Educational - Ozean Publications

Educational - Ozean Publications

Educational - Ozean Publications


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European Journal of <strong>Educational</strong> Studies 2(2), 2010Morin, S. M., & Welsh, L. A. (1991). Teaching efficacy scale: Job analysis and theoretical issues. ERIC, ED356206.Pajares, F. (1992). Teachers’ beliefs and educational research: Cleaning up a messy construct. Review of<strong>Educational</strong> Research, 62, 307-332.Pigge, F. L. & Marso, R. N. (1987). Relationships between student characteristics and changes inattitudes, concerns, anxieties, and confidence about teaching during teacher preparation. Journal of <strong>Educational</strong>Research, 81, 109-115.Soodak, L., & Podell, D. (1996). Teaching efficacy: Toward the understanding of a multi-faceted construct.Teaching and Teacher Education, 12, 401-412.Swars, S. L. (2005). Examining perceptions of mathematics teaching effectiveness amongelementary pre-service teachers with differing levels of mathematics teacher efficacy.Instructional Psychology, 32(2), 139-147.Journal ofTschannen-Moran, M., & Woolfolk Hoy, A. (2001). Teacher efficacy: Capturing and elusive construct. Teachingand Teacher Education, 17, 783-805.APPENDIX 1Varimax rotated component factor matrix of the 30 items on the self-efficacy scale.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Q12Q14Q15Q29Q27Q22Q20Q25Q10Q21Q11Q6Q17Q18Q7Q16Q23Q28Q26Q2Q24Q30Q3Q19Q4Q8Q1.816.742.618.586.557.555.815.746.704.597.572.757.722.690.816.575.548.832.810.771.619.595.683.573.810.639.856148

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