Educational - Ozean Publications

Educational - Ozean Publications

Educational - Ozean Publications


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European Journal of <strong>Educational</strong> Studies 2(2), 2010purpose (Aminu, 1986 and Oke, 2001)It therefore appears that there is disparity between universities in terms ofresource situation as a result of some factors. Against this backdrop, this paper investigated the influence of ageownership and type of universities on resource situation in Nigerian universities.Purpose of the StudyThe purpose of this study was to find out the influence of age, ownership and type of university on resource situationin Nigerian universities. In terms of age, the study investigated whether first and third generation universitiesdiffered in terms of resource situation. On ownership, the study also investigated whether federal and stateuniversities differed in terms of resource situation while on type of universities, the study examined whetherconventional and specialized universities differed in terms of resource situation.HypothesesThe following hypotheses were generated to pilot the study:1. There is no significant difference between federal and state universities in terms of resourcesituation.2. There is no significant difference between first and third generation universities in terms ofresource situation.3. There is no significant difference between conventional and specialized universities in terms ofresource situation.METHODOLOGYThe descriptive research design of the survey type was used in the study. The population of the study consisted of allthe academic staff of the public universities in southwest Nigeria. The sample comprised 900 academic staff,multistage sampling technique was used to select the sample. At first stage, the universities were stratified along thevariables of type and ownership, six universities were randomly selected; this comprised 4 conventional universities(2 state and 2 federal) and 2 specialised universities (1 state and 1 federal). The 4 conventional universities includedin the sample are first generation universities and third generation universities respectively, while the 2 specialiseduniversities are third generation universities. At the second stage, simple random sampling technique was used toselect 150 lecturers from each of the sampled universities.A self designed questionnaire tagged Resource Situation Questionnaire for academic staff (RSQ) was used to obtaininformation from the subject. The data collected were analysed using frequency counts, percentages, means, standarddeviation and t-test. All the hypotheses formulated were tested at 0.05 level of significance.95

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