Educational - Ozean Publications

Educational - Ozean Publications

Educational - Ozean Publications


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European Journal of <strong>Educational</strong> Studies 2(2), 20101.3. The difference between efficacy of making realist plans pre-test and pro-test of subjects participatingComputer Assisted Career Guidance is higher than the difference scores of subjects in control group.Pattern of StudyMETHODIn this research, the effect of Computer Assisted Career Guidance on 8th grade elemantary students’selfefficacy of career decision making was researched and it is also an experimental study which basis on“control group pre-test-pro-test model”. Independent variable of this study is Computer Assisted CareerGuidance which is applied to 8th grade elemantary school students. Dependent variable is the students’ levelof self efficacy in their career decision making. During the research ,with 2 sexigesemal minutes of sessionsper week, 5 weeks and 10 sessions of Computer Assisted Career Guidance was made with experiment group.During the same time period, control group have studied topics which are selected from school’s guidanceprogram and unrelated to dependent variables. In control group researcher has been active in level ofinitiating and managing the discussion.Subjects of StudyResearch was applied on 8th grade students (13-14 ages) who study at YaĢar Doğu Ġlköğretim Okulu whereis in Karatay district of Konya province. As pre-test, 215 8th grade students have been applied CareerDecision Making and Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (CDMSEQ), which is data collection tool for the research.Following this pre-test, subjects have been selected among those 215 students. As a result of Career DecisionMaking and Self-Efficacy Questionnaire, students who got the lowest grade have been chosen. In otherwords, 60 students who have low levels of self efficacy in career decision making have been selected assubjects of the study. Students were divided into two groups each have 30 students (14 female, 16 male).First group was selected as control group and the second one as experiment group. To determine whetherthere is a significant distinction between the points of experiment and control group or not; CDMSEQ pretestpoints of both groups have been analyzed with indepence t-test. Statistical analysis of these values aregiven in Table 1.Table 1. Arithmethic mean, standard deviation and t values according to CDMSEQ pre-test points ofstudents forming Experiment and Control groupsCDMESQ- 1.DimensionCDMESQ- 2.DimensionCDMESQ- 3.DimensionGroups nXStd.DeviationExperimental 30 25,06 2,81Control 30 25,66 2,27Experimental 30 20,63 1,80Control 30 20,06 1,81Experimental 30 19,86 2,14Control 30 19,80 2,81t p,907 ,3681,210 ,231,136 ,892As seen on Table 1 corresponding their CDMSEQ results, arithmethic means of both groups do not show anysignificant difference in all three dimensions of the scale. These calculated values indicate that experimentaland control groups have similar CDMSEQ pre-test scores.Data Collection ToolScale for Self Efficacy of Career Decision Making (CDMSES)In this study, in determining the self efficacy of career decision making of students, Scale for Self Efficacy ofCareer Decision Making (CDMSES), which was developed by Bozgeyikli (2004) for elementary levelstudents, was used. In this scale, self efficacy of career decision making is measured with “accurateassessment of Individual and Professional Features” ( 11 questions), “Collection of Career Information” (8questions), totally 27 questions in three dimensions. This scale , which can be applied indvidually or in79

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