T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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Mukherlee have all lllumlnated the lmmlqrant horlzon wlth thelrcreatlve wrltlnqs. Whlle Nalpaul has glven volce to hlSass1mllatlon he knows that he can never be completely"malnstreamed" lnto the new world. Although he studled muchabout England durlng hls seventeen years of educatlon lnTrlnldad. Nalpaul could never get away from the Idea of Indrathat hls famlly has carrled wlth them-the Indla of thelmmlgrant experience. It 1s exempllfled In the serles of booksthat Nalpaul has wrltten about Indla, even though hls voyage 1sfrom total lncomprehenslblllty to one of qrudglngunderstandlng. Hanlf Kurelshl's 1s the loudest cry agalnst theblatant raclsm of the Brltlsh. Vlkram Seth 1s the totallyasslmllated yupple wlth no qualms and no hlnt of Indlannessexcept the name and the baggage of Anglo-Indlan educatlon. RalaRao who has llved In the Unlted Srates for nearly twenty yearshas been honest In hls expresslon of hlmself when he says thathe carrled hrs Indla wherever he went.As for the women wrlters, Santha Rama Rao and BharatlMukherlee are qulte aware, lf not self-consclous, regardingtherr posltlon as South-Aslan wrlters re-creatlng the llves ofexpatriates and lmmlgrants. Both wrlte In Engllsh and havemade thelr homes and practised wrltlng In South-Asla and theWest. At a tlme when most of Asla was overtly under Westerndomlnatlon. Rama Rao wrote about the tenslons between South-

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