T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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contemporary Everyman / Everywoman and to deliberately shutone's self off from the challenge of thlngs that are not Indianbetrays an obsession with lnsularlty.Today, India 1s faclng stlff radical challenges not onlyIn its sociological landscape but perhaps even in theimmemorlal landscape of the heart. The clash is not simplybetween East and West but between the 'mores' of the pre-urbanclvlllzatlon and one commlted to drastlc rndustrial growth.Perhaps, It 1s not posslble for the Indlan tradltlon wlth itslmmense capaclty for assimilation and unique power ofsynthesis, to really come to terms wlth the Inevitable newsltuatlon, wit.hout deep erosions In its fundamental character.Actually, man (or woman )wlth mlxed senslbllity is caughtbetween crcssfires, d h ~ l e creatlng an lmage out of thischallenge. The successful handllng of the situation helps Inmalnstreaming-the conviction that life is the expression ofboth the tradltlon and the actual. W.B. Yeats has expressed theIdea of the lnterlor vision and the exterior landscape in hislast poem 'Under Ben Bulben' :Many times man llves and diesBetween hls two eternltlesThat of race and that of soulAnd anclent Ireland knew lt all.Both Bernard Malamud and Bharati Mukherleetreat man's(woman's) - (hereafter 'man' stands for 'woman' also ) thoughts

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