T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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finest, most characteristic Innovative wrlting.Essentially,the integrity of thelr finished work was foremost onthese writersr mlnds; the sometimes painfulawareness of threats to that integrity often madetheir final products masterpieces (Xlinkowitz1980,g).In a sense, all Amerlcan flctlon is experimental. Toexperiment with dlalectlc dimension In man's/womenPs thoughtsbecomes an interestlng aspect of modern writing.Both Malamud and Mukherjee treat manls/woman's thoughtsand actlons as external manlfestatlons of the dlalecticalelements wlthln hlmlher. The malor thoughts or actlons inMalamud and Mukher:ee are "transqresslons" and "resolutions".In oraer to preserve hls/her own self, manlwoman transgresses -lt 1s hls/her transqresslon In the social, professional, legal,domestic, famlllal and sexual level; and In order to punlshhlmself/herself man/woman efface themselves - lt 1s hislherself-punishment. Both Malamud and Mukherjee just do notconslder the pro~lem of transgresslon and resolutlon as merelya soclal drama between man and man or man and woman, but as onethat deeply involves the metaphyslcal status of manjwoman. Thedialectic of life and death at the metaphyslcal level becomesthe dlalectlc of transgression and resolution at the morallevel, but the reglon whlch suffers thls dlalectical movementsof the rnetaphy~ica~ and moral forces 1s the human psyche-caughtup In the vortex of transgressions, sufferlnq and compassion -

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