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Educational - Ozean Publications

Educational - Ozean Publications


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European Journal of <strong>Educational</strong> Studies 2(2), 2010agree with you…..it is better for the suggested organisation to be followed to the United Nations System rather than to befollowed to any other organisation”, expert M said.However, there some difficulties in that education in every country has it own culture and social circumstances. So what isaccepted in certain country might not be accepted in another country. But there is still a general similarity between allcountries. The international accreditation in scientific sciences may precede the international accreditation in social sciences.This is because social sciences are connected to the cultural limitations of every society. This will require the need toestablish international standards that agree with the national needs and ambitions. Natural sciences have no home, but socialsciences have homes. Every country has its own higher education system. The facilities are different. The finance is different.The number of students is different, but still there are a number of criteria that can be used and applied everywhere. Aninternational organisation for QAAHE is acceptable now. There is the INQAAHE, and there is a difference between anetwork and an organisation. An organisation for IQAAHE is expected to establish its own criteria and entity.IMPLICATIONSThe implications of internationalising QAAHE generally and in the Department of Social Group Work, Faculty of SocialWork in Helwan University in Egypt particularly have positive impacts on the wider academic sector. There are policiestheorising how these implications could be turned into practice. In a number of dimensions, the policy and practice of theseimplications follow.PolicyThe agencies for QAAHE must proceed with specific procedures in order to conduct operation for QAAHE generally and inthe Department of Social Group Work, Faculty of Social Work in Helwan University in Egypt particularly. The followingprocesses illustrate this operation.Site visitSite visit process requires collecting documents by the team of external review on arrival at a HEI. Some of these documentsare: the programme validation; programme handbook; student hand books; a sample of learner support material; staff-studentinteraction records; student assessment criteria and related guide for students; representative samples of students’ assessedwork; sample of programmes; internal reviews of assessed work; examination board proceedings; reports of externalassessors; summaries of student feedback; outcomes of consultations; surveys and other engagements with students; data ofadmission and progression including employment; data of staff including sample publications; examples of outputs fromcommunity involvement; staff development programmes and reports; and professional, statutory and regulatory reports frommeetings with teaching staff and students. Other certain requirements include the need for: scrutinising the sample ofstudents’ assessed work, questions or assignments, marking scheme, marks awarded, and written comments includingfeedback to students; observing a sample of classes; ensuring that the enquiries address the accreditation criteria; ensuringthat there are mechanisms for maintaining and enhancing quality of education offered by institutions; convening the reviewteam regularly (at least once per day) in order to check progress and identify further enquiries; ensuring that each peerreviewer prepare his/her related part of the review for the accreditation process and that the review chair coordinate a reportin order to share information with the team and prepare the first draft of the report.Site visit ends with a feedback meeting chaired by review chair and attended by the head of the institution or his/herrepresentative and other related stakeholders including students. The agenda of this meeting is to include: statements oncentrality of the responsibility of institutions for operating quality assurance and development of systems that include qualityspecifications and systematic reviews and reports; comments on academic standards in educational programmes; quality oflearning opportunities, research and other scholarly activities; community involvement; and how well quality managementand enhancement is to take a root at the institutions. In the site visit, the chair should recognise strengths, weaknesses,opportunities, threats and any other issues identified during the review, with a view to announce any judgements made on anyoperation or step and include the timetable in the written report. Although there may be no discussions on judgements, mainreported issues may be clarified. It is commendable to include in institutional panel student representatives, representativesfrom labour market and significant proportion of panel members from outside the country.57

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