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Educational - Ozean Publications


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European Journal of <strong>Educational</strong> Studies 2(2), 2010- The institution’s mission, its relevance and how it was adapted.- Academic programmes, their adequacy and an action plan for them.- Research and scholarly activities, their adequacy and an action plan for them.- Community involvement and an action plan for that.- Quality assurance systems, their adequacy and an action plan for them.- Governance and leadership with reference to indicate the ability of governing bodies, leaders and managers toarrange existing academic activities and respond to development and change, capacity of systems and academicleaders to encourage proactive approaches engaging stakeholders to be conducive to the full achievement of themission and its future role creating means to develop these approaches, identifications of any aspects that can beimproved to optimise the strategic position of the institution covering processes by which the institution is able toidentify priorities based on sound interpretation of facts and able to make plans happen, and an action plan forimproving governance and leadership.- Overall action plan with reference to structure this element in a way that includes introduction, summary of keystrengths, issues that need to be addressed, external factors that need to be taken into account, priorities at each levelof the activities covering all expressed components in realistic terms of timing, required resources, origin ofresources, responsible agencies, key monitoring indicators, and expected outcomes.- Appendices summarising quality reports.- Bibliography of any other sources used. (ibid., pp. 76-77)Department of Social Group Work, Faculty of Social Work in Helwan University in EgyptAssuring and accrediting quality of the Department of Social Group Work, Faculty of Social Work in Helwan University inEgypt entails that agencies of QAAHE requires from Faculty of Social Work in Helwan University in Egypt to guarantee thatall its departments have internal mechanisms for conducting a periodic review of their programmes and publish a report onthis review in order to ensure and enhance quality in keeping with its mission and based on acceptable academic standards.The specifications for assuring and accrediting the quality of the Department of Social Group Work, Faculty of Social Workin Helwan University in Egypt require basic information for providing all programme details including the name of theprogramme coordinator and external assessors and the date the programme was approved by the pertinent authority(UNESCO: 1992, pp.11-12).To assure and accredit the quality of the Department of Social Group Work, Faculty of Social Work in Helwan University inEgypt, certain types of information required to be attained. Illustration of these types follows.Basic Information: Structuring the basic information of the Department of Social Group Work, Faculty of Social Work inHelwan University in Egypt for assuring and accrediting its quality requires including certain elements. Some of theseelements include: aims of the department including its ILOs; academic standards that are to be achieved by graduates uponcompletion of programme based on external references/benchmarks and TLSs; programme structure, content, minimumduration required for completion in accordance with teaching staff bylaws, ILOs and TLSs; programme admissionrequirements providing the criteria and rules for admission and the level at which the programme starts; regulationsconcerning academic progression, completion of programmes and inter-programmes/teaching, staff mobility; and programmeassessment detailing assessment mechanisms and involvement of stakeholders and external assessors. (Sanyal: 2007, pp. 73-74)Statistical Information: Statistical information about the Department of Social Group Work, Faculty of Social Work inHelwan University in Egypt for quality assurance and accreditation requires: number of students starting its academicprogramme programme, with a view to consider that if programme is a specialisation starting in a later year, number ofstudents in that year must be provided; results of student assessment, including percentage of students passing and failing ineach year/level/semester and a percentage of those starting and distribution of students passing by marks or scores. (Harrisand Sauri: 2008, p. 19)Professional Information: Professional information of the Department of Social Group Work, Faculty of Social Work inHelwan University in Egypt deals with the extent to which the programme specifications of the department have beenachieved, and how the quality of programme can be assured and accredited. Professional information of the Department ofSocial Group Work, Faculty of Social Work in Helwan University in Egypt for quality assurance and accreditation requires:academic standards for achieving the ILOs, relevance of the subject matter, assessment methods and student achievement;quality of learning opportunities including a comparison of: the executed TLSs and planned; the actual available support tostudents in addition to the planned one; and the available learning resources planned along with suggestions for correctivemeasures for deficiencies and further development; quality management including comments on: the existence of periodicquality assessment of the programme; the system management effectiveness in meeting ILOs and the steps taken to correct61

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