T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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May be she's right. That slight undetectable error,call it an accent, isn't part of language at all. Ispeak Hindu. No matter what language I speak itwill come out sllghtly foreign, no matter howperfectly I mouth it. There's a whole world of usnow speaking Hindu. (Darkness, 140)~avlng transgressed this 1s Leela's acknowledgement of herduality-her basic Hindu imagination or spirlt and her immlqrantAmerican sensibilrty.The story, though wrltten In Canada,reveals the movement from expatrlation to lmmlgratlon."courtly Vlslon", the fourth story wrltten in Canada lnthis collectlon, recaptures the total vlslon of the artlst whopalnted a Moghul Emperor's court In all lts various aspects.There is nothing particularly expatrlate or Immigrant aboutthls story.The remalnlng storles In the collectlon were wrlttenafter the mlqratlon to the Unlted States and thelr protagonistsare mainly immigrants. If the expatrlate senslbllity 1s probed,lt 1s to lts disadvantage.In "AngelaU,the protagonlst is anorphan glrl from Dakha subjected to war-time atrocities in thePast and now adoptedby the Brandons In the United states ofAmerica. Angela 1s a well-settled immlgrant wlth no nostalgiclonglnq for her natlve country Bangladesh and no hatred for ltelther. She continually draws contrasts between Bangladesh andAmerlca with cool detachment and total objectivity."Plgs aren't fllthy creatures here as they are back home"

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