T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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controlling them. They experience a mist in which they committhelr transgressions inevitably.Transgression is thus theresult of an lntellectual/ethlcal error in perception in acrltlcal moment.Almost every transgressor 1s subject to afallure of wlll and reasoning power by a chlldlshphenomenal heedlessness at the very Instant when prudence andcautlon are most essential. There is some kind of eclipse ofreason and fallure of wlll-power at the same time oftransgresslon. As Conrad says In The Nature of a Crime..... every human belng knows what it 1s to act,irrationally, under the stress of some passion orother. We are drawn along irresistably : we committhe predestined follies or the predestined heroisms: the other slde of our being acts in contraventionof all our rules of conduct or of Intellect ..... wesee a vision of a state of mind In whlch morality nolonger exists : we are qlven a resplte, a rest : anlntervai in which no standard of conduct oppressesus (Quoted In Deane 1980,591).Aandcomparlso? of the transgressions of Malamud andMukherlee nutatls mutandls wlll reveal how the act 1s performedin a moral mlst. The heroes/herolnes are irreslstably awakenedto the nlqhtmare of their self and they experience a break-downIn the course of thelr psycho-moral fallThe Worlds of Malamud and Mukherlee brlm withtransqresslons: the major transqresslon In Malamud is one ofthe 'tconsclence'l and in Mukherjee, "morals".All the elghtnovels of Malamud, Natural, Assistant, A New Life,

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