Educational - Ozean Publications

Educational - Ozean Publications

Educational - Ozean Publications


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European Journal of <strong>Educational</strong> Studies 2(2), 2010The appearance of our school is good. 3.30 1.16 .776My school‟s campus is bigger and more useful than other high 2.96 1.38 .772school‟s.My school facilities are modern 3.12 1.25 .769Appearance image (α=.79) 3.12 1.07My school is known for its „party‟ image. 2.64 1.24 .647My school has good sports teams. 2.64 1.25 .637My school is equal to different political views and ideologies and let 3.24 1.19 .631them exist.My school is known for its democratic attitude. 3.16 1.24 .621My school has an entertainment tradition 2.97 1.28 .619My school has a unique „school spirit‟. 3.42 1.21 .599My school is politically and socially active. 3.15 1.14 .590Social image (α=.81) 3.03 0.83My school‟s infrastructure of technological devices, labs, computers 3.08 1.27 .688and internet access are adequateThe library, music, theatre facilities of my school is pretty good 2.67 1.21 .662My school has adequate sports facilities 2.54 1.40 .645My school is a good substitue for the city life as it offers good clubs, 2.36 1.20 .545cafes, etc.My school offers good housing and accommodation service 3.39 1.12 .534My school offers good alimentary service 3.13 1.19 .383Infrastructure image (α=.75) 2.86 0.83My school is known for its success in equally weighted department 3.08 0.94 .695My school is known for its success in science 3.06 1.01 .639My school is known for its success in sports 2.62 1.15 .623My school is known for its success in fine arts 2.32 1.10 .568My school is known for its success in verbal department 2.49 0.99 .493Programme image (α=.63) 2.71 0.66General image (α=.92) 3.11 0.6169

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