T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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~h~ Great GatsbY tries to Come out of the abyss of nothingnessby turning his past dream Of marrylng Daisy lnto reality. ~ ut,he only sinks deeper and deeper into it as he trles to comeout. Gatsby is finally driven to despair in which he seeks=elease In suicide.The victim 1s Immune to moral growth. He does not havethe necessary intelligence and perception to make a properdlaqnosls of his SltUatlOn and to derlve moral wlsdom from hlsexperlence of life. Roy Hobbs In Malamud's The Natural(1952)1s another case in polnt. Hls efforts to emerge as the everbest baseball player are defeated because he 1s lnnocent andInmature. Unable to learn from hls past experlence Roy keeps onrepeatlng hrs old mistake of falllng for women and flnallylands hlmself In a very humillatlng situation. The victimsuffers from his surroundings.Bharati Mukherjee is hlghly articulate about her negatlveexperlence ~n Canada havlng been a vlctlm of raclaldlscrlrnlnatlon and returns to the toplc wlth an almostobsessive regularity. In and Nishts In Calcutta shedescribes her isolation (vlctimlsation) In Canada due to herParadoxical posltion of belnq "both too vlslble and toolnvlsible". (DNc, 136) lihlle her colour made her too vislble,as a wrlcer she was lnvlslble. In the Introduction to DarknessMUkher3ee takes up her recurrlnq theme of Canada's hostility to

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