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Educational - Ozean Publications

Educational - Ozean Publications


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European Journal of <strong>Educational</strong> Studies 2(2), 2010Within a new social context and in an increasingly interconnected world, law and policy makers, courts and scholars are inneed to give adequate consideration to the theoretical bases for the exercises of legal jurisdiction that is able to operateadequately in an international environment full of challenges which include: electronic trade; international taxation andcomputer crimes, which make countries’ governments across the globe currently face major challenges requiring nationalattempts combining governments and peoples to maintain distinctive regimes aimed at: enriching descriptive social and legalunderstanding to assert national jurisdiction over their countries while maintaining international co-operation andunderstanding (Berman, 2002). Over the past recent years, international rules are affecting international borders more andmore leading national courts to experience universal jurisdiction against a wide range of issues (Roth, 2001: P. 153).In this regard, the United Nations Charter views sovereignty as a set of guidelines for constructing an ideal states systemcomprised a separate but formally equal and sovereign nation states ensuring that the leaders of states are obligated stewardsof their citizens interests protecting and promoting their welfare and prosperity and the fulfilment of their economic andsocial rights, where sovereignty ultimately derives from the people as a power exercised by, for, and on behalf of the peopleof a state. However, cosmopolitan theorists of distributive justice hold that obligations to redistribute wealth to those overseasis generally as strong as those who share citizenship advocating global morals, with a view not to halt states borders but torestructure the current global system (Cabrera, 2005: Pp. 171-182).The emergence of quality in business and industry contributed (via the influence of public management as a response to thecurrent world order) to leading a movement establishing national agencies for evaluating and enhancing the quality of highereducation as a cultural phenomenon identifying the potential challenges facing nations and elaborating adequate solutions toaddress them via socialising quality as a culture and way of life (Harvey and Stensaker 2008: Pp. 432-438). New forms ofeducation which include: distance education programmes; twinning arrangements, branch campuses, franchised operations,overseas partnerships, corporate universities, virtual universities and many other forms in addition to recent developments inpromoting education as a trade in services are adding pressing pressures to the quality concerns (Stella and Gnanam, 2004:Pp. 143-148).In this regard and in 2000, the national strategy for enhancing higher education system in Egypt adopted 25 projects amongstthem is the project of quality assurance and accreditation in higher education. On October 21 st , 2001 was the MinisterialDecree number 1515 to form the National Quality Assurance and Accreditation Committee, which was followed by otherreforming Decrees which include: Decree number 1531 on June 9th, 2003; Decree number 714 on May 18 th , 2006; andDecree number 1453 on August 1 st , 2006. On November 8 th , 2007 was the Presidential Decree to establish the NationalAuthority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Education, after it had been ratified from the Parliament Council by theLaw number 82 of 2006, which was followed by another Presidential Decree number 25 of 2007. (QAAP, a, 2004, QAAP, b,2004, www.naqaae.org and www.qaap.net )This research argues that internationalising Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (QAAHE) generallyand in the Department of Social Group Work, Faculty of Social Work in Helwan University in Egypt particularly has theproof of the adequacy, the nature of the evidence and characteristics of the methodology in order to assist in achieving totallife development creation operation in Egypt. QAAHE is a life culture rather than an enhancing methodology. It is amethodology for theorising envisions and planning operations required for advancing means to a productive life rather thanenhancing certain education sector. This research is an investigation based on discussions and arguments examining andexploring current operation in the development of QAAHE generally and in the Department of Social Group Work, Facultyof Social Work in Helwan University in Egypt particularly. This research is directed to conducting a research case studyaimed at investigating current operations in the development of QAAHE in Egypt, with a view to assess the need whetherestablishing a United Nations Organisation for International Quality assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education(UNOIQAAHE), as a multidimensional international organisation within the systematic structure of the United Nationssystem (UN system) for governing and operating International Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education(IQAAHE) has the potential to systematise the relation between higher education, national and regional agencies for QAAHEand national, regional and international economies. The structure of the analysis will utilise a range complementaryperspectives on QAAHE, examined through this case study designed to illuminate the development of current patterns forQAAHE in Egypt. As a result, I will be assessing the nature and evidence of how QAAHE generally and in the Departmentof Social Group Work, Faculty of Social Work in Helwan University in Egypt particularly context currently operates, with aview to investigate its realisation whether this context accept international QAAHE through an institutional body such as aUNOIQAAHE. This analysis will be qualitative and have up to eight dimensions. Analytical description of each levelfollows.50

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