T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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exposed to blackmail. "The Indian food, an Indian woman In bed,made him nostalgic". (111). But disillusionment follows and hegoes back home, a sadder but wiser man. In this story, theexpatriate element of nostallgia is exposed as weakness, achink in Dr.Patelrs immigrant armour.In "Saints", the perspective 1s shifted to Shawn Pate1aged flfteen, son of Dr. Manny Pate1 and Camllle. Belonging tothe second generation he experlences no confllct betweenexpatriation and immigration. He 1s an American who takeseverything includlnq transgression ~n hls stride- theseparation of hls parents, hls mother's relatlonshlp with WayneLatta, Wayne's other grrl frrend and hls own sexual urges.An analYSlS of the characters In thls collection of theshort storles will reveal that the theme of expatrlatlon 1sllnked to fragmented, dlslnteqratlng, alienated characters,vhlle the immigrants are fairly well adlusted to the newcountry and lts llfe style. However, both the expatriates andthe lmmlgrants are caught In the net of transgression.In technique, very often expatriation is expressedthrough irony and an omniscient narrative wlth occasionalShlfts ln perspectlve and also authorlal comments. TheImmigrants often appear In flrst person narratives and revealthe author's supple volce whlch can enter varled immigrantsensibilities.

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