National Sports Doctors Congress Information Book ,Ege University Publisher , s.253, İzmirPekel, A.H and Colleagues :( 2006 )“The Evaluation of Relationships between Anthropometric features andPhysical Convenience Test Results about Sports Children Performance”,Kastamonu Education Magazine,14Saçaklı,M.:( 1998 )Determination of Strenght Parameters of 400 Little-Star 14/16 Young Team Footballers and TheEffects on Ability Choice. Postgraduate Thesis,Marmara University Social Sciences Institution (NotPublished), s.36,ÝstanbulSaygın, Ö. Polat, Y. Karacabey K:( 2005) The effect of Movement Training of Children on Physical ConvenienceFeatures, Fýrat University Health Science Magazine, 19Saygın,Ö.: (2003) Physical Activity Level of 10-12 age children and The Examination of Their Physical Convenience.Doctorate Thesis, Marmara University Health Science Institute,Physical Education and Sports,USA,(NotPublished),s.60,ÝstanbulYenal, T.H, Çamlıyer H, Saraçoğlu A.S: (1999) “The Effect of Physical Education and Sports Activities on PrimarySchool Children’s Motoric Skills and Ability”, G.U.BESBD, 4, AnkaraZorba, E. : (2006) 9th International Sports Sciences Congress Information Book, Nobel Publisher, Muğla137

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