Educational - Ozean Publications

Educational - Ozean Publications

Educational - Ozean Publications


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European Journal of <strong>Educational</strong> Studies 2(2), 2010circumference value of youngs in control group (33.65 ± 1.954 cm) .Calf circumference measurement difference ofexperiment and control group was found insignificantBody fat percentage : As a result of statistical analysis, average body fat percentage value of youngs participatedin this study in experiment group (16.92 ± 4.083 %) was found lower when compared to average body fatpercentage value of youngs in control group (19.78 ± 4.225 %) . Body fat percentage measurement differenceof experiment and control group was found significantDISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONAt this stuy, it was aimed to determine some biomotoric features of 14 years old youngs exercising in a Professionalfootball team’s junior team at least three years and 14 years old youngs not exercising ,and to search how trainingeffects on 14 years old youngs’ physical structure and biomotoric features.For children and young athletes, with growth and maturation occurring in the body structure and sporty performancechanges were examined in various studies,ýt is indicated that growth, performance and body biomotor developmentsmay lead to some different kinds of developments.The relationship between development and motor performance in general depends on anthropometric factors and isrecognized as an important element in performance (Kalkavan, A.1999 )Loko and his colleagues, indicated that 10-17 age children who do regular exercise were faster than children with thesame age and sex.(Loko J, Aule R, Sikkut T, Ereline J, Viru A.2000)Saçaklı, in his study with 14 years old footballers, found 30 m sprint average as 4,65 second (Saçaklı,M.1998 )Kien and his colleagues found that 10-12 age children participated in recreation programme were faster than thechildren who didnot participate in recreational sports activities. These studies were parallel with the studies identifiedin.(Kien,C.L.2003).In this study, statistically a significant difference was observed in the value of verticaljump.Saygýn found a significant difference between the children who were active and who werenot.( Saygın,Ö.2003)Our findings shows parallelism with the search results in which Hofman and his colleagues found statisticallysignificant differences in vertical jump parameters of 12-14 years old children who had movementtraining.(Hofman,J.R. Stavisky,H.Falk,B.1995) Flexibility measurement difference of experiment and control groupswas found significant in this study.Yenal and his collegues,in their studies on 10-11 age children found significantdifference in experiment group when compared to control group in terms of flexibility. (Yenal, T.H, Çamlıyer H,Saraçoğlu A.S.1999)Saygın found significant difference between children whose activity level is lighter and medium in terms offlexibility.(Saygın, Ö. Polat, Y. Karacabey K.2005) . These studies are overlapping with the studies done.Stop andjump measurement difference of experiment and control groups was found significant Regular training has a positiveaffect on physical development of 14 years old young group and it increases stop and jum measurement data of youngswho are more developed as physical (height,weight) and it was thought that it may have a significant difference affecton14 years old youngs stop and jump in experiment and control group.In Metiner and Ulug’s studies on children, they indicated an important relationship between stop and longjump,physical structure and height (Metiner G, Uluğ Y1993). These results were parallel with the studies done. Ofexperimental and control group, the right hand grip, left hand grip, diameter and circumferences measurementdifference was found insignificant..Regular football –specific training has no effect on having significant difference in diameter and circumferences, butthe effection may be cause of developments in puberty period.As a result, changes occurring beacuse of the growth, maturation in 14 footballers,children and youngs’ sportyperformance,body structure ,developments in their biomotoric features are not only because of the training but alsobecause of their development period.136

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