T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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acquire a new identity as lmmlgrants." (Sivaramkrishna1982,74) Jasblr Jain feels that "Mukherjee's novels arerepresentative of the expatrlate senslblllty". (1985,12)~ccordlng to Roshnr Rustom]l-Kerns, In these novels, Hukherleepresents "some of the more violent and grotesque aspects ofcultural collisions". (1988-89,659).Tara Banerlee Cartwright returnlnq to India after sevenyears ln the Unlted States of Amerlca experiences theallenatlon of an expatrlate who senses a gulf between herselfand her natlve people and tradltlons. But in analyslng her ownsense of alienation, Tara reallses that it extends further backlnt0 her Indlan past, to her education under Belgian nuns,beyond the experience of expatrlatlon:How does the forelqness of the splrlthegln7.. ... Does lt begin rlght In the centre ofCalcutta, wlth forty..ruddy Belqlan women, fatforeneads welllng under starched whlte head-dresses,long black habits lntenslfylng the hostility of theIndlan sun? (TD 37)Dlnll,le also expel-rences an lntense lonellness whlch isdifferent, qualitdtlvely, from the lonellness of thecxpatrl.rtt?. There 1s a progresslve and total estrangement fromthe envlronnent, from herself and iron exlstenze itself. "Shewa5 so much worse off than ever, more lonely, more cut off fromAmlt, from the Indlans: left only wlth borrowed disguises. She

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