T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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"braln draln" phenomenon.Indian traditlons are much more different and religiousthan the secular and structured inherltances from Westernsocletes. Perhaps, this 1s the reason why Indlan-inheritedtraditions sometimes do not mesh well with American society.Indlans often feel caught in a vice-between the pressures ofthelr traditlons and the pressures of trylng to make ~t InAmerlca, particularly thole In artlstlc fields worry about atenslon between the American emphasis on creativity and theIndlan emphasls an dlsclpllne. It may be sald that the futureccntalns a cultural challenge for Aslan-Indlans and othersallke. Many Indlans are llkely to confront a troubling dilemmaas they try to flnd a "mlddle ground" between preserving Aslan-Indlan tradltlons and seeklng broader influence throughasslmllatlcn. The Aslan-Indlan lmmlgrant ln the new world ofAmerlca faces-the enlqma of success, of accomplishment, ofhavlnq made an Impact; the enlgma of denlqratlon anddlscrlmlnatlon; the enlgma of "holding-on" versus "letting-go".Many wrlters of South-Aslan extractlcn have grappled wlththe immigrant experience. Perhaps ~t 1s our creatlve writerswho have glven the best expression to the enlqmas and dllemmasof the expatrlate experience. V.S. Nalpaul, Hanif Kureishi,Saros Cowaslee, Vlqram Seth, Amltav Ghosh, Salman Rushdie, RajaRao and the women novelists, Shanta Rama Rao and Bharati

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