T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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Rmerica presented. Adapting tonot wrong to say thus:his people's identity, it isthat thelr efforts met with success is alsounderstandable for lt llves on in the multitudes ofidentities through which the Jew has turned into aneat comfortable American the endless stream of Wisebumblers, pious book-store owners, gentle Savantsand garrulous but loving mothers (Richman 1968,21)Having put an end to social allenatlon the American-Jewlsh writer has reaped a more profound allenatlon. If notcut-off from soclety, he 1s cut-off from hlmself. And thlstheme permeates Malamud's flctlon. His hero 1s the"unintegrated mask-wearer", seeklng for a connectlon wlth theworld. But In falllng to connect wlth hls own nature, he flndsthe world one of chaos and of unfulfillment. Malamud'scharacters possess an dnclent ldentlty and thelr relatlonshlpto thls ldentlty determines thelr development. It 1s thestruggle to establlsh unlty wlth some unacknowledged centre ofone's personality. Thls quest for lost roots drrects Malamud'sJewlsh heroes.Wlth the regular Influx of lmmrgrants Amerlca is alteredtoday. All around, the face of Amerlca has changed-whether youllve In clties, teach In unlversltles or rlde public transport-the change 1s qulte obvlous. But unfortunately, nobody appearsto speak for them-the new Americans from non-traditionallmmlgrant countries, also don't find a place ln present day

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