T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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Both Malamud and Mukher~ee reach the lnner and outer lifeof manlwoman through hisfher psyche ; they go below lt andabove lt and the resultant vlslon of manjwoman becomes spatialln that man 1s neither thls nor that, nor 1s he/she either thisor that but both; hejshe belng afflicted wlth at least twocontrary forces at a level beneath hls/her conscious psyche.Llke Freud they propose that man at hls best and at hls Worst1s sub2ect to a comman set of explanations that good and evilstem from the same root: that nether depths of the lnteriorlandscape 1s the meetlng ground of the arts of Malamud andMukherlee.The baslc difference between Comparative Llterature onthe one hand and Natlonal Llterature, General Llterature andWorld Llterature on the other, with whlch lt 1s assumed to beoverlapping 1s that the former comblnes both 'matter' and'method', whereas the latter are concerned only wlth 'matter'.Thepurlst approach of the French school 1s countered by thelrberallsm of the American school in expanding lts domain fromllteratures to other areas of human rxpresslon. In thls processof 1ts ever-wldenlng gyre, lt would do well ~f lts centralfocus 1s not on ~ t s matter but on lts method: comparatlvlsm.Adeflnltlon of Comparative Llterature based on ~ t smethod wlll keep fresh its distinction In the diffusion of ltsscope. Ulrlch Welssteln points out that: "as early as 1901, the

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