T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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80 that it becomes the area of exploration in both Malamud andMukherjee who present a flne opportunity to the scholar toprobe the two types of lmmlgrant sensibility.We see an unconscious slrnllarlty, a spiritual unlty and amoral afflnity - between Malamud and Mukherlee in thelrprofound consideration of rnanlwoman ~n their flction - toexplore whlch In detall is the alm of thls study. Malamud andMukherlee who hailed from countries whlch were considered thenparts of the Eastern world have now become parts of the Westernllterary hemisphere because they *.ere Influenced by mastersespecially of European literature Also they have a remarkablerange of reference tc problems related to polltlcs, psychology,morality, religlon etc. The key for such a widespread interestand Influence lles In thelr profoundly modern way of looklng atthe perennial problems of man/woman rn thelr flctlon. Both arequlte fascrnated and awed before the mystery of manlwoman, andthey consider 'man/womanf as a rlddle to be pondered over andover agaln ln order to arrlve at hls/her secret - apropos allthelr storles are explorations lnto the true nature ofmanlwoman.All the tltles of Malamud's elght novels - The Naturdl(1952), The Asslstant (1957), A New Llfe (1961),% Fixer(1966), Plctures Fldelman l1969), The Tenants (19711,Dubin's Llves (1979), God's Grace (1982) and the unflnlshed

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