T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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and sctlons as external manlfestatlons of the dialecticalelements wlthin hrm. The malor 'thoughts' and 'actions' inMalarrud and Muknerjee are utransgresslons". In order topreserve his own self, man transgresses. It 1s hiscrrae/transgressio~ in the social, moral or religious level andIn croer to punish hlmself man effaces himself-it is his selfpunishment.It 1s a little too complex to be understood rn itstatallty. Whlle Mukherlee handles the problem of transgressionand redemptlon between woman and man as a social drama, Malamudtreat.s :he problem betweea man and man at a deeper level-themetaph{slcal status of nan. Transgression 1s the externalmanlfestatlon of the llfe-instincts because lt 1s aimed atself-preservation. In the extreme sltuatlon man isexlstentlally prone to preserve hls self, but thls exlstentlalPrEservatlon of hls self becomes at another level moraldestruction of his self. The dlalectlc of llfe andtra:isqresslcn at the metaphysical level becomes the dialecticof transqresslon and redemptlon at the moral level, but thereglon whlch suffers thls dialectical movements of themetaybyslcal and moral forces 1s the human psyche and thisbecomes the area of exploration In both Malamud and Mukher~ee.

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