T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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apart from maklng authors mutually illuminate each other,becomes a formldable lnstrument of revealing and justrfying the'oneness' of humanity, whlch will lead to see "literature' as"one" according to Wellek and Warren (1968,50). Thus whileconstructing the archltectonics of Comparative Literature, theprocess of ldentlfying simllaritles between the structures ofthought ln different authors separated by the chasm of tlme andplace ln order to arrlve at a baslc truth common to themreveals and Iustlfles the rapprochement between them in a levelevidently below the consclous psyche.The metaphysics of thelr dialectical manjwoman who 1sconscious of the simultaneous existence of two extremes withlnhlm/her 1s discussed ln Chapter I1 where spatlally dislocatedfrom thelr old envlronment and allenated by the new world, thelmmlqrant characters are compelled to exerclse their newlyacqulred freedom for their survlval In the strange land. Caughtin thelr existential dllemma, they cannot but 'suffer'.Compasslon recognlses the falliblllty of manlwoman. How theworld of transgressions of the characters of both the wrlters,Malamud and Mukherlee, 1s countered by their world of sufferingand compassion is the sublect of study In Chapter 111. Afterexplaining the aversion of Malamud and Mukherlee for externalpunlshment, Chapter IV describes the process of the splrltualpunlshment In thelr protagonlsts. Transcending Into the world

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